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Please don’t go – EC President Tusk appeals to UK voters


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Please don’t go – EC President Tusk appeals to UK voters


"Stay with us, we need you. Without you, not only Europe but the whole western and transatlantic community will become weaker"

LONDON: -- European Council (EC) President Donald Tusk has appealed directly to British voters days ahead of the UK referendum on EU membership.

“Stay with us, we need you. Without you, not only Europe, but the whole western and transatlantic community will become weaker,” Tusk said.

“Together, we will be able to cope with increasingly difficult challenges of the future.”

Tusk’s intervention comes as the most recent polling suggested that suggested that the chances of the UK voting to leave the EU had receded somewhat after a late search for Leave last week.

Major online polls by Opinium and YouGov, published on Saturday evening, suggested that the Remain and Leave were again neck and neck.

Meanwhile, UKIP leader Nigel Farage has defended his party’s controversial poster – depicting migrants and refugees and entitled ‘Breaking Point.’

Farage, who is not part of the official Vote Leave campaign, said of the poster: “It (the poster) is basically saying ‘look, why are we the member of a club whose migration policy is a disaster, whose currency is leading to such misery. We simply shouldn’t be there’.”

The poster was unveiled last Thursday, just hours before the fatal attack on Labour MP Jo Cox. Farage said the timing of the launch of the poster was “of course deeply unfortunate.”

Critics have called it the poster racist and suggested it incites hate.

Elsewhere, Conservative politician Baroness Warsi has announced that she is abandoning the Vote Leave campaign.

Warsi said she can no longer support a movement that she believes has become “xenophobic” and “divisive.”

“What we’ve consistently heard over the last two months is that ‘the Turks are coming, the terrorists are coming, the Syrians are coming, the refugees are coming, the Muslims are coming’. This is not the type of campaign that we should be running.”

Vote Leave initially played down Warsi’s switch to Remain, tweeting said that it was not aware that Lady Warsi had even been part of their campaign.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-21
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Please dont go, what will we do without all the money the UK puts in.

Get out stay out Tusk and his pals only care that the gravy train is hitting the buffers.

Yeah I see that Soros is now warning that Brexit would trigger a sterling fall worse than Black Wednesday. However as good old Farage always says when confronted with anything from any source, "SO WHAT". After all what does Soros know about anything?

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Everyone hold firm and let's get out and keep our borders under British control, it is time to get our country back from the interfering Europeans, it was a mistake going in so now we have the opportunity to put things right.

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It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

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It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

I agree with most of your post, with the sole exception of what is wrong with people aspiring to be to be middle class, to move up the ladder so to speak? It sounds very much like an us an them attitude. Surely people should be congratulated on trying to better themselves.

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It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

Excellent post, all true, pity the British electorate are not aware of the real purpose of the E,U. and its unelected dictators the E.U. Commissioners who decide every thing behind closed doors, and who are following the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan the founder of the Pan European Union in '22 whose ideas include the mongrelisation of the white Christian European Race through mass immigration and miscegnation, a true horror story happening before our eyes.

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It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

Excellent post, all true, pity the British electorate are not aware of the real purpose of the E,U. and its unelected dictators the E.U. Commissioners who decide every thing behind closed doors, and who are following the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan the founder of the Pan European Union in '22 whose ideas include the mongrelisation of the white Christian European Race through mass immigration and miscegnation, a true horror story happening before our eyes.

Thank you. The EU have also dumbed down peoples identity and patriotism. it is now a dirty word to be proud of your country. As someone who served my country, I wonder what would happen if the UK went to war with another EU country. if it would ever be allowed. Too many young people think that a trip to Benidorm makes them a European. This dumbing down of social and national identity, is happening all over Europe and bringing in the Arab nations will finish them off. Then we will see a real uprising, possibly bigger than Germany in the 1920s and 1930s.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

I assume one of the big issues for premier league football clubs supporting remain is that they would lose access to a huge pool of players should we no longer be part of the EU as they would require work permits which are not easy to get for foreign players.

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A few salient reminders of how it all went wrong.

Few people, however, fully appreciated the extent to which the EEC was less the benign economic arrangement they imagined and much more a political project. True, there were those during the 1975 referendum campaign who made this point; but they went largely unheeded. The national sense was that we were in a free trading area of independent nation states that would help our exporters, create jobs and allow everyone to get richer.

This could be called the beginning of the great deception.

Everything changed in 1992, however, with the Maastricht Treaty. Now, the political nature of the project took over. The Common Market became the European Union and its people citizens of the EU; timetables were set for economic and monetary union and the introduction of a single currency; areas of policy-making that had previously been agreed among member states were brought within the competence of the European Commission, which became a supercharged administration-cum-government.

Still the remainiacs deny, deflect and obfuscate. It is just not true is the collective call.

Subsequent treaties signed at Nice, Amsterdam and Lisbon, together with a string of political protocols, have further aggrandised the EU into a supra-national body within which the interests of individual states are secondary to the greater good of the overall Union.

All lies according to the remainiacs

Nor will it stop there. The report of the EU’s Five Presidents published last year in response to the eurozone’s deep problems charts the way forward to a fully integrated EU, a superstate in all but name. The fact that Britain does not participate in some of its component parts, notably the euro or the borderless Schengen area, makes no difference since they have an impact upon us.


The EU's answer to all the EU's ills is...................... More EU.

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It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

Great post.

I want us to leave like you. I don't think it will happen though. I actually feel once the results are in the remain idiots will win by a fairly significant margin despite what polls tell you.

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It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

I assume one of the big issues for premier league football clubs supporting remain is that they would lose access to a huge pool of players should we no longer be part of the EU as they would require work permits which are not easy to get for foreign players.

I can see where you are coming from but what about the South Americans and Africans. There are many in the Premier league and they do OK. Maybe a little bit more paper work but they get in. The paper work is because we are in the EU. Wouldn't need it if we were not.

The football clubs are milking machines and care not of the fans but of themselves as businesses. Establishment to the core and will do as they are told.

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It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

Excellent post, all true, pity the British electorate are not aware of the real purpose of the E,U. and its unelected dictators the E.U. Commissioners who decide every thing behind closed doors, and who are following the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan the founder of the Pan European Union in '22 whose ideas include the mongrelisation of the white Christian European Race through mass immigration and miscegnation, a true horror story happening before our eyes.

Winston Churchill's celebrated speech of 19 September 1946 to the Academic Youth in Zurich commended "the exertions of the Pan-European Union which owes so much to Count Coudenhove-Kalergi Amazing the rogues that approved of his endevours.

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It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

I assume one of the big issues for premier league football clubs supporting remain is that they would lose access to a huge pool of players should we no longer be part of the EU as they would require work permits which are not easy to get for foreign players.

I can see where you are coming from but what about the South Americans and Africans. There are many in the Premier league and they do OK. Maybe a little bit more paper work but they get in. The paper work is because we are in the EU. Wouldn't need it if we were not.

The football clubs are milking machines and care not of the fans but of themselves as businesses. Establishment to the core and will do as they are told.

It is a UK rule, not an EU one.

"A non-EU player applying for the permit must have played for his country in at least 75 per cent of its competitive 'A' team matches for which he was available for selection during the previous two years, and his country must have averaged at least 70th place in the official FIFA world rankings over the previous two years."

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It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

I assume one of the big issues for premier league football clubs supporting remain is that they would lose access to a huge pool of players should we no longer be part of the EU as they would require work permits which are not easy to get for foreign players.

I can see where you are coming from but what about the South Americans and Africans. There are many in the Premier league and they do OK. Maybe a little bit more paper work but they get in. The paper work is because we are in the EU. Wouldn't need it if we were not.

The football clubs are milking machines and care not of the fans but of themselves as businesses. Establishment to the core and will do as they are told.

It is a UK rule, not an EU one.

"A non-EU player applying for the permit must have played for his country in at least 75 per cent of its competitive 'A' team matches for which he was available for selection during the previous two years, and his country must have averaged at least 70th place in the official FIFA world rankings over the previous two years."

Either way still too many foreign players is my point and the EU has far to many in the EPL football is my main point. Football clubs are not the real issue here just a part of the whole corruption of the EU in general. My statement to we wouldn't need it if we were out, is that we can make our own rules not rules from Brussels across every section of business and law.

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Here is an article that supports Brexit and the impact on the EPL maybe not be as bad as people think.


For an article you claim supports Brexit it seems to paint a pretty negative picture and I can't see a single positive aspect to it in there.

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Here is an article that supports Brexit and the impact on the EPL maybe not be as bad as people think.


For an article you claim supports Brexit it seems to paint a pretty negative picture and I can't see a single positive aspect to it in there.

Maybe you should read it again and I am not being rude. The Headline is the first big giveaway. Sol Cambell reference was supportive of Brexit.The point I was making that not everyone things Brexit would affect the EPL in every aspect, not just financial.

Anyway that's it about football, its Brexit that is the real issue and the fact that tusk is begging the UK voters to stay in whilst shafting the UK people.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Unfortunately, a vote to Remain puts the electorate's stamp of approval on the supposed "reforms"

which David Cameron brought back from his European Union negotiations (and which, in truth, were

anything but), and does not inspire confidence that the United Kingdom will be able to lead or affect

the future direction of the European Union in any way.

For all those who believe there will be no "ever closer union" by Britain with the EU, nor that we would

never enter the Eurozone and adopt the Euro, together with all of the other sinister things lurking on the

horizon (I won't trot them out, again, but you know them), I would point to the way that the EEC morphed

into the EU, largely under the radar. The European Union is playing tghe long game. Does anyone think

it can't happen again?

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Was reading that 35,000 Brits have signed up to a website that helps find them a 2nd wife.

What does that tell you about changing demographics and culture?

I know what you are saying but they are not indigenous Brits. Shipped in elsewhere. Yes What does it say. We are getting diluted and not for the better.

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