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DIVIDED AMERICA: Gun views fractious even as fewer bear arms


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The Sandy Hook and Orlando massacres are brought to you, in part, by the NRA.

More accurately, they were brought to you by over-medicating kids and stopping the FBI from investigating Muslims. Fixing those two things would save a lot more lives than banning guns would.

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They always point to the second amendment, the one that gives us militia and muskets. I'd like to see the new liberal Supreme Court put a stop to guns. Interpret the constitution differently. Make guns a safety threat that supercedes all the right to own bullshit.

The threat to America isn't radical Islam, it's radical Republicans.

Enough with the guns. Vote the wingnuts out.

Are you sure that everyone would agree to a one-party mobocracy backed by a politically-biased Supreme Court?

Do you know what the purpose of the U.S. Constitution was and still is?

If the Constitution is outdated, why is an oath to uphold it a requirement for many government positions?

Lose the "musket" nonsense. It was human-stopping, lethal force then and still is and for the same reasons. It was used by murderers then as it is being used by them now.

Shooting down the "musket" nonsense...


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I'm off to LA in a few weeks, flying from Doha.

There may be muslims on my plane.

Should I be scared?


Should you be scared Chicog? Nahhh... but I reckon you should definitely be afraid...

I'm afraid they'll run out of Pol Roger, because I know who I'm flying with, but that's about it.

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Great, so Piers Morgan is asking for gun nuts to get stealth bombers, cruise missiles and chemical weapons.

No bloody thank you.


Agree Chicog, that argument above sounds like an arms race to me, not a logical discussion of the mighty US second amendment.

So speaking hypothetically... if you think your neighbour's got a flame-thrower in his garage, and you think he's a threat because he looked at you funny yesterday... sweet! You can get one too! Because you need to DEFEND yourself from this threat! You have to (literally) fight fire with fire! So the same goes I take it for any hypothetical weapon your neighbour could be packing? A grenade launcher? Heat-seeking anti-aircraft missles?A Dreadnought Battleship?

The argument above is almost as stupid as those examples I've given. But I'm a NumbNut, and I've got an excuse wai2.gif

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Great, so Piers Morgan is asking for gun nuts to get stealth bombers, cruise missiles and chemical weapons.

No bloody thank you.


Agree Chicog, that argument above sounds like an arms race to me, not a logical discussion of the mighty US second amendment.

So speaking hypothetically... if you think your neighbour's got a flame-thrower in his garage, and you think he's a threat because he looked at you funny yesterday... sweet! You can get one too! Because you need to DEFEND yourself from this threat! You have to (literally) fight fire with fire! So the same goes I take it for any hypothetical weapon your neighbour could be packing? A grenade launcher? Heat-seeking anti-aircraft missles?A Dreadnought Battleship?

The argument above is almost as stupid as those examples I've given. But I'm a NumbNut, and I've got an excuse wai2.gif

You are both missing the point. Leftists trying to disarm Americans always like to say the 2nd Amendment is about muskets and she shoots down that line of BS in spectacular fashion.

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Great, so Piers Morgan is asking for gun nuts to get stealth bombers, cruise missiles and chemical weapons.

No bloody thank you.


Agree Chicog, that argument above sounds like an arms race to me, not a logical discussion of the mighty US second amendment.

So speaking hypothetically... if you think your neighbour's got a flame-thrower in his garage, and you think he's a threat because he looked at you funny yesterday... sweet! You can get one too! Because you need to DEFEND yourself from this threat! You have to (literally) fight fire with fire! So the same goes I take it for any hypothetical weapon your neighbour could be packing? A grenade launcher? Heat-seeking anti-aircraft missles?A Dreadnought Battleship?

The argument above is almost as stupid as those examples I've given. But I'm a NumbNut, and I've got an excuse wai2.gif

You are both missing the point. Leftists trying to disarm Americans always like to say the 2nd Amendment is about muskets and she shoots down that line of BS in spectacular fashion.

Please take Piers Morgan back. Pleaaaaasssseee.

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You are both missing the point. Leftists trying to disarm Americans always like to say the 2nd Amendment is about muskets and she shoots down that line of BS in spectacular fashion.

You're right, the muskets bit is frivolous.

We should really be paying attention to the "well regulated" part of the militia, because the gun lobby always seem to ignore that.

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Proof, Obamas is taking away our guns!


The video tape is featured on the super wacky Alex Jones Conspiracy Channel.



On the anniversary of 9-11, at the TEXAS STATE Capitol, a few Texas rednecks strap on some rifles and 44 handguns, then casually walking around, flaunting a loophole in the Texas State Gun Law.

They morons are taunting the police, playing these games on 9-11 anniversary, a day when the police are on high alert.

This is their proof that Obama is taking away the guns!

What nonsense & the Trump supporters eat this stuff up.

The proof they have been looking for all these years......It's happening! They are taking the guns!

Edited by Buzzz
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NRA recently gave $36 million to the 54 Congresspeople who are most adamant at enabling everyone to get guns.

It worked. They shut down all 4 recent bills which tried to restrain easy availability of semi-automatic weapons.

The kids killed at Sandy Hook don't have that sort of bribe money to influence politicians.

NRA + Trump + Republican gun lovers + tens of millions of dollars = WIN

Sandy Hook pre-schoolers + gays partying in Orlando + little money = LOSE

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