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First results in UK's historic referendum on EU membership


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I have real hopes that the Scots will see the light, split from the UK and join the EU.

In the end, Britain will end up amputated as well. Loss-loss IMO.

Wrong , an independent Scoland will do better without England and the EU .

Just like Norway the natural resources from gas and oil will turn Scotland into a very rich country .

Well, this was my point basically. Probably didn't make myself clear.

UK loss for losing Scotland.

EU loss for losing UK as a whole but marginally gaining with Scotland joining.

Scotland wins, your point, I'm quite glad they do.

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Green MP Caroline Lucas described the referendum result as heartbreaking and called for voting reform to allow the public to better express their anger.

Speaking to BBC News she said:

I think this is an absolutely devastating result. Personally, I feel pretty heartbroken. It has revealed massive divisions within our country. There is such levels of alienation and anger and frustration which is real wake up call to Westminster. We have got here basically people rebelling against 98% of MPs.

The anger that we are hearing from around the country actually was less to do with EU per se and more to do with a sense of just having been un-heard, un-listened to for so many years.

Welcome to reality. You should have started listening 20 years ago.

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I have real hopes that the Scots will see the light, split from the UK and join the EU.

In the end, Britain will end up amputated as well. Loss-loss IMO.

Wrong , an independent Scoland will do better without England and the EU .

Just like Norway the natural resources from gas and oil will turn Scotland into a very rich country .

Well, this was my point basically. Probably didn't make myself clear.

UK loss for losing Scotland.

EU loss for losing UK as a whole but marginally gaining with Scotland joining.

Scotland wins, your point, I'm quite glad they do.

England would be better off without Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland.

Like the EU, they are all NET drains on the English taxpayers and economy.

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It's a very sad day for the EU and for the UK too.

We're all, Europeans and Britons, going to pay a lot for this. Talk about durable recession in the region.

We all know that the Atlantic Ocean has always been much narrower than the Channel in the hearts of many Britons, but things don't work this way as they'll find out soon.

Anyway, your choice.

Exactly, our choice.

You see we have had enough of being told how to live our lives, and being governed, by people we cannot vote out of office.

So WE have made our choice and WE will live with it. And if it means a weak Pound for a while so be it.


Democracy does not come with a price tag.

The freedoms and rights we have/had were paid for in blood, a few years of economic uncertainty is a small price to pay to keep/regain them.

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

Actually, the EU is 10 billion pounds a year worse off without the UK.

The UK is the 2nd biggest net contbributor after Germany.

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

Actually, the EU is 10 billion pounds a year worse off without the UK.

The UK is the 2nd biggest net contbributor after Germany.

3rd in 2015 after France i believe, but your point remains valid

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UK pensioners in Thailand better get voting, since their buying power has decreased by 3.5% in just the past hour

only if you hold your pension in UK. Personaly I moved it off shore many years ago

the UK state pension and most private pension funds that are in payment cannot be moved.

Congratulations if you moved your pension (fund?) offshore some time ago and it is all invested in non-GBP assets. I did too earlier this year, but it still has a UK weighting of 40%, counting a large slug of GBP cash that I left in cash to await a large downturn such as this.

Some Brits who advise never to move your cash out of the home country should perhaps consider a more balanced approach in future! As always investing is all about geographical diversification. Those with British and European assets only are crying, those with only other assets are celebrating. Those with balance portfolios are probably sanguine - some you win some you lose.

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Bloody hell ... Also, France, Belgium, & Denmark have all called for referendums to leave the EU as well following Britain's decision.

Correction: the far-right parties in these countries have called for...

They're not close to having the same support from the people as the Brexit camp had in the UK.

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Great news for the British fishing industry

I hope so. Also agriculture. We can start to grow our own foods and be self sufficient, once again. Also other industries. the NHS and Education are the big ones for me. For the doom and gloomers what ever happens we can make our own choices, eventually when we leave the EU. The sky is the limit for the reborn UK.

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It's a very sad day for the EU and for the UK too.

We're all, Europeans and Britons, going to pay a lot for this. Talk about durable recession in the region.

We all know that the Atlantic Ocean has always been much narrower than the Channel in the hearts of many Britons, but things don't work this way as they'll find out soon.

Anyway, your choice.

Exactly, our choice.

You see we have had enough of being told how to live our lives, and being governed, by people we cannot vote out of office.

So WE have made our choice and WE will live with it. And if it means a weak Pound for a while so be it.

Regarding a country with the motto "The sun never sets on the British Empire"? 555

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Great news for the British fishing industry

I hope so. Also agriculture. We can start to grow our own foods and be self sufficient, once again. Also other industries. the NHS and Education are the big ones for me. For the doom and gloomers what ever happens we can make our own choices, eventually when we leave the EU. The sky is the limit for the reborn UK.

At least, the bananas won't all be a regulated size and fish and chips will come in different shapes, haha

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UK pensioners in Thailand better get voting, since their buying power has decreased by 3.5% in just the past hour

only if you hold your pension in UK. Personaly I moved it off shore many years ago

the UK state pension and most private pension funds that are in payment cannot be moved.

Congratulations if you moved your pension (fund?) offshore some time ago and it is all invested in non-GBP assets. I did too earlier this year, but it still has a UK weighting of 40%, counting a large slug of GBP cash that I left in cash to await a large downturn such as this.

Some Brits who advise never to move your cash out of the home country should perhaps consider a more balanced approach in future! As always investing is all about geographical diversification. Those with British and European assets only are crying, those with only other assets are celebrating. Those with balance portfolios are probably sanguine - some you win some you lose.

If you left a large slug of GBP, now would not be a good time to sell it

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

Certainly negative contribution in terms of criticism, but money?

Are you sure? Source?

Even the Remain campaign in the UK acknowledged the significant financial net contribution the UK makes, net of rebates, net of subsidies back to some UK regions and farmers.

I'll listen to you if you have an authoritative source on money flows, but suspect you are plucking statements out of thin air for effect.

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How can Cameron and Osbourne stay on now.? They can't be trusted to negotiate an exit. Both of their positions are now untenable. Bye bye.

They are gone plus a few others i think....this vote is also a vote of no confidence in the current pm and various other pigs around the trough...

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Obama's being briefed on the result.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

The UK won't loose sleep over that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

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Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

Bye Erik clap2.gifcheesy.gif

Wonder if Erik is Greek ?

I thought Britain contributed £120 million a week or £17 million a day to the EU. After accounting for the money the Brussels sent back to Britain and EU spending. Doesn't sound very negative to me.


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