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Escaped ISIS sex slave tells US Congress of horrors


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Escaped ISIS sex slave tells Congress of horrors
By Ryan Browne

Washington (CNN)A former ISIS sex slave urged Congress Tuesday to more aggressively fight the terror group and offered her condolences for the massacre in Orlando, saying she's not surprised by it.

Nadia Murad, a Yazidi who escaped captivity in 2014, told the Senate Homeland Security committee that "the USA must act. We must terminate Daesh (ISIS) and all such terror."

"Daesh will not give up their weapons unless we force them to give up their weapons," she testified, with the assistance of a translator. "The Yazidi people cannot wait."

Full story: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/06/21/politics/escaped-yazidi-slave-isis-us-fight/index.html

-- CNN 2016-06-23

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These latest revelations come on the heels of 50+ State department officials sending a letter to the President urging him to bomb Syria.

Though I don't doubt how terrible IS are, the sudden availability of eye witnesses with shocking stories suggest a PR campaign.

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These latest revelations come on the heels of 50+ State department officials sending a letter to the President urging him to bomb Syria.

Though I don't doubt how terrible IS are, the sudden availability of eye witnesses with shocking stories suggest a PR campaign.

And your post suggests to me that you have dyslexia with the distinct possibility of your being a latent conspiracy theorist. Maybe you should have those potential issues addressed.

It was an internal memo, not a letter and it was 51 diplomats and it was to bomb Assad, not ISIS. If one can believe the NY Times, that is.

The New York Times article - 17 June 2016

"WASHINGTON — More than 50 State Department diplomats have signed an internal memo sharply critical of the Obama administration’s policy in Syria, urging the United States to carry out military strikes against the government of President Bashar al-Assad to stop its persistent violations of a cease-fire in the country’s five-year-old civil war."

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Ah yes, bringing freedom and democracy to the non-compliant countries of the world. Only the small print mentions rape, pillage, mass killing and being bombed into the stone age.

If you're referring to the Obama administration, it's been an abject failure in the "bringing freedom" department in the mid-east with the exception of Egypt. The rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood gangsters in Egypt was in spite of Obama's and Hillary's support of the Muslim Brotherhood and BS apologies about Mohammad Movies and who knows what other nonsense those two had been up to.

It's simple - the US diplomats to do the job the Russians won't do. Besides, isn't it a bit difficult to be "bombed into the stone age" when one is already in the stone age?

Oh wait! Maybe Syria is only as far back as the bronze age.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Pretty much sums it up - join ISIS, kill people, screw underage women, and still go to heaven. Oh, give me a break, life isn't that simple, as some of these people will eventually understand, if they live long enough.

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Cut to the chase at 0:28 on this one:

I can't help wondering how many US Senators/Congressional members know who to use YouTube.

Maybe it's difficult for you, but I think all members of Congress know how.

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Ah yes, bringing freedom and democracy to the non-compliant countries of the world. Only the small print mentions rape, pillage, mass killing and being bombed into the stone age.

Small print?? Not really. In fact I see all of these things in the news every day ... including the rape case you're reading about here.

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Terrible story, brings tears to my eyes. However, the USA is broke and needs to re-center on the Americas; leave the rest of the world to themselves. No more blood and money spent on the middle east, they will always hate us no matter what.

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Terrible story, brings tears to my eyes. However, the USA is broke and needs to re-center on the Americas; leave the rest of the world to themselves. No more blood and money spent on the middle east, they will always hate us no matter what.

Yes, the leader of the free world, the only super-power left in the world is broke. Can't afford to put any more boots on the ground. Bring our boys back home! Yay! dry.png

[For the avoidance of doubt, I'm not American.]

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