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Mbk non-Thai staff working retail stalls


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Why is it any concern or business of yours as to the legality or not of workers in Thailand ? Live and let live and get on with your own life.

Wow, get out of bed on the wrong side, did we ???

Last time I looked this was an open public forum. You know, a place to ask odd questions, a bit of humor & chit chat. OP asked a question of interest to him. He's not criticizing or flaming, just curious.

Maybe you should live & let live & not bother responding if you can't offer anything worthwhile.

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Burmese are everywhere, gas station attendant, waiter, shop assistant, construction workers, maids ... All these jobs Thais are not willing to do anymore.

You can see construction sites empty for month for lack of construction workers

A thread a little bit earlier made me laugh, about over paying a maid. Try to find a good reliable full time Thai maid at less than 12,000 a month. Daily rates go from 500 Bahts for a lousy maid to 700 for a good one who regularly shows up on time.

Legal or not is not really the problem. If they go, the economy will collapsed

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Why is it any concern or business of yours as to the legality or not of workers in Thailand ? Live and let live and get on with your own life.

Corruption thats why, then theres the safety of said worker which will be non existant.

Edited by kannot
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They really look and sound Indian, they don't look and sound like the typical Burmese in Thailand. It's a staggering number as well was quite strange too see.

I have been reliably informed they are indeed Burmese, the Rohingya sort who pass themselves off as Nepalese in the tailors shops, by an Indian gentleman.

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I've seen European looking guys working in malls like Seacon and Paradise Park on the south side of Bangkok. They look like male models, probably Eastern European, and sell cosmetics and skin care products. I think it's perfectly legal if they're working for a Thai company that has a certain number of Thai employees per foreigner in order to get the work permits. They seem good at what they do, basically targeting bored housewives and flirting hard until they make a sale.

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I've seen European looking guys working in malls like Seacon and Paradise Park on the south side of Bangkok. They look like male models, probably Eastern European, and sell cosmetics and skin care products. I think it's perfectly legal if they're working for a Thai company that has a certain number of Thai employees per foreigner in order to get the work permits. They seem good at what they do, basically targeting bored housewives and flirting hard until they make a sale.

It's almost impossible to get a work permit that allows sales in a retail environment.

My previous work permit was at a location that had retail sales, and the work permit specifically stated that I was prohibited from selling things.

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I've seen European looking guys working in malls like Seacon and Paradise Park on the south side of Bangkok. They look like male models, probably Eastern European, and sell cosmetics and skin care products. I think it's perfectly legal if they're working for a Thai company that has a certain number of Thai employees per foreigner in order to get the work permits. They seem good at what they do, basically targeting bored housewives and flirting hard until they make a sale.

I have seen these guys in Seacon and Paradise Park, they have been there for quite a few years. They are selling cosmetics of sorts, if they have a work permit to do so or not ,I have no idea but they have been doing it a long time. But male models? Really? If these guys are male models then I need to get my ugly mug out to all the top male model agencies.

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I'll give you a clue. "They pay a man who knows a man who works for a man who knows The Man" and that way nobody bothers them.

Although I assume your question was disingenuous, at least in part.

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I've seen European looking guys working in malls like Seacon and Paradise Park on the south side of Bangkok. They look like male models, probably Eastern European, and sell cosmetics and skin care products. I think it's perfectly legal if they're working for a Thai company that has a certain number of Thai employees per foreigner in order to get the work permits. They seem good at what they do, basically targeting bored housewives and flirting hard until they make a sale.

It's almost impossible to get a work permit that allows sales in a retail environment.

My previous work permit was at a location that had retail sales, and the work permit specifically stated that I was prohibited from selling things.

I have seen the same guys, no they are not East European, they are from a country that wont be named, clue, they are selling Dead Sea Salts, skin whitening products etc.

As for the legallity of it, I have no clue, they seem to move from Mall to Mall.

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I've seen farang and in Thais tuning retail business all over the place lately from big c to platinum fashion to mbk just curious if rules are changing. One farang in big c was calling to Thais as they walked by...

There is a <deleted> farang working at store here selling skin cream. He insisted to give my (now ex) girlfriend a demonstration and she put in some cream to test it out.

She didn't like it and said no thanks, then he actually asked her if she wanted it and was I just to cheap to buy it for her. He spoke fluent Thai to her assuming I didn't understand. I told him to **** off and we left. I wanted to hit him in the throat but it wasn't worth it, he's a douchebag.

Her skin then broke out in a rash a while later.

That was over a year ago. He's still here but working at another store at a different mall.

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I've seen European looking guys working in malls like Seacon and Paradise Park on the south side of Bangkok. They look like male models, probably Eastern European, and sell cosmetics and skin care products. I think it's perfectly legal if they're working for a Thai company that has a certain number of Thai employees per foreigner in order to get the work permits. They seem good at what they do, basically targeting bored housewives and flirting hard until they make a sale.

Lots of them in Central Mall in Pattaya too. They're 10x more persuasive than Thai staff - Just say NO.

Edited by tropo
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I've seen European looking guys working in malls like Seacon and Paradise Park on the south side of Bangkok. They look like male models, probably Eastern European, and sell cosmetics and skin care products. I think it's perfectly legal if they're working for a Thai company that has a certain number of Thai employees per foreigner in order to get the work permits. They seem good at what they do, basically targeting bored housewives and flirting hard until they make a sale.

It's almost impossible to get a work permit that allows sales in a retail environment.

My previous work permit was at a location that had retail sales, and the work permit specifically stated that I was prohibited from selling things.

I have seen the same guys, no they are not East European, they are from a country that wont be named, clue, they are selling Dead Sea Salts, skin whitening products etc.

As for the legallity of it, I have no clue, they seem to move from Mall to Mall.

Doesn`t sound kosher to me.

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I've been "hawked" buy several young gals here in Central Pattaya to buy some "all natural" ingredient cream. I chatted them up and looked at the ingredients. All chemicals. The gals were all from Israel.

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I've been "hawked" buy several young gals here in Central Pattaya to buy some "all natural" ingredient cream. I chatted them up and looked at the ingredients. All chemicals. The gals were all from Israel.

I mean it's simple. If their products are as good as they claim they are, why aren't they on store shelves?

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I've been "hawked" buy several young gals here in Central Pattaya to buy some "all natural" ingredient cream. I chatted them up and looked at the ingredients. All chemicals. The gals were all from Israel.

I mean it's simple. If their products are as good as they claim they are, why aren't they on store shelves?

Haven't seen anything on the shelves that's not all chemicals. At least not yet. Except coconut oil and who knows whats real in that.

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I've been "hawked" buy several young gals here in Central Pattaya to buy some "all natural" ingredient cream. I chatted them up and looked at the ingredients. All chemicals. The gals were all from Israel.

I mean it's simple. If their products are as good as they claim they are, why aren't they on store shelves?

Haven't seen anything on the shelves that's not all chemicals. At least not yet. Except coconut oil and who knows whats real in that.

Yup, and we're to trust what's in a product sold in a temporary cart with salespeople calling out to you to try it.

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