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Strange stuff you've seen but can't prove


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giddyup post # 71

Why are you shouting?

Probably because I am partially sighted, that's why the font is large so I can see properly what I write.I am sure those in power here will change it if they see fit

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I always thought it odd the guy had a flight simulator in his house.

I think the deal here is that he was a dedicated flight enthusiast, or perhaps you could call him a devoted hobbyist.

Check out some of his other YouTube videos and you'll see he also gave cookery lessons. I think he was an all-round decent guy. Probably very honest, too. A regular Penangite.

And then he snapped. His wife (a beautiful woman whose surname I remember was "Khan") left him and took the kids, and soon after his political "idol" got done for sodomy in a case that was horribly flawed.

I guess the bottom simply dropped out of the guy's world.


PS. Just noticed I used the word "bottom" after "sodomy". No pun or smut intended.

It would have been flying very low in order to benefit from "Ground Effect".

As such it would have been throttled back, which explains why it was so quiet.

That'll do for now.


Utter Tosh

For a 777 to benefit from ground effect it would have to fly below 100'agl. (The rule of thumb ground effect max height exists up to half length of wingspan). Anyway "ground effect" just reduces drag a little so the plane tends to float a little bit more in the touchdown flare. Flying a 777, a large beast of a wide body passenger plane, below 100 feet would be possible for an extremely skilled pilot over the water, a pancake flat desert, or a runway. But not at night and not for any long period of time. Military pilots fly low level missions in more maneuverable high performance aircraft. They also have equipment like special ground scanning radar, infrared/night vision systems, and terrain following autopilots that passenger aircraft are not equipped with.

Over Pattani dodging innumerable structures, trees, and power lines? No way. To accomplish this FANCIFUL stunt of flying a B777 in ground effect by the way in the clean configuration (flaps up) they would have to be going around 425 km per hour! With full flaps the Jet could fly slower But the fuel supply would quickly be depleted due to high drag and fuel flow.

If you "throttle back" in ground effect the jet settles and would hit the ground almost immediately. To remain flying in ground effect requires a high power setting.

Everyone for miles around would hear it.

Clearly many suffer a lack of knowledge of fundamental principles of aerodynamics and flight operations procedures. Thus are easily duped by factoids that fit in with pre-determined conspiratorial conclusions. That is why it is so common to read such rubbish on internet forums.

Here is a youtube from 2008. B777-300 low pass over Boeings facility in Washington State, USA. CX pilot was sacked, ( flight operations management pilot) and the FO was suspended from training duties for 6 months. That is a very low pass looks about 100 feet, they have partial flaps extended.

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Fabricus post # 1

I generally work until the early hours of the morning. Between 1am and 2am I usually go out onto the balcony and have a cup of tea and a cigarette.

Having read and reread the opening post and also the subsequent posts made by the opening poster I am inclined to wonder what may the contents have been in both the cup of tea and the cigarette smoked...

The claim about his girl friend and the military connection also tends to make one think that as time passes by speculation becomes a fact in some peoples mind despite evidence to the contrary and the apparent inaction by all the authorities concerned regarding the opening posters ''experience.''

2 years on and this startling revelation comes to light, it does lead you think there is certainly some element of attention seeking from the opening poster.

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It would have been flying very low in order to benefit from "Ground Effect".

As such it would have been throttled back, which explains why it was so quiet.

Thanks. I've just been reading about "ground effect" and the associated low noise levels.

Here's something else that may be of interest.

The giant plane that flew over Pattani was a kind of grey.

This puzzled me. And then I remembered that an object's color is determined by the light reflecting from it. The plane was grey because there was insufficient light at that time of the morning (1am - 2am) for it to be anything else.

"Go to any airport and you'll notice all the planes are white".


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Two years later Fabricate dreams up this story, its as unbelievable as him claiming to have a GF.

Respectfully, I don't see what you're getting at.

Why would I need to discuss these events on a forum when it's far easier to talk things over with my friend in BKK who owns an airline?


RE: my friend in BKK who owns an airline

Yes, you read that correctly. I have a friend in BKK who owns an airline.

StreetCowboy should understand this point. I remember emailing him the day the airline-owner and I first met.

Moderator Charlie also knows who I am. He might not know about my friendship with the airline's owner, but he should know my connection to the airline.

For obvious reasons I can't explain this or certain other points in more detail.


Back to the topic!

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It would have been flying very low in order to benefit from "Ground Effect".

As such it would have been throttled back, which explains why it was so quiet.

Thanks. I've just been reading about "ground effect" and the associated low noise levels.

Here's something else that may be of interest.

Go to any airport and you'll notice all the planes are white. The giant plane that flew over Pattani was a kind of grey.

This puzzled me. And then I remembered that an object's color is determined by the light reflecting from it. The plane was grey because there was insufficient light at that time of the morning (1am - 2am) for it to be anything else.

Sorry I accidently cut out the part about "all the planes are white". Still rubbish. I agree with Fabricus conclusion however. Pedantic but I would not call it "suicide", that's mass murder.

The only other likely possibility being a Payne Stewart/ Helios Airways 522 type crew incapacitation issue. There was no conspiracy.

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It would have been flying very low in order to benefit from "Ground Effect".

As such it would have been throttled back, which explains why it was so quiet.

Thanks. I've just been reading about "ground effect" and the associated low noise levels.

Here's something else that may be of interest.

Go to any airport and you'll notice all the planes are white. The giant plane that flew over Pattani was a kind of grey.

This puzzled me. And then I remembered that an object's color is determined by the light reflecting from it. The plane was grey because there was insufficient light at that time of the morning (1am - 2am) for it to be anything else.

Sorry I accidently cut out the part about "all the planes are white". Still rubbish. I agree with Fabricus conclusion however. Pedantic but I would not call it "suicide", that's mass murder.

The only other likely possibility being a Payne Stewart/ Helios Airways 522 type crew incapacitation issue. There was no conspiracy.

Fair enough. Yes, saying all planes are white is a generalization (and perhaps a silly one), but I guess you know what I mean.

My broader point is that most people forget that an object's color varies considerably according to the light reflecting from it.


RE: Helios Airways Flight 522

I think you'll find Captain Shah was alive and well when he flew the MH370 across the peninsular.

I guess you know already how the plane went from 35K to 38K immediately after Shah locked out the co-pilot.

The deal -- based on what I know -- is that he did everything perfectly to evade "capture" and cast shame on his family.

The Immarsat technology (pings / handshakes / acknowledgements) was evolved after the plane went missing. Had those Immarsat guys not worked out this new technology, no one would have a clue which direction the plane took after exiting the Malacca Straits.


RE: Depression and suicide

I'd prefer not to judge on this.

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Two years later Fabricate dreams up this story, its as unbelievable as him claiming to have a GF.

Respectfully, I don't see what you're getting at.

Why would I need to discuss these events on a forum when it's far easier to talk things over with my friend in BKK who owns an airline?


RE: my friend in BKK who owns an airline

Yes, you read that correctly. I have a friend in BKK who owns an airline.

StreetCowboy should understand this point. I remember emailing him the day the airline-owner and I first met.

Moderator Charlie also knows who I am. He might not know about my friendship with the airline's owner, but he should know my connection to the airline.

For obvious reasons I can't explain this or certain other points in more detail.


Back to the topic!


You will have the mentally ill folk at the farm house frothing at the mouth with this information.

Try to ignore them and keep sharing your story, you never know other folk may come forward.

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@ Neverdie

Not seen too much mental illness so far.
Inevitably the little pipsqueak who talks ad-nauseum about his exciting social life (and probably fictitious wife) has bobbed up and down in the background; I see too that creepy "Liverpudlian depressive" has been busy clicking away on other people's like buttons. But I would describe these clowns as borderline rather than certifiable.
I'll PM you with details about my friend who owns the Thai airline. You MUST keep this info private, though.
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@ Neverdie

Not seen too much mental illness so far.

Inevitably the little pipsqueak who talks ad-nauseum about his exciting social life (and probably fictitious wife) has bobbed up and down in the background; I see too that creepy "Liverpudlian depressive" has been busy clicking away on other people's like buttons. But I would describe these clowns as borderline rather than certifiable.

I'll PM you with details about my friend who owns the Thai airline. You MUST keep this info private, though.

no problem whatsoever.

Regarding the Illness folk, it probably has more to do with constant and obsessive self manipulation because even their 'working' wives are repulsed by their triple chins and dirty bottom buddies they leave lying about the place.

It's their only option.

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Once, I saw a Thaivisa thread that didn't descend into pretty bickering and childish name-calling.

I know you won't believe me, but I saw it with my own eyes!

None of that here gov. It's all very pleaant

I know what really goes on here. I've discussed it frequently with my friend who owns the internet.

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Once, I saw a Thaivisa thread that didn't descend into pretty bickering and childish name-calling.

I know you won't believe me, but I saw it with my own eyes!

None of that here gov. It's all very pleaant
I know what really goes on here. I've discussed it frequently with my friend who owns the internet.

He's friends with my friend the one that owns the planet and controls everything from his Bangladesh control room.

It seems we have everything covered.

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Nha ing said that, I flew with fabs friends airline once or twice and I'm aware of this, smart man successful, intelligent and wealthy,but all round a decent chap.

I am sure a lot of airline owners have discussed these issues behind the doors. It effects all of them. As we've seen from Malasian, they've really struggled with this, it could bring a successful operation to its knees.

Apparently I own a Cessna, according to the mentally dysfunctional folk at the farm house.....perhaps I should start an airline.

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I am unable to see how 'a friend who owns an airline' would be any more knowledgeable than anybody else. He may listen 'attentively', and look, or even sound by his comments, that he believes what's being said, or knows something/ anything, but he would know no more than the rest of us about the MH370 mystery, and we know only what we read, knowing that the press misreport/misrepresent, much of what they present.

For a large aircraft to be emitting no engine noise, i.e., idle power, it would need at least 5000 feet under it, and that's not flying low. Any lower, and even applying maximum power from even 200 knots, it would almost certainly crash.

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Nha ing said that, I flew with fabs friends airline once or twice and I'm aware of this, smart man successful, intelligent and wealthy,but all round a decent chap.

I am sure a lot of airline owners have discussed these issues behind the doors. It effects all of them. As we've seen from Malasian, they've really struggled with this, it could bring a successful operation to its knees.

Is this true -- have you really flown with the airline I PM'ed you?

We used to handle most of their marketing, but these days much of the work is managed by an in-house Thai team.

The owners are really decent guys. I first met them back in 2010 or 2011. We stayed in touch ever since.


And yes, all airlines discuss accidents. They all know what happened on board the MH370, but play the story down or come across as vague as the truth scares potential passengers.

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I am unable to see how 'a friend who owns an airline' would be any more knowledgeable than anybody else. He may listen 'attentively', and look, or even sound by his comments, that he believes what's being said, or knows something/ anything, but he would know no more than the rest of us about the MH370 mystery, and we know only what we read, knowing that the press misreport/misrepresent, much of what they present.

For a large aircraft to be emitting no engine noise, i.e., idle power, it would need at least 5000 feet under it, and that's not flying low. Any lower, and even applying maximum power from even 200 knots, it would almost certainly crash.

When a plane approaches the gate at idle power everyone without ear protection on the ramp or jetbridge holds their ears.

The noise is deafening, and it carries quite a distance.

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If Thai and Malaysian radar was turned off at the time... What about the joint military exercises going on at the same time???? Cobra Gold... The amount of ships and aircraft in the gulf of Thailand at that time.... If anyone says they did not see an unidentified aircraft... Imjs Troll or paid to debunk anything close to truth! I know 1st hand what capabilities were there and what is being hidden! Want to argue? Come on!

Why is it being hidden??

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Nha ing said that, I flew with fabs friends airline once or twice and I'm aware of this, smart man successful, intelligent and wealthy,but all round a decent chap.

I am sure a lot of airline owners have discussed these issues behind the doors. It effects all of them. As we've seen from Malasian, they've really struggled with this, it could bring a successful operation to its knees.

Is this true -- have you really flown with the airline I PM'ed you?

We used to handle most of their marketing, but these days much of the work is managed by an in-house Thai team.

The owners are really decent guys. I first met them back in 2010 or 2011. We stayed in touch ever since.


And yes, all airlines discuss accidents. They all know what happened on board the MH370, but play the story down or come across as vague as the truth scares potential passengers.

Yes I have, I use to fly as a passenger a fair bit, like most people these days, flying just a part of everyday life.

Some years back I use to fly as pilot as well, that's where those low life that crawl around here like to twist and stretch stories about me owning a Cessna airline, they don't realise how stupid they're being, mainly because they're moronic imbeciles but also virtually every man or woman whose obtained any level of pilots licence has probably flown a Cessna at some point.

I was actually remarking here the other day to a friend that it would be cheaper to hire a Cessna locally and fly to our nearest capital city than it would be to travel in a taxi and I allowed for aircraft movement fees at the airport etc. Taxis in Australia are as expensive as they come and the drivers speak even less English than a Bangkok one. 555555

Anyway what I do know about your story is this. Often people that witness events that are sudden an unexpected, just like you did they can block out through no fault of their own certain parts of the incident that they saw. This happens a lot with victims of crime and is one of the reasons why some witness gather only a minimal description of what actually occurred. There's a lot of written studies on this type of thing and in some cases can make witness testimony unreliable in certain cases. I'm not for one moment suggesting you did anything wrong but it may be case that you somehow blocked out the sound of the aircraft hen you were confronted with the unexpected large object passing over your head......something that's never happened before in all your years there.

I recall reading witness testimony about the planes or whatever it was that hit the twin towers on 9/11. Some folk heard the roar of jet engines, others siminly heard nothing but explosions. Conspiracy theories aside, I don't think any ordinary folk out there deliberately set out to deceive the world. I'm not so sure about the "official" story though.

Maybe there was a sound of engines as it passed overhead, your brain just didn't record that information to your memory. In the other hand, you could be 100% correct, I don't know.

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If Thai and Malaysian radar was turned off at the time... What about the joint military exercises going on at the same time???? Cobra Gold... The amount of ships and aircraft in the gulf of Thailand at that time.... If anyone says they did not see an unidentified aircraft... Imjs Troll or paid to debunk anything close to truth! I know 1st hand what capabilities were there and what is being hidden! Want to argue? Come on!

Why is it being hidden??

I wish I had been a fly on the wall. I don't think we will know the truth in my lifetime. I hope I'm wrong.

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If Thai and Malaysian radar was turned off at the time... What about the joint military exercises going on at the same time???? Cobra Gold... The amount of ships and aircraft in the gulf of Thailand at that time.... If anyone says they did not see an unidentified aircraft... Imjs Troll or paid to debunk anything close to truth! I know 1st hand what capabilities were there and what is being hidden! Want to argue? Come on!

Why is it being hidden??

Cobra Gold was already finished by that time, but good try for a conspiracy theorist.

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