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Bringing my Thai GF to Canada seems impossible, next best option?

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I am 23 also, however I don't really have a "job", I have money, and I can definitely send her money if it helps her get here, but as far as creating a document for invitation, I don't think it would be very helpful.

What is the best thing to do here? Hire an agency? Thanks in advance.

Don't send money as it might appear that you're padding the application.

I would recommend composing a letter of support detailing that you will be providing the all financial support, accommodation for the holiday and roughly what you'll being doing for the duration.

Hire an agent? Save your money on this occasion.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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What's an estimated probability she'd be granted a tourist visa?

How long's a piece of string.

Would a student visa be better if I want her here long term?

Hang on, you stated that your girlfriend was planning on a coming for a week not two posts ago?

If your girlfriend applies for a student visa when the true reason for the visit is to be with you and she is subsequently found out then you are both skating on very thin ice. Try any funny business with the Canadian immigration authorities and your girlfriend will be punished by way of a long-term or even lifetime ban. Simple as that.

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OPYou are missing the point that has been stated.


1. she has to have a job or business that is a major reason to come back to Thailand.

She has to have the finances herself so that they know she can support herself in Canada.

You have to be in an established relationship. What I got told as a minimum was tht you have to live together for at least a year and have tons of rpoof.

Her owning property or having an established business is a good thing.

Immigration will likely look at your application this way.

1. She is a part time gf.

She is good looking.

She has no money

She is young

She has no reason to return to Thailand.

She is young and pretty

You have no established job or income

You are young

You are in TORONTO

She is good looking (airport bars)

She has no money ( Terpsichore)

She is good looking (little China)

No reason to return what has she got to lose if she overextends

No income (airport bar, terpsichore, the stroll

You are young ( that is usually the guys that the gangs get to sponsor girls)

You are in Toronto ( the house of Lancaster, Remington, the landing strip, Zanzibar, .....)

Part time girlfriend ( hey there are a lot of these here and you would be surprised how many of them are college or uni girls that use BF to get them what they want,

It is now a truly advertised business)

Sorry to rain on your dream but even if the impossible happened and you got a visa she and you would get slammed at Pearson by immigration.

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My gf was denied to the states. Has business kids mi st the wile nine. They saw BF on the application and said NO!. Her sister applied a week later has no business no kids no money in the bank and said she was just gonna sight see with a friend from work APPROVED 10 year visa. My point. Tell your GF to do my GF's sister did and meet her in NY

Just curious, are you living in Thailand and with your gf?

Yes sir

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Bermuda tourist visa is not required for citizens of Thailand for a stay up to 180 days.

You missed the point,T think he wants to take her to CANADA not just 2,577 miles away.

You missed the point read it again

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A GF of my wife got a visa to NZ to visit her NZ boyfriend. But I was very surprised. You can marry her and get an immigration visa for her, maybe.

The opp word here is MAY BE

If it is as difficult as it is for the U.S., yes, maybe. My wife and I are into our third month getting her an immigrant visa. It is intentionally a long, confusing, and laborious. I live here, so we do not have the distance to hassle with.

Good luck

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So the girl has 9 days off from July 16th - July 24th and he will have her spend about half of that time in transit to/from Canada or somewhere else. Nice of him.

Edited by JLCrab
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Oh boy....sigh.

First things first the immigration officers at the Cad consolute in BKK are very good at spotting bogus applications. They see 1,000's every year so they get good at spotting patterns.

Your gf must be able to put together a TRV application that provides solid proof she will not overstay her trip and WILL return to Thailand.

Do not put this in her application but you must be honest in your intent. What is the reason for her travel? If you are looking to have her hang out with you for a couple of months for some fun etc., your application better be rock solid in proving her intent to return to Thailand.

Student visa needs a n application that includes full details from an accredited school stating her acceptance, the program, length of course, what is the intended outcome from the course, her relevant background in relationship to the course, pre-requistes she has completed and more. Plus the means to pay for the course.

My wife and I have successfully completed two applications and allowed entry into Canada on Trv's.

Both applications took about 10 days to put together after plenty of reading of individual websites and immigration forums.

If believing you will fill in the application form and get a visa it will be denied

she will need to get information from family members, work, bank, friends and from you or another sponsor.

You or alternate sponsor should put together an invitation letter, itinerary, travel plans including hotel bookings if required, car rentals, airline tickets, people she will visit intent or purpose of travel.

Is it easy, no. Impossible, no. It is also not all about money either. Not enough money to cover travel expenses, application will be denied. Too much money, possibility applicant will not need to return to Thailand because they have money, application denied.what is the perfect amount to show? Our first application we showed

100,000 baht, second 50,000.

I always suggest to take out any emotional reasons. You should show your previous travels, facebook communications, phone records detailing calls, messenger or skype log details. How often do you talk, how long did you live with her. More importantly how long did you know her before living with her. Your dates need to very narrow. Day, month, year. We first met September 14,2010, our first date was December1,2010 etc.

If you moved in with her within a week of meeting....you may want to exagerate that timeline. This is a red flag for immigration.

If you are really keen on spending more time with her, best suggestion is you go back to Thailand.

Good luck it is not easy, but cettainky not impossible.

Ps - getting a visa is just the first hurdle. Getting past canada border services is the more difficult of the two!

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Last year my g/f applied for a tourist visa. We submitted all the documents asked for on the Canadian Immigration website and got refused without even being asked for an interview. Pissed off, I went to see a visa agency, and the owner told me that the list of documents is just a general guideline for the bare minimum!!!

I hired the agency, and they asked for a load of documents, saying that overkill is better than not submitting enough. Together, they submitted about 10 times more documents than what we had submitted the first time. G/f got the visa 3 days sooner than expected, without even being asked for an interview!

I highly recommend this agency. The owner is very professional, and speaks perfect English They have a nice office in the Trendy building on Soi 13. Go down with your g/f and have a consultation with them first, free of charge. Their services will cost you less than flying half way to meet your g/f.

I am in no way affiliated with this agency. I'm simply a very satisfied customer:

Edit: Agency details removed as per Forum Rules, that is not a reflection on the agent. I'm sure the poster would supply details on request.

We're using them at this time for a US visa if it's the one that has a name similar to this forum and a second location across from the US Embassy. They have done much other work for us and are quite efficient by Thai standards. I am hopeful to have your good outcome but there are many variables based on everyone's individual circumstances. Knowing they have given us the best application attempt is a comfort as we await an interview.
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