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The Interior Ministry will send a report to the government asking for legal action to be taken against the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) over irregularities found in a petition it submitted to the Royal Palace and National Assembly last month.The ministry accused the CNRP of forging public documents.

Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak could not be reached for comment, but told local media outlets that the petition, which calls for royal intervention in the case of five detained human rights officials and many other issues, was riddled with inconsistences and factual errors. The ministry’s research commission claims CNRP member Yem Ponhearith lied when he wrote that the party was able to acquire signatures and thumbprints from 25 provinces and cities.

Mr. Sopheak said the petition only had representatives of 21 provinces and cities and some thumbprints had an address but no name or a name and no thumbprint or address. Some people put the same thumbprint multiple times, with one even appearing 84 times, according the commission. He said the ministry was formally accusing Mr. Ponhearith of faking public documents sent to the King. If found guilty, Mr. Ponhearith could face between six months and five years in prison.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/26287/cnrp-threatened-over-petition/

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