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Soros warns of Brexit threat to pound and jobs


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Britain can only leave the EU if parliament votes to leave (which will repeal the original Act of Parliament which legitimised Britains membership).

The referendum is nothing more than a poll to "gauge public opinion" (promised by Cameron to avoid losing Conservative votes to UKIP in the last election) and has no strength or validity in British law.

The vast majority of the British public do not know this because they spend their lives "knowing" about Strictly Come Dancing, the European Cup, Formula 1, house prices, celebrity chefs......anything but the British Constitution and the practical mechanics and operation of political power in the UK

Parliament will not vote to leave because the majority in favour of leaving (if there is one) will not be sufficient to scare the majority of MPs in the political establishment (who do not want to leave) to vote for a "Brexit". Parliament will weather the subsequent storm because the UK system is constructed precisely for it to do that.

The peoples vote?:

"if voting changed anything they would make it illegal" Emma Goldman.

Edited by Enoon
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Conspiracy theory anyone?

There is disturbing opinion circulating about Jo Cox may have been assassinated to prevent a BREXIT vote. Many are starting to believe there is a conspiracy plot connecting the dots to ensure a sympathy vote to remain within the EU. People are pointing to the familiar tool of assassination often used to achieve political agendas. […]


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Conspiracy theory anyone?

There is disturbing opinion circulating about Jo Cox may have been assassinated to prevent a BREXIT vote. Many are starting to believe there is a conspiracy plot connecting the dots to ensure a sympathy vote to remain within the EU. People are pointing to the familiar tool of assassination often used to achieve political agendas. […]



He gave his name as 'death to traitors, freedom for Britain' in court and there have been many people confirming they knew him. If this were a conspiracy then Brexit would be the least of our problems.

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Soros recently came out of retirement to start trading again because he no doubt saw the prospect of Brexit increasing. Ideologically he is at the forefront of the internationalists wanting one world government who no doubt bet on it.

Few so clearly represent what is wrong with the western world than this piece of garbage. Soros does not suck because he makes money; he sucks because he destroys lives, causes untold damage and death around the world with his color revolutions, and acts out with his wealth his mental pathology on the masses. Soros and his open society tides foundations covers act out violence all around the world, and many people and governments are on to him.

Soros, and now Rothchild coming out at the last hour, actually puts fresh faces to the EU Frankenstein the UK is fighting. There is a reason numerous news pieces lately report that billionaire bunkers are being built around the world.

Vote Leave, get the [rhetorical] pitchforks and torches, meet in the town common, then march to baron von soros' castle!

Its these misanthropes who act out their disease upon the EU, the world, and now the US openly.

Well hello! Its our old friends the loony extreme right conspiracy crowd with their echoes from the 1930s.

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Conspiracy theory anyone?

There is disturbing opinion circulating about Jo Cox may have been assassinated to prevent a BREXIT vote. Many are starting to believe there is a conspiracy plot connecting the dots to ensure a sympathy vote to remain within the EU. People are pointing to the familiar tool of assassination often used to achieve political agendas. […]



It's not a conspiracy theory , if you look at the people & institutions that want a remain.


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Conspiracy theory anyone?

There is disturbing opinion circulating about Jo Cox may have been assassinated to prevent a BREXIT vote. Many are starting to believe there is a conspiracy plot connecting the dots to ensure a sympathy vote to remain within the EU. People are pointing to the familiar tool of assassination often used to achieve political agendas. […]



This thought had occurred to me a few days ago, but I didn't post it as I did not believe there would be any takers for it.

To brainwash a cretin such as the perpetrator is, should not be too difficult.

His reward? His moment of "glory", I guess, or infamy!

Are there any substantive dots to connect, though?

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Conspiracy theory anyone?

There is disturbing opinion circulating about Jo Cox may have been assassinated to prevent a BREXIT vote. Many are starting to believe there is a conspiracy plot connecting the dots to ensure a sympathy vote to remain within the EU. People are pointing to the familiar tool of assassination often used to achieve political agendas. []



This thought had occurred to me a few days ago, but I didn't post it as I did not believe there would be any takers for it.

To brainwash a cretin such as the perpetrator is, should not be too difficult.

His reward? His moment of "glory", I guess, or infamy!

Are there any substantive dots to connect, though?

There's a certain point in current events where these 'curious' tragedies are no longer feared but predictable. At a certain point it's incredulous. Moreover, the race to silence people from saying 'this smells rotten' reinforces the observation.

Humans are evolved to find repeating and familiar patterns in texture and events- paredolia-synchronicity. However, metadata rarely lies. These events are unusual and more then curious. It's not just UK. If people think these peculiarities are wildly off the mark they evidence zero knowledge of history. Zero.

When current events seen to reach a crescendo it's no longer curious but predictable that Soros & Co raise their doting head. IMO, tragedies have lately become a fine art rather then Fate's Decree.

Edited by arjunadawn
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