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Chiang Mai University’s researcher makes medical breakthrough in fighting cancer


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interesting because the thai medical graduates from the major universities including cmu generally do well on usa medical exams. i knew a resident at a bkk hospital that scored 99 percentile on the usmle basic science exam. he did better than 99% of all that sat for it including usa graduates. basic science is no walk in the park either. its really a shame that they publish claims without even seeing if its been done before.

gaining face, pride, nationalism trumps basic scientific principles

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Been known about for years, why do they have to embarrass the country with these claims?


The reporting here is atrocious....whoever wrote this article has obviously done zero research and wouldn't the slightest idea what he or she is writing about........

As your link states...the sesame seed thing is old knowledge....but then again, Thailand is quite a way back from the real world!

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Humm. Anyone have close ties to the various Sesamin franchise that abound here? $65 for ground up black sesame seeds sold here in The Land of Smiles. coffee1.gif

Buy black sesame seeds, grind them up, eat with meals, Bob's Your Uncle. Or buy the multi-level marketing stuff for $65 and change. It's your money.

Edited by connda
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Chemo is a multi-billion industry (read that as hugely profitable), inflicts misery on patients and families, cures almost no one, and yet is rarely ever questioned in the media, now why is that do you suppose? All those donations to the various cancer research and cancer societies are a complete waste of money, apart from from there being no magic pill to what is (usually) a systemic disease, the bureaucracies of those charities chew up most of the money. How many years have good-hearted people been donating their hard earned money, its criminal.

Actually some chemo treatments do lead to a high cure rate such as chemo treatments for Hodgkins lymphoma. But other chemo often only lead to a temporary remission, sometimes merely months, yet sometimes years. It is a very personal choice as to when to declare enough is enough and to decide to exit stage left. Treatment strategies are moving away from chemo treatments, but alas to even more expensive regimens of monoclonal antibodies, molecular signal blockers, and immunotherapies. The good news is that China has some significant cancer research going on and we all might just start going there for affordable treatment of cancer in the future, the new destination for medical tourism.


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I for one, am not surprised. These geniuses also discovered the cure for ebola and a multitude of other previously life threatening diseases!

On an unrelated topic does anybody know which year it is according the Chinese zodiac? I keep signing my cheques 'horse'

Edited by Alwyn
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Cannabis oil cures a lot of types of cancer. Was taking with people about it last night. A lady my SIL knows is using Cannabis oil and hasn't told her doctor.....the doctor is scratching his head wondering how the heck she can be improving!

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Old news. Was already known for years. Breakthrough ??? Don't make me laugh... Yes, not so long ago the Thai also invented the wheel !!! Thailand is the center of the universe, don't people get it by now?

BTW. Who invented the non existing treatment for Ebola?

Edited by FredNL
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Old news. Was already known for years. Breakthrough ??? Don't make me laugh... Yes, not so long ago the Thai also invented the wheel !!! Thailand is the center of the universe, don't people get it by now?

BTW. Who invented the non existing treatment for Ebola?

Edited by FredNL
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According to Dr Prachya Kongthaweelert, deputy associate professor of the Thailand Excellence Center for Tissue Engineering and Stem Cells at the Chiang Mai University, and head of the team, black sesame seeds are rather innocuous in appearance but researchers have found that they contain extremely beneficial properties.

I've been telling the missus for years that burgers are good for you, just wait until I show her this. Cheers Dr Prachya.

" A large coke, large french fries and a double cheeseburger, please, what? Yes, I'll go extra large for 20 baht more."

"Mmmm, I'm fighting cancer, I am."

your body will remain intact long after you die....

Edited by slipperylobster
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"A Thai team of doctors at Chiang Mai University has made a significant medical breakthrough in fighting cancer..."

No mention of the research or experimental model. No mention of a control group. This is nothing more than a subjective observation and has no research validity at this point.

However, the sale of black sesame seeds should sky rocket very soon. Probably at the same rate as the increase of new cancer patient admissions.

Any one know the latest stock price on black sesame seeds ?

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Do they not know that other people read besides them? I read about black sed oil as a cure for cancer and other diseases years ago.

In other news Thailand has also invented the hoola-hoop and the Rubic's cube. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Yeah, ok. So a patient that was undergoing chemo took extracts as well and has miraculously recovered from her cancer,, so must be the sesame seed extract.

I would not trust a single thing that comes out of a Thai lab. They cannot even effectively manage DNA evidence from criminal trials so how on earth are they going to suddenly become global leaders in cancer treatment when thousands of highly funded labs all over the world have been fighting this for years.

Come on folks , we all know this is the HUB of medical research.

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Didn't they find a 'cure' for malaria a few years ago? Or was it dengue fever? Whatever happened with that?

I remember reading the dengue fever one. Seems it was a load of BS after all! gigglem.gif

When Aids and HIV got massive publicity in the UK some years ago my stupid neighbour claimed she had a cure for it in her fridge! I laughed at her of course, she got offended by that but hey ho.

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