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Clinton and Sanders to meet as DC marks the final primary


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Clinton and Sanders to meet as DC marks the final primary

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are ending the primary calendar with a face-to-face meeting on Tuesday that could set the tone for Democratic unity and next month's party convention in Philadelphia.

Clinton and Sanders plan to meet on the night of the final presidential primary in the District of Columbia, a contest that will have no bearing on Clinton's role as the presumptive nominee but marks a transition in the lengthy primary fight between the two rivals.

The Vermont senator has vowed to do all he can to prevent Republican Donald Trump from reaching the White House but suggested he will not endorse Clinton immediately. Sanders said the private meeting will help him determine how committed Clinton will be to the policy issues he has staked out during his 13-month campaign.

"I simply want to get a sense of what kind of platform she will be supporting, whether she will be vigorous in standing up for working families and the middle class, moving aggressively in climate change, health care for all, making public colleges and universities tuition-free," Sanders said in an interview Sunday with NBC's "Meet the Press." After the discussion, Sanders said he will "be able to make other decisions."

Sanders met last week with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, who both later endorsed Clinton, and signaled to Democrats that he hopes to play a constructive role in helping the party regain control of the Senate in the 2016 elections.

The self-described democratic socialist says he will take his campaign to the convention in July and advocate for his policy issues in the platform while urging Democrats to be more inclusive of independents, young people and working-class voters, all of whom were pivotal in his victories in 22 states. But what that will look like still remains unclear and Sanders has been soliciting advice from supporters on how he should take his campaign forward.

Sanders will huddle Tuesday with Senate Democrats during their weekly luncheon, following up on meetings last week with Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the party's incoming Senate leader.

Clinton will hold a rally in Pittsburgh and attend a private Washington fundraiser before her meeting with Sanders. A Clinton campaign official said the two agreed to meet when they spoke last Tuesday and the former secretary of state looks forward to discussing how they can "advance their shared commitment to a progressive agenda and work together to stop Donald Trump in the general election."

The mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, has commanded the attention of both campaigns and prompted Democrats to point to Trump's call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S., an issue they view as a key contrast in the general election.

Without mentioning Trump by name, Clinton warned during a speech in Cleveland that demonizing Muslims would only empower extremist groups. "We should be intensifying contacts in those communities, not scapegoating or isolating them," she said.

Sanders attended a vigil in his hometown of Burlington, Vermont, on Monday night to show solidarity with the victims. Pointing to Trump's comments about Muslims, Sanders said the shooting was conducted by "one hateful person" and not committed by the Muslim people.

"Our job is not to allow politicians, Mr. Trump or anyone else, to divide us up by where our family came from, the color of our skin, our religion or our sexual orientation," Sanders said.

Looking forward, Sanders has begun helping Democrats preparing for congressional races and the battle to regain control of the Senate.

An early test of his clout will come Tuesday in Nevada, where a Sanders-backed congressional candidate, Lucy Flores, competes in a three-way primary.

Sanders has opened up his campaign's massive email donor list to several Democratic candidates, hauling in more than $2.4 million for his allies. Flores has been the top recipient of those appeals, collecting about $390,000 from an email Sanders sent in April on behalf of her and two other candidates.


Associated Press writer Wilson Ring in Burlington, Vermont, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-14

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Hillary Clinton wins DC primary, as she meets with Sanders

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton brought a close to the presidential primary season with a win Tuesday in the nation's capital and a meeting with dispatched rival Bernie Sanders, hoping to set a tone of Democratic unity heading into next month's party convention in Philadelphia.

Clinton's win in the District of Columbia, the final primary of 2016, had no bearing on her role as the presumptive nominee, but it nevertheless marked a transition in the lengthy primary fight between the two rivals.

"We're going to have a wide-ranging conversation, because we share a lot of the same goals," Clinton said Tuesday night in an interview with Telemundo. "We both want to raise the minimum wage, we want to fight inequality of income, we want to make college affordable and we certainly want everybody to get health care."

She added, "I very much am looking forward to having his support in this campaign, because Donald Trump poses a serious threat to our nation."

Before polls closed in Washington, Sanders vowed again to do all he can to prevent the presumptive Republican presidential nominee from reaching the White House — but he declined to endorse Clinton.

The two met for about 90 minutes Tuesday night at a Washington, D.C., hotel, but neither spoke to reporters after the session.

The Vermont senator had said the private meeting would help him determine how committed Clinton will be to the policy issues he has staked out during his 13-month campaign.

"Our goal must not be to allow politicians, Donald Trump or anyone else, to divide us," Sanders said outside his Washington headquarters, telling reporters he will continue to "fight as hard as we can" to transform the Democratic Party.

Sanders said he would push for new leadership in the Democratic National Committee — his campaign has sparred with Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the party's chair — along with a progressive platform in the summer convention and electoral changes, such as primaries that allow independents to participate and the elimination of superdelegates.

"We need major, major changes in the Democratic Party," he said.

Sanders was warmly received Tuesday by Senate Democrats at their weekly luncheon, where he offered an update about his campaign and some of the lessons he had learned during the past year. Lawmakers in attendance said Sanders did not indicate his future plans.

"He had an opportunity to talk to us about his campaign and how it has changed him and what he has learned," said Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. "I think we all listened intently because we are anxious to always do better and grow as a party and be more inclusive."

Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., who leads the Senate Democrats' campaign arm, said Sanders "absolutely will" support fellow Senate Democrats in the fall elections. "It was productive, it was good, it was vintage Bernie," Tester said.

Sanders met last week with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, who both later endorsed Clinton, and signaled to Democrats that he hopes to play a constructive role in helping the party regain control of the Senate in the 2016 elections.

The self-described democratic socialist says he will take his campaign to the convention in July and advocate for his policy issues in the platform while urging Democrats to be more inclusive of independents, young people and working-class voters, all of whom were pivotal in his victories in 22 states. But what that will look like still remains unclear, and Sanders has been soliciting advice from supporters on how he should take his campaign forward.

The mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, has commanded the attention of both campaigns and prompted Democrats to point to Trump's call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S., an issue they view as a key contrast in the general election.

Without mentioning Trump by name, Clinton warned during a speech in Cleveland on Monday that demonizing Muslims would only empower extremist groups. "We should be intensifying contacts in those communities, not scapegoating or isolating them," she said.

Sanders attended a vigil in his hometown of Burlington, Vermont, on Monday night to show solidarity with the victims. Pointing to Trump's comments about Muslims, Sanders said the shooting was conducted by "one hateful person" and not committed by the Muslim people.

Looking forward, Sanders has begun helping Democrats preparing for congressional races and the battle to regain control of the Senate.

An early test of his clout will come Tuesday in Nevada, where a Sanders-backed congressional candidate, Lucy Flores, competes in a three-way primary.

Sanders has opened up his campaign's massive email donor list to several Democratic candidates, hauling in more than $2.4 million for his allies. Flores has been the top recipient of those appeals, collecting about $390,000 from an email Sanders sent in April on behalf of her and two other candidates.


AP Congressional Correspondent Erica Werner and AP writer Wilson Ring in Burlington, Vermont, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-15

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So, as long as Clinton convincingly lies to his face about running as a female version of him, he will then endorse her. rolleyes.gif

he should run now as independent not to have his votes go to the bitch.

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Bernie has lost the plot. First he does not want Super Delegates, then he wants Super

Delegates to count and vote for him. HRC beat Bernie in both the vote count and the

delegate count. If there were no Super Delegates HRC would have wrapped up the race

long ago. It is only because of Super Delegates that the Democratic convention

will be needed to crown the winner. I do like Bernie's unachievable goals but I also

like Trumps shaking up of the 1% control of both parties. Both parties are firmly in

bed with Wall St./Big Business 1%'ers. The Democrats just don't want to fully

rape the planet to do it. (just date rape) blink.png

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