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The future of the European Union reaches a crossroads with the British referendum


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The future of the European Union reaches a crossroads with the British referendum


LONDON: -- A European family united…for the present. The heads of state gathered for the pre-summit photograph in February ahead of two days of tense talks.

British Prime Minister David Cameron had arrived in Brussels to forge a new deal between Britain and the EU that he believed would make remaining part of the bloc an attractive prospect for voters.

It was over forty years ago that the then Prime Minister Edward Heath took Britain into Europe. Debate on the UK’s place has followed during those decades and in announcing the referendum David Cameron said he hoped it would “settle this European question in British politics” once and for all.

But first he had to negotiate new terms for Britain and an exemption for Britain from the EU’s commitment to what’s been described as an “ever-closer union.” He was in bullish mood.

“As I’ve said, we’ll only do a deal if we get what Britain needs,” he told reporters.

Two days of tense talks ensued. An EU-wide English style breakfast to address Cameron’s concerns was delayed as was a lunch which finally became an English dinner.

The PM won changes to welfare benefits that he said would reduce immigration and an exemption for Britain to that “ever-closer union”.

The agreement was seen as a key stepping stone to the UK’s continued membership. But far from uniting his own party and the country the arguments and debate have been divisive and bitter.

The referendum is a critical crossroads for the future of the EU family.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-21
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Nothing will change according to this article.


The pretence that we live in a democratic society is just smoke and mirrors. Big business owns these politicians and to believe the will of the people will be listened to is infantile. Then again, I think the British people will bottle it and vote to stay in on the 23rd. They love complaining but that's as far as it goes, never any action to make the changes they want.

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Governments certainly dont represent the peoples interests anymore, Cameron is no exception , Governments need to downsize and govern not run our lives as they are trying to do now, they should have less ties to big business as to date it has given way to many concessions which we as taxpayers are now paying.

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Governments certainly dont represent the peoples interests anymore, Cameron is no exception , Governments need to downsize and govern not run our lives as they are trying to do now, they should have less ties to big business as to date it has given way to many concessions which we as taxpayers are now paying.

Hello! Its the Mad Max team in town for the last furlong of the campaign.

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Nothing will change according to this article.


The pretence that we live in a democratic society is just smoke and mirrors. Big business owns these politicians and to believe the will of the people will be listened to is infantile. Then again, I think the British people will bottle it and vote to stay in on the 23rd. They love complaining but that's as far as it goes, never any action to make the changes they want.

Listening to this constant whining, droning on and on and on........sad.png

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Nothing will change according to this article.


The pretence that we live in a democratic society is just smoke and mirrors. Big business owns these politicians and to believe the will of the people will be listened to is infantile. Then again, I think the British people will bottle it and vote to stay in on the 23rd. They love complaining but that's as far as it goes, never any action to make the changes they want.

What complete BS. The British people have had enough of EU nonsense and it is a very real possibility that they will exit. This will be based on a vote, made by the people, democratically, not the preference of any "Big Business" or Politician, you clearly have zero idea what referendum means.

I suspect that in the end they will stay in but not because people "bottle it", simply because of weighing up the pro's and the con's.

I am British and yes, we complain at times but who doesn't, do the Americans complain about their country? Hell yes they do, probably worse then any other country.

So, keep your infantile crap to yourself unless you know what you are talking about, this is a very big deal to the people of Great Britain and inevitably a big deal for the EU.

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If UK exits it will be the beginning of the end to EU

You could be right, this is a very real possibility.

If so, things will be difficult for many years to come. But, the EU just can't get it together, they talk a good story but deliver little. Immigration, National debts, economies are all suffering and the EU as far as I can see is not helping.

In fact, all that seems to be happening is an increasing membership and more and more influx of immigrants putting extreme pressure on the welfare states.

This seems to be the big thing that Western Europeans are sick of, handing out cash and accommodation from anyone who happens to come from a Nation inside the EU and also anyone who claims asylum from any nation, anywhere. In a time of increasing debt and National economic woes it's time for each country to put it's own people first and focus on fixing the local issues before handing out cash to new comers.

Personally I would stop all welfare assistance to anyone who is not a UK citizen OR is not paying UK taxes.

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If UK exits it will be the beginning of the end to EU

You could be right, this is a very real possibility.

If so, things will be difficult for many years to come. But, the EU just can't get it together, they talk a good story but deliver little. Immigration, National debts, economies are all suffering and the EU as far as I can see is not helping.

In fact, all that seems to be happening is an increasing membership and more and more influx of immigrants putting extreme pressure on the welfare states.

This seems to be the big thing that Western Europeans are sick of, handing out cash and accommodation from anyone who happens to come from a Nation inside the EU and also anyone who claims asylum from any nation, anywhere. In a time of increasing debt and National economic woes it's time for each country to put it's own people first and focus on fixing the local issues before handing out cash to new comers.

Personally I would stop all welfare assistance to anyone who is not a UK citizen OR is not paying UK taxes.

You better check your final sentence because 'anyone who is not a UK citizen OR is not paying paying UK taxes' would include all UK citizens not paying taxes and that might include the old, the sick, those in care and those under the tax threshold. Might I suggest you study a little Boolean logic before you venture forth next time? It would appear that it is you currently who can't get it together.

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If UK exits it will be the beginning of the end to EU

You could be right, this is a very real possibility.

If so, things will be difficult for many years to come. But, the EU just can't get it together, they talk a good story but deliver little. Immigration, National debts, economies are all suffering and the EU as far as I can see is not helping.

In fact, all that seems to be happening is an increasing membership and more and more influx of immigrants putting extreme pressure on the welfare states.

This seems to be the big thing that Western Europeans are sick of, handing out cash and accommodation from anyone who happens to come from a Nation inside the EU and also anyone who claims asylum from any nation, anywhere. In a time of increasing debt and National economic woes it's time for each country to put it's own people first and focus on fixing the local issues before handing out cash to new comers.

Personally I would stop all welfare assistance to anyone who is not a UK citizen OR is not paying UK taxes.

You better check your final sentence because 'anyone who is not a UK citizen OR is not paying paying UK taxes' would include all UK citizens not paying taxes and that might include the old, the sick, those in care and those under the tax threshold. Might I suggest you study a little Boolean logic before you venture forth next time? It would appear that it is you currently who can't get it together.

Clearly that is not what I meant, I was referring to non UK Citizens only, obviously a bit difficult for you to draw that conclusion. I will try and take more care with my wording next time to make it simple for you so you can see the real meaning.

And who on this Earth uses the word Boolean? I often find people who try and use obscure words in everyday life are trying to hide intellectual inadequacies.

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If UK exits it will be the beginning of the end to EU

I think that if we do vote to stay which is what I think will happen the majority will be so slender that Cameron has got to go to Europe and tell them there has to be changes...

I also hope that in future when we have referendum as important as this one we vote on a clear majority say 66.7% rather than a simple majority which will leave people arguing for years over the result, and they want another one.

My vote I do not see us any better off out than in, what will hurt is the transition that's why my vote is "Status Quo" (the way things are now)

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If UK exits it will be the beginning of the end to EU

I think that if we do vote to stay which is what I think will happen the majority will be so slender that Cameron has got to go to Europe and tell them there has to be changes...

I also hope that in future when we have referendum as important as this one we vote on a clear majority say 66.7% rather than a simple majority which will leave people arguing for years over the result, and they want another one.

My vote I do not see us any better off out than in, what will hurt is the transition that's why my vote is "Status Quo" (the way things are now)

Sensible comments.

I would estimate that 40% of all home bandaged europeans think so.

The shitty feeling of powerlessness.

I wish we could have a Europe-wide referendum on immigration policy.

Do we need all these economic refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Afrika?

Our social security system will burst.

The EU can not be the unique savior of the Global Poverty.

The aging of the EU population is in sight, but why we can not invite, for example 500,000 trained geriatric nurses from the Philippines?

They speak English and religious conflicts are there not to be expected.

The carrying capacity of the planet Earth is a problem, continue to worsen.

The only shitty chance we have is to deselect our warts politicians.

Get active and support politicians representing the interests of residents.

We are Europeans and have stand together.

The inhabitants of Europe are not your enemy.

We should jointly safeguard Europe's external borders and intelligently determine who we allow.

In comparison, the Thais are still a lot smarter.

You have money and not pollute the Community: Welcome.

It can not be that people like flies proliferate in barren areas where there is no water and no food, and then jump into the boats and come to Europe.

That sounds hard, but no one is helped, if Europe supports this.

The world's population has to try to cope within their territorial (hopefully peaceful) borders and to feed their population respectively.

Permanent Border crossings should be weighed more accurately in future.

We need here a strong EU and the wimp politicians we should vote out quickly.

Eu rant over.

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