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Thailand tourism faces uncertainty over Brexit fallout


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Not sure what the rate is now, but at one point yesterday I was set for an equivalent drop of over 35,000thb per month in my monthly salary,, paid in UK pounds but more than 95% of my spending is done in thailand,, so for sure it will have an impact

35000 Baht is 700 pounds or there abouts, the pound dropped about 10% so you still have almost 65000 pound a month to spend. I think you will cope.

How many Russians stopped coming to Thailand when the rubble crashed ? why do people think it wont affect the Brits ?

Edited by berybert
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No No No, nothing ever affects tourism here. I know because the minister keeps telling us how wonderful things are even if there's a nuclear war somewhere in that world outside.

Oh so true. Whenever tourism numbers drop off from one area of the world Thailand just says it was offset by increased numbers from another part of the world.

In the Thai Universe, it's impossible to hurt Thailand tourism numbers for any significant amount of time...it's just not a law of physics (or tourism) allowed in the Thai Universe. Speaking such nonsense is considered heresy.

Yes whenever things get bad they allways get another source of even lower individual revenue tourists. I am just waiting. Soon they will be paying us to come.

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No No No, nothing ever affects tourism here. I know because the minister keeps telling us how wonderful things are even if there's a nuclear war somewhere in that world outside.

If there was a nuclear war in Thailand the TAT would assure us that tourist numbers have reached record highs

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No No No, nothing ever affects tourism here. I know because the minister keeps telling us how wonderful things are even if there's a nuclear war somewhere in that world outside.

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Edited by gandalf12
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Not sure what the rate is now, but at one point yesterday I was set for an equivalent drop of over 35,000thb per month in my monthly salary,, paid in UK pounds but more than 95% of my spending is done in thailand,, so for sure it will have an impact

48.3 Friday,it's been worse.

Yes. If I recall correctly, it was worse last year. 47 point something. The sky may be going to fall, but it hasn't fallen yet.


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Let's face it, Brexit or not, TAT and the junta haven't enhanced the quality of service to tourism and unfortunately don't know how to do so.

Neighbouring countries and even some far afield have actually invested in their tourism future and are licking their chops at stealing their business.

Thailand has little to offer except a fanciful notion of paradise which has had it's underbelly scorched and exposed to the world.

Who gives a sh*te about whether they smile or not.

Most often babies smile when they are having gastro-intestinal stress!

Edited by streetsweeper
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I don't think the Thai ex-pat situation is unduly affected.....(yes you will get 5 Baht less for your pound---until the dust settles)

But look at Britain's largest ex-pats population, Spain.......so many 1,000s of houses & villas have been brought there over the years. I wonder if the situation will affect that..................................coffee1.gif

The housing market in Spain has been in freefall for the past 5 years.

France too, but not quite so bad.

Edited by MissAndry
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No No No, nothing ever affects tourism here. I know because the minister keeps telling us how wonderful things are even if there's a nuclear war somewhere in that world outside.

It's not that it's so wonderful in Thailand, it's just that it's worse nearly everywhere else.

That will have a much bigger impact on fixed income pensioners.

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Russian rouble down 50%, Canadian and Australian dollar down 20 %. Still plenty

of Russians (more are in Vietnam) Australians and Canadians here. I don't see

a 10% decline in the English pound slowing down anyone who wants to

vacation or live here. Just less to sprinkle around. whistling.gif

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The world stock markets and exchange rates have been turned into a big casino by traders.

In a few weeks the market will stabilise back to where it was, gold will devalue from it save haven position and the knee jerk reactions of the markets will be seen for just what they are.

If is so bad for the UK why did their markets close only approx 3% down but the US was down 4%, Dax down 7 and Spain down 12%. In fact the FTSE was one of the better performers on Friday.

The fact is nobody knows what affect Brexit will have long term but there are certainly many experts talking absolute crap about how disastrous this decision was.

Edited by Reigntax
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Russian rouble down 50%, Canadian and Australian dollar down 20 %. Still plenty

of Russians (more are in Vietnam) Australians and Canadians here. I don't see

a 10% decline in the English pound slowing down anyone who wants to

vacation or live here. Just less to sprinkle around. whistling.gif

Towards the end of last year I started to see predictions of a dire financial melt-down in the press. I don't have enough knowledge or experience to know whether that is likely or not but I do see an increasing financial chaos, including the specifics you mention. It'll take a while to wind up because that's the way it all works - I suspect 2018 will be an interesting year, and earlier than that in Thailand because it will be for different reasons.

I think Thailand will blow up earlier than 2018, though perhaps not much - I'm thinking the middle to end of 2017 before the average Somchai wakes up and finds out he's been right royally fracked and is expected to lay back and say "thank you sir". I have a recurring image of 2 heads on pikes and nobody home in the big house.

Normally I have no faith in doomsayers, but I suppose we'll see - yes?


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Not sure what the rate is now, but at one point yesterday I was set for an equivalent drop of over 35,000thb per month in my monthly salary,, paid in UK pounds but more than 95% of my spending is done in thailand,, so for sure it will have an impact

In 1997 I was a director for a UK PLC with a branch in Thailand. Over night by monthly salary dropped by over 35%.

The Brexit might affect a small number of travelers to Thailand such as families but for the average single Gary from Brighton or Liverpool it will not affect much as they still will come visit Pattaya, etc.

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Russian rouble down 50%, Canadian and Australian dollar down 20 %. Still plenty

of Russians (more are in Vietnam) Australians and Canadians here. I don't see

a 10% decline in the English pound slowing down anyone who wants to

vacation or live here. Just less to sprinkle around. whistling.gif

Now where exactly did you get this data on the dollar being down 20% - i don't see it anywhere on the net.

I truly hope that the Brits re-develop the cajones they once had long ago and stop diddling about.

As far as "less to sprinkle about" goes - that pretty much sums up what Thailand has earned in international favour - " a few sprinkles" which in some countries would mean a bit of fluid shaken from the schlong.

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Why would Thailand tourism face uncertainty over the Brexit 'fallout'. It will not make one bit of difference. Not one British tourist will say 'Oh we can't go to Thailand this year because we have left the EU'. Not one German tourist will say 'oh we can't go to Thailand this year because the UK left the EU'.

The graph shown above is disingenuous as the end of day trading was back up significantly. The freefall at the start of the market was caused by wan*er traders selling off like crazy only to buy back when prices hit 8-9% lower than they were, it was a set-up.

Indeed, but there's nothing quite like buying into a fear opportunity...

TV stoops to a new low, even for you clap2.gif

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I wait to see what can destroy the Thai tourist industry. Floods, Tsunamis, murders and rapes, bombings, coups, etc., etc. - all seem to have little effect. There must be something special here, that's for sure.

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with the baht having false strength

UK (or EU) will not be here in numbers like they used to, and wont be until the baht weakens to a more realistic rate,

and even then it may be too late, as Thailand has ALREADY lost many tourists from UK and EU over past 10 years

and once they find other places to visit that have better value for money,

its doubtful they will have any reason to return to thailand.

Thailand wont try to do anything until its too late, and likely then will be an idiotic attempt at something silly

Obviously the Russians, Indians and Chinese gave the country a much better deal............................

UK is TAT's scapegoat, for a while

maybe they will release actual real figures and stats about tourism

and then blame the UK for leaving EU,

sounds logical............

Edited by mki8
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I now come from the only native English speaking country in the EU....(just thought I'd let you know).

Alright, you're next. And once we got rid of the last native English speakers we will introduce a common language for the EU: Latin!


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There's only one thing for it; stop propping up the baht and let it settle naturally back to 75 to the pound. wink.png

Agreed. It's 'educated idiot' dabbling of the Fed and central banks that will lead us all to market hell, and fairly soon now, at that.
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I wait to see what can destroy the Thai tourist industry. Floods, Tsunamis, murders and rapes, bombings, coups, etc., etc. - all seem to have little effect. There must be something special here, that's for sure.

Well bad enough crime works. I won't go near Brazil, Jamaica, Africa, Costa Rica, St Thomas USVI, and the tragic beautiful FUBAR Philippines. And a few more I can't be arsed thinking of to underline a personal opinion. Edited by dhream
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Putting aside the flights of fantasy from the minister and TAT if tourism from any and all sources drop the usual Thai business model will kick in, just jack up the prices to make up for less customers !

Even in Thailand. That only works up to a point.

They'll have to deal with middle class Chinese and Indian decline as the truth about China's ponzi economy is eventually reflected in personal wealth.

Europe and the working class Brits (who come here) are also going to see things get plenty worse before they get better. Think in decades.

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In all the years I, along with my wife and 3 kids, traveling to places we wanted to see, we never once let the value of the pound worry us. Our first trip to the USA the $ was exchanging at over $1.60 to the £. We went again the next year and it was down to around $1.40, but we still went.

I don't know anyone who lets the exchange rate worry them.

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In all the years I, along with my wife and 3 kids, traveling to places we wanted to see, we never once let the value of the pound worry us. Our first trip to the USA the $ was exchanging at over $1.60 to the £. We went again the next year and it was down to around $1.40, but we still went.

I don't know anyone who lets the exchange rate worry them.

I, on the contrary know lots.

So what?


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