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UK tabloid urges Britain to free itself from ‘dictatorial Brussels’


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The President of the unelected executive arm of the European Union (EU) has vowed to block all right wing populists from power across the continent, shortly after acquiring the power to exert “far-reaching sanctions” on elected governments.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, promised to exclude Norbert Hofer, the leader of Austria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ), from all EU decision-making if elected ahead of yesterday’s presidential vote.

The EU will isolate and use sanctions against any far-right or populist governments that are swept to power or presidential office on the wave of popular anger against migration.Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, made clear at the weekend that Norbert Hofer would have been frozen out of EU decision-making if he had been elected president of Austria. “There is no debate or dialogue with the far-right,” Mr Juncker said





So who gave him that right?!

The elected President of the EU Commission, which the EU Parliament approved, obviously made a political statement. That is his right as it is anybody’s right to make statements.

If he acts on that statement, he will do that according to the rights and obligations that the treaties assign to his position. If he oversteps, member states (e.g. Austria) or EU-institutions (Council of the Ministers or EU Parliament) can take the matter to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. On the political side, the EU parliament can vote for a motion of censure. With a respective majority the EU Parliament can force the whole Commission to resign.

The Commission is the guardian of the treaties. Recently, Poland and Hungary changed or tried to change their legislation in a way that the commission (and not only them) sees as a possible breach of the treaties. Juncker obviously made his statement in support of previous „warning shots“ in the direction of these countries.

The „Austrian case“ is a bit theoretical, as the right wing candidate did not make it. Furthermore, the Austrian President has no real power and is not involved in the EU decision making process anyway (as far as I know, anybody who knows better please correct me). That lets me believe that Juncker did not intend to act on his statement. If he had, see above regarding possible measures against him.

You can flower it up how you like, its got naff all to do with him who a country votes for and its got nothing to do with the Commission. After all we are all free countries..unless he gets his way

Indeed, free peoples can elect their governments as they choose. But the elected governments must stick to the EU treaties. If they do not, the Commission has the right and the obligation(!) to step in.

Yep ok I can go with that....why do you think folk are getting p155ed off with it because they should not be interfering. Not all the EU parliament approved Jumped Up Junker, we didn't and he wasn't elected democratically...did you vote for him...no you didn't and neither did I, some of Parliament may have approved him...so what!

If thats the case the House of Commons might as well vote our next PM in...would you class that as democratic? After all you voted for your local councillor who sits there

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Good riddance. Hopefully once we leave the EU, Scotland will leave too! thumbsup.gif

This would be a good example of the general intellectual level of the forum BREXIT contributor. And a role model Sun reader.

Indeed. An excellent contributor, with none of this PC BS. thumbsup.gif


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Could you please qualify 'unconstitutional'?

The EU won't like it but they can kiss my butt.

I mean the intervention off the Sovereign in the UK is "unconstitutional", or at least uncustomary. This has nothing to do with the EU. Then UK still has and will always have, even, as I hope, if it does remain in the EU, its own Sovereign with its own laws and customs.

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I couldn't agree more - let's hope the country sees sense and cuts ties with this fetid, corrupt and undemocratic union for all time (the UK, not the EU).

Even better, and take the poisoned dwarf Sturgeon with you.

Hadrian was right!

Take her where? She lives and works in Edinburgh - that was part of Scotland last time I checked.

Take her, yourself and all the other jocks out of Great Britain since you need it spelling out.

And don't forget to pay your bill first.


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Could you please qualify 'unconstitutional'?

The EU won't like it but they can kiss my butt.

I mean the intervention off the Sovereign in the UK is "unconstitutional", or at least uncustomary. This has nothing to do with the EU. Then UK still has and will always have, even, as I hope, if it does remain in the EU, its own Sovereign with its own laws and customs.

That is the major reason to vote Leave, as if we stay in the EU wants to take over all governments in the United States of Europe and the Near East.

Sovereignty will be the EU and the unelected that run the show.

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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

Answer: what more to ask for? The list of socialist usurpers and sycophants supporting Remain.

Their parading threats reveals a Who's Who of the EU's and UK's problems and abuses and excesses and pilfering.

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Even better, and take the poisoned dwarf Sturgeon with you.

Hadrian was right!

Take her where? She lives and works in Edinburgh - that was part of Scotland last time I checked.

Take her, yourself and all the other jocks out of Great Britain since you need it spelling out.

And don't forget to pay your bill first.


If we leave Great Britain, where do you suggest we go? That, I do need spelled out.

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I couldn't agree more - let's hope the country sees sense and cuts ties with this fetid, corrupt and undemocratic union for all time (the UK, not the EU).

Even better, and take the poisoned dwarf Sturgeon with you.

Hadrian was right!

Take her where? She lives and works in Edinburgh - that was part of Scotland last time I checked.

Take her, yourself and all the other jocks out of Great Britain since you need it spelling out.

And don't forget to pay your bill first.


So there we have it. BREXIT supporters offering hate EU, hate USA, hate Scotland and the rest of it. That is what they are offering. Nothing but anti-this and anti-that. A ragbag collection of unhappiness offering nothing. Absolutely nothing except a throwback Little Englander mentality. Its anti-Euro 2016 and football yob equivalence.

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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

Answer: what more to ask for? The list of socialist usurpers and sycophants supporting Remain.

Their parading threats reveals a Who's Who of the EU's and UK's problems and abuses and excesses and pilfering.

You have to laugh at the endless attempts to paint the Remain EU supporters as essentially a left-wing enterprise. ----> Star BREXIT supporters: Gorgeous George Galloway, Socialist Workers Party UK, Communist Party of Britain Marxist Leninist.

Edited by SheungWan
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As for the trade agreements and popping across the channel to do some shopping:

It is time the civil servants earned their exorbitant salaries, and since the UK is not in the Schengen area you still have to go through the boarder with a passport, so no difference.

Trade is a two way street, the EU sells us more then we sell it, so are they really not going to trade with us?

Grow up or wake up, Exit is the only way, or go down with the ship.


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As for the trade agreements and popping across the channel to do some shopping:

It is time the civil servants earned their exorbitant salaries, and since the UK is not in the Schengen area you still have to go through the boarder with a passport, so no difference.

Trade is a two way street, the EU sells us more then we sell it, so are they really not going to trade with us?

Grow up or wake up, Exit is the only way, or go down with the ship.


The striking naivety is incredible.

Do you think the existing trade relations are static?

Trade is a two way street, the EU sells us more then we sell it, so are they really not going to trade with us?

Clearly there will be further trade, but not under the same conditions.

What would change than?

Labor costs in the global competition? Duties? Prices? Location decisions? Exchange rate parities? Customs formalities? Investment behavior? Marginal costs of trade in global competition?

Since there are indeed some who waved when the Titanic went under.

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Rupert Murdoch is not British, not even European, but has tried his damnedest to F___ Up the UK for years by brainwashing Sun readers.

IMHO all owners of newspapers published in the UK should be subject to the the "Fit & Proper Person" test like football club owners

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As for the trade agreements and popping across the channel to do some shopping:

It is time the civil servants earned their exorbitant salaries, and since the UK is not in the Schengen area you still have to go through the boarder with a passport, so no difference.

Trade is a two way street, the EU sells us more then we sell it, so are they really not going to trade with us?

Grow up or wake up, Exit is the only way, or go down with the ship.


The striking naivety is incredible.

Do you think the existing trade relations are static?

Trade is a two way street, the EU sells us more then we sell it, so are they really not going to trade with us?

Clearly there will be further trade, but not under the same conditions.

What would change than?

Labor costs in the global competition? Duties? Prices? Location decisions? Exchange rate parities? Customs formalities? Investment behavior? Marginal costs of trade in global competition?

Since there are indeed some who waved when the Titanic went under.

Yep, time to get off and wave bye bye.

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Good riddance. Hopefully once we leave the EU, Scotland will leave too! thumbsup.gif

I couldn't agree more - let's hope the country sees sense and cuts ties with this fetid, corrupt and undemocratic union for all time (the UK, not the EU).

You need everything spelled out!

Make your Fifedom in Scotland with Sturgeon as Chief, get your own currency and apply to join the EU, AFTER you pay what you owe the rest of GB, but we know the Scots don't like to pay their bill.

Scotland has it's own parliament already, but you don't like interference from Westminster, just money, and you are happy to block the English getting things you have in Scotland at Westminster (Sunday trading being the latest).

Sturgeon wants an independent Scotland, I hope she gets her wish.

Good luck and good riddance, I will cry no tears.

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Rupert Murdoch is hedging his bets. The Sun is for Brexit but The Times is recommending Remain.

The Times has a circulation of 404,155

While the Sun has a circulation of 1,787,096

The working class may show their hand on the 23rd

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Good riddance. Hopefully once we leave the EU, Scotland will leave too! thumbsup.gif

This would be a good example of the general intellectual level of the forum BREXIT contributor. And a role model Sun reader.

So, I must have missed the anti-US comments, but let's face it, Scotland's 1st Krankie wants out of GB not the other way round, I just agree with her... Fan dabi dosi!

And tell me what is Remain selling, NO positives just doom and gloom if we were to leave.

Maybe you should learn to read all of the comments before replying.

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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

Answer: what more to ask for? The list of socialist usurpers and sycophants supporting Remain.

Their parading threats reveals a Who's Who of the EU's and UK's problems and abuses and excesses and pilfering.

Obama is another idiot US President who has only a few months left in office.

It makers little difference who is the next US President, there will still be a certain amount of UK/US "special relationship" in or out of the EU.

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Good riddance. Hopefully once we leave the EU, Scotland will leave too! thumbsup.gif

I couldn't agree more - let's hope the country sees sense and cuts ties with this fetid, corrupt and undemocratic union for all time (the UK, not the EU).

You need everything spelled out!

Make your Fifedom in Scotland with Sturgeon as Chief, get your own currency and apply to join the EU, AFTER you pay what you owe the rest of GB, but we know the Scots don't like to pay their bill.

Scotland has it's own parliament already, but you don't like interference from Westminster, just money, and you are happy to block the English getting things you have in Scotland at Westminster (Sunday trading being the latest).

Sturgeon wants an independent Scotland, I hope she gets her wish.

Good luck and good riddance, I will cry no tears.

There is so much I clearly need spelled out to me, but I am sure a man of your intellect is going to make it clear for me:

1) How can Scotland leave Great Britain, as you suggested it do in post 94?

2) What is a 'Fifedom'? Did you mean to write feifdom, or are you suggesting that St Andrews makes a bid to become the new Scottish capital?

3) Assuming that you meant to write feifdom, how can you describe a country that has a democratically elected government that enjoys unprecedented levels of support as being feudal? Do you actuall understand what the term 'feudalism' mean?

4) That thing about the Sunday trading - sorry about that, but it has been explained to death (maybe you missed it). Because of the refusal of Westminster to devolve responsibility of much of Scotland's affairs, and their insistence on retaining the block grant, virtually anything that is decided for England will impact Scotland by way of funding. We didn't want this situation (even those of us who want to remain part of the septic UK didn't want it) but the nasty party, with their 1 Scottish MP, can still impose their will on my country (and you suggest that the SNP is feudal!).

5) Can you tot up the bill please - I think you will be surprised to find that we would actually be due a refund, but there is so much else wrong in your understanding that your morning might possibly be filled with surprises, should you choose to educate yourself.

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Good riddance. Hopefully once we leave the EU, Scotland will leave too! thumbsup.gif

This would be a good example of the general intellectual level of the forum BREXIT contributor. And a role model Sun reader.

So, I must have missed the anti-US comments, but let's face it, Scotland's 1st Krankie wants out of GB not the other way round, I just agree with her... Fan dabi dosi!

And tell me what is Remain selling, NO positives just doom and gloom if we were to leave.

Maybe you should learn to read all of the comments before replying.

Your references to GB make me wonder whether you are actually a troll.

Do you seriously not understand the difference between Great Britain and the United Kingdom?

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Well that is it, a triple whammy. Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and now Rupert Murdoch all support BREXIT what more could you ask for. What a pity that Sarah Palin cannot see Europe from her house or I am sure she would concur.

Answer: what more to ask for? The list of socialist usurpers and sycophants supporting Remain.

Their parading threats reveals a Who's Who of the EU's and UK's problems and abuses and excesses and pilfering.

You have to laugh at the endless attempts to paint the Remain EU supporters as essentially a left-wing enterprise. ----> Star BREXIT supporters: Gorgeous George Galloway, Socialist Workers Party UK, Communist Party of Britain Marxist Leninist.

Two of these Labour leaders caused many of the UK's present problems. One was a committed anti EU until he became his parties leader and finally another one of these champagne socialist has become a millionaire since gaining employment on the gravy train.

Two people sharing an umbrella do not translate into two people going the same destination. The left necessarily pulls from the rain all manner of intellectual detritus, especially those with no more an eye then the larceny of other people's industry. Thus the parts of the left ate often not smart enough to ever guide the whole- most just want...stuff!
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As for the trade agreements and popping across the channel to do some shopping:

It is time the civil servants earned their exorbitant salaries, and since the UK is not in the Schengen area you still have to go through the boarder with a passport, so no difference.

Trade is a two way street, the EU sells us more then we sell it, so are they really not going to trade with us?

Grow up or wake up, Exit is the only way, or go down with the ship.


The striking naivety is incredible.

Do you think the existing trade relations are static?

Trade is a two way street, the EU sells us more then we sell it, so are they really not going to trade with us?

Clearly there will be further trade, but not under the same conditions.

What would change than?

Labor costs in the global competition? Duties? Prices? Location decisions? Exchange rate parities? Customs formalities? Investment behavior? Marginal costs of trade in global competition?

Since there are indeed some who waved when the Titanic went under.

Am I correct in stating that economically the EU is a shrinking market? And also is it not true that when we were deceived into joining a trading partnership called the EEC,that tariffs were quite high,unlike today when they are negligible in comparison.

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As for the trade agreements and popping across the channel to do some shopping:

It is time the civil servants earned their exorbitant salaries, and since the UK is not in the Schengen area you still have to go through the boarder with a passport, so no difference.

Trade is a two way street, the EU sells us more then we sell it, so are they really not going to trade with us?

Grow up or wake up, Exit is the only way, or go down with the ship.


The striking naivety is incredible.

Do you think the existing trade relations are static?

Trade is a two way street, the EU sells us more then we sell it, so are they really not going to trade with us?

Clearly there will be further trade, but not under the same conditions.

What would change than?

Labor costs in the global competition? Duties? Prices? Location decisions? Exchange rate parities? Customs formalities? Investment behavior? Marginal costs of trade in global competition?

Since there are indeed some who waved when the Titanic went under.

Am I correct in stating that economically the EU is a shrinking market? And also is it not true that when we were deceived into joining a trading partnership called the EEC,that tariffs were quite high,unlike today when they are negligible in comparison.



And true.

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What do these groups/people have in comon?

Governor of the Bank of England

International Monetary Fund

Institute for Fiscal Studies

Confederation of British Industry

Leaders/heads of state of every single other member of the EU

President of the United States of America

Eight former US Treasury Secretaries

President of China

Prime Minister of India

Prime Minister of Canada

Prime Minister of Australia

Prime Minister of Japan

Prime Minister of New Zealand

The chief executives of most of the top 100 companies in the UK including Marks and Spencer, BT, Asda, Vodafone, Virgin, IBM, BMW etc.

Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations

All living former Prime Ministers of the UK (from both parties)

Virtually all reputable and recognised economists

The Prime Minister of the UK

The leader of the Labour Party

The Leader of the Liberal Democrats

The Leader of the Green Party

The Leader of the Scottish National Party

The leader of Plaid Cymru

Leader of Sinn Fein

Martin Lewis, that money saving dude off the telly

The Secretary General of the TUC


National Union of Students

National Union of Farmers

Stephen Hawking

Chief Executive of the NHS

300 of the most prominent international historians

Director of Europol

David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation

Former Directors of GCHQ

Secretary General of Nato

Church of England

Church in Scotland

Church in Wales

Friends of the Earth


Director General of the World Trade Organisation


World Bank


And these?

Boris Johnson, who probably doesnt really care either way, but knows hell become Prime Minister if the country votes to leave

A former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions who carried out a brutal regime of cuts to benefits and essential support for the poorest in society as well as the disabled and sick

That idiot that was Education Secretary and every single teacher in the country hated with a furious passion for the damage he was doing to the education system

Leader of UKIP


Britain First

Donald Trump

Keith Chegwin

David Icke

Not forgetting Rupert Murdoch and The Sun

Who gives a sh!t.

They all have one vote like the rest of us. Some of them do not even have a vote.

The fact that your 1st list could not not convince the public to stay in the EU is very telling.

Just like the majority of the politicians you list here. They are all out of touch with public opinion.

Government is supposed to represent the people, not big business. That why they are getting their collective asses handed to them on a plate.

I don't give a shit and, anyway, I've already voted.

I was trying to help those who are undecided or those who need guidance. thumbsup.gif

Why are names like Martin McGuiness and Gerry Adams omitted from these propaganda idiot lists? And who are you to "help" us that are not enlightened as much as yourself.

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Rupert Murdoch is not British, not even European, but has tried his damnedest to F___ Up the UK for years by brainwashing Sun readers.

IMHO all owners of newspapers published in the UK should be subject to the the "Fit & Proper Person" test like football club owners

Or more easily, any business operating in the UK should be 51% owned by British Nationals.

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