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Motivational speaker Robbins' coal walk burns more than 30


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Anyone who is so dense as to feel the need to pay $1000 to tell them "they need to face their fears" probably deserves what they get. These motivational hucksters wrap common sense up in a package that makes this pablum like some sort of revelation.

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I am no fan of Tony but these comments are less than fair. I have attended his seminar in London along with 1000s and did this walk without incident as have 100,000s of others. It is empowering to 'face the fear' and he has helped many people.

Why a few complaints have come in I don't know nor do i know the extent of these 'injuries' but sounds like typical Yank litigiousness to me trying to get a few $ but out of 7,000 on this course 5 complained??? come on

Organised religion/ motivational speakers like this Robbins milk weak minded people and play on their insecurties

If you need to walk on coals to feel empowered, then i will light my BBQ and only charge you half of what ever the conman charged you last time...i will even give you a ride to the hospital thrown in for free

*sigh* if this is really your analysis then it's hopeless refuting it as it sounds like I am the only one on this thread who has actually attended a Robins event and done the walk but 'hey ho' you know best right?

I have also done it and it was a very exciting experience. The mass hypnosis prior to the walk was astonishing- I still find it hard to believe that he 'put me out' for 45 mins along with 3,000 other people!.

All you strong minded folk should remember the adage 'the mind is like an umbrella - it's only useful when it's open' - sorry go back to the football.

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