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Why do I still have belly fat?


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If it's true you're quite fit otherwise, you sound like an IDEAL candidate for liposuction. Liposuction is not meant for weight loss but it is meant to deal with localized areas that patients have tried to address, and are unsuccessful. Very common. Good luck.

So the question for you now if you want to go that route is whether it's worth the money and small medical risk to do it, and also exactly WHERE to go to have it done.

I suppose also there is a cosmetic concern of loose skin after the procedure. But your youth is probably a big plus with that too ... more elasticity to adapt.

Not sure about that with lipo as opposed to natural weight loss ... should do some research.

Liposuction at 20??

Crazy idea......I recommend you do 100 laps of the pool most days and eat a bit less....it will disappear in a month.

I don't agree with you that 20 is too young in a case like the OP's but I reckon neither one of us are qualified doctors.

I don't see how laps target one body area. He'll lose a belly in a month? Dude, you are tripping.

Consider what you are saying...have you ever seen liposuction being performed?

The risks of the surgery are considerable...not to mention you need a general anaesthetic to have this procedure.

I could bore you with the risks of that too JT but since I have twenty years experience in this field I hope you'll just accept me raising my eyebrows at having to visit a twenty year old patient who wished to have this performed.

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So you're a doctor then?

Nope I'm not JT.

But I've seen more blood spilled over the years than most.

Liposuction is not something to be undertaken lightly.

Maybe getting his stomach stapled then.

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If it's true you're quite fit otherwise, you sound like an IDEAL candidate for liposuction. Liposuction is not meant for weight loss but it is meant to deal with localized areas that patients have tried to address, and are unsuccessful. Very common. Good luck.

So the question for you now if you want to go that route is whether it's worth the money and small medical risk to do it, and also exactly WHERE to go to have it done.

I suppose also there is a cosmetic concern of loose skin after the procedure. But your youth is probably a big plus with that too ... more elasticity to adapt.

Not sure about that with lipo as opposed to natural weight loss ... should do some research.

Liposuction at 20??

Crazy idea......I recommend you do 100 laps of the pool most days and eat a bit less....it will disappear in a month.

I highly doubt him or you could do 100 laps in a pool.

And I can assure you from experience that it takes more than a month and a few laps in the pool to lose the fat around your midsection.

That is the last place and often hardest place on a person where they will lose his or her fat.

Swimming is very poor exercise for weight loss, not enough calories are burned.

It's usually considered helpful for those too unhealthy to do any other form of exercise.

Exercise involving stairs or hills will lose the most weight in the fastest time (but it's dangerous).

But only for those without the willpower to diet.

Not eating ANYTHING loses weight fastest of all (but it's dangerous).

Jogging on the flat just damages your joints and tendons with little or no weight loss.

(Plenty of fat joggers around in London Hyde Park every day, near I used to live.)

The best exercise for weight loss usually includes lifting your own weight, but you need to be reasonably fit to do that.

Edited by MissAndry
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If it's true you're quite fit otherwise, you sound like an IDEAL candidate for liposuction. Liposuction is not meant for weight loss but it is meant to deal with localized areas that patients have tried to address, and are unsuccessful. Very common. Good luck.

So the question for you now if you want to go that route is whether it's worth the money and small medical risk to do it, and also exactly WHERE to go to have it done.

I suppose also there is a cosmetic concern of loose skin after the procedure. But your youth is probably a big plus with that too ... more elasticity to adapt.

Not sure about that with lipo as opposed to natural weight loss ... should do some research.

Liposuction at 20??

Crazy idea......I recommend you do 100 laps of the pool most days and eat a bit less....it will disappear in a month.

I highly doubt him or you could do 100 laps in a pool.

And I can assure you from experience that it takes more than a month and a few laps in the pool to lose the fat around your midsection.

That is the last place and often hardest place on a person where they will lose his or her fat.

Swimming is very poor exercise for weight loss, not enough calories are burned.

It's usually considered helpful for those too unhealthy to do any other form of exercise.

Exercise involving stairs or hills will lose the most weight in the fastest time (but it's dangerous).

But only for those without the willpower to diet.

Not eating ANYTHING loses weight fastest of all (but it's dangerous).

Jogging on the flat just damages your joints and tendons with little or no weight loss.

(Plenty of fat joggers around in London Hyde Park every day, near I used to live.)

The best exercise for weight loss usually includes lifting your own weight, but you need to be reasonably fit to do that.

Jogging/running damages joints and tendons? That old fable has been proven false many times over.

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Jogging/running damages joints and tendons? That old fable has been proven false many times over.

You would need to take that up with my damaged knees, ankles and tendons.

They beg to differ.

You really make some dumb comments...100 laps of the pool is not for people who "can't do any other exercise".

Try doing that in under an hour as well...honestly the stupidity doesn't really deserve a reply.

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Press ups in the morning on top of your team exercises.Is your work physical or desk job, use the stairs when every you can and don't drink alcohol. At 20 years young you shouldn't have any trouble getting a 6 pack.

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Jogging/running damages joints and tendons? That old fable has been proven false many times over.

You would need to take that up with my damaged knees, ankles and tendons.

They beg to differ.

You really make some dumb comments...100 laps of the pool is not for people who "can't do any other exercise".

Try doing that in under an hour as well...honestly the stupidity doesn't really deserve a reply.

100 laps in a pool is a bit vague. The standard definition of one lap is to the other end of the pool and back. And then there is the question of pool length - if it is a 50 meter pool that would equate to a 10 kilometer swim - robust for even the most fit among us. Edited by SpokaneAl
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Jogging/running damages joints and tendons? That old fable has been proven false many times over.

You would need to take that up with my damaged knees, ankles and tendons.

They beg to differ.

You really make some dumb comments...100 laps of the pool is not for people who "can't do any other exercise".

Try doing that in under an hour as well...honestly the stupidity doesn't really deserve a reply.

100 laps in a pool is a bit vague. The standard definition of one lap is to the other end of the pool and back. And then there is the question of pool length - if it is a 50 meter pool that would equate to a 10 kilometer swim - robust for even the most fit among us.

Lol this is why I love this forum.

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The OP clearly expressed that he exercises a lot and "can't" lose more weight. I see nothing wrong with continued natural attempts but I'm also pretty sure he would be a good candidate for lipo either right now or years later IF natural methods turn out not to work.

So many people think lipo is an answer for overweight when it isn't that in any way, but again, the main reason to do it is for SPOT issues as the OP reports.

You just can't let it go can you?

If you can't understand why invasive surgery is not a realistic recommendation, where exercise and diet would suffice, then I suspect you are either beyond reason or purposely obtuse.

Perhaps as a last resort. The very last. Once diet and exercise have been exhausted as options.

The op very likely is underestimating the amount of exercise he is doing, iseating unwisely or both.

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Lipo on one spot area is only MINIMALLY "invasive" surgery.

Sounds like the OP's story, huh?


If you are trying to lose weight, liposuction is not a substitute for exercise and a balanced diet. In fact, most cosmetic surgeons agree that the best candidates for liposuction are healthy people who are at or close to a healthy weight but who have stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to exercise.

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There is something in your diet that is maintaining the amount of fat. Also, could be in your DNA do you have family members with the same problem?

Fat is from food. It doesn't appear magically. Some people must fight their weight all the time.

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Lipo on one spot area is only MINIMALLY "invasive" surgery.

Sounds like the OP's story, huh?


If you are trying to lose weight, liposuction is not a substitute for exercise and a balanced diet. In fact, most cosmetic surgeons agree that the best candidates for liposuction are healthy people who are at or close to a healthy weight but who have stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to exercise.

Excellent thank you. I can't think of a single reason plastic surgeons would have an ulterior motive in making such statements.

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Lipo on one spot area is only MINIMALLY "invasive" surgery.

Sounds like the OP's story, huh?


If you are trying to lose weight, liposuction is not a substitute for exercise and a balanced diet. In fact, most cosmetic surgeons agree that the best candidates for liposuction are healthy people who are at or close to a healthy weight but who have stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to exercise.

Excellent thank you. I can't think of a single reason plastic surgeons would have an ulterior motive in making such statements.

Webmd is a highly credible OBJECTIVE medical information site.

Anyway, I agree people should make other efforts short of surgery for cosmetic spot fat reduction in otherwise fit people.

But if efforts fail, lipo is sometimes a good option for such people.

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You weight for your height is right about where it should be. You say you exercise but this could perhaps need to be increased or exercises added. Perhaps try more in the line of sit-ups, swimming and jogging. Perhaps your eating and drinking habits also could be a factor. Do you drink a lot of Beer in one sitting ? Do you eat large amounts of food for one meal a day and little for the others? Is your mid area fat really fat or are you blotted ? If blotted or a hard stomach it could be your liver or some other organ causing the problem.

One thing you might want to try is just holding your stomach tight for 5 minutes at a time a few times a day. This will help tighten things up a little.

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I have to agree with Rob13.There is belly food.If you cut back hard on these types of foods and hit the gym/pool extra hard I

Believe you'll be n the right direction.It's A never ending battle

I agree with it being a never ending battle. Challenges of weight loss and fitness as a twenty something will be looked back with fondness as one ages and the metabolism slows more and more.

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Calorie deficit plus sit ups

No way....you cannot spot reduce.....sit-ups,is a very bad idea....less calories will and can do the trick....????

Amazing how some people believe a special exercise will remove fat from one area of the body along.

Situps will just give you strong stomach muscles hidden under a roll of fat.

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Cut down on your sugar intake. It's in so many guises that you probably don't even realise your ingesting it. Once your body gets over a certain amount, it turns the rest in to fat so that it can be stored for later use.

Do some research on sugar and the body, maybe watch That Sugar Film.

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There is something in your diet that is maintaining the amount of fat. Also, could be in your DNA do you have family members with the same problem?

Fat is from food. It doesn't appear magically. Some people must fight their weight all the time.

I think that something is called calories.

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If it's true you're quite fit otherwise, you sound like an IDEAL candidate for liposuction. Liposuction is not meant for weight loss but it is meant to deal with localized areas that patients have tried to address, and are unsuccessful. Very common. Good luck.

So the question for you now if you want to go that route is whether it's worth the money and small medical risk to do it, and also exactly WHERE to go to have it done.

I suppose also there is a cosmetic concern of loose skin after the procedure. But your youth is probably a big plus with that too ... more elasticity to adapt.

Not sure about that with lipo as opposed to natural weight loss ... should do some research.

Liposuction at 20??

Crazy idea......I recommend you do 100 laps of the pool most days and eat a bit less....it will disappear in a month.

100 laps!?! Have to be a pretty small pool or a bathtub.

Try this instead


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