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Profile of Orlando gunman Oman Mateen


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No serious group calls for disarmament in the US/ surrender of firearms. What needed are universal background checks, registration and tracking, assault weapon/large magazine bans, Medical testing and required basic and recurrent training. But no, the ghouls in the NRA and their whores in the GOP insist a nut like Mateen ahould be able to buy weapons legally and as easy as picking up a bag of bananas in a market. After the Sandy Hook massacre with nothing being done, though proved that there is no political will to make the changes required and people are going to have to suffer these mass shootings as a matter of course forever.

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CNN confirm he was actually gay or bisexual . So he went to this club for 3 years , drinking alcohol and partying. Even if he had a wife and a kid he must have been in the closet , struggle with his sexuality and his strict father.

Add to that he probably was a complete nutcase brainwashed by online propaganda from ISIS and we have a mass murderer.

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A mental case like this would never be allowed to apply for a gun license in most countries.

What Mental he is just following out what is in the Koran

I think you should realize he is a Good Muslims .

May you be awake to the facts

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"I remain flabbergasted when the same people who say most Muslims are peaceful seem to think that most gun owners aren't. There's a disconnect there."

Only a small percentage of Muslims in America are radical extremist.

Based on religion, and race, Muslims are a very small percentage of gun owners in America the largest percentage of gun owners are white Christians

A very small percent of Muslims in America own guns. ( the stats can be found on google )

100% of gun owners one guns, some own many guns.

Guns are made to kill.

Are you still flabbergasted as to why people who do not posses tools to kill are more peaceful than those who own and worship tools made to kill?

I see no disconnect Pimay1.

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CNN confirm he was actually gay or bisexual . So he went to this club for 3 years , drinking alcohol and partying. Even if he had a wife and a kid he must have been in the closet , struggle with his sexuality and his strict father.

Add to that he probably was a complete nutcase brainwashed by online propaganda from ISIS and we have a mass murderer.

If this is true I called it 2 days ago when I posted that he sounded like a closet case. Telegraph.UK reports he was a regular at the club and hooking up with boys on Dating App "Grindr". Edited by arunsakda
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CNN confirm he was actually gay or bisexual . So he went to this club for 3 years , drinking alcohol and partying. Even if he had a wife and a kid he must have been in the closet , struggle with his sexuality and his strict father.

Add to that he probably was a complete nutcase brainwashed by online propaganda from ISIS and we have a mass murderer.

If this is true I called it 2 days ago when I postd that he sounded like a closet case. Telegraph.UK reports he was a regular at the club and hooking up with boys on Dating App in Grindr.

Has anyone reported hooking up with him on Grindr? Being on gay dating apps and chatting doesn't mean he was actually having sex with men. You don't have any report of that, do you? It may just have been part of casing the scene he was intending to attack.

In any case, whether he had sex with men, or not, doesn't change what he did. He carried out a terrorist attack specifically targeting gay men and he had a proven link to Islamist extremism.

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Yep. (If this angle is true) He hated himself more than anyone. I did not say he was having sex, hooking up can mean contacting people right?

""Another Pulse regular, Kevin West, told the Los Angeles Times that Mateen messaged him on and off for a year using a gay chat app.

And other clubgoers told local media and MSNBC that Mateen had been using multiple gay apps, including Grindr, with mutual acquaintances to "hook up."""

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I don't see anything there saying he had sex from those sites. You said he was hooking up from those sites. Chatting on those sites doesn't prove he was having sex from hookups there, which you clearly said. Where on the link does it say that?

It doesn't change what he did if he had had sex with men, but I don't think people should fabricate false narratives unless they can provide evidence.

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Yep. (If this angle is true) He hated himself more than anyone. I did not say he was having sex, hooking up can mean contacting people right?

WRONG! Hooking up means meeting to have sex. Thanks for admitting now that you posted false information, perhaps (if anyone can believe it) out of ignorance of not knowing what hooking up means.

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Rubbish. Read the story. It says he hooked up with people on dating sites. I posted he hooked up with boys in Grindr, nothing else.

Hooking up means meeting people to have sex. Now you know.

I am concerned that homophobes (face it, the majority of people on the planet have some level of homophobia in their hearts) are going to twist this information about the terrorist's possible involvement in gay sex as a way to present a false narrative that this terrorist attack wasn't ALSO a homophobic attack. With the very idiotic "logic" that how could it be a homophobic attack if the terrorist himself had had gay sex (if he did).

The facts are very clear. The terrorist had direct connections to Islamist radicalization and he also specifically targeted gay men to mass murder.

Some of the most vicious homophobes in history have had personal conflicts with their own homosexual feelings.

That doesn't change the ACTS that they did or the ACTS that this terrorist did.

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I don't see anything there saying he had sex from those sites. You said he was hooking up from those sites. Chatting on those sites doesn't prove he was having sex from hookups there, which you clearly said. Where on the link does it say that?

It doesn't change what he did if he had had sex with men, but I don't think people should fabricate false narratives unless they can provide evidence.

This does change things, he was either gay or bisexual and it's a hate crime committed by a gay man.

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So now you know I just posted what I read on a website (saying if ? it is true) and was not " LYING".

I don't disagree with anything else you posted but maybe just maybe( if there is something to this angle) if this guy was honest to himself, got professional Psychiatric treatments and counseling, forgot about what parents and Imams and Terror/Isis websites might have been telling him perhaps Mateen could have found some peace in this world instead of leaving behind a stinking crater of hate, terror and death that consumed him as well.

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In the U.S. context, it's not only Islamist extremists that have an anti-gay ideology. It is also very common among Christian fundamentalists and many people don't even need any kind of religious rationalization for their feelings.

These victims of this terrorist atrocity were mostly members of groups that are not high status among many mainstream Americans. Gay Latinos.

I think it's important that they be remembered and RESPECTED the same as if they were high status straight white men, and it shouldn't be covered up, diluted, or denied that they were murdered by a man motivated by BOTH radical Islamist extremist ideology AND homophobia (regardless of the terrorist's possible sexual activities).

No being randomly murdered in a terrorist event doesn't make these or any such victims HEROES just for being murdered. I'm not saying that. But they have the same worth as any other random victims of terror events.

I will add there is no some thin evidence being revealed that the terrorist was ALSO a racist. So if that gets better confirmed, it's possible they the victims were not only targeted for being gay men but also for being Latino. Let the investigation of the terrorist continue, including his sexual activities, but his sexual activities either way do not change what he DID.

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The reports of the possible homosexuality or bi-sexuality of the killer adds a wierd new twist to this attack. I know when I look at his photos my gaydar reads in the green zone. It might also explain the quick failure of his marriage (the ex wife has speculated he might have been gay).

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The reports of the possible homosexuality or bi-sexuality of the killer adds a wierd new twist to this attack. I know when I look at his photos my gaydar reads in the green zone. It might also explain the quick failure of his marriage (the ex wife has speculated he might have been gay).

ISIS has claimed responsibility for this attack. This was one of "their boys".

As it emerges he's likely gay, I would love to be a fly on the wall in ISIS HQ right about now.

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The reports of the possible homosexuality or bi-sexuality of the killer adds a wierd new twist to this attack. I know when I look at his photos my gaydar reads in the green zone. It might also explain the quick failure of his marriage (the ex wife has speculated he might have been gay).

ISIS has claimed responsibility for this attack. This was one of "their boys".

As it emerges he's likely gay, I would love to be a fly on the wall in ISIS HQ right about now.

iSIS will lay claim to anything that makes the west look bad.

The guy yelling whatever he did was most likely wanting to be seen as a terrorist to cover his sexuality from his Dad.

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The reports of the possible homosexuality or bi-sexuality of the killer adds a wierd new twist to this attack. I know when I look at his photos my gaydar reads in the green zone. It might also explain the quick failure of his marriage (the ex wife has speculated he might have been gay).

ISIS has claimed responsibility for this attack. This was one of "their boys".

As it emerges he's likely gay, I would love to be a fly on the wall in ISIS HQ right about now.

I doubt it.

He pledged allegiance to ISIS and carried out the most successful radical Islamist terror attack in the USA since 9-11.

He'll definitely get rewarded with his RAISINS.


Christoph Luxenberg, a scholar of ancient Semitic languages in Germany, argues that the Koran has been misread and mistranslated for centuries. His work, based on the earliest copies of the Koran, maintains that parts of Islam's holy book are derived from pre-existing Christian Aramaic texts that were misinterpreted by later Islamic scholars who prepared the editions of the Koran commonly read today. So, for example, the virgins who are supposedly awaiting good Islamic martyrs as their reward in paradise are in reality "white raisins" of crystal clarity rather than fair maidens.
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