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Wii Or Ps3?


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I agree with you. The DS is killing the PSP in sales. The games are better and easier to play. The variety of games is so much better than the PSP. The DS lite is a great piece of machinery. I play more with the DS lite than I do with my Wii. I am curious as to how Nintendo will adapt the DS and the Wii so they work together. Any ideas?

The problem I see with the Wii is that since only about 50 or so USA Wiis in Thailand, will the stores at MBK want to carry the games or get them quickly? I know they are still selling the Japanese Wiis but I am not going that route. I want USA games. The next Wii game I am looking forward to is Wario Ware Smooth Moves.

Ive been playing Clubhouse Games on the DS. Its a compilation of classic card games and otehr board games. Its got missions to cover also. All around great games and can be used with friend codes.


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Saw Elebits at MBK and was debating. But, Ill take your word for it and get it. "So many games so little time" Zelda is mammoth and its more of a project to get it done. Do you have Madden Football? Give me your ratings on yoru other Wii games. I didnt like Super Moneky Ball but I do like Rayman and Wii Sports. Zelds is Zleda and needs to be played. I waiting for Wario Ware also. Comes out in a few weeks.


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I think you have it backwards. How can u say PS3 is for all ages? GTA is not for kids. PS3 makes only blow me up games and football games. Destroying cars, pimps, hos etc... I wonder about the people who say these types of games are for all ages! I personally would like to escape all of the violence and play games that take you away from all of that. I would rather play a Mario game or Zelda any day versus a terrorist game. I can see all of that on the news or internet. Wii also has some of these shoot me up games but they dont concentrate all of their efforst on producing these tyopes of games.

DS double screen works great. DS plays the whole library of gameboy games. PSP can not do this. Buying a PSP or PS3 because of its ability to play movies was never ever a factor to me in buying a gaming console. I bought the Wii because of its ability to play games. Isnt that the real reason u buy a gaming console. DVD players are a dime a dozen and can be picked up for less than $100. Buy a gaming console for its ability to play games.


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I grew up with Pong and manage to have at least 4 different machines at home. The last version did even show the score automatically displayed on the screen… I later became a diehard fan of Atari and own both an Atari 800 and a VCS2600. Back then I did game programming for both machines (the 2600 was a beast as it didn’t have any underlying protocols to rely on). I also gave it a go at one of the first 16 bits machine “home computers” the TI 99. I back then was as similar subjective biased for Atari as Turok seems to be to towards Nitendo! Nevertheless I let another game machine into my house. It was the Mattel’s IntelliVision. Even if the graphic was not in the same league as the Atari 800, the sport games that Mattel produced had a scary “natural” feel to them… One of this “12 bit” machine’s secret was the controller (the Wii of the -70/80 maybe…).

Nowadays I rarely have time for gaming. If I do play something, it shouldn’t require that you read 400 pages introduction from the manual and that the game itself take weeks/month to finish. Having said that, it might seem obvious that the Wii would be better suitable for me then the more complex PS3. But on the other hand I like car games like GTA, where the feel of the car’s handling comes first, but then of course the graphic is of major importance. This for me alone would be a reason to buy the more powerful PS3 over the Wii.

Having owned a few Pong consols should indicate that I’m not as young as I which I was, that is I shouldn’t maybe comment about which consol that is best aimed towards kids. But I have previously done a “Kid shootout” with my old IntelliVision, v.s. PS2 v.s. PC games. The target Kids were my daughter and her friends (3-4 y). Without any doubt the games as Tekken (which I personally think is unbelievable boring) and Spyro played on the PS2 where clear winners. Showing off stuff for teenagers showed that more graphical advanced games where in favor. Having said that, I still would say that Wii should satisfy almost all kids (and their parents). But I’m pretty sure that most of today’s parents to teenagers will hear it more then once, complains why their kid “only” got a Wii while the neighbor’s kid got a PS3!

Cheers /// Rob

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Turok just to let you know I played and beat Turok for nintendo 64 :o lol

well see how the battle goes with the systems this year in terms of games , will know in the long run at least everything is speculation, but im not coughing up 300 bucks for a wii and another 100 bucks for a game then switch to my ps3 for everything else, and that tennis game for wii looks weird lol, so are both the wii and ps3 controller now wireless and have motion capabilities like I heard? are they similar? I wish they would of kept the boomerang stlye for ps3 , im kinda tired of the ps2 controller >< wii looks sweet though least they changed it^^

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Yea I played Turok on N64. excellent game. First game where I actually got a fright. Jumping Purlins out of the walls. Heart skipped a beat. well I dont know where u buy your games but I have yet to pay $100 for a wii game. The tennis is ok on the wii. Thebowling is more fun and the boxing is a workout. But, I am die hard Nintendo fan. I love everything Mario, Zelda, and Samus Aran. If you dont know anything about these characters then yea, I probably would buy a PS3. But if you know anything about gaming then you know that these characters have been around for a long time and sell alot of games. And besides, these games are fun. On the Gamecube, Mario Baseball and Mario Strikers were great sports games in arcade style. I bet when they come out on the wii they will be equally good. I not sure if PS3 remotes sensor for movement. Maybe its wirelss but I dont think you wield the remote of the PS3 around like the wiimote. Frankly speaking, I play the DS Lite more than the Wii. The DS lite is awesome. The PSP cant compare to the DS lite.

To each his own. I stick with what works and I have had more success and fun with Nintendo. I could care less about graphics. I like deep stories and great gameplay without tons of blood. Nintendo delivers.


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so are both the wii and ps3 controller now wireless and have motion capabilities like I heard? Yes, but not particularly useful on the PS3.

are they similar? Haven't played the Wii, but have heard the controller is better for motion sensing use.

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so are both the wii and ps3 controller now wireless and have motion capabilities like I heard? Yes, but not particularly useful on the PS3.

are they similar? Haven't played the Wii, but have heard the controller is better for motion sensing use.

I have both the PS3 and Wii and I must say that so far the PS3 motion sensor is pretty useless for game control

The motion sensing for PS3 was a last minute addition and will take for developers to get to grip with it

Lair, coming out this year, should be the first PS3 AAA game that makes good use of it

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Hello all, my first and maybe only post for a very long time. I belong to many forums and have my own as well but I do read here often. I just couldn't let some of the stuff happening here continue without giving my input.

As far as the PS3 vs Wii goes, they can't even be compared because they are two different kinds of machines with two different targets. It all comes down to what is important to you. PS3 has better graphics and Wii has better gameplay. I actually almost quit playing games because they became so boring with the same thing over and over but the Wii control system brought me back. It's great and actually made new gamers in my household, my wife being one who hated every game ever made until she tried it.

As for prices in Thailand let me just tell you where I have found the best prices so far. I've been shopping in MBK for about 6 years now, normally Squaresoft cause I know the guy but now I found a much better place with great prices. The shop is called GCorners and is at Century Movie Plaza. It's located at the basement/foodcourt area. You can get to it via Skytrain at the Victory Monument Station. They have the skywalk into the building.

If you want to know how the prices vary then you should check out the website before you go. The website is www.gcorners.com. I apologize in advance if urls are not allowed in posts here and if it is removed then please contact me by PM. I'll try to check back whenever I can in case anyone needs help. I just wanted to show this information with those who are living in Bangkok and are looking for better prices then those found in MBK. They have Wii, PS3, and XBox360s as well. I'm not sure how much the XBox360 or PS3 is cheaper or not as I don't own those systems. Hope you find this information useful and if you have any questions just let me know.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the Wii looks cool, not sure how much I like the idea of getting a workout while I play a game, though I haven't tried it yet. The reason I play TopSpin is because I'm too lazy to go out and play REAL tennis, so if I have to swing my arm to hit the pixelized ball, why not get off my butt and play the real sport? But the controller in a FPS could be pretty cool :D Ultimatley I think the Wii would get boring for me though, because I like shooters and anything bloody, which Nintendo isn't known for, not since Goldeneye at least.

The Ps3 is obviously awesome, it's a powerhouse and I think it either has or will have the most developers on board, putting out the most games. I don't like how like half of the ps2 titles were 3rd person action titles, but it still had some solid games like Socom, Guitar Hero, Final Fantasy, Katamari Damacy..ect.

For my birthday my wife will let me get an XBOX 360. I'm like XBOX most, because it has Halo, the best FPS, and XBOX LIVE is flawless, except that it costs money. :o

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The only 2 versions of Wii available here are both 110v (US & Japan) models that need a voltage convertor

You will most likely get a convertor when you buy it. I've never had any problems with voltage convertors.

I got myself a US Wii. The rumoured Wii mod chip is not supposed to remove region protection

Edited by Ian_B
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to revive this one, but I was at MBK yesterday and the updated prices that I was told was:

Wii - 14500 Baht

PS3 60Gb - 20500 Baht

Seems like the prices are still dropping steadily. It'd probably be a good idea to pick one of these up this coming holiday season, as I imagine the wii will probably drop under 10k and the ps3 around 16k.

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Hey, Rob, I also owned a Pong machine. Too bad it only worked once, and then nevermore (was a gift, so I couldn't say anything). I didn't own any consoles after that, since I don't like playing alone (but I have owned plenty of computers). My childhood memories of consoles consisted of going to play with them at the mall, and I remember that Mattel's Intellivision was a blast. Too bad it died fairly quickly, since I really hated the Atari joystick. I also remember playing on the TIs, with their spindly joysticks. Then there was the amazing things the Amiga could do, and then the Nintendo era. I remember being wowed by the capabilities of the Neo Geo.

Ah, reminiscing. Right now I'm also seriously thinking of getting a WII. Would have liked to get it from the US.

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  • 3 months later...
Can your guys' american wii's work with the internet services?

Mine won't go through, says there's a server error.

my american mod chipped Wii that I purchased here in thailand works fine - connects to the internet through my wireless router no problem

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My USA Wii works fine in Thailand. Hooks up easily to internet. waiting for good online games like Super Smash and Mrio Strikers.

MArio Strikers doesn't come out until end of July.


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This Week Sales in Japan:


360 - Established Trend: 2-4k. Next Gen Avg = 6,871. Post Holiday Avg = 4,050.

Wii - Established Trend: 62-68k. Next Gen Avg = 93,353. Post Holiday Avg = 70,234.

PS3 - Established Trend: 7-9k. Next Gen Avg = 31,286. Post Holiday Avg = 17,128.


Results, Analysis, & Expectations

● 360: Established trend of not selling at all. This will not change. 3k now until the the XBOX3 comes out.

● PS3: Established that this is a flop. This will not change. Big titles will give it some life but this thing is dead. 9k-ish until the next 'big' game, and then only a momentary bump.

● Wii: Established that this will sell very well. This will continue, as shipments have definitely solidified. 65-70k for the rest of the summer.

Market Share:


Significant Notes:

● The Wii has extended its lead to 1,862,020 over the PS3.

● 78,532 consoles sold this week. Wii had 83.5% of all console sales, up 4.5% from the previous week.

● The Wii has sold more than 44k for 30 weeks in a row.

● The PS3 has sold less than 10k for 7 weeks in a row.

*now you might say "so what that is only Japan" but the sales numbers for North America and Europe are even more amazing for the Wii. Most video game developers are still based in Japan so when sales of console hardware are so shitty for the PS3 it is only a matter of time before no games are being made for it and it slips into obscurity (think Dreamcast, 3DO, etc...)

Hope you guys had fun with your Playstations while it lasted, Sony is heading straight to bankruptcy and the history books with the stupid mistake of the PS3. Good riddance.

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Can your guys' american wii's work with the internet services?

Mine won't go through, says there's a server error.

my american mod chipped Wii that I purchased here in thailand works fine - connects to the internet through my wireless router no problem

Did you have to forward ports, assign ip, dns?

I can't get it to go through.

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Can your guys' american wii's work with the internet services?

Mine won't go through, says there's a server error.

my american mod chipped Wii that I purchased here in thailand works fine - connects to the internet through my wireless router no problem

Did you have to forward ports, assign ip, dns?

I can't get it to go through.

I had problems getting my Wii to update via wifi too and had to buy the USB wired network adaptor to finally be able to connect online with my Wii

Really weird as my PS3 & 360 would connect wirelessly without any problems

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I just added my Wii's MAC address to my routers allow list

I don't have WEP/WPA enabled on my system - can you see your access point from your wii ( SSID )

I don't have WEP/WPA either. And it shows the router name too. It's on channel 11 as well.

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In addition to the Wii, the DS is a much better system than the PSP. I am amazed at people who still have the PSP. AT Art and Gun they say the DS outsells the PSP by 7 to 1. The DS is far superior, more fun, and many more games.

Secondly, I am tired of people who thing that Nintendo is for kids. BS. They reaching a wide group of gamers. The recently banned Manhunt 2 is coming out for the Wii. Play Station just sticks to this genre of games and it is old and not working any more. Mario, Metroid, and Zelda appeal to all ages. Gameplay is where it is at not high end graphics. Nintendo is just plain more fun. However, the PS2 still rocks with Guitar Hero. Guitar Hero for the 80s will be out this month.


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