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Sturgeon clashes with Johnson in bitter Brexit debate


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Why? She states openly and decisively that Scotland will stay in the EU and even extend its membership to replace the Pound with the EURO and possibly enter the Schengen Area. At least she is a proper European, as opposed to Johnson, who presently leads the Brexit cast, but if he wins, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, he possibly may find an excuse to change his mind, just to get rid of the present PM and replace him. It wouldn't surprise me!

She has confirmed her intention to keep the pound - it is, after all, Scottish as much as any of the other home nations. As for Schengen, that was never considered and will not be happening, much as with RoI.

In the event of Scottish separation,am I correct in thinking as a prospective new member of the EU,Scotland would Have to adopt the EURO,probably the same as for the Schengen area.

On this occasion, you are neither correct nor incorrect about the Euro, although I suspect you know that already. As with all countries joining the EU, Scotland would need to commit to joining the Euro at some unspecified time. However, as is the case with Sweden, they would not be obliged to submit a timetable for convergence. Therefore we would remain using the pound as long as we wish to do so, with only tacit agreement to adopting the Euro at some point in the future. As for borders, Schengen would not be imposed on Scotland due to its unique circumstances, much in the way that the Republic of Ireland is not party to the treaty.

I thought you had come to realise that Project Fear was exactly that - a smokescreen of lies and innuendos created by government strategists to befuddle the people. Do you only object to the untruths being spread about Brexit (and yes, as a pro-EU voter, I recognise the tactics of the Remain side)?

Dream on mate. Sure President Alex and First Minister and Supreme Leader Nicola would dictate the terms to the EU. They would dictate all the terms of a Scottish UK exit to Westminster and they would decide if they wanted to keep the pound or not and simply inform the Bank of England. They'd easily meet the EU new member financial requirements with their brilliant fiscal policies, shrewd accounting and creative economic miracle.

The fact certain member states have already made it clear they will do all they can to obstruct Scottish membership is immaterial when we have such brilliant leaders to guide us.

Wakey wakey - Project SNP Bullshit is as nonsensical as Project Fear - but a large number are daft enough to believe them.

I'm actually in favor of the UK remaining in the EU where it can influence things and, with other sensible countries stop the march to a Federalist bureaucratic socialist nightmare. I also favor Scotland remaining in the UK. And that decision is one for the UK. Wonder how wee Nicola would react if the Shetland's and Orkneys wanted to be independent of Scotland? And didn't want her to have a say.

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I am not sure how you can call her disingenuous unless you don't understand what the word actually means.

She and the SNP have been clear for years that they want Scotland to be an independent country within the EU. Her position has not changed so she cannot be accused of being disingenuous.

Hypocrite and liar are much better adjectives for the "once in a generation" schemer that follows one agenda and that is what benefits her the most.

I think it was Alex Salmond who spoke of once in a generation? He also spoke of a material change in circumstances being sufficient to enact a new independence referendum - that is what appears to be looming, as Scotland shows a clear majority in favour of remain, while the likelihood is that our country will be dragged out of the EU against our wishes.

As for hypocrite, I think you fundamentally fail to understand difference between the position of Scotland within the UK and the aspiration of an independent Scotland within the EU.

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Schengen Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

Why? She states openly and decisively that Scotland will stay in the EU and even extend its membership to replace the Pound with the EURO and possibly enter the Schengen Area. At least she is a proper European, as opposed to Johnson, who presently leads the Brexit cast, but if he wins, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, he possibly may find an excuse to change his mind, just to get rid of the present PM and replace him. It wouldn't surprise me!

She has confirmed her intention to keep the pound - it is, after all, Scottish as much as any of the other home nations. As for Schengen, that was never considered and will not be happening, much as with RoI.

In the event of Scottish separation,am I correct in thinking as a prospective new member of the EU,Scotland would Have to adopt the EURO,probably the same as for the Schengen area.

Some actually believe the SNP rhetoric that Sturgeon would dictate terms to the EU, Bank of England and everyone else in the world. The EU would fall over themselves to get the Scots in; the Bank of England would instantly permit them to use the guaranteed English pound instead of the not guaranteed Scottish one; and within a short time Nicola and Alex will be the new Merkel and Juncke running the EU. whistling.gif

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She has confirmed her intention to keep the pound - it is, after all, Scottish as much as any of the other home nations. As for Schengen, that was never considered and will not be happening, much as with RoI.

In the event of Scottish separation,am I correct in thinking as a prospective new member of the EU,Scotland would Have to adopt the EURO,probably the same as for the Schengen area.

On this occasion, you are neither correct nor incorrect about the Euro, although I suspect you know that already. As with all countries joining the EU, Scotland would need to commit to joining the Euro at some unspecified time. However, as is the case with Sweden, they would not be obliged to submit a timetable for convergence. Therefore we would remain using the pound as long as we wish to do so, with only tacit agreement to adopting the Euro at some point in the future. As for borders, Schengen would not be imposed on Scotland due to its unique circumstances, much in the way that the Republic of Ireland is not party to the treaty.

I thought you had come to realise that Project Fear was exactly that - a smokescreen of lies and innuendos created by government strategists to befuddle the people. Do you only object to the untruths being spread about Brexit (and yes, as a pro-EU voter, I recognise the tactics of the Remain side)?

Dream on mate. Sure President Alex and First Minister and Supreme Leader Nicola would dictate the terms to the EU. They would dictate all the terms of a Scottish UK exit to Westminster and they would decide if they wanted to keep the pound or not and simply inform the Bank of England. They'd easily meet the EU new member financial requirements with their brilliant fiscal policies, shrewd accounting and creative economic miracle.

The fact certain member states have already made it clear they will do all they can to obstruct Scottish membership is immaterial when we have such brilliant leaders to guide us.

Wakey wakey - Project SNP Bullshit is as nonsensical as Project Fear - but a large number are daft enough to believe them.

I'm actually in favor of the UK remaining in the EU where it can influence things and, with other sensible countries stop the march to a Federalist bureaucratic socialist nightmare. I also favor Scotland remaining in the UK. And that decision is one for the UK. Wonder how wee Nicola would react if the Shetland's and Orkneys wanted to be independent of Scotland? And didn't want her to have a say.

Lots of rehashed crap from the 2014 referendum - and yet, after almost 2 years you can still supply nothing tangible to back up any of the misinformation and falsehoods you so readily vomit across the screen.

Firstly, if you had a sensible argument against Salmond you would not need to resort to playground insults to try to damage him. Maybe you would be better suited to Facebook discussions?

Dictating terms to the EU? Of course not - the path to membership is clearly laid out, including the adoption of the Euro. But, as I mentioned, Sweden has been on that same path since the 90's. Why has the EU not issued sanctions against them?

Can you please identify where they have demonstrated fiscal foolishness? If the Scottish people were not broadly satisfied with their performance, they would not be wiping the floor with Slab and the nasty party at every election. But, then again, you state that we are too stupid to recognise the difference between competence and irresponsibility. As I cannot speak for all the SNP voters outside my circle of knowledge, I cannot deny that there is a slim chance that you are correct, but in all probability, you are simply prejudiced and bitter. I understand that there is still a lot of incredulity in England that we uppity Jocks could ever dream of leaving you, but you need to learn to live with it. Half the country wants nothing to do with the UK, and that is a number that is growing by the day.

Thankfully we are not a colony, and despite what you may or may not favour, you have no say in the future of Scotland unless you choose to live there.

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I am not sure how you can call her disingenuous unless you don't understand what the word actually means.

She and the SNP have been clear for years that they want Scotland to be an independent country within the EU. Her position has not changed so she cannot be accused of being disingenuous.

Hypocrite and liar are much better adjectives for the "once in a generation" schemer that follows one agenda and that is what benefits her the most.

I think it was Alex Salmond who spoke of once in a generation? He also spoke of a material change in circumstances being sufficient to enact a new independence referendum - that is what appears to be looming, as Scotland shows a clear majority in favour of remain, while the likelihood is that our country will be dragged out of the EU against our wishes.

As for hypocrite, I think you fundamentally fail to understand difference between the position of Scotland within the UK and the aspiration of an independent Scotland within the EU.

I don't fail to understand anything. I understand that the SNP promised a "once in a generation" vote. They didn't like the result and have been looking for excuses to vote again. Yes, Salmond is a politician and uses weasley words all the time so he can be slippery. They all do,

The UK is a democracy. If you accept that you must accept that this is a UK referendum in which the population of the UK will decide. Similarly, if there is a referendum held regarding Scotland leaving the UK again, it should be a UK wide referendum. How can one out of 4 member countries, with a population less than 10% decide the future for the rest? Turn it around - how would Scotland feel if the UK expelled them? (I'm not talking about the idiots who fly the Irish tricolor and pretend to be Scots).

SNP make it up when it comes to independence. Any excuse to have a referendum and it they get a leave vote, even by one vote, they'll scream victory that can never be voted on again or without 80% in favor of another. So one sided. SNP are supporters of state control and state interference at all levels of society, so it's easy to see why they'd link up with the federalist European politicians and bureaucrats.

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Dream on mate. Sure President Alex and First Minister and Supreme Leader Nicola would dictate the terms to the EU. They would dictate all the terms of a Scottish UK exit to Westminster and they would decide if they wanted to keep the pound or not and simply inform the Bank of England. They'd easily meet the EU new member financial requirements with their brilliant fiscal policies, shrewd accounting and creative economic miracle.

The fact certain member states have already made it clear they will do all they can to obstruct Scottish membership is immaterial when we have such brilliant leaders to guide us.

Wakey wakey - Project SNP Bullshit is as nonsensical as Project Fear - but a large number are daft enough to believe them.

I'm actually in favor of the UK remaining in the EU where it can influence things and, with other sensible countries stop the march to a Federalist bureaucratic socialist nightmare. I also favor Scotland remaining in the UK. And that decision is one for the UK. Wonder how wee Nicola would react if the Shetland's and Orkneys wanted to be independent of Scotland? And didn't want her to have a say.

Lots of rehashed crap from the 2014 referendum - and yet, after almost 2 years you can still supply nothing tangible to back up any of the misinformation and falsehoods you so readily vomit across the screen.

Firstly, if you had a sensible argument against Salmond you would not need to resort to playground insults to try to damage him. Maybe you would be better suited to Facebook discussions?

Dictating terms to the EU? Of course not - the path to membership is clearly laid out, including the adoption of the Euro. But, as I mentioned, Sweden has been on that same path since the 90's. Why has the EU not issued sanctions against them?

Can you please identify where they have demonstrated fiscal foolishness? If the Scottish people were not broadly satisfied with their performance, they would not be wiping the floor with Slab and the nasty party at every election. But, then again, you state that we are too stupid to recognise the difference between competence and irresponsibility. As I cannot speak for all the SNP voters outside my circle of knowledge, I cannot deny that there is a slim chance that you are correct, but in all probability, you are simply prejudiced and bitter. I understand that there is still a lot of incredulity in England that we uppity Jocks could ever dream of leaving you, but you need to learn to live with it. Half the country wants nothing to do with the UK, and that is a number that is growing by the day.

Thankfully we are not a colony, and despite what you may or may not favour, you have no say in the future of Scotland unless you choose to live there.

Rubbish - and you know it. All the SNP offer is a dream, Their budgets would have been decimated due to the fall in oil prices. They have no currency and would have to go cap in hand to England to use the pound. The conditions for Euro entry wouldn't be met. Major EU countries would see them as potential risks like Greece, Portugal, and at one time Ireland.

Salmond and Sturgeon are politicians who dish out what they like and as such fair game for attack. What achievements have either delivered? The recent successes in election are, I believe, more a condemnation of the major political parties and people being fed up with same old lies and tricks. Like when the Lib/Dems used to do well in council elections as a protest vote against Tory or Labor governments. Now in Scotland, the protest choice might be SNP. However, SNP are beset with scandals, individual and party. And they've shown like all parties they're happy not to answer or want to be held accountable, preferring to fudge the replies.

Half the country, and growing by the day - sure, in your imagination. Not from what I read it isn't. Maybe you should revisit the Sottish population figures, the % that voted in the referendum and % that voted for independence.

I'm not prejudiced or bitter. That is the realm of those who caused trouble in the referendum, who like to carry the tricolor of another country, and usually harp on about their non British ancestry. Those who carry a big chip on their shoulder and like to believe the historical inaccuracies that have been made popular about Scotland.

The rules about who could vote in the last referendum meant you, I and other British expats were excluded. Next time, like the EU referendum, it should be all UK citizens but not non UK citizens. But that would be democratic and not necessarily favor the result some hope for.

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Dream on mate. Sure President Alex and First Minister and Supreme Leader Nicola would dictate the terms to the EU. They would dictate all the terms of a Scottish UK exit to Westminster and they would decide if they wanted to keep the pound or not and simply inform the Bank of England. They'd easily meet the EU new member financial requirements with their brilliant fiscal policies, shrewd accounting and creative economic miracle.

The fact certain member states have already made it clear they will do all they can to obstruct Scottish membership is immaterial when we have such brilliant leaders to guide us.

Wakey wakey - Project SNP Bullshit is as nonsensical as Project Fear - but a large number are daft enough to believe them.

I'm actually in favor of the UK remaining in the EU where it can influence things and, with other sensible countries stop the march to a Federalist bureaucratic socialist nightmare. I also favor Scotland remaining in the UK. And that decision is one for the UK. Wonder how wee Nicola would react if the Shetland's and Orkneys wanted to be independent of Scotland? And didn't want her to have a say.

Lots of rehashed crap from the 2014 referendum - and yet, after almost 2 years you can still supply nothing tangible to back up any of the misinformation and falsehoods you so readily vomit across the screen.

Firstly, if you had a sensible argument against Salmond you would not need to resort to playground insults to try to damage him. Maybe you would be better suited to Facebook discussions?

Dictating terms to the EU? Of course not - the path to membership is clearly laid out, including the adoption of the Euro. But, as I mentioned, Sweden has been on that same path since the 90's. Why has the EU not issued sanctions against them?

Can you please identify where they have demonstrated fiscal foolishness? If the Scottish people were not broadly satisfied with their performance, they would not be wiping the floor with Slab and the nasty party at every election. But, then again, you state that we are too stupid to recognise the difference between competence and irresponsibility. As I cannot speak for all the SNP voters outside my circle of knowledge, I cannot deny that there is a slim chance that you are correct, but in all probability, you are simply prejudiced and bitter. I understand that there is still a lot of incredulity in England that we uppity Jocks could ever dream of leaving you, but you need to learn to live with it. Half the country wants nothing to do with the UK, and that is a number that is growing by the day.

Thankfully we are not a colony, and despite what you may or may not favour, you have no say in the future of Scotland unless you choose to live there.

Rubbish - and you know it. All the SNP offer is a dream, Their budgets would have been decimated due to the fall in oil prices. They have no currency and would have to go cap in hand to England to use the pound. The conditions for Euro entry wouldn't be met. Major EU countries would see them as potential risks like Greece, Portugal, and at one time Ireland.

Salmond and Sturgeon are politicians who dish out what they like and as such fair game for attack. What achievements have either delivered? The recent successes in election are, I believe, more a condemnation of the major political parties and people being fed up with same old lies and tricks. Like when the Lib/Dems used to do well in council elections as a protest vote against Tory or Labor governments. Now in Scotland, the protest choice might be SNP. However, SNP are beset with scandals, individual and party. And they've shown like all parties they're happy not to answer or want to be held accountable, preferring to fudge the replies.

Half the country, and growing by the day - sure, in your imagination. Not from what I read it isn't. Maybe you should revisit the Sottish population figures, the % that voted in the referendum and % that voted for independence.

I'm not prejudiced or bitter. That is the realm of those who caused trouble in the referendum, who like to carry the tricolor of another country, and usually harp on about their non British ancestry. Those who carry a big chip on their shoulder and like to believe the historical inaccuracies that have been made popular about Scotland.

The rules about who could vote in the last referendum meant you, I and other British expats were excluded. Next time, like the EU referendum, it should be all UK citizens but not non UK citizens. But that would be democratic and not necessarily favor the result some hope for.

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Hypocrite and liar are much better adjectives for the "once in a generation" schemer that follows one agenda and that is what benefits her the most.

I think it was Alex Salmond who spoke of once in a generation? He also spoke of a material change in circumstances being sufficient to enact a new independence referendum - that is what appears to be looming, as Scotland shows a clear majority in favour of remain, while the likelihood is that our country will be dragged out of the EU against our wishes.

As for hypocrite, I think you fundamentally fail to understand difference between the position of Scotland within the UK and the aspiration of an independent Scotland within the EU.

I don't fail to understand anything. I understand that the SNP promised a "once in a generation" vote. They didn't like the result and have been looking for excuses to vote again. Yes, Salmond is a politician and uses weasley words all the time so he can be slippery. They all do,

The UK is a democracy. If you accept that you must accept that this is a UK referendum in which the population of the UK will decide. Similarly, if there is a referendum held regarding Scotland leaving the UK again, it should be a UK wide referendum. How can one out of 4 member countries, with a population less than 10% decide the future for the rest? Turn it around - how would Scotland feel if the UK expelled them? (I'm not talking about the idiots who fly the Irish tricolor and pretend to be Scots).

SNP make it up when it comes to independence. Any excuse to have a referendum and it they get a leave vote, even by one vote, they'll scream victory that can never be voted on again or without 80% in favor of another. So one sided. SNP are supporters of state control and state interference at all levels of society, so it's easy to see why they'd link up with the federalist European politicians and bureaucrats.

The SNP won almost 50% of the vote in the Scottish Parliament elections and they won 56 of 59 Westminster seats last year. Regardless of how unpalatable you find their politics, they have a clear mandate in Scotland, achieving a level of popular support that no other party could even hope to come close to matching. All the UK mainstream parties were standing in Scotland in the last 2 elections and each time were resoundingly trounced. The Scottish people clearly want the SNP.

Scotland is a sovereign nation. It is an absurd notion to suggest that any third party country should have any say in our future. There is no proposal to dismantle the UK - the remnants would be free to do with it as the wished.

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All fun & games , cheap TV , theater for the folks that think they have a vote.

Meanwhile the Bilderberg conference just now being held in Dresden (G) , reconfirmed there will be no Brexit .

Sorry folks , you'll just have to stay in the EU , 'till the end.

Hi, how do you know what was confirmed at the conference? Where was this reported or what's your source?

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Lots of rehashed crap from the 2014 referendum - and yet, after almost 2 years you can still supply nothing tangible to back up any of the misinformation and falsehoods you so readily vomit across the screen.

Firstly, if you had a sensible argument against Salmond you would not need to resort to playground insults to try to damage him. Maybe you would be better suited to Facebook discussions?

Dictating terms to the EU? Of course not - the path to membership is clearly laid out, including the adoption of the Euro. But, as I mentioned, Sweden has been on that same path since the 90's. Why has the EU not issued sanctions against them?

Can you please identify where they have demonstrated fiscal foolishness? If the Scottish people were not broadly satisfied with their performance, they would not be wiping the floor with Slab and the nasty party at every election. But, then again, you state that we are too stupid to recognise the difference between competence and irresponsibility. As I cannot speak for all the SNP voters outside my circle of knowledge, I cannot deny that there is a slim chance that you are correct, but in all probability, you are simply prejudiced and bitter. I understand that there is still a lot of incredulity in England that we uppity Jocks could ever dream of leaving you, but you need to learn to live with it. Half the country wants nothing to do with the UK, and that is a number that is growing by the day.

Thankfully we are not a colony, and despite what you may or may not favour, you have no say in the future of Scotland unless you choose to live there.

Rubbish - and you know it. All the SNP offer is a dream, Their budgets would have been decimated due to the fall in oil prices. They have no currency and would have to go cap in hand to England to use the pound. The conditions for Euro entry wouldn't be met. Major EU countries would see them as potential risks like Greece, Portugal, and at one time Ireland.

Salmond and Sturgeon are politicians who dish out what they like and as such fair game for attack. What achievements have either delivered? The recent successes in election are, I believe, more a condemnation of the major political parties and people being fed up with same old lies and tricks. Like when the Lib/Dems used to do well in council elections as a protest vote against Tory or Labor governments. Now in Scotland, the protest choice might be SNP. However, SNP are beset with scandals, individual and party. And they've shown like all parties they're happy not to answer or want to be held accountable, preferring to fudge the replies.

Half the country, and growing by the day - sure, in your imagination. Not from what I read it isn't. Maybe you should revisit the Sottish population figures, the % that voted in the referendum and % that voted for independence.

I'm not prejudiced or bitter. That is the realm of those who caused trouble in the referendum, who like to carry the tricolor of another country, and usually harp on about their non British ancestry. Those who carry a big chip on their shoulder and like to believe the historical inaccuracies that have been made popular about Scotland.

The rules about who could vote in the last referendum meant you, I and other British expats were excluded. Next time, like the EU referendum, it should be all UK citizens but not non UK citizens. But that would be democratic and not necessarily favor the result some hope for.

Why would we need to go cap in hand to England to use the pound? The pound is the currency of the UK, not England.

Again you fall back on those old canards that were never backed up with substance. Why would we not meet the EU entry criteria? Which major counties have indicated that Scotland, with its balanced fiscal record, would be a liability?

Are you truly unable to identify achievements from the Scottish government? Then you must be not paying attention - from universal free prescriptions, free end of life care, hospital waiting times that are the best in the UK, free further education - the list goes on and on. Of course there are individuals whose behaviour falls beneath that you would wish from your elected representatives but that is not something solely attributable to the SNP.

I am sorry, you can claim all you like that you are neither prejudiced or bitter, but my belief is that you are hugely encumbered with both. And deny it all you like, my finger is definitely far more firmly on the pulse than yours - I don't need to read about the Scottish mood.

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I think it was Alex Salmond who spoke of once in a generation? He also spoke of a material change in circumstances being sufficient to enact a new independence referendum - that is what appears to be looming, as Scotland shows a clear majority in favour of remain, while the likelihood [/size]is that our country will be dragged out of the EU against our wishes.

As for hypocrite, I think you fundamentally fail to understand difference between the position of Scotland within the UK and the aspiration of an independent Scotland within the EU.

Strange post. Dragged out against your wishes but want devolution on the same ticket?

Do it your way. Vote devolution and join the EU then.

I very doubt the EU will be interested in the mighty powerhouse that is Scotland joining anyway. You'll be as far down the list as Albania.

If the UK votes for Brexit next week then you're either in the UK or you're not. The EU will be in total disarray and the complete collapse will come about within three to five years.

Personally, I'd rather see the back of Scotland.

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I think it was Alex Salmond who spoke of once in a generation? He also spoke of a material change in circumstances being sufficient to enact a new independence referendum - that is what appears to be looming, as Scotland shows a clear majority in favour of remain, while the likelihood [/size]is that our country will be dragged out of the EU against our wishes.

As for hypocrite, I think you fundamentally fail to understand difference between the position of Scotland within the UK and the aspiration of an independent Scotland within the EU.

Strange post. Dragged out against your wishes but want devolution on the same ticket?

Do it your way. Vote devolution and join the EU then.

I very doubt the EU will be interested in the mighty powerhouse that is Scotland joining anyway. You'll be as far down the list as Albania.

If the UK votes for Brexit next week then you're either in the UK or you're not. The EU will be in total disarray and the complete collapse will come about within three to five years.

Personally, I'd rather see the back of Scotland.

Strange posts abound today. We got devolution in, if I recall correctly, 1999.

If for no other reason than it is a Sunday afternoon and I am bored at work, please amuse me by expanding on your rationale as to why a country who's GDP per capita would place it 15th among OECD countries would be listed alongside Albania as potential EU candidates, or did you write that just to get a rise from me (here's a hint - 2014 was a very long year of vitriol and abuse coming from our Better Together countrymen. You will need to work harder than that to come up with something fresh).

At least we are in agreement about one thing - we both want a divorce.

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Disingenuous Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

I am not sure how you can call her disingenuous unless you don't understand what the word actually means.

She and the SNP have been clear for years that they want Scotland to be an independent country within the EU. Her position has not changed so she cannot be accused of being disingenuous.

We'll why don't the Jocks leave the UK and then the English can leave the EU . That would be a win win for the ENglish tax payer!!!

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We'll why don't the Jocks leave the UK and then the English can leave the EU . That would be a win win for the ENglish tax payer!!!

Well, sadly there were elements of the Scottish population who fell for the lies of the unionists and their tales of doom during the run-up to the last referendum, much like you are experiencing with the Remainders now. Thankfully, though, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the UK is holding us back in many way; hopefully Brexit will win the day despite an overwhelming majority in Scotland to remain in the EU. Then we push once more...

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We'll why don't the Jocks leave the UK and then the English can leave the EU . That would be a win win for the ENglish tax payer!!!

Well, sadly there were elements of the Scottish population who fell for the lies of the unionists and their tales of doom during the run-up to the last referendum, much like you are experiencing with the Remainders now. Thankfully, though, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the UK is holding us back in many way; hopefully Brexit will win the day despite an overwhelming majority in Scotland to remain in the EU. Then we push once more...

Better for the SNP to Waite for the price of oil to rise back up to 100$.

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All fun & games , cheap TV , theater for the folks that think they have a vote.

Meanwhile the Bilderberg conference just now being held in Dresden (G) , reconfirmed there will be no Brexit .

Sorry folks , you'll just have to stay in the EU , 'till the end.

Hi, how do you know what was confirmed at the conference? Where was this reported or what's your source?

Heavy duty right-wing conspiracy websites are the usual suspects blowing the Bilderberg dog whistle.

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Thankfully, though, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the UK is holding us back in many way;

Sorry that we're cramping your style.

The EU won't want a basket case joining, particularly once the funds have dried up from parliament. Good luck with that.

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Schengen Nicola Sturgeon. Wants to keep the UK in EU but she wants out of the UK union. facepalm.gif

Why? She states openly and decisively that Scotland will stay in the EU and even extend its membership to replace the Pound with the EURO and possibly enter the Schengen Area. At least she is a proper European, as opposed to Johnson, who presently leads the Brexit cast, but if he wins, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, he possibly may find an excuse to change his mind, just to get rid of the present PM and replace him. It wouldn't surprise me!

She has confirmed her intention to keep the pound - it is, after all, Scottish as much as any of the other home nations. As for Schengen, that was never considered and will not be happening, much as with RoI.

Try changing a bundle of Scottish pounds in a Thai Bank.

No way jimmie,lol

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We'll why don't the Jocks leave the UK and then the English can leave the EU . That would be a win win for the ENglish tax payer!!!

Well, sadly there were elements of the Scottish population who fell for the lies of the unionists and their tales of doom during the run-up to the last referendum, much like you are experiencing with the Remainders now. Thankfully, though, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the UK is holding us back in many way; hopefully Brexit will win the day despite an overwhelming majority in Scotland to remain in the EU. Then we push once more...

Better for the SNP to Waite for the price of oil to rise back up to 100$.

But let's be realistic - although the reserves estimates vary wildly, the future of Scotland would not and could not depend upon oil. However there are opportunities to continue Scottish leadership in the industry - decommissioning will become a major international business and we have the perfect environment to develop our expertise.

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Thankfully, though, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the UK is holding us back in many way;

Sorry that we're cramping your style.

The EU won't want a basket case joining, particularly once the funds have dried up from parliament. Good luck with that.

You do realise that Scotland has a mature and diverse economy, don't you?

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Thankfully, though, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the UK is holding us back in many way;

Sorry that we're cramping your style.

The EU won't want a basket case joining, particularly once the funds have dried up from parliament. Good luck with that.

You do realise that Scotland has a mature and diverse economy, don't you?

Understood. Haggis is a huge international market.

Could sway a Brexit.

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We'll why don't the Jocks leave the UK and then the English can leave the EU . That would be a win win for the ENglish tax payer!!!

Well, sadly there were elements of the Scottish population who fell for the lies of the unionists and their tales of doom during the run-up to the last referendum, much like you are experiencing with the Remainders now. Thankfully, though, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the UK is holding us back in many way; hopefully Brexit will win the day despite an overwhelming majority in Scotland to remain in the EU. Then we push once more...

Better for the SNP to Waite for the price of oil to rise back up to 100$.

But let's be realistic - although the reserves estimates vary wildly, the future of Scotland would not and could not depend upon oil. However there are opportunities to continue Scottish leadership in the industry - decommissioning will become a major international business and we have the perfect environment to develop our expertise.

Tell that to the people of Aberdeen and area.. And if you think that the economy of Scotland would not have to depend on oil,we'll all I can say is keep on dreaming.

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Thankfully, though, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the UK is holding us back in many way;

Sorry that we're cramping your style.

The EU won't want a basket case joining, particularly once the funds have dried up from parliament. Good luck with that.

You do realise that Scotland has a mature and diverse economy, don't you?

Understood. Haggis is a huge international market.

Could sway a Brexit.

That's some cutting edge wit you've got going on there. I'm not sure I can compete with your incisive, well reasoned and pithy comments so I will leave you to it, but don't worry - I will keep reading your posts on TV and marvel at your contributions. Please keep up the sterling efforts.

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We'll why don't the Jocks leave the UK and then the English can leave the EU . That would be a win win for the ENglish tax payer!!!

Well, sadly there were elements of the Scottish population who fell for the lies of the unionists and their tales of doom during the run-up to the last referendum, much like you are experiencing with the Remainders now. Thankfully, though, more and more people are waking up to the fact that the UK is holding us back in many way; hopefully Brexit will win the day despite an overwhelming majority in Scotland to remain in the EU. Then we push once more...

Better for the SNP to Waite for the price of oil to rise back up to 100$.

But let's be realistic - although the reserves estimates vary wildly, the future of Scotland would not and could not depend upon oil. However there are opportunities to continue Scottish leadership in the industry - decommissioning will become a major international business and we have the perfect environment to develop our expertise.

Tell that to the people of Aberdeen and area.. And if you think that the economy of Scotland would not have to depend on oil,we'll all I can say is keep on dreaming.

Well help me understand - tell me what you know about the Scottish economy that makes your comment accurate?

While you are at it, tell me why a Scottish finance minister would be any less capable of managing the budget than a Westminster one?

As for my comments on the oil industry, I have worked in the oil industry my entire working life, nearly 30 years, so I am being neither blasé or callous. Many good friends in Scotland and around the world are currently facing uncertainty, as am I, but regardless of where the oil price ends up in the next few years, it is clear that the industry needs to change.

Edited by RuamRudy
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