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10 vs 1 - Pattaya tourists capture brutal gang attack in Thai holiday video


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What is it with all these thai thugs, not just the fact they always need to gang up on individuals, throw sucker punches and kicks to the head, real signs of cowardice..the prevalence of a kicking peoples heads should be punished with an attempted murder charge at the very least :-(

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I have only been a member of TV for a few months there is no way I would go to Pattaya in a million years now. My brother went there many times but he stopped a couple of years ago he told me that the atmosphere with foreigners was changing for the worse and now I see he was right. Thailand is not foreigner friendly from what I see

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I have only been a member of TV for a few months there is no way I would go to Pattaya in a million years now. My brother went there many times but he stopped a couple of years ago he told me that the atmosphere with foreigners was changing for the worse and now I see he was right. Thailand is not foreigner friendly from what I see

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If I had children I definitely wouldn't allow them to take a holiday here. Its reputation was ruined long ago..

Don't allow them to take a holiday in France, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy either!

These are the countries where I used to live and where the violence is the same.

The only difference with these countries and Thailand: it's not reported so often than in Thailand.

Sorry my friend, I just don't believe that. Yes it can and does happen anywhere but it's the seeming frequency of these attacks and the ferocity that seems to be worse here.

Don't forget people have smart phones everywhere in the world now, people can record these instances anywhere but it just seems so much less form other places.

I accept it may be perception but I really don't think so.

I can't ever remember witnessing a gang attack in my own country, I know it happens but I have just not been witness to one. Sames as dead bodies by the roadside, never seen one back home. In my 4 years here I have seen 4 dead bodies by the road, 1 completely torn in half, this is reflected in the facts we all know that Thailand has the second worst, if not the worst fatality rate in the World on the roads.

Using that logic i have seen at least 5 or 6 gang punch ups when travelling around minding my own business, plus countless people screaming at other on the brink of violence. I fail to believe that this is just my bad luck, it must be so prevalent in order for me to witness it so frequently.

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Fighting between groups of male students from rival vocational schools is unfortunately a long-standing problem. Young people have died in these "rumbles" so this fella can consider himself lucky. Similar gang-banging is common in other countries as well, especially among youths. This has nothing do with, or impact on, foreigners living or visiting Thailand/Pattaya.

Except that, as was the subject of lengthy discussion in another thread, Thailand actively promotes itself as a nation which is uniquely blessed with Buddhist calm, serenity, compassion and good nature.

Indeed it labels itself "The Land of Smiles".

The concern shown by the authorities about this publicity, and other incidents, is precisely that it demonstrates the reality which you seek to use to defend it - it's just like everywhere else.

Well, it is ... and it is not.

Of course gang bashing exists in other countries, the whole issue here is in what proportion. My impression, after coming to Thailand for 30 years and actually living here for half of that time, is that it happens more in Thailand than in many other countries. As you very aptly point out, Enoon, the quick reaction of anger and denial by the autorities is proof in itself that they know how bad it is.

Some of the comments on this thread use the expression 'to fight like men' and oppose it to gang bashing. To me, considering that fighting is somehow a manly thing to do is pathetic, and shows how dreadfully uncivilized this world still is. The real difference is not between Neanderthal and Pithecanthropus but between men who see fighting as normal and those who try to overcome this low and demeaning urge which is an unfortunate part of our nature.

Well said. I agree, violence is something that is just not necessary anymore. Education is the key yet again,,,

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So, the police are thinking about pressing charges.

Before today in Bangkok Post, Section 44 was put into action for just these types of crimes.

How does that work together? Now the big guy, have to give the police a real ass wipping lesson. biggrin.png

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If I had children I definitely wouldn't allow them to take a holiday here. Its reputation was ruined long ago..

Don't allow them to take a holiday in France, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy either!

These are the countries where I used to live and where the violence is the same.

The only difference with these countries and Thailand: it's not reported so often than in Thailand.

Sorry my friend, I just don't believe that. Yes it can and does happen anywhere but it's the seeming frequency of these attacks and the ferocity that seems to be worse here.

Don't forget people have smart phones everywhere in the world now, people can record these instances anywhere but it just seems so much less form other places.

I accept it may be perception but I really don't think so.

I can't ever remember witnessing a gang attack in my own country, I know it happens but I have just not been witness to one. Sames as dead bodies by the roadside, never seen one back home. In my 4 years here I have seen 4 dead bodies by the road, 1 completely torn in half, this is reflected in the facts we all know that Thailand has the second worst, if not the worst fatality rate in the World on the roads.

Using that logic i have seen at least 5 or 6 gang punch ups when travelling around minding my own business, plus countless people screaming at other on the brink of violence. I fail to believe that this is just my bad luck, it must be so prevalent in order for me to witness it so frequently.

violence will always be common in these third world countries because without police or justice you have to look after yourself and that sometimes involves violence.

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" The video was bad for the image of Pattaya because it was filmed by foreigners and shared by them. "

I can see a special unit being set up to suppress videos like this and to deal with those who make such films and post them.

So if it was filmed by Thais and shared by them it would have been OK because it wouldn't affect the image of Pattaya?

Surprised "a special unit" hasn't been set up already, especially after Koh Tao, British family attacked by thugs in Hua Hin, live murders, bouncers " doing their thing", etc etc etc.

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Maybe it's because thais are cowards and only attack in packs like dogs that this gets so much viral attention. It's common in Thailand. I have written this same post 4 times now in the last couple months. Once thais in the area hear a commotion, they come out of everywhere to join in the free beat down. Often some or most of the attackers aren't even connected to the initial confrontation. They were just in the area and like soi dogs they heard the call of the wild and jumped in for the thrill of beating a defenseless person without fear of getting hit themselves.

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Start giving these worthless thugs 5 to 10 years in prison for this type Assault/Battery it may help stop it. If they kill the victim execute them !!

The World does not need these Gangs, Terrorist or Drug Dealers, just re-cycle them !!

This is nothing compared to the atrocities ISIS Is showing us,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BUT........... It is getting closer every day..........

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Fighting between groups of male students from rival vocational schools is unfortunately a long-standing problem. Young people have died in these "rumbles" so this fella can consider himself lucky. Similar gang-banging is common in other countries as well, especially among youths. This has nothing do with, or impact on, foreigners living or visiting Thailand/Pattaya.

I just got beaten up by ten guys, must be my lucky day!

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I wonder if the military planners have to factor in a 10 to 1 ratio when planning operations.

" sorry boss, we only out number them four to one... I recommend withdrawing until reinforcements arrive."

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" The video was bad for the image of Pattaya because it was filmed by foreigners and shared by them. "

I can see a special unit being set up to suppress videos like this and to deal with those who make such films and post them.

Another nail in Thailand's coffin as holiday destination.

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How long before Thailand becomes like Jamaica etc where tourists book into high security resorts and only leave to go on tours.

Once again the problem for the authorities is not the violence but the fact that people may find out just how much violence there is in thailand.

The truth is the problem.

Pathetic and weak administration that think controlling news is the same as solving the real problems.

On that note i was looking at the freedom house website recently its interesting to see how Thailands status has changed from Free 10 years ago with a ranking of 2 out of 7 . 1 being the most free to being classed as no longer free.

Thailand is living off its former reputation.

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This is just a part of growing up in Thailand. When the victim turns into an adult and experience a loss of face he will just kill anyone standing in his way.

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These tourist need to come visit Australia, gang bashing happen a lot, young kid bashed by refugees, Asian bashed and stabbed to death by 6....


Sorry you never understood this forum it's about Thailand !!!

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This is no suprise in Pattaya it goes on all the time the Thai authorities just don't report anything like that they keep it under the Hat it is not a safe place Pattaya, just keep away from the joint nothing is going to change it's embedded in the culture now violent is part of thier whay they are no longer the land of smiles it's the land of Evil

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These tourist need to come visit Australia, gang bashing happen a lot, young kid bashed by refugees, Asian bashed and stabbed to death by 6....


Sorry you never understood this forum it's about Thailand !!!

Australia is the safest country in the world so please stop your lies
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