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Hemorragic fever cases hit new highs in Chiang Mai and Buriram - public warned after three deaths

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Hemorragic fever cases hit new highs in Chiang Mai and Buriram - public warned after three deaths


Image: Daily News

CHIANG MAI:-- Public health officials in Chiang Mai and Buriram are warning people as the onset of the rainy season sees a further spike in hemorrhagic fever cases caused by mosquitos.

There have been two deaths in Buriram and one in Chiang Mai with both provinces reporting a sharp rise in cases compared to last year. Cases in Buriram in the last three months are 75 per cent up on the same period last year, reported Daily News.

Spraying with chemicals of standing water and drains is being undertaken at many sites in Chiang Mai especially those where young children and adolescents gather such as nurseries, schools and other educational establishments. Children are especially vulnerable to the disease.

Dr Paisan Thanawinichakun of the Chiang Mai health authority said that the rainy season made for conditions where the disease could thrive. In 2015 there were 1,163 cases and one death but this year is looking worse as every month so far has been worse than the last.

The worst places are central Chiang Mai, Hot district in the south of the province, Mae Rim and Fang in that order. Dr Paisan has ordered authorities to take special note of where cases originate so that spraying measures can be directed to where they are most needed. He said that particular attention should be taken of children's health.

If children have a fever of 38.5C plus lasting more than two days, are off their food, vomiting but have no nasal discharge or cough and do not respond to medication they should be taken to hospital to be checked. He said that the danger period is when the fever actually starts to subside as there is then the potential for shock that can cause death.

Meanwhile in Buriram, Dr Suriya Ratanaparinya of the provincial health authority said that the situation is of concern in the north eastern province. Since the beginning of March there have been 281 cases including two deaths in Chamni and Nong Ki districts. This compares to 162 cases and no deaths in the same period last year.

Most cases have been reported in the 10-14 year old age group, with 5-9 year olds and 0 - 4 year olds in the two next most vulnerable groups.

The worst areas for the disease in Buriram are Lam Plai Mart, Phut Thai Song, Nong Ki, La Harn Sai and Ban Kuat districts.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-06-04

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"Public health officials in Chiang Mai and Buriram are warning people as the onset of the rainy season sees a further spike in hemorrhagic fever cases caused by mosquitos."

Just in case the hemorrhagic fever doesn't do you in, the chemical spraying, without evacuating the premises, will.

A lot the spraying is just for show. Why spray in a public area during the day when it is crowded, when spraying at night, when it is virtually abandoned, would be just as effective and not subject humans to the poisonous fog?

But, then again, how could the chemical spray be that dangerous when all that's needed is a 15 Baht cloth mask to protect the person who is exposed to it all day?

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"Public health officials in Chiang Mai and Buriram are warning people as the onset of the rainy season sees a further spike in hemorrhagic fever cases caused by mosquitos."

Just in case the hemorrhagic fever doesn't do you in, the chemical spraying, without evacuating the premises, will.

A lot the spraying is just for show. Why spray in a public area during the day when it is crowded, when spraying at night, when it is virtually abandoned, would be just as effective and not subject humans to the poisonous fog?

But, then again, how could the chemical spray be that dangerous when all that's needed is a 15 Baht cloth mask to protect the person who is exposed to it all day?

What is this 'poisonous' and 'dangerous' chemical you claim is being sprayed?

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"Public health officials in Chiang Mai and Buriram are warning people as the onset of the rainy season sees a further spike in hemorrhagic fever cases caused by mosquitos."

Just in case the hemorrhagic fever doesn't do you in, the chemical spraying, without evacuating the premises, will.

A lot the spraying is just for show. Why spray in a public area during the day when it is crowded, when spraying at night, when it is virtually abandoned, would be just as effective and not subject humans to the poisonous fog?

But, then again, how could the chemical spray be that dangerous when all that's needed is a 15 Baht cloth mask to protect the person who is exposed to it all day?

I do believe that the spray is just smoke , it forms a layer on water and stops mosquitoes eggs from hatching , its quite harmless

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"Public health officials in Chiang Mai and Buriram are warning people as the onset of the rainy season sees a further spike in hemorrhagic fever cases caused by mosquitos."

Just in case the hemorrhagic fever doesn't do you in, the chemical spraying, without evacuating the premises, will.

A lot the spraying is just for show. Why spray in a public area during the day when it is crowded, when spraying at night, when it is virtually abandoned, would be just as effective and not subject humans to the poisonous fog?

But, then again, how could the chemical spray be that dangerous when all that's needed is a 15 Baht cloth mask to protect the person who is exposed to it all day?

I do believe that the spray is just smoke , it forms a layer on water and stops mosquitoes eggs from hatching , its quite harmless

Kills cockroaches and smells, so I doubt it.

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"Public health officials in Chiang Mai and Buriram are warning people as the onset of the rainy season sees a further spike in hemorrhagic fever cases caused by mosquitos."

Just in case the hemorrhagic fever doesn't do you in, the chemical spraying, without evacuating the premises, will.

A lot the spraying is just for show. Why spray in a public area during the day when it is crowded, when spraying at night, when it is virtually abandoned, would be just as effective and not subject humans to the poisonous fog?

But, then again, how could the chemical spray be that dangerous when all that's needed is a 15 Baht cloth mask to protect the person who is exposed to it all day?

I do believe that the spray is just smoke , it forms a layer on water and stops mosquitoes eggs from hatching , its quite harmless

I'm pretty sure it's a mix of Deet and Diesel. But others may be able to confirm!
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"Public health officials in Chiang Mai and Buriram are warning people as the onset of the rainy season sees a further spike in hemorrhagic fever cases caused by mosquitos."

Just in case the hemorrhagic fever doesn't do you in, the chemical spraying, without evacuating the premises, will.

A lot the spraying is just for show. Why spray in a public area during the day when it is crowded, when spraying at night, when it is virtually abandoned, would be just as effective and not subject humans to the poisonous fog?

But, then again, how could the chemical spray be that dangerous when all that's needed is a 15 Baht cloth mask to protect the person who is exposed to it all day?

I do believe that the spray is just smoke , it forms a layer on water and stops mosquitoes eggs from hatching , its quite harmless

Kills cockroaches and smells, so I doubt it.

Ive never noticed any dead cockroaches after they have been around spraying

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"never noticed any dead cockroaches around after they have been spraying"--wow, you can't be watching out much--the cockroaches used to come running out of the manhole covers to escape, and die a few metres or more from the exit points--this was in Kamphaeng Phet, though, maybe the spray if more powerful there...but I doubt it.

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Fogging mainly uses a synthetic pyrethroid that is mixed and

blasted with water to form tiny droplets that will kill the mozzies,

same sort of stuff in your spray cans you can buy in the supermarket,

very low dosage if you happen to get a whiff of it would not be harmful

early days we used to use kerosene and the best times to spray are early morning or late afternoon

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The guy in the picture is using a thermal fogger,most likely this would be delivering a pyrethroid as lee says above,we used them in Australia however,we did wear a proper respirator,gloves ,overalls ect,that cloth mask will do nothing to stop him breathing it in.

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Just all be careful. This is not a joke nor something to be flippant about. Use a DEET spray that you can but at any 7/112 and be careful. ANY Dengue fever or affiliate makes you feel like CRAP for months. A bit of spray and protection now makes for a very healthy year ahead.

yes we can all go on about POISONS but if you get DENGUE you will think WHY DID I NOT SPRAY??

These little mosquitoes get in places you never thought possible and it only takes one bite!

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While I fully agree that spraying to eradicate mosquitos may be necessary, one really ALSO needs to avoid inhaling the fumes as these can bring on medical conditions just as harmful as Dengue, and in some cases, more long lasting.

Take this from someone who got trapped in a house that was being "sprayed" and is still receiving treatment from the resultant illness, years later.

Neither dengue or the sprays used here in Thailand are something you want to "mess with".

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Just all be careful. This is not a joke nor something to be flippant about. Use a DEET spray that you can but at any 7/112 and be careful. ANY Dengue fever or affiliate makes you feel like CRAP for months. A bit of spray and protection now makes for a very healthy year ahead.

yes we can all go on about POISONS but if you get DENGUE you will think WHY DID I NOT SPRAY??

These little mosquitoes get in places you never thought possible and it only takes one bite!

IMO for people living here continuously spraying with feet is not practical and I think also not very healthy.
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"Public health officials in Chiang Mai and Buriram are warning people as the onset of the rainy season sees a further spike in hemorrhagic fever cases caused by mosquitos."

Just in case the hemorrhagic fever doesn't do you in, the chemical spraying, without evacuating the premises, will.

A lot the spraying is just for show. Why spray in a public area during the day when it is crowded, when spraying at night, when it is virtually abandoned, would be just as effective and not subject humans to the poisonous fog?

But, then again, how could the chemical spray be that dangerous when all that's needed is a 15 Baht cloth mask to protect the person who is exposed to it all day?

Having had dengue before, I'll take my chances with the spraying. The next case I get could be fatal. Ditto for my son.

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Dengue fever/ Heamorragic fever is a Russian Roulette infection. Especially for children. Avoid it any way possible and if bothered avoid the fogging attempts to eliminate the vector.

Research the reasons why and perhaps get a better understanding of the danger.

I have inadvertantly been a victim two times in two different global locations with two of the five recognized variations. Both with relatively mild symptoms but I am aware that a further infection could be drastically different.

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Just all be careful. This is not a joke nor something to be flippant about. Use a DEET spray that you can but at any 7/112 and be careful. ANY Dengue fever or affiliate makes you feel like CRAP for months. A bit of spray and protection now makes for a very healthy year ahead.

yes we can all go on about POISONS but if you get DENGUE you will think WHY DID I NOT SPRAY??

These little mosquitoes get in places you never thought possible and it only takes one bite!

IMO for people living here continuously spraying with feet is not practical and I think also not very healthy.

Not to mention the odor.

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