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E-cigarettes - "light up" and face years in jail


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Sorry, not meaning to offend, but there's so much wrong with your post. Nearly everything you quoted has either been completely debunked or is misleading in very significant ways.

The vast majority of folks who vape (including myself) are former cigarette smokers and as such, we're very interested in getting as many facts as possible. Make no mistake, I read a LOT of related information, and if I thought for one moment that vaping was more hazardous than smoking cigarettes, I absolutely wouldn't do it. I'm absolutely convinced that's not the case.

That's not to say that I believe vaping is harmless. I'm sure that it isn't, but I'm equally sure that it represents harm reduction. Public Health England agrees with me, concluding that e-cigarettes are 95% safer than cigarettes:


Here's a list of known carcinogens in cigarette smoke (33 in all!):


Nearly all of those are not contained in e-cigarettes, and the very few that are are present in trace amounts compared to cigarette smoke. (Important to note that nicotine isn't one of them...people smoke for the nicotine but die from all the other crap in a cigarette)

But even with all those known carcinogens, you can walk into any 7-11 and buy a pack of smokes any time. Just who are they trying to protect with e-cig regulation, hmm?

When reading articles that demonize e-cigarettes (especially those that come from the FDA and the American Lung Association), it's very important to follow the money. Big Tobacco has a lot at stake with e-cigarettes, as do USA state (and I assume global) tax revenues which figure to see sharp reductions in tobacco taxes, which are very significant.

For those who need their nicotine E-cigarettes is a much healthier way to take it rather via normal tobacco cigarettes with all the associated health problems.

Nicotine on it's own is not carcinogenic but just about everything else in a tobacco cigarette is. E-Cigarettes are encouraged in some countries in preference to tobacco cigarettes which kill people. But no not in Thailand, it is more important to collect tax rather than save lives.

From the American Lung Association: http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking/smoking-facts/e-cigarettes-and-lung-health.html?referrer=https://www.google.co.th/

Starting in August 2016, FDA will begin to apply and enforce key provisions of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act as it relates to the sales, marketing and manufacturing of e-cigarettes.

We don't presently know what is in e-cigarettes. However, in initial lab tests conducted in 2009 the FDA found detectable levels of toxic cancer-causing chemicals, including an ingredient used in anti-freeze, in two leading brands of e-cigarettes and 18 various cartridges. A review of studies found that levels of toxins in e-cigarette aerosol varied considerably within and between brands. A 2014 study found that aerosol from e-cigarettes with a higher voltage level contains more formaldehyde, another carcinogen with the potential to cause cancer. The findings are alarming, and underscores why the American Lung Association called so urgently for FDA oversight of these products.

Flavors in e-cigarettes are also a cause for concern. Not only are flavors used to target kids, but they may be harmful on their own. E-cigarette and flavor manufacturers and marketers may suggest that the flavor ingredients used in e-cigarettes are safe because they have FEMA GRASTM status for use in food, but such statements are false and misleading. The reality is that FEMA GRASTM status only applies to food, meaning it's safe to eat, and does not apply to inhaling through e-cigarettes.

Diacetyl, a buttery flavored chemical often added to food products such as popcorn, caramel, and dairy products, has also been found in some e-cigarettes with flavors. Diacetyl can cause a serious and irreversible lung disease commonly known as "popcorn lung."4

Poisoning concern

Aside from concerns about e-cigarette use and emissions alone, data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that calls to the nation's poison centers for e-cigarette exposure poisonings are rapidly increasing. One study found that while most calls involving e-cigarette liquid poisoning came from accidental ingestion of the e-cigarette or its liquid, about one-sixth of the calls related to someone inhaling these items. Exposure through the eye and the skin were also reported.

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For those who need their nicotine E-cigarettes is a much healthier way to take it rather via normal tobacco cigarettes with all the associated health problems.

Nicotine on it's own is not carcinogenic but just about everything else in a tobacco cigarette is. E-Cigarettes are encouraged in some countries in preference to tobacco cigarettes which kill people. But no not in Thailand, it is more important to collect tax rather than save lives.

From the American Lung Association: http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking/smoking-facts/e-cigarettes-and-lung-health.html?referrer=https://www.google.co.th/

Starting in August 2016, FDA will begin to apply and enforce key provisions of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act as it relates to the sales, marketing and manufacturing of e-cigarettes.

We don't presently know what is in e-cigarettes. However, in initial lab tests conducted in 2009 the FDA found detectable levels of toxic cancer-causing chemicals, including an ingredient used in anti-freeze, in two leading brands of e-cigarettes and 18 various cartridges. A review of studies found that levels of toxins in e-cigarette aerosol varied considerably within and between brands. A 2014 study found that aerosol from e-cigarettes with a higher voltage level contains more formaldehyde, another carcinogen with the potential to cause cancer. The findings are alarming, and underscores why the American Lung Association called so urgently for FDA oversight of these products.

Flavors in e-cigarettes are also a cause for concern. Not only are flavors used to target kids, but they may be harmful on their own. E-cigarette and flavor manufacturers and marketers may suggest that the flavor ingredients used in e-cigarettes are safe because they have FEMA GRASTM status for use in food, but such statements are false and misleading. The reality is that FEMA GRASTM status only applies to food, meaning it's safe to eat, and does not apply to inhaling through e-cigarettes.

Diacetyl, a buttery flavored chemical often added to food products such as popcorn, caramel, and dairy products, has also been found in some e-cigarettes with flavors. Diacetyl can cause a serious and irreversible lung disease commonly known as "popcorn lung."4

Poisoning concern

Aside from concerns about e-cigarette use and emissions alone, data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that calls to the nation's poison centers for e-cigarette exposure poisonings are rapidly increasing. One study found that while most calls involving e-cigarette liquid poisoning came from accidental ingestion of the e-cigarette or its liquid, about one-sixth of the calls related to someone inhaling these items. Exposure through the eye and the skin were also reported.

I don't give a flying *uck what the FDA or the American Lung Association think about e-cigs and vaping -- they're both in the pocket of pharmaceuticals and Big Tobacco.... And if you took the time to really research some of their claims you've listed above @Suradit69 by re-posting that drivel, you'd know they're absolute BS! I'm not going to go through every point, but one blatant lie is that when properly used, e-cigs DO NOT contain more formaldehyde (or even a measurably dangerous amount) -- people do not normally vape at the temps/conditions that biased test used! I humbly suggest for you to do some more objective research and get your facts straight before you start promulgating such ludicrous propaganda, which I can bet you have little personal experience with...

So again, the FDA and ALA can stick it where the sun don't shine -- after 25 years and nearly 3 packs of stinkies a day, 1 1/2 years ago I switched to completely over to vaping (a process which took about a week) -- and haven't touched a cigarette since! And I feel 5 times healthier; I cough less than most non-smokers and can also run or MTB rings around most non-smokers. I also don't smell like an ashtray anymore (same with my clothes/room), making life more pleasant/healthier for my daughter and dogs. So are you and the FDA REALLY going to tell me e-cigs (which contain approx. 4,000 less harmful chemicals than cigarettes) are worse (or even equally bad) when compared to traditional tobacco products????

Brilliant reply, GForce!!! You save me a lot of time typing, as I couldn't have said it any better myself. thumbsup.gif

Sad though to see, that there still are people out there who believe all the crap mainstream and some "official" health, pharma, whatever "organisations" feed them... Isn't it obvious that they all are under the boot of cartels? Sometimes I feel that the whole world is in a kind of coma and I (along with a very few selected others, like you) am the only one awake. It sucks!

What else will these idiots come up with? Legalising hit and run while implementing 10 years jail time if you park your car in a slot reserved for the disabled? What the <deleted> is wrong with this country... respectively with the world? sad.png

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This is sick and over the top,,,,,No ,no excuse in Thailand It's

All about Power, Tax,Import Duty,Corruption & Money,,

Don't worry about People's Health If they want to stop smoking

and go get Hooked on Ja Ba. Life Doesn't mean Anything it's not

worth 1 Corrupted Baht

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Are the tobacco companies pulling a few strings. I thought people turn to E cig in a bid to kick the nicotine habit.

Nope.... not for kicking the nicotine habit. Real E-cigs are still giving you your nicotine. (There are also very cheap phoney vapor cigs that do nothing but make a vapor "smoke". But those are not the real thing.)

E-liquids for E-cigarettes commonly come in 24 mg, 18 mg, 12 mg, or 6 mg nicotine strengths among others.

They are so you can still "smoke" and get your nicotine hit, without the damage from tars etc. I know a couple of people that use them and have no intention of quitting smoking. They love their nicotine.

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So a serious mental and physical health problem like Methamphetamine should be legal... ??

However, other than the sub standard and unregulated products that Suradit69 pointed out in the FDA study (Don't vape popcorn, duh...!!), something that poses no major health risk are illegal especially when compared to the standard cigarettes that are proven killers.

And this whole decision was based on one misconception that one e-cig was like 15 normal cigs. Even though you would have to puff on that e-cig all day to get to 15 normal cigs was not considered.

The ignorance is baffling... =0

And the argument about tobacco companies does not sit with me. E-cig products with nicotine in them must get it from somewhere and that is most likely extracted from tobacco unless there is another way I am not aware of... ??

Teaching in this country and seeing the education system up close and personal does account for the mentality, ignorance, an incompetence seen in officially held positions.

It seems that more than half of this country sleeps its way through life and just does whatever it feels like at the moment without any real analysis or forethought in regards to actual planning and research.

Throwing "Face" out the window and learning a little humility, learning to save dignity, would go a long way here... !!

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I guess most of the street vendors in bkk and pattaya are exempt from this law. They still have them for sale and I am sure the police are aware of what goods are being sold in those shops.

As for the crime I would assume that if you bought your e-cigarette before 2014 that you are exempt from this law if you are caught in possession of it?

Do not assume anything in Thailand.

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just another way for the cops and their associated criminals to collect money from people not really doing anything wrong. remember when they banned elephants from bangkok? fair enough as they were a hazard, however they did not fine the owners of the elephants selling bananas to tourists to feed the elephants, they fined the tourists feeding them. cops dont want to stop crime, they want to profit from it.

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So, I watched this western tourist vaping away on his e-cigarette in a restaurant last night, which I thought is actually a good thing to do trying to kick the habit since his wife was still puffing away on the real thing, I now have to picture that suddenly the BIB would show up and take the man away to the monkey house...?!? Not sure whether the that LOS tourist minister would be happy with that....whistling.gif

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Hey, just a heads up if you are worried about the American Lung Association (Notice it starts with the word American which = Corrupt these days). The cancerous chemical in e-cigs that they are talking about being in antifreeze is called Propylene Glycol and just because you can pull that it is associated to antifreeze off of Wiki-whatever doesn't mean anything. If you actually do some research into the substance itself you will find it is also in plenty of other things that you ingest daily in America in much higher doses than any E-cig can give you. I have ran my own health tests. Smoked 2 packs a day while working in Afghanistan for 3 years. Blew into the doctors machine, he told me my lung age was 75 years old. Switched to vaping for exactly 1 year, went back and blew into the same machine, told me my lung age was 38 years old. Only test the doctor and I needed to see. Sold. It may not be healthy for you, but it damn sure is not equal to or greater than cigarettes.

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It must be a big crime , Thailand wake the hell up. Paradise lost.

Whatever paradise was left went up in smoke when they buddied up with the Chinese. Welcome to the bad old days.

Hawker, I mourn the good old days, same as you! My sympathies! Some days I just wanna cry comparing the magical paradise I found over two decades ago and the golden cage I live in now... What the <deleted> happened??? sad.png

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I am a non smoker, but this law is ridiculous! I have friends with very advanced e cigarettes (not the junk from China) where both nicotine and smoke can be adjusted. Result: they stopped smoking foul smelling cigarettes, are no longer addicted and have no more coughs. Yeah, legalise booze and amphetamines but outlaw e cigarettes. Makes sense.

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Hey, just a heads up if you are worried about the American Lung Association (Notice it starts with the word American which = Corrupt these days). The cancerous chemical in e-cigs that they are talking about being in antifreeze is called Propylene Glycol and just because you can pull that it is associated to antifreeze off of Wiki-whatever doesn't mean anything. If you actually do some research into the substance itself you will find it is also in plenty of other things that you ingest daily in America in much higher doses than any E-cig can give you. I have ran my own health tests. Smoked 2 packs a day while working in Afghanistan for 3 years. Blew into the doctors machine, he told me my lung age was 75 years old. Switched to vaping for exactly 1 year, went back and blew into the same machine, told me my lung age was 38 years old. Only test the doctor and I needed to see. Sold. It may not be healthy for you, but it damn sure is not equal to or greater than cigarettes.

Fritos, now you calculate the amount of tax for two packs, times 365, and the sum is what damage you have caused "the system"... Seen from their perspective - you're a criminal! smile.png Plus now there is the threat that you actually might become healthy and reach the age required to claim your pension - causing even more damage to the system, you're a bad, bad criminal my friend, baaaad!!!! smile.png

Edited by MockingJay
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My best friends son was smoking an e-cigarettes when it exploded and took out all his front teeth and broke his jaw. Also, the battery shot across the room and caught the drapes on fire! He had to put out the drapes while bleeding while in extreme pain. So if health hazards don't bother you maybe a few missing teeth and a broken jaw may convince you.

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Thailand has their priorities wrong. How about just enforcing tobacco smoking inside restaurants because it is against the law. I quit eating at places that allow smoking.

No, that would be logical and make sense... Thus - ILLEGAL at least in this dic... sorry, "country"

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My best friends son was smoking an e-cigarettes when it exploded and took out all his front teeth and broke his jaw. Also, the battery shot across the room and caught the drapes on fire! He had to put out the drapes while bleeding while in extreme pain. So if health hazards don't bother you maybe a few missing teeth and a broken jaw may convince you.

That's what happens when you use batteries that are not designed to be used in mods, especially mechanicals. Like using a bicycle chain in a chainsaw. RTFM.
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Typically this happens when you continue vaping with cheap e-cigs or damaged e-cigs. If you look up lithium battery and moisture you can learn about the scientific aspect of it all. Not only e-cigs using lithium batteries. My e-cig was the most dropped of all of my handheld appliances. It's a piece of machinery, completely on the user to ensure it is in adequate working order or that he/she purchases it and all associated accessories and e-juice from reputable companies and preferably NOT online unless they are a well known company. Plenty of IPhones have blown up too. They are still worldwide. P.S. you can also start a fire in your pocket if you drop one of these batteries in there with your keys or coins.

My best friends son was smoking an e-cigarettes when it exploded and took out all his front teeth and broke his jaw. Also, the battery shot across the room and caught the drapes on fire! He had to put out the drapes while bleeding while in extreme pain. So if health hazards don't bother you maybe a few missing teeth and a broken jaw may convince you.

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So it's ok for Hiso families to drive around drunk killing innocents and getting virtually Scott free but you light up an artifice bunger and you 5 years in the slammer.

What's wrong with this picture Thailand ?

If you want justice ,go live somewrere else.If you can go with the flow then you may make it here /or not.

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My best friends son was smoking an e-cigarettes when it exploded and took out all his front teeth and broke his jaw. Also, the battery shot across the room and caught the drapes on fire! He had to put out the drapes while bleeding while in extreme pain. So if health hazards don't bother you maybe a few missing teeth and a broken jaw may convince you.

That's what happens when you use batteries that are not designed to be used in mods, especially mechanicals. Like using a bicycle chain in a chainsaw. RTFM.

Exactly! There's nothing in there that can blow up but the battery, which can do it if shortened or overcharged.

There were also some cases of phones blowing up, didn't stop the millions of other users from using theur mobiles.

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Another attempt by the regime to make money off there cheap cigarettes that they manufacturer. I will also tell you that the Marlboro they make here are in fact copies. You go to Indonesia and buy Marlboro and they are same as western countries smooth clean and nice. Here they taste like your smoking acid. And there clearly not the same size or taste. Corruption is always going to be here. Convince a dummy it's much easker.

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Another attempt by the regime to make money off there cheap cigarettes that they manufacturer. I will also tell you that the Marlboro they make here are in fact copies. You go to Indonesia and buy Marlboro and they are same as western countries smooth clean and nice. Here they taste like your smoking acid. And there clearly not the same size or taste. Corruption is always going to be here. Convince a dummy it's much easker.

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So it's ok for Hiso families to drive around drunk killing innocents and getting virtually Scott free but you light up an artifice bunger and you 5 years in the slammer.

What's wrong with this picture Thailand ?

If you want justice ,go live somewrere else.If you can go with the flow then you may make it here /or not.

Most OP's are still comparing Los with their homeland. Just dive deeper into the restrictive "regimes" of the west cloaking as unified democracy, there are some huge skeletons in their cupboards. Your choice, put up or shut up

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