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China vows to reject South China Sea ruling


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USA went into Iraq illegally , lied to a UN council , bullied the smaller nations into supporting the resolution bluffed their closest ally ...and this happened in the last 15 years....

It can be debated ad infinitum whether and how much Uncle Sam has been justified. The base issue here is: the US has not been grabbing territory and claiming it as its own. All sorts of disparaging things can be said about US ventures overseas, but not that it's commadeering territory.

It can also be argued that the US has been a force for good in some parts ww. It assisted in the following scenarios when it didn't have to. Indeed, if Trump becomes prez, the US would become isolationist, and such things as listed below would not take place:

>>> freeing E. Timor from Indonesian oppression

>>> same for Bosnia and Croatia from Serbian domination

>>> S.Sudan was able to break away from the atrocities Kartoum put upon it.

>>> Kuwait regained its independence after being owned for several months by Iraq

US is also trying to do what it can to assist Syrians in war zones, to assist those in Central Africa who are being gang raped and murdered by the hundreds. The US is assisting Nigeria against Boko Haram. The US has been trying for decades to broker a peace deal between Israel and Palestinian. Probably the closest it got was Jimmy Carter's arrangement. All was ready to get signed, smiles all around, Arafat was seemingly on board, then Arafat made a U-turn when he returned to Palestinian Territories, and thereby sparked a losing series of battles for the next three decades which resulted in thousands of Palestinians getting killed.

What has China done on the world stage? China is like Trump. It only expends calories towards things which directly improve China (just like Trump only cares about Trump). And they both worship amassing money with religious fervor. For both Trump and China, there's no such thing as too much money.

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Not to mention that almost 400 million of them have never seen a toilet, much less indoor plumbing.

How did you get that count ?

Same counting system as in your Florida voting system ? High tech etc ? Why is there still poverty and homeless in USA if your system is so good ?

Actually the count came directly from Fareed Zakaria's program a few days ago, GPS, where he noted that India and China were in a toilet war, with China desperate to get the most toilets before India.

I won't use the world desperate and it's a CNN program ...I would necessity because that is a communist word of provision

Actually, Fareed Zakaria is one of the more reasonable and objective commentators in the news media today. I saw that same CNN piece and was rather surprised that millions of Chinese (and Indians) lacked basic sanitation. Fareed wasn't picking on India and China, he was stating facts.

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USA went into Iraq illegally , lied to a UN council , bullied the smaller nations into supporting the resolution bluffed their closest ally ...and this happened in the last 15 years....

It can be debated ad infinitum whether and how much Uncle Sam has been justified. The base issue here is: the US has not been grabbing territory and claiming it as its own. All sorts of disparaging things can be said about US ventures overseas, but not that it's commadeering territory.

It can also be argued that the US has been a force for good in some parts ww. It assisted in the following scenarios when it didn't have to. Indeed, if Trump becomes prez, the US would become isolationist, and such things as listed below would not take place:

>>> freeing E. Timor from Indonesian oppression

>>> same for Bosnia and Croatia from Serbian domination

>>> S.Sudan was able to break away from the atrocities Kartoum put upon it.

>>> Kuwait regained its independence after being owned for several months by Iraq

US is also trying to do what it can to assist Syrians in war zones, to assist those in Central Africa who are being gang raped and murdered by the hundreds. The US is assisting Nigeria against Boko Haram. The US has been trying for decades to broker a peace deal between Israel and Palestinian. Probably the closest it got was Jimmy Carter's arrangement. All was ready to get signed, smiles all around, Arafat was seemingly on board, then Arafat made a U-turn when he returned to Palestinian Territories, and thereby sparked a losing series of battles for the next three decades which resulted in thousands of Palestinians getting killed.

What has China done on the world stage? China is like Trump. It only expends calories towards things which directly improve China (just like Trump only cares about Trump). And they both worship amassing money with religious fervor. For both Trump and China, there's no such thing as too much money.

Take the same context ....

1) China lifted millions from poverty ...yes they are all Chinese ...600 million of them but no armed conflict needed and no foreign ask of $$$

2) China is keeping mad Kim sane in Asia ...mad Kim is the only real armed danger in Asia. China has kept hundreds of millions in Japan , Korea . ASEAN , Australia , New Zealand safe from generations of Mad Kim

If you understand scale , you understand while it looks like China has not done much on the other end , keeping Mad Kim from the entire Asia pacific into a war and refugee zone and taking care of its 1.4 billion is a big ask ...

Think about the scale again before one nit picks ...we can go into all the smaller ones like helping Japan after its Fukushima earthquake disaster at the height of the lowest ebb of foreign relations between the 2 countries , $$$ aid to ASEAN countries but those are small in scale compared to the 2 points above

What's the bone with China ? You want them to care less about Kim and helps the Africans ? As for Syria China asked for talks with Assad and no quick military action but you guys insisted in I bombing and gave Russians the advantage ...

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China may be a "superpower" but only in it's own backyard. That is why it bullies it neighbors and destroys sea ecology to build fake islands that it has no legitimate claim to. Anyone thinking China is/will be a good neighbor is a fool or a troll for the Chinese government. They can make all the false claims they want, China has no legitimate claim to the South China Sea or anyplace out side of it's borders. When China starts the shooting, it's fake islands will disappear, along with it's air force and navy. China doesn't want to be a world partner, it wants to rule the world as it always has. Oh, and much of the junk it exports is dangerous, hmmm accident or purpose? Japan and the US Marines have been practicing island retaking. I do believe some years back Japan learned just how good the Marines were at that. The US and all countries involved need to push back and push back hard. When reason fails, force prevails and China is acting like a schoolyard bully. Only one way to deal with a bully.

Sounds like they need A good smack in the teeth, hey sarge?

Edited by neverdie
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