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US Supreme Court ruling means illegal immigrants with US born children will be deported


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Sadly, Obama, whom I voted for, is doing everything in his power to dilute white majority and voting power. He would like nothing more than to see whites in the minority and suffer the same consequences that he views minorities having suffered because of whites. I get it and don't particularly disagree with his philosophy even though it is completely jacked up and shows he is one messed up dude even though he is probably unable objectively view and understand the underlying premise and motivations for his actions, beliefs and ideas. Obama is kind of a like a white dude that swears he ain't prejudice and means no harm because he says "I have got many black friends also." He may try and convince himself otherwise, but he is in denial and his actions indicate otherwise.

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There are two factors in this equation, both illegal. It is funny how we concentrate on one but not the Other. What we gave them but not on what they gave us.

They came here illegally, but we also profited from them illegally.

If one should not profit from an illegal act, then the other should not also.

Are you in the states?

How did we profit from them illegally? Mexican food? Sadly, most of the Mexican food places that get raided frequently should be raided for their food quality, not the immigration status of their workers. They create gang and drug problems out the arseeee and they are drain on resources when they show up and have babies in the hospitals with no ensurencito . . . Grnated they do a lot of good construction work and etc., but now employers are stringent with I9 requirements so the scoundrels needing to go back are not doing legitimate work either.

Yes I am in the states

We profited by paying them less to do the things we do not want to do, contractors profited by lower overhead, consumers profited by lower price produce, etc etc

They would not have come here if we did not turn a blind eye when it suited our purposes, and provide them with work.

we were complicit .

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Let us not over react here...the chances of these illegal immigrants being shipped back to their home countries is extremely slim...

Depends upon who wins the US Presidency...If Clinton wins...nothing at all will be done...nothing will change...more illegals pouring into the country and placed on assistance

U huh. Right. Sounds like somebody here has been watching the fake news again.


More illegals are being deported the last 8 years than under Obama any other president.

The Latino leaders are calling "Obama the Deporter in Chief."


You are saying Illegals are placed on public assistance?

Federal Law states illegals are entitled to emergency medical care only.


Undocumented Mexicans are depositing $13 billion a year into Social Security and only receiving $1 billion in services thru fraud.

Now you know.

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There are two factors in this equation, both illegal. It is funny how we concentrate on one but not the Other. What we gave them but not on what they gave us.

They came here illegally, but we also profited from them illegally.

If one should not profit from an illegal act, then the other should not also.

Are you in the states?

How did we profit from them illegally? Mexican food? Sadly, most of the Mexican food places that get raided frequently should be raided for their food quality, not the immigration status of their workers. They create gang and drug problems out the arseeee and they are drain on resources when they show up and have babies in the hospitals with no ensurencito . . . Grnated they do a lot of good construction work and etc., but now employers are stringent with I9 requirements so the scoundrels needing to go back are not doing legitimate work either.

Are you in the states?

Do we need to show papers?

Birth certificate? University degrees to include transcripts? Tax records? Deeds? Voter registration documents and records? References from family, neighbors, friends, colleagues, associates etc?? Dates?

Is there a residency requirement to post at TV? A desirability to do so? A preference?

Is there a point or a value schedule to certify a posting qualification by topic, subject, thread? Are only rednecks qualified to comment on issues of immigration, race, ethnicity, skin color etc?

Just askin' same as youse.

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There are two factors in this equation, both illegal. It is funny how we concentrate on one but not the Other. What we gave them but not on what they gave us.

They came here illegally, but we also profited from them illegally.

If one should not profit from an illegal act, then the other should not also.

Are you in the states?

How did we profit from them illegally? Mexican food? Sadly, most of the Mexican food places that get raided frequently should be raided for their food quality, not the immigration status of their workers. They create gang and drug problems out the arseeee and they are drain on resources when they show up and have babies in the hospitals with no ensurencito . . . Grnated they do a lot of good construction work and etc., but now employers are stringent with I9 requirements so the scoundrels needing to go back are not doing legitimate work either.

Are you in the states?

Do we need to show papers?

Birth certificate? University degrees to include transcripts? Tax records? Deeds? Voter registration documents and records? References from family, neighbors, friends, colleagues, associates etc?? Dates?

Is there a residency requirement to post at TV? A desirability to do so? A preference?

Is there a point or a value schedule to certify a posting qualification by topic, subject, thread? Are only rednecks qualified to comment on issues of immigration, race, ethnicity, skin color etc?

Just askin' same as youse.

DNA - to determine if you're modern human as opposed to say ... Neanderthal, for example.

Say, would you be interested in a 'free' (in the pure Sanders sense - other people pay or debt where future other people pay) one-way ticket to Venezuela? Other passengers would be Sanders, Pinot, E. Warren. Promises to be a fabulous opportunity to discuss instructing the Venezuelans in the true science of socialism and other nonsense.

PS: Must have been you? (Click This)

Edited by MaxYakov
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There are two factors in this equation, both illegal. It is funny how we concentrate on one but not the Other. What we gave them but not on what they gave us.

They came here illegally, but we also profited from them illegally.

If one should not profit from an illegal act, then the other should not also.

Are you in the states?

How did we profit from them illegally? Mexican food? Sadly, most of the Mexican food places that get raided frequently should be raided for their food quality, not the immigration status of their workers. They create gang and drug problems out the arseeee and they are drain on resources when they show up and have babies in the hospitals with no ensurencito . . . Grnated they do a lot of good construction work and etc., but now employers are stringent with I9 requirements so the scoundrels needing to go back are not doing legitimate work either.

Your comments show you have not consulted an economist, just repeating bad information from the fake news.

Let me clear up your confusion. How does the US profit from these workers?

-They leave $12 billion a year in SS.

- They do jobs Americans won't do. A huge benefit for Americans.

- Food prices are estimated 20% cheaper.

- Crime? Immigrants are involved in less crime than average Americans. (so lets kick out the Americans, right?)

- The IRS I-9 form requirements are not new. Began in the 1980s.

-They are not a drain on resources. They are only entitled to emergency medical care.

And I really contest your claim they are making bad food.

Edited by Buzzz
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There are two factors in this equation, both illegal. It is funny how we concentrate on one but not the Other. What we gave them but not on what they gave us.

They came here illegally, but we also profited from them illegally.

If one should not profit from an illegal act, then the other should not also.

Are you in the states?

How did we profit from them illegally? Mexican food? Sadly, most of the Mexican food places that get raided frequently should be raided for their food quality, not the immigration status of their workers. They create gang and drug problems out the arseeee and they are drain on resources when they show up and have babies in the hospitals with no ensurencito . . . Grnated they do a lot of good construction work and etc., but now employers are stringent with I9 requirements so the scoundrels needing to go back are not doing legitimate work either.

Yes I am in the states

We profited by paying them less to do the things we do not want to do, contractors profited by lower overhead, consumers profited by lower price produce, etc etc

They would not have come here if we did not turn a blind eye when it suited our purposes, and provide them with work.

we were complicit .

Exactly right.

Question: Why are the undocumented workers in the USA?

Answer: Because we want them.

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At last !!!!! Nice to see some common sense by

the court in regards to the invasion by illegal

immigrants. Send them all back, and take their

silly anchor babies with them....... The USA and

Canada are the only countries stupid enough to

grant citizenship to babies of foreign parents

born there. Now China is hopping on the band

wagon, sending over pregnant women to have

their baby in the states, basically copying the

Hispanics with their famous anchor babies...

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So if I move into your house does that mean I can stay with you?

The difference between a house and a country escapes you, does it?

So if there are illegals overstaying visas in Thailand, they should get visas too? Speak up and help all those folks in Pattaya. They are wanted.

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Terrorist are in the US because we want them. Drug dealers are in the us because 'we' want them. I get it. Racists are in the US because we want them. Murderers are in the US because we want them. We should just let them all be.

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The US needs to control its borders just like Thailand does. It should also require Thais living in America to register every 90 days or be fined. Having laws that block Thais from land ownership would be good as well. In addition, those who publicly speak out against the US should lose their visas or not get them. And when Thais quit their jobs, they should be forced to go outside the US to get a new visa. Did I mention higher fee for Thais when they enter US parks? Other businesses can determine if they want to overcharge Thais. By adding a little Thainess to US rules and laws, America could be a better place.


You are one of a small few who gets it. Thailand has crossed my line a couple years back with the additional paperwork (7-10 pamphlet) map to dwelling, photos of bedroom and home invasion interview. I went from 30 pages/copies 15+ years ago to a whopping 90+ pages (2 sets) a couple years back. If I ever get to work immigration in my home country I personally will go rouge, and have get hard on for Thai HI-So's. I never had a problem with not owning land rule in Thailand, money in bank, etc.. I have since heard about another new form, posting of Furongs lat, long on public internet space. I plan to get the word out to anybody I meet, or any form I come across when Thailand is mentioned. Reciprocal treatment plus interest is warranted per Country. If Thailand demands 90 days, so should Furongland, If Thailand needs village headman -Furong requirements should be you need the Mayor. If Thailand needs 100 pages every 11 months, Furongland should require 200. If Thailand needs pictures of Bedroom and map then Furongland needs the same picture only Hi-Def poster size. Want to extend visa, must travel 1-4 hours by car, must have money in U.S. bank. The only ones defending Thailand's practices are dual citizens or the retired. Glad I left when I did. Where do I sign up for immigration deportation police in my home Furongland.

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There are two factors in this equation, both illegal. It is funny how we concentrate on one but not the Other. What we gave them but not on what they gave us.

They came here illegally, but we also profited from them illegally.

If one should not profit from an illegal act, then the other should not also.

Are you in the states?

How did we profit from them illegally? Mexican food? Sadly, most of the Mexican food places that get raided frequently should be raided for their food quality, not the immigration status of their workers. They create gang and drug problems out the arseeee and they are drain on resources when they show up and have babies in the hospitals with no ensurencito . . . Grnated they do a lot of good construction work and etc., but now employers are stringent with I9 requirements so the scoundrels needing to go back are not doing legitimate work either.

Are you in the states?

Do we need to show papers?

Birth certificate? University degrees to include transcripts? Tax records? Deeds? Voter registration documents and records? References from family, neighbors, friends, colleagues, associates etc?? Dates?

Is there a residency requirement to post at TV? A desirability to do so? A preference?

Is there a point or a value schedule to certify a posting qualification by topic, subject, thread? Are only rednecks qualified to comment on issues of immigration, race, ethnicity, skin color etc?

Just askin' same as youse.

DNA - to determine if you're modern human as opposed to say ... Neanderthal, for example.

Say, would you be interested in a 'free' (in the pure Sanders sense - other people pay or debt where future other people pay) one-way ticket to Venezuela? Other passengers would be Sanders, Pinot, E. Warren. Promises to be a fabulous opportunity to discuss instructing the Venezuelans in the true science of socialism and other nonsense.

PS: Must have been you? (Click This)

A passport will suffice thx. smile.png

As to socialism, making distinctions or delineations is not a strong point of the broad brush right. This poster has always opposed Hugo Chavez and his Chavezistas and I reject the way Bolivarians in South America have moved to the left, and waaay over to the socialist left.

Chavez was always a socialist disaster (pardon the redundancy) who given the history of US-South American relations violated every common precept. Chavez went outside the hemisphere to CCP China, Russia, the now defunct Brics that included Brazil and a Brics sycophant until only recently, Argentina, as well as a couple of other socialist left governments of Latin America.

Immigrants coming from Mexico are not schooled or indoctrinated in socialism. The vast majority of immigrants from Mexico are, whether documented or undocumented, enterprising and eager to incorporate themselves successfully into the US economy, society, political system. They are supported by the vast majority of Americans, the vast majority of Americans being middle class, hard working, moderates in religion, good citizens who pay our taxes and who had long ago internalised the Constitution. Most of the solid hard working and respectable Americans vote the Democratic party for the office of Potus in state after state from coast to coast and border to border. Proof of the fact is that in five of the past six elections of Potus the Democrat has won the national popular vote.

This stuff about immigrants being welfare queens and scheming dependents of government assistance is entirely a rightwhingenoid construct based on race and ethnicity, as we saw in the instance of Donald Trump and the federal judge of Hispanic ethnicity. The judge showed a great restraint by not holding Trump in contempt of court.

Anthropology btw informs us Neanderthal was a pretty peaceful specimen who got wiped out by Cro-Magnon, who was the especially brutal one, but precious people are aware of it. The Neanderthal tag is the one wrongly thrown around. So in respect of immigration (and across the board of issues) the 'left' would be the Neanderthals and the right would be the Cro-Magnons. (Note plse I did not use the term 'knuckledraggers wink.png )

Edited by Publicus
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Terrorist are in the US because we want them. Drug dealers are in the us because 'we' want them. I get it. Racists are in the US because we want them. Murderers are in the US because we want them. We should just let them all be.

There ya go. When they can't win the argument they go into "nonsense mode'.

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What's the nonsense? You claim we need them because they are there. Why don't you argue that the US needs even more people instead of we need the illegals we have? Why don't you argue foreigners who overstay in Thailand obviously are wanted? Why are these folks different? Location of a person may not mean anything.

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Interesting how far out the wingnuts get. Consistently mean spirited, if not downright hateful and delusional at the same time.

One of the true joys in life I have is mocking them and oh boy, do they ever deserve it. I learned to pull my punches because otherwise my posts get deleted. And no that's not mine above.

Take your Supreme Court "Victory" and celebrate but try and remember, you've got 5 more months until the sky falls and life as you know it is over with the next LIBERAL Supreme Court Justice being appointed and that pathetic excuse for a "fair and balanced" court comes to an end with a new majority...for a generation and hopefully generations to come. A world where twisted white men (or white men wanna bes like that miserable mistake Clarence Thomas) no longer dictate their hateful view of the world.

5 more months till the Trump train barrels off the cliff. Ahhhhhhhhh clap2.gif

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Illegals do not deserve citizenship no matter how long they have been in the country, with kids or not.

What message would giving them citizenship send the millions of new citizens who did things the legal way? They spent years and a lot of money to become citizens and to see the country award citizenship to queue jumpers is a slap in the face.

That said, we need a temporary work visa program for those who want to come over to work, do the jobs citizens don't want to do, and not break the law.

Immigrants we want:


Immigrants we don't want:


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Interesting how far out the wingnuts get. Consistently mean spirited, if not downright hateful and delusional at the same time.

...and they will insist they are devout Christians. That's the funny part. The meanest people I know are Christians.

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Interesting how far out the wingnuts get. Consistently mean spirited, if not downright hateful and delusional at the same time.

...and they will insist they are devout Christians. That's the funny part. The meanest people I know are Christians.

..and the most racist people I know are liberals.The world is just messed up, innit?

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Pinot what's mean spirited about enforcing the law? Why does the US have to do everything for everyone else in the world? Do you turn a blind eye to the abusive regimes south of the border who openly discriminate against legally-residing foreigners living in their nations through their laws? The US is so much better already in terms of immigration and rights of immigrants than those nations. I truly hope you aren't one of the hypocrites who thinks the laws discriminating against foreigners living and doing business here are somehow fair. Do you? Please explain. I'm all for legal immigration and so are all those who want the law enforced. By the way, are you one of the overstayers here? If so, please argue why you have the right to stay illegaly here. If not, please tell us why you would even bother with following the law when it's not necessary in your view?

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Interesting how far out the wingnuts get. Consistently mean spirited, if not downright hateful and delusional at the same time.

...and they will insist they are devout Christians. That's the funny part. The meanest people I know are Christians.

..and the most racist people I know are liberals.The world is just messed up, innit?

I'd ask you to explain that but maybe you are just in the wrong forum.

There must be a forum for people that talk crazy.

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Interesting how far out the wingnuts get. Consistently mean spirited, if not downright hateful and delusional at the same time.

...and they will insist they are devout Christians. That's the funny part. The meanest people I know are Christians.

The funny part is I have never had a religion and have lived in Buddhist Thailand for decades. By writing things like you have, you seem to be fitting yourselves into a stereotype.

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Ronald Reagan on the border.


He mentioned law. That's all that is needed. Control. He didn't say he supported anyone breaking the law. I guess you support his tax cuts too. I don't.

Ronald Reagan made a few good moves.

Ha wanted an open border and was against the wall.

He had compassion for our poor neighbors to the south, experiencing a particularly hard time.

He didn't want to appear as an in-compassionate big bully neighbor. (Those are his words.)

-Reagan in 1986 gave amnesty to the 3 million mexicans that had a record of being established and in good standing in the neighborhood.

-Ronald Reagan asked for a guest worker program because he knew the consequences of deporting the work force.

Unfortunately the guest worker program hasn't been well implemented.

-Reagan also put the hammer down on the Employers. Before that time, employers had no obligation to document the workers.

Undocumented workers now use fake IDs and therefore deposit, then abandon, $13 billion in Social Security each year.

What should be done now?

-First, a comprehensive study on the cost benefits of deporting them.

Are they really a big problem or would removing be a bigger problem?

-Next, Put up an X Prize, A $100 Million Challenge to solve the guest worker problems. (Something high-tech & allot cheaper and more effective than a wall please.)

Maybe 'chip' the workers and have satellites track them and collect taxes automatically.

- Then, add 4 more years to the public education system so Americans driving the future economy, not scrambling for the same jobs the 'dirt poor' are willing to do for $1 dollar an hour.

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Interesting how far out the wingnuts get. Consistently mean spirited, if not downright hateful and delusional at the same time.

...and they will insist they are devout Christians. That's the funny part. The meanest people I know are Christians.

..and the most racist people I know are liberals.The world is just messed up, innit?

I'd ask you to explain that but maybe you are just in the wrong forum.

There must be a forum for people that talk crazy.

I could say the same to you. There are many studies showing Christians donate more of their time and money to help others. Hardly makes them mean, in either sense of the word. Just Google it.

Liberals suffer from the soft bigotry of low expectations when it comes to minorities. They hold whites & some Asians to a higher standard than other races. That makes them racist.

West coast liberals want illegals to come so they have someone to take care of their kids, clean their house, take care of their lawn and pick their fruit. People they can pay less and not worry about complaining because they are worried about ICE. Not as racist as a plantation owner, but in the same neighborhood.

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