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Calls for referendums in Scotland and Northern Ireland after Brexit vote


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Calls for referendums in Scotland and Northern Ireland after Brexit vote


Scotland voted strongly in favour of staying in the European Union, by 62 percent in favour of “Remain” to 38 percent who opted for “Leave”.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon of the Scottish National Party (SNP) said a second referendum on independence was “highly likely”.

“I want to make it absolutely clear today that I intend to take all possible steps and explore all options to give effect to how people in Scotland voted. In other words, to secure our continuing place in the EU and in the single market in particular (…) There are many people who voted against independence in 2014 who are today reassessing their decision. Indeed, a very large number of them have contacted me already,” she said.

Northern Ireland also voted to stay in the EU by a lesser majority of almost 56 percent, to just under 44 percent for “Leave”.

There too there are calls for a referendum on unification with the Irish Republic, which is in the EU.

“Well I do believe that given the vote that has been taken by English voters effectively dragging ourselves and Scotland out of the European Union, that we do have a right to test opinion,” said Northern Ireland’s Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness.

It’s uncertain how the relationship between a non-EU Northern Ireland and the Republic will be affected – particularly concerning arrangements for the border.

There’s been speculation that after Brexit, a physical border with passport checks may be set up along what will be the UK’s only land border with the EU.

Following the Troubles conflict, the region received EU funds linked to the peace process.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-25

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If they want to vote to go then let them...but maybe they might want to wait until further down the road just to see what is happening.

There is over 2 years to go before people want to start getting excited.

I don't know how Scotland would cope in the EU, the oil is running out and the price is not as good as it was. They would loose the free Prescriptions and free University (which the UK tax payer pays for) unless they have loads of money to pay for it, how would they pay into the bottomless pit of coffers which the EU wants every month? They would have to take on the Euro as they do not have theit own currency! But if thats what they want then Good Luck

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I just don't get it, the UK as a whole has rejected the ever increasing rule from Brussels and have sent a clear message enough is enough and here we have Sturgeon making claims of wanting independence when in fact what they are advocating is ultimately being governed from Brussels, are the Scottish people really that naïve ?

Also I would have thought that Scotland as an independent would have to apply for EU membership on their own if they ever split from the UK...would they even qualify, what would they be bringing to the table ? North Sea Oil ? lol, if they had got the leave vote last time round they would be now begging for bailouts from the EU and UK because the oil price went through the floor (just as they were warned it might)

What on earth is this Sturgeon woman trying to achieve

I think there should have been another tick box on the ballot paper yesterday - should Scotland be expelled from the UK immediately

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Just look at the percentages at the bottom of who voted.


I was surprised how many Scottish voted for leave. The Northern Irish were very close. Sinn Fein are not a majority and what currency would both countries have? The Euro. I don't believe the Northern Irish would go for that and hopefully the Scots will see sense. I am not against both countries having independence but does that mean autonomy or on your own 100%.

Wait to see what happens in the next few months with the rest of Europe and if they still want to be apart of this sinking ship.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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I welcome this wholeheartedly - an independent England and Scotland and nothing more to whine about. Folk around the world think the English as some kind of leviathan desperately holding on to its treasures at all costs. That's the beauty of this union and democracy (now in any case); if you want out, ask for a referendum and let your people decide.

But is the Scots truly want out, give the English the vote, it was somewhere around 65-70% in favour last time. And NI going back to Eire would also be nice, though bearing in mind many of its people are staunchly pro-British and troubles would likely kick off in a big way if there ware an attempt at reunification.

But auto-accession to the EU is not how it works; it needs agreements from ALL members and an incentive to want to take newbies; how the books would look if they were on their own. What can Scotland offer? It doesn't make much and the oil, part of which is in English waters, is on its way out. There is also the Barnett Formula to consider and the subsequent loss of the whacking subsidy everyone gets north of the border.

As for Sturgeon; horrible old goat that will sink her people, though I wish them all the best. Just don't blame the English if it all goes wrong.

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If they want to vote to go then let them...but maybe they might want to wait until further down the road just to see what is happening.

There is over 2 years to go before people want to start getting excited.

I don't know how Scotland would cope in the EU, the oil is running out and the price is not as good as it was. They would loose the free Prescriptions and free University (which the UK tax payer pays for) unless they have loads of money to pay for it, how would they pay into the bottomless pit of coffers which the EU wants every month? They would have to take on the Euro as they do not have theit own currency! But if thats what they want then Good Luck

So much misinformation...

Oil: it is not the entirety of the Scottish economy. We have a very mature and diverse economy. However, once we get rid of Faslane, we will be able to open up the Irish Sea to exploration, and advances in technology are already making West of Shetland accessible.

Free Prescriptions / university fees: Scots are already UK tax payers so we are already covering the cost of prescriptions and university fees.

Currency: we do have a currency. It is called the pound.

But thanks for the good wishes. Likewise.

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I welcome this wholeheartedly - an independent England and Scotland and nothing more to whine about. Folk around the world think the English as some kind of leviathan desperately holding on to its treasures at all costs. That's the beauty of this union and democracy (now in any case); if you want out, ask for a referendum and let your people decide.

But is the Scots truly want out, give the English the vote, it was somewhere around 65-70% in favour last time. And NI going back to Eire would also be nice, though bearing in mind many of its people are staunchly pro-British and troubles would likely kick off in a big way if there ware an attempt at reunification.

But auto-accession to the EU is not how it works; it needs agreements from ALL members and an incentive to want to take newbies; how the books would look if they were on their own. What can Scotland offer? It doesn't make much and the oil, part of which is in English waters, is on its way out. There is also the Barnett Formula to consider and the subsequent loss of the whacking subsidy everyone gets north of the border.

As for Sturgeon; horrible old goat that will sink her people, though I wish them all the best. Just don't blame the English if it all goes wrong.

Scotland has the second highest GDP per capita after the SE of England, so if you think that Scotland doesn't make much, the rest of the country is in an even worse situation.

As for the oil in English waters - the Blair shenanigans at the fag end of his term would easily be overturned in an international court of arbitration. There was no justification for what was essentially a land (sea) grab.

I fail to understand the constant barrage of abuse that Sturgeon gets. Is it that she is a chippy female, or worse, a chippy Jock female who has the temerity to tell the MIGHTY English that, in all reality, your days of being important died with your grandfathers.

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What's the worry over Scotland wanting out of the Untied Kingdom ?

Maybe everyone should be taking a leaf out of the BBC's book as all they seem concerned about is what will happen now to all the Poles in Britain and those planning to go for work

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If they want to vote to go then let them...but maybe they might want to wait until further down the road just to see what is happening.

There is over 2 years to go before people want to start getting excited.

I don't know how Scotland would cope in the EU, the oil is running out and the price is not as good as it was. They would loose the free Prescriptions and free University (which the UK tax payer pays for) unless they have loads of money to pay for it, how would they pay into the bottomless pit of coffers which the EU wants every month? They would have to take on the Euro as they do not have theit own currency! But if thats what they want then Good Luck

So much misinformation...

Oil: it is not the entirety of the Scottish economy. We have a very mature and diverse economy. However, once we get rid of Faslane, we will be able to open up the Irish Sea to exploration, and advances in technology are already making West of Shetland accessible.

Free Prescriptions / university fees: Scots are already UK tax payers so we are already covering the cost of prescriptions and university fees.

Currency: we do have a currency. It is called the pound.

But thanks for the good wishes. Likewise.

I don't see anyone else getting free prescriptions and Uni places, the point was not you getting them....but will you still get them if you leave? Cant see the EU doing it!

Yes of course you are tax payers....if you read the post I stated UK tax payers

The currency is that of the UK, if you leave do you expect to take it with you? Doubt it, Euro it is

The good luck was meant, whichever way it goes

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If they want to vote to go then let them...but maybe they might want to wait until further down the road just to see what is happening.

There is over 2 years to go before people want to start getting excited.

I don't know how Scotland would cope in the EU, the oil is running out and the price is not as good as it was. They would loose the free Prescriptions and free University (which the UK tax payer pays for) unless they have loads of money to pay for it, how would they pay into the bottomless pit of coffers which the EU wants every month? They would have to take on the Euro as they do not have theit own currency! But if thats what they want then Good Luck

So much misinformation...

Oil: it is not the entirety of the Scottish economy. We have a very mature and diverse economy. However, once we get rid of Faslane, we will be able to open up the Irish Sea to exploration, and advances in technology are already making West of Shetland accessible.

Free Prescriptions / university fees: Scots are already UK tax payers so we are already covering the cost of prescriptions and university fees.

Currency: we do have a currency. It is called the pound.

But thanks for the good wishes. Likewise.

Given its called the Irish sea, the Irish will own that bit of water so you will not be opening anything up for exploration, however an independent Ireland might

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If they want to vote to go then let them...but maybe they might want to wait until further down the road just to see what is happening.

There is over 2 years to go before people want to start getting excited.

I don't know how Scotland would cope in the EU, the oil is running out and the price is not as good as it was. They would loose the free Prescriptions and free University (which the UK tax payer pays for) unless they have loads of money to pay for it, how would they pay into the bottomless pit of coffers which the EU wants every month? They would have to take on the Euro as they do not have theit own currency! But if thats what they want then Good Luck

So much misinformation...

Oil: it is not the entirety of the Scottish economy. We have a very mature and diverse economy. However, once we get rid of Faslane, we will be able to open up the Irish Sea to exploration, and advances in technology are already making West of Shetland accessible.

Free Prescriptions / university fees: Scots are already UK tax payers so we are already covering the cost of prescriptions and university fees.

Currency: we do have a currency. It is called the pound.

But thanks for the good wishes. Likewise.

Given its called the Irish sea, the Irish will own that bit of water so you will not be opening anything up for exploration, however an independent Ireland might

I am not sure that is how territorial claims actually work, otherwise do you think the Irish government would be happy for the UK to be producing from Cardigan Bay, "a large inlet of the Irish Sea, indenting the west coast of Wales between Bardsey Island, Gwynedd in the north, and Strumble Head, Pembrokeshire at its southern end. It is the largest bay in Wales."

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So much misinformation...

Oil: it is not the entirety of the Scottish economy. We have a very mature and diverse economy. However, once we get rid of Faslane, we will be able to open up the Irish Sea to exploration, and advances in technology are already making West of Shetland accessible.

Free Prescriptions / university fees: Scots are already UK tax payers so we are already covering the cost of prescriptions and university fees.

Currency: we do have a currency. It is called the pound.

But thanks for the good wishes. Likewise.

I don't see anyone else getting free prescriptions and Uni places, the point was not you getting them....but will you still get them if you leave? Cant see the EU doing it!

Yes of course you are tax payers....if you read the post I stated UK tax payers

The currency is that of the UK, if you leave do you expect to take it with you? Doubt it, Euro it is

The good luck was meant, whichever way it goes

Here is how it works - the Scottish government gets a block grant based upon head of population. This grant is equal, per captia, to that of England, Wales & Norther Ireland, plus a factor (the Barnett Formula) to cover the additional costs associated with delivering an equal service across a much larger geographic area with a much lower population density. Scotland chooses to use its allocation partially to fund prescription costs and university places. Rather than decry our people that, why not ask your own representatives why they cannot offer the same services south of the border. We have proven that it can be done.

Of course we expect to take it with us. We created it in equal part to the other union partners.

I don't doubt that you wish Scotland well. It serves nobody to have animosity across a border.

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So much misinformation...

Oil: it is not the entirety of the Scottish economy. We have a very mature and diverse economy. However, once we get rid of Faslane, we will be able to open up the Irish Sea to exploration, and advances in technology are already making West of Shetland accessible.

Free Prescriptions / university fees: Scots are already UK tax payers so we are already covering the cost of prescriptions and university fees.

Currency: we do have a currency. It is called the pound.

But thanks for the good wishes. Likewise.

I don't see anyone else getting free prescriptions and Uni places, the point was not you getting them....but will you still get them if you leave? Cant see the EU doing it!

Yes of course you are tax payers....if you read the post I stated UK tax payers

The currency is that of the UK, if you leave do you expect to take it with you? Doubt it, Euro it is

The good luck was meant, whichever way it goes

Here is how it works - the Scottish government gets a block grant based upon head of population. This grant is equal, per captia, to that of England, Wales & Norther Ireland, plus a factor (the Barnett Formula) to cover the additional costs associated with delivering an equal service across a much larger geographic area with a much lower population density. Scotland chooses to use its allocation partially to fund prescription costs and university places. Rather than decry our people that, why not ask your own representatives why they cannot offer the same services south of the border. We have proven that it can be done.

Of course we expect to take it with us. We created it in equal part to the other union partners.

I don't doubt that you wish Scotland well. It serves nobody to have animosity across a border.

thats a fair point.

I still don't think you will have the pound, now't to do with you not being able to take it, more to do with you having to take the Euro as part of the joining the EU agreement. If you meet all the criteria and can join. Having said this I could see the EU doing a good deal for you just to spite the rest of the UK thumbsup.gif

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Scotland has the second highest GDP per capita after the SE of England, so if you think that Scotland doesn't make much, the rest of the country is in an even worse situation.

As for the oil in English waters - the Blair shenanigans at the fag end of his term would easily be overturned in an international court of arbitration. There was no justification for what was essentially a land (sea) grab.

I fail to understand the constant barrage of abuse that Sturgeon gets. Is it that she is a chippy female, or worse, a chippy Jock female who has the temerity to tell the MIGHTY English that, in all reality, your days of being important died with your grandfathers.

I am sure that Europe will be pleased to host Scotland with open arms.
Same for Northern Ireland, whatever his status tomorrow.
These communities have demonstrated their commitment and are geographically and culturally European. Welcome !
As for England she chose to leave. Good wind, sincerely. It is likely that agreements will be made to continue the exchanges but will not participate in defining the rules.
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If they want to vote to go then let them...but maybe they might want to wait until further down the road just to see what is happening.

There is over 2 years to go before people want to start getting excited.

I don't know how Scotland would cope in the EU, the oil is running out and the price is not as good as it was. They would loose the free Prescriptions and free University (which the UK tax payer pays for) unless they have loads of money to pay for it, how would they pay into the bottomless pit of coffers which the EU wants every month? They would have to take on the Euro as they do not have theit own currency! But if thats what they want then Good Luck

So much misinformation...

Oil: it is not the entirety of the Scottish economy. We have a very mature and diverse economy. However, once we get rid of Faslane, we will be able to open up the Irish Sea to exploration, and advances in technology are already making West of Shetland accessible.

Free Prescriptions / university fees: Scots are already UK tax payers so we are already covering the cost of prescriptions and university fees.

Currency: we do have a currency. It is called the pound.

But thanks for the good wishes. Likewise.

Oil may not be the entirety of the Scottish economy but it was one of Salmonds primary arguments supporting that Scotland could survive without the rest of the UK, another major source of income is from shipbuilding for the UK

I honestly don't have issue with Scotland leaving the UK in fact I would guess right now that if you polled the rest of the UK it would get a very big thumbs up, entry into the EU is subject to conditions - I doubt very much that Scotland alone comes close to meeting them, but hey if your economy is so strong you could simply go it alone, nay bother - right ?

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So much misinformation...

Oil: it is not the entirety of the Scottish economy. We have a very mature and diverse economy. However, once we get rid of Faslane, we will be able to open up the Irish Sea to exploration, and advances in technology are already making West of Shetland accessible.

Free Prescriptions / university fees: Scots are already UK tax payers so we are already covering the cost of prescriptions and university fees.

Currency: we do have a currency. It is called the pound.

But thanks for the good wishes. Likewise.

Oil may not be the entirety of the Scottish economy but it was one of Salmonds primary arguments supporting that Scotland could survive without the rest of the UK, another major source of income is from shipbuilding for the UK

I honestly don't have issue with Scotland leaving the UK in fact I would guess right now that if you polled the rest of the UK it would get a very big thumbs up, entry into the EU is subject to conditions - I doubt very much that Scotland alone comes close to meeting them, but hey if your economy is so strong you could simply go it alone, nay bother - right ?

Oil is just a bonus, says Salmond

"OIL revenues will be a “bonus”, but not the basis of the economy in an independent Scotland, Alex Salmond has claimed.

The first minister has said that while Scotland would reap the benefits of a boom in the industry, it would be less dependent on oil reserves than Norway."

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If they want to vote to go then let them...but maybe they might want to wait until further down the road just to see what is happening.

There is over 2 years to go before people want to start getting excited.

I don't know how Scotland would cope in the EU, the oil is running out and the price is not as good as it was. They would loose the free Prescriptions and free University (which the UK tax payer pays for) unless they have loads of money to pay for it, how would they pay into the bottomless pit of coffers which the EU wants every month? They would have to take on the Euro as they do not have theit own currency! But if thats what they want then Good Luck

Economist are saying that The UK should return back to normal in about 3 to 5 years but if Scotland leaves it may take 5 to 10 years.They both need each other because it is said that the market impact because of Euxit could be worst then the 1987 market crash.What ever happens I would not be making any long term investments at this time.

Edited by sanukjim
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Anorexic England can be happy. to lose many, many pounds.

And no more others to blame when problems emerge.

The Brexiteers will be able to blame themselves?

No, they are too old in their old nationialistic view of

international reality.

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Anorexic England can be happy. to lose many, many pounds.

And no more others to blame when problems emerge.

The Brexiteers will be able to blame themselves?

No, they are too old in their old nationialistic view of

international reality.

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ISIS and their ilk (the real 'winners' here) will be well pleased to see their strategic plan to scare a frightened slight majority of ageing xenophobes and reactionary air-heads into further dividing our societies and fracturing of our economic unions is a resounding success. Exactly what they want.

As an added 'bonus' they've also managed to deny the next generation of youth (who voted to remain) any hope of overcoming their elders frightened xenophobic prison for years to come, thus 'gifting' the youth a spiral backwards to an isolated, entrenched, weakened and fearful society. Again, exactly what ISIS and their ilk want.

It is sadly ironic that some of our own leaders are actually assisting ISIS by stoking division within, thus gift-wrapping/delivering them their strategy of weakened unions and divided peoples (with promises of many more fractures, divisions and weakening to follow).

So well done leavers. "WINNING"... (lemmings)

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I was in favour of Scotland leaving, but they had their choice and said no, as such that should be the end of it. What a load of cheap political maneuvering.

It was always on the cards that the Scottish Nationalists would have another go sooner or later, a bit like the Quebecois keep doing Canada. The EU referendum result means that it may be sooner rather than later. I suppose it is up to them. I don't really want to rehash all the arguments from two years ago, so let them get on with it.There is going to be a major restructuring of the UK in any case so we may as well do it in one hit.

You never know, an Independent Scotland, within the EU, using the Euro may well be another of those dynamic smaller EU states which benefit greatly from the EU, like umh, umh, well maybe I'll get back to you on that. Bear in mind that whilst Scotland may benefit from EU funding at present, much of that cash comes from the UK contribution to the EU budget. With that cash spigot turned off there may be rather less for Brussels to dish out.

If you define independence as doing what Mr Juncker and his fellow unelected "Presidents" tell you, and paying for the privilege, good luck.

The same is true for Northern Ireland - with the additional question as to whether the Republic of Ireland wants to take on the "ethnic divisions" in the north, which I rather doubt.

Edited by JAG
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