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So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

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Just for the benefit of any doubt. My position is the UK benefits system is a cluster, for everyone, and needs to be radically overhauled. The sooner the better.

I do not think there is anything funny about people working illegally and / or claiming benefits that should not be getting paid out in the 1st place.

Haven't all of us(presumably) on Thai visa moved here for a better life?

Yes indeed we have,

In doing so we have complied with the Thai immigration rules that are rigidly enforced and we cannot claim 1 Baht from the Thai government in benefits/hospital care, We have to pay our own way,

I have no issue with any immigrant to any country who can meet immigration rules and pay their own way.

That reminds me.

I must really make a point of writing to the Thai Government on a daily basis. Thanking them for:

1. This free palatial house.

2. The free healthcare.

3 The free Baht 15000 a week beer tokens.

Then I farquin woke up.

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Although this has been going on for decades, I would like to think that it has been given the attention and action that it deserves because of Brexit.

Dozens of staff at the Byron Hamburgers chain of restaurants have been arrested in an immigration swoop, it has emerged.

The Home Office has confirmed 35 nationals from Brazil, Nepal, Egypt and Albania were among those rounded up in the raid, which took place acrossLondon on the morning of 4 July.

Apparently a member of staff had this to say.

It is <deleted> disgusting. Some of these people worked here for four or five years and they weren’t even given a chance to say goodbye,” said the worker who spoke on condition of anonymity.


Nothing wrong with working illegally for 4 or 5 years, but its '' <deleted> disgusting '' that they are held to account for breaking the law.

Lets see these raids continue, and being reported every single day until the message starts to sink in.

35 illegal workers found and arrested.

Regardless of which side of the Brexit argument we are on, this is good news.

Now all we need is 35 Brits willing to flip burgers rather than put their handout for welfare.


Just for the benefit of any doubt. My position is the UK benefits system is a cluster, for everyone, and needs to be radically overhauled. The sooner the better.

I do not think there is anything funny about people working illegally and / or claiming benefits that should not be getting paid out in the 1st place.

Haven't all of us(presumably) on Thai visa moved here for a better life?

Yes indeed we have,

In doing so we have complied with the Thai immigration rules that are rigidly enforced and we cannot claim 1 Baht from the Thai government in benefits/hospital care, We have to pay our own way,

I have no issue with any immigrant to any country who can meet immigration rules and pay their own way.

That reminds me.

I must really make a point of writing to the Thai Government on a daily basis. Thanking them for:

1. This free palatial house.

2. The free healthcare.

3 The free Baht 15000 a week beer tokens.

Then I farquin woke up.

So the penny drops....

Initially you were up in arms about "illegal" immigrants working in the UK, which to me made no sense whatsoever....now the goal posts have moved and you are really up in arms about free palatial homes being given away etc....

That is atleast a bit understandable, however you should really do some factual research into what sort of benefits immigrants to the UK receive.

Maybe I misunderstand you though and our definitions of "palatial" are different, can you send me any pictures of the palatial homes the UK government gives away?

Can you also show me a government link shows the amount payable to illegal immigrants to the UK? All benefits and entitlements are listed...so it shouldn't be too hard for you to prove they receive in excess of 500 pounds a week(assuming 15k = 300 that is spent only on beer and they still need atleast 200 for essentials).

Can you show me where it also states illegal immigrants receive free healthcare? Because Thailand and Britain have the exact same policy regarding healthcare for foreigners(and I know from personal experience). They both treat everyone prior to payment and then attempt to get money off you after....sometimes they are successful, sometimes not. Check out the stats for how much outstanding debt foreigners have to hospitals in Thailand. I don't have a link handy(though I will search if you like?) but from memory it is a few hundred million baht a year.


Although this has been going on for decades, I would like to think that it has been given the attention and action that it deserves because of Brexit.

Dozens of staff at the Byron Hamburgers chain of restaurants have been arrested in an immigration swoop, it has emerged.

The Home Office has confirmed 35 nationals from Brazil, Nepal, Egypt and Albania were among those rounded up in the raid, which took place acrossLondon on the morning of 4 July.

Apparently a member of staff had this to say.

It is <deleted> disgusting. Some of these people worked here for four or five years and they weren’t even given a chance to say goodbye,” said the worker who spoke on condition of anonymity.


Nothing wrong with working illegally for 4 or 5 years, but its '' <deleted> disgusting '' that they are held to account for breaking the law.

Lets see these raids continue, and being reported every single day until the message starts to sink in.

35 illegal workers found and arrested.

Regardless of which side of the Brexit argument we are on, this is good news.

Now all we need is 35 Brits willing to flip burgers rather than put their handout for welfare.

Actually I am not sure it is good news no matter what side of the argument you are on:

1 - Employer is down 35 staff incurring substantial costs to employ and train new staff.

2 - Customers(atleast in the transition period) will suffer from service and quality.

3 - UK government loses out on the tax revenue generated from these employees(admittedly that may be made up by new employees in the long term)

4 - Most importantly, the people themselves. they have just lost their jobs, homes and income after 5 years because they were not born in the right country. I don't know for sure(the article isn't that detailed), but they appear to be a group of good hard working, decent people who had to lie to get into the country.

There are many variables in this, some would be positive but some would also be negative and I think on the human level it weighs more heavily on the negative side.


When you are able to make the distinction between legal migrant and illegal migrant. We might be in a position to have a negotiation.

If you are unable to differentiate between them, then we would be wasting our time.

I think we all know what 'employer' means.

And its the employers who are giving out the jobs, paying low wages, and reaping profits.

Well that and the general public getting access to cheaper goods and services.


When you are able to make the distinction between legal migrant and illegal migrant. We might be in a position to have a negotiation.

If you are unable to differentiate between them, then we would be wasting our time.

I think we all know what 'employer' means.

And its the employers who are giving out the jobs, paying low wages, and reaping profits.

Well that and the general public getting access to cheaper goods and services.

And our pension-funds & investments reaping the benefits, hopefully !

Incidentally, that report on the Immigration-raid on the burger-chain was very careful to make clear, the employers were not the problem, it was all the fake-documentation which some of their employees had been presenting to them.


Taken from the press meeting with the Italian PM ,

Theresa May

'Pressed on what kind of UK-EU relationship might result from Brexit, she said she wanted to secure "the best possible deal on goods and services" but that "we had a very clear message from the British people that they want some control on freedom of movement and we will deliver on that"..

'some control on freedom of movement' is this an earlier attempt, campaign to lower the expectations of Brexit.


Just for the benefit of any doubt. My position is the UK benefits system is a cluster, for everyone, and needs to be radically overhauled. The sooner the better.

I do not think there is anything funny about people working illegally and / or claiming benefits that should not be getting paid out in the 1st place.

But it is funny.

People are so tied up in these artificial border constructs that have been put in place by the powers that be to control the masses.

Why should any of these people be considered "illegal" for moving and working? As the article states, some have been there for 4 or 5 years....how are they harming the country by flipping burgers?

According to the article the employer was doing the right thing, so they were not "stealing" jobs by doing them cheaper....they chose to move to a different country to flip burgers, why would you be against that?

I truly don't understand how anyone could be against people moving to a different country to better their lives....is that not literally what every single person in history that has moved countries done?

Haven't all of us(presumably) on Thai visa moved here for a better life?

The only argument anyone can have about this is "but it's illegal", but laws have and will change and borders have and will change. It is constantly changing(look at the Aussie family in Scotland for an example). Just because your ancestor's(again presumably) came to Britain for a better life when laws were different doesn't make that any less right or wrong.

The only other argument could be "they are taking jobs from Brits" but if you are missing out on a job to an "illegal" immigrant to flip burgers in a restaurant the problem doesn't lie with them, it lies with you who have had all the advantages in life(in comparison) but still can't do a job better than them.

Plus, Brits were also immigrants at one stage.

Ps. I am using "you" in the general sense, not directing it at anyone one in particular.

When you are able to make the distinction between legal migrant and illegal migrant. We might be in a position to have a negotiation.

If you are unable to differentiate between them, then we would be wasting our time.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

There is no such thing as an 'illegal migrant'. Migrants are people that have moved their place of residence because they have the right to do so. If that right does not exist, in other words illegal, then they are not migrants.

People that do not have a right of residence in a country are immigrants and they can be either legal or illegal.


Miriam Sapiro, former trade representative for the US says she is confident a trade between the US and the UK will be achieved quickly ( for those who must know Express today ), this must be very annoying for the resident in the White House who loves us so much, the lame ducky goes in November, that is something I look forward to, does he go anywhere without a recording machine and a mirror?


When you are able to make the distinction between legal migrant and illegal migrant. We might be in a position to have a negotiation.

If you are unable to differentiate between them, then we would be wasting our time.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

There is no such thing as an 'illegal migrant'. Migrants are people that have moved their place of residence because they have the right to do so. If that right does not exist, in other words illegal, then they are not migrants.

People that do not have a right of residence in a country are immigrants and they can be either legal or illegal.

Are you on the laughing juice ?

Take it up with Pew

Illegal migration to EU rises for routes both well-worn and less-traveled


I could not care less whether they are migrants, immigrants, aliens or just run of the mill fcukwits. If it has illegal in front of it, then get rounding them up and start shipping them out.


When you are able to make the distinction between legal migrant and illegal migrant. We might be in a position to have a negotiation.

If you are unable to differentiate between them, then we would be wasting our time.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

There is no such thing as an 'illegal migrant'. Migrants are people that have moved their place of residence because they have the right to do so. If that right does not exist, in other words illegal, then they are not migrants.

People that do not have a right of residence in a country are immigrants and they can be either legal or illegal.

Are you on the laughing juice ?

Take it up with Pew

Illegal migration to EU rises for routes both well-worn and less-traveled


I could not care less whether they are migrants, immigrants, aliens or just run of the mill fcukwits. If it has illegal in front of it, then get rounding them up and start shipping them out.

The article on the home office raid does not state that they are illegal immigrants , just that they did not have the right to work


Are you on the laughing juice ?

Take it up with Pew


I could not care less whether they are migrants, immigrants, aliens or just run of the mill fcukwits. If it has illegal in front of it, then get rounding them up and start shipping them out.

The article on the home office raid does not state that they are illegal immigrants , just that they did not have the right to work

The article states

The Home Office has confirmed 35 nationals from Brazil, Nepal, Egypt and Albania were among those rounded up in the raid, which took place acrossLondon on the morning of 4 July.

Who were carrying out illegal activities by working when they at the very least, had no right to work in the UK. I do not think we even need to go into expired visa's etc.

Round them up and ship them out.


When you are able to make the distinction between legal migrant and illegal migrant. We might be in a position to have a negotiation.

If you are unable to differentiate between them, then we would be wasting our time.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

There is no such thing as an 'illegal migrant'. Migrants are people that have moved their place of residence because they have the right to do so. If that right does not exist, in other words illegal, then they are not migrants.

People that do not have a right of residence in a country are immigrants and they can be either legal or illegal.

Are you on the laughing juice ?

Take it up with Pew

Illegal migration to EU rises for routes both well-worn and less-traveled


I could not care less whether they are migrants, immigrants, aliens or just run of the mill fcukwits. If it has illegal in front of it, then get rounding them up and start shipping them out.

Common trait in brexiteers, facts mean very little.


Are you on the laughing juice ?

Take it up with Pew


I could not care less whether they are migrants, immigrants, aliens or just run of the mill fcukwits. If it has illegal in front of it, then get rounding them up and start shipping them out.

Common trait in brexiteers, facts mean very little.

What a stupid remark. You really are a very bitter little boy.

The only facts currently available about this case is that those that were rounded up were carrying out '' ILLEGAL '' activities in the UK.

Let me say that again just so that you completely understand it.

FOREIGNERS carrying out ILLEGAL activities in the UK.

Round them up and ship them out.


Once again, the problem that the HO acted on and is trying to resolve in the first instance is not necessarily the employment of illegals but the use of counterfeit papers. The employer in this instance claims to have acted in good faith and undertook all the necessary checks to ensure applicants were eligible to work in the UK. Perhaps you don't see the difference between the two things, counterfeit paperwork and working illegally since one begets the other. But if you can eliminate or substantially reduce one, the other will show a decline. If in fact the HO was truly interested in reducing the number of immigrants who work in the UK, everyone there would be carrying ID cards and raids/checks by the HO/Immigration would be a daily occurrence.




Here is the latest update


This Company have been caught out employing illegals and have sold them down the river to save their own skin.

This quote says it all.

There were 20 of us there, all from Byron. At the beginning, I couldn’t believe what was happening. But then, when I realised they were going to deport us, I felt so bad,” the chef said. “They were destroying everything I have done. I worked hard, I paid taxes and Byron did this to us. It is immoral. They were happy to employ me for years doing really hard work that no British person would do.”

How does someone, who is working illegally pay taxes ? You will also notice that there is no mention of NI deductions.

The answer of course, is they do not. The Company deduct taxes from the worker at source and do not pass it on to HMRC. Win Win for the Company until they get caught.



Here is the latest update


This Company have been caught out employing illegals and have sold them down the river to save their own skin.

This quote says it all.

There were 20 of us there, all from Byron. At the beginning, I couldn’t believe what was happening. But then, when I realised they were going to deport us, I felt so bad,” the chef said. “They were destroying everything I have done. I worked hard, I paid taxes and Byron did this to us. It is immoral. They were happy to employ me for years doing really hard work that no British person would do.”

How does someone, who is working illegally pay taxes ? You will also notice that there is no mention of NI deductions.

The answer of course, is they do not. The Company deduct taxes and it is not passed on to HMRC.

"The answer of course, is they do not. The Company deduct taxes and it is not passed on to HMRC".

That has to be an assumption at this stage, let's wait and see what else surfaces on this because Byron says:

"It said that the Home Office acknowledged that it had complied with its legal responsibilities as an employer but it had been shown “false/counterfeit documentation” by those at the centre of the alleged immigration breaches". https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jul/27/immigration-raid-on-byron-hamburgers-rounds-up-30-workers

If indeed Byron had been pocketing the deductions from what it believed to be bona fide employees, HMRC could have managed that through an audit and closed them down for fraud.



Here is the latest update


This Company have been caught out employing illegals and have sold them down the river to save their own skin.

This quote says it all.

There were 20 of us there, all from Byron. At the beginning, I couldn’t believe what was happening. But then, when I realised they were going to deport us, I felt so bad,” the chef said. “They were destroying everything I have done. I worked hard, I paid taxes and Byron did this to us. It is immoral. They were happy to employ me for years doing really hard work that no British person would do.”

How does someone, who is working illegally pay taxes ? You will also notice that there is no mention of NI deductions.

The answer of course, is they do not. The Company deduct taxes and it is not passed on to HMRC.

"The answer of course, is they do not. The Company deduct taxes and it is not passed on to HMRC".

That has to be an assumption at this stage, let's wait and see what else surfaces on this because Byron says:

"It said that the Home Office acknowledged that it had complied with its legal responsibilities as an employer but it had been shown “false/counterfeit documentation” by those at the centre of the alleged immigration breaches". https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jul/27/immigration-raid-on-byron-hamburgers-rounds-up-30-workers

If indeed Byron had been pocketing the deductions from what it believed to be bona fide employees, HMRC could have managed that through an audit and closed them down for fraud.

Its all a bit odd. Presumably the workers had NI numbers in order to be employed, and then taxes would have been paid to HMRC on those NI numbers?

If the NI numbers were false/counterfeit, HMRC would have picked this up quite quickly? Perhaps they provided fraudulent documentation to obtain a genuine NI number?

If the workers did not have any NI number, then Byron have broken laws and will face charges?

Regardless, personally I feel sorry for those who have been working there for 4/5 years and are now likely to be thrown out of the country.


Are you on the laughing juice ?

Take it up with Pew


I could not care less whether they are migrants, immigrants, aliens or just run of the mill fcukwits. If it has illegal in front of it, then get rounding them up and start shipping them out.

Common trait in brexiteers, facts mean very little.

What a stupid remark. You really are a very bitter little boy.

The only facts currently available about this case is that those that were rounded up were carrying out '' ILLEGAL '' activities in the UK.

Let me say that again just so that you completely understand it.

FOREIGNERS carrying out ILLEGAL activities in the UK.

Round them up and ship them out.

You have obviously been listening to too many politicians, get it wrong and go off at a tangent.

You were wrong in your concept of migrants, put your hand up and be counted. I take it you think shouting will make it right.

Its all a bit odd. Presumably the workers had NI numbers in order to be employed, and then taxes would have been paid to HMRC on those NI numbers?

If the NI numbers were false/counterfeit, HMRC would have picked this up quite quickly? Perhaps they provided fraudulent documentation to obtain a genuine NI number?

If the workers did not have any NI number, then Byron have broken laws and will face charges?

Regardless, personally I feel sorry for those who have been working there for 4/5 years and are now likely to be thrown out of the country.

Yes, IMO there's a case for saying that, if they've been here for a few years & found work & supported themselves & paid all tax/NI which was due, then they ought to be allowed to stay, they're totally different from someone who gets via an illegal channel but then expects the state to pay for everything.

We have a long-term labour-shortage in the UK, for lower-paid workers, due to our declining birth-rate. So we need people from somewhere to do these jobs.

IIRC the Aussies used to take this view too, some 30+ years ago, and would have an amnesty for people like this, every few years. I even considered doing it myself, after my legal-application had been rejected, way back then.


Brexit knocks manufacturers' confidence - report


This is an interesting comment.

"A quarter of respondents in the region were positive about lower regulatory burden and increased demand, the report said."

Many manufacturers resented EU legislation that forced them to comply with recognised standards. Seems like they think it will be a return to the old ways.

Its all a bit odd. Presumably the workers had NI numbers in order to be employed, and then taxes would have been paid to HMRC on those NI numbers?

If the NI numbers were false/counterfeit, HMRC would have picked this up quite quickly? Perhaps they provided fraudulent documentation to obtain a genuine NI number?

If the workers did not have any NI number, then Byron have broken laws and will face charges?

Regardless, personally I feel sorry for those who have been working there for 4/5 years and are now likely to be thrown out of the country.

Yes, IMO there's a case for saying that, if they've been here for a few years & found work & supported themselves & paid all tax/NI which was due, then they ought to be allowed to stay, they're totally different from someone who gets via an illegal channel but then expects the state to pay for everything.

We have a long-term labour-shortage in the UK, for lower-paid workers, due to our declining birth-rate. So we need people from somewhere to do these jobs.

IIRC the Aussies used to take this view too, some 30+ years ago, and would have an amnesty for people like this, every few years. I even considered doing it myself, after my legal-application had been rejected, way back then.

I agree with the first para., but not so much the second - as there are many unemployed or part time employed Brits.

The problem is (IMO) that the influx of unskilled workers has enabled employers to keep wages low for everyone, apart from those at the top who have enjoyed every increasing multiples of salary compared to the lowest paid in the companies.

I agree about an amnesty for those migrants that have been working and paying tax for 4/5 years and above as presumably they have worked and made a life in the UK - but also think that immigration now needs to be restricted to highly skilled workers.


Once again, the problem that the HO acted on and is trying to resolve in the first instance is not necessarily the employment of illegals but the use of counterfeit papers. The employer in this instance claims to have acted in good faith and undertook all the necessary checks to ensure applicants were eligible to work in the UK. Perhaps you don't see the difference between the two things, counterfeit paperwork and working illegally since one begets the other. But if you can eliminate or substantially reduce one, the other will show a decline. If in fact the HO was truly interested in reducing the number of immigrants who work in the UK, everyone there would be carrying ID cards and raids/checks by the HO/Immigration would be a daily occurrence.


There are laws in place.

It would appear that some think that if laws are,bent, abused, circumvented, ignored or whatever, it is a result of being an EU member. All this will come to an end with Brexit.


Brexit knocks manufacturers' confidence - report


This is an interesting comment.

"A quarter of respondents in the region were positive about lower regulatory burden and increased demand, the report said."

Many manufacturers resented EU legislation that forced them to comply with recognised standards. Seems like they think it will be a return to the old ways.

You're twisting the statement to fit a pre-conceived agenda.

It seems more likely that they're not referring to safety or quality standards, but rather the red-tape and other expensive and wasteful restrictions applied by the EU with which they need to comply.



Here is the latest update


This Company have been caught out employing illegals and have sold them down the river to save their own skin.

This quote says it all.

There were 20 of us there, all from Byron. At the beginning, I couldn’t believe what was happening. But then, when I realised they were going to deport us, I felt so bad,” the chef said. “They were destroying everything I have done. I worked hard, I paid taxes and Byron did this to us. It is immoral. They were happy to employ me for years doing really hard work that no British person would do.”

How does someone, who is working illegally pay taxes ? You will also notice that there is no mention of NI deductions.

The answer of course, is they do not. The Company deduct taxes from the worker at source and do not pass it on to HMRC. Win Win for the Company until they get caught.

So let's blame the illegal immigrants and not the company.

Its odd though isn't it, if plod catch you in possession of a stolen car with falsified plates and documents, that you did not know the docs where forged is no defence agains the charge of receiving stolen goods.


Brexit knocks manufacturers' confidence - report


This is an interesting comment.

"A quarter of respondents in the region were positive about lower regulatory burden and increased demand, the report said."

Many manufacturers resented EU legislation that forced them to comply with recognised standards. Seems like they think it will be a return to the old ways.

You're twisting the statement to fit a pre-conceived agenda.

It seems more likely that they're not referring to safety or quality standards, but rather the red-tape and other expensive and wasteful restrictions applied by the EU with which they need to comply.

It seems you have rather a naive view of business' reaction to regulation, particularly safety and quality, you'll be telling me next that the signs around business premises stating 'Safety First' mean 'Safety First'.

It is interesting though, the only solid statements made on deregulation during the Brexit campaign referred, not to 'the heavy burden of bureaucracy' but to removing the minimum wage, removing the working hours directive and removing maternity rights.


Many many months ago I wrote that the UK was a highly racist country, this was in the context of something other than Brexit and based on my personal experiences and thaose of trusted friends. Another very British poster took umbrage and accused me of not knowing the first thing about England and wondered if indeed I'd ever been there. To that poster, hello, it's wake up time:



Many many months ago I wrote that the UK was a highly racist country, this was in the context of something other than Brexit and based on my personal experiences and thaose of trusted friends. Another very British poster took umbrage and accused me of not knowing the first thing about England and wondered if indeed I'd ever been there. To that poster, hello, it's wake up time:


I gave you a 'like' on your post Chiang Mai, but don't mistake that as a 'like the news you have linked to'.

The Brexit campaign used racism and xenophobia as a central message of their campaign, the resulting rise in racist abuse was predicted and has come about.

Over to the Brexiteers for their protestations of denial of any responsibility for the racism Brexit has unleashed.


Brexit knocks manufacturers' confidence - report


This is an interesting comment.

"A quarter of respondents in the region were positive about lower regulatory burden and increased demand, the report said."

Many manufacturers resented EU legislation that forced them to comply with recognised standards. Seems like they think it will be a return to the old ways.

You're twisting the statement to fit a pre-conceived agenda.

It seems more likely that they're not referring to safety or quality standards, but rather the red-tape and other expensive and wasteful restrictions applied by the EU with which they need to comply.

It seems you have rather a naive view of business' reaction to regulation, particularly safety and quality, you'll be telling me next that the signs around business premises stating 'Safety First' mean 'Safety First'.

It is interesting though, the only solid statements made on deregulation during the Brexit campaign referred, not to 'the heavy burden of bureaucracy' but to removing the minimum wage, removing the working hours directive and removing maternity rights.

Not really. Workers can easily sue in the UK - and do so often when the employer falls short in any way on safety standards. Similarly consumers.

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