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What really happened at Thailand's Tiger Temple?


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Monks being cruel, monks only interested in making MONEY.

Monks do not care about animals, they only care about makingMONEY.

Monks can do anything, whatever they want, and the authorities are scared to touch them.

What .... Thailand would be better without Buddhism or what does your comment?coffee1.gif

Monks practicing actual Buddhism is fine. But then you have this, monks with wads of cash, monks with hi-so fashion-wear -- lost monks and a lost Sangha trafficking in animal parts. Not good.

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Monks being cruel, monks only interested in making MONEY.

Monks do not care about animals, they only care about makingMONEY.

Monks can do anything, whatever they want, and the authorities are scared to touch them.

You are generalising Colin.

Not ALL monks and temples are the same especially out in the rural areas of Thailand where their means of support are the poorer local people. Nobody rich or famous goes out of the city to worship there.

At one local temple about 2 km from us, it took 5 years to raise the money to build a crematorium.

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Well talk about a news media getting the facts correct and not being a tad biased.

Does anybody really believe that these caring people knew nothing of this? They were at least complicit in it, maybe acting out of a misplaced belief they were helping the Tigers that were allowed to live, it would be impossible to hide such a large scale operation from the people working there.

From the article it sounds like this Tanya is trying to garner sympathy for herself under the guise of only caring for the Tigers.

Why were any of the monks allowed to leave? Policing at its worst. They have the place cordoned off haven't they?

I really hope all involved get hammered but I won't hold my breath.

How can"all involved" get hammered,when you yourself has just said half of them have disappeared.----- Jumped over the fence and never seen again HaHA------ unbelievable (almost)

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A Thai friend is a tour guide and four years ago he stopped taking customers there. He said something was wrong and he didn't want to have anything to do with it. Now I know what he meant.

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Did not read any replies....just looked at rhe header. Here is my response.

Greed. Mixed with people who have no business being monks...mixed further with chinese idiots thinking magic exists.....then further mixed with way of life ingrained everyday thai coruption......the complete new age Third World Cocktail....

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What did they give to the Tigers to make them so docile? Anyone know?

Obviously it was some kind of tranquillizer. Could be chemical or herbal. No idea, but for sure they were getting something. How else could people come so near them? They are wild animals after all, even if bred in captivity. Especially with the amount of inbreeding going on inside this temple those tigers should be much more aggressive, which they weren't.

All the so-called 'caretakers' haven't got clean hands and must of been aware of what was going on. How on earth can the Thai management/bosses keep such a tight lid on such a huge illegal operation? Impossible! Management, owner(s), monks, caretakers and even visitors should all be held accountable for helping this freak show to continue for so long.

Never been, never going, not even to zoos. Animals kept in captivity to entertain humans is one of the lowest kinds of human behaviour

I went once to a tiger petting place north of Chiang Mai. I honestly didn't want to go, but my g.f. at the time insisted. After the obligatory selfies, she and I strolled off the beaten track within the compound. We saw 3 Thai young men in a cage with 3 cubs. They were teaching the cubs not to respond aggressively. They would poke and joke with the tiger cub, and if it snarled, they would smack it on the nose with a chop stick. Over and over, they were breaking the cubs' natural reaction, forcing them to be docile when annoyed. It sucked.

I suppose this could be additional 'training' as a back up to the tranquillizers, sure. It makes me want to cry just reading this stuff. Heartbreaking what humans can do to animals and to each other. It's time we wake the f up and stop people who hurt or mistreat other people or animals. We outnumber those f-wits by billions

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Tiger Temple is closed but you can still go to the Tiger Temple. Then leave for Tiger Safari Park.
The Tiger Safari Park which has Leopard, Lion and Tiger cubs, That you can play with and feed.
Also Tiger Garden which has the adult Tiger you can get up close and personal and interact with.
No difference just more animals. (Not Safari world Bangkok have no interaction with Tigers)

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Monks being cruel, monks only interested in making MONEY.

Monks do not care about animals, they only care about makingMONEY.

Monks can do anything, whatever they want, and the authorities are scared to touch them.

Not anymore...and the people should not make any donations to temples, except for perishable goods....these so-called monks cannot be trusted with anything.

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Of course not all monks are evil, just like not all priests are paedos, and not all muslims are suicide bombers. The problem with this very temple is that authorities KNEW what was going on for ages. They simply acted now as pressure had built up and because PM needs to do stuff like that to prove he's attacking "corruption" and the likes. The fact they acted now is good, period. The fact they never acted before should be INVESTIGATED and the resonsibles should be punished too. That and only that would show that PM is serious and not just talking...

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" more than 500 officers, wildlife officials, vets and police "

that's how thing are happening in this country,

either nobody gives a damn, or, when the shit hit the fan, you have every dick tom and Somchai

from all government branches on the scenes and all doing the same thing and clueless as what

to do next..... anyway, no need for Menza club to figure out what to do with the tigers, release any

animal that was captured back to the wild, and those who were born in captivity, initiate a program

to slowly introduce them to living in the wild again under the government supervision and care......

But released in your garden, eh. rolleyes.gif
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Regardless of what was actually going on behind the scenes at Tiger Temple (and you know we'll never know the real story), I can't imagine the tigers would have a nicer place to live, or be fed better food anywhere else. They'll be cooped up in cages until they die. Then their parts will be used for amulets and 'medicine'. Good chance the new owners will start a captive breeding programme.

Tiger Temple just pissed off the wrong people...

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