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Hillary Clinton boasts double-digit lead as support for Trump plunges: poll


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I think Clinton is a vile, despicable creature and the poster child for everything wrong with our government but, in the end, her massive amounts of available money & media support will overcome her shortcomings and allow her to prevail.

I pretty much agree with you. I'm not a big Trump fan, but at least he has not blatantly violated national security.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It's incredible how many heavyweight republicans are coming out in public, saying they won't vote for their presumptive nominee.

I highly doubt they have just givin up and accepting a crushing loss in November.

Expect fireworks at the convention and violence if the Trump demographic feels disappointed.

Violence from the Trump demographic?! I suppose it could happen, but don't put any money on it.

Apparently you are oblivious to the violence from the anti-Trump activists at the Trump rallies (or you're a really poor excuse for a propagandist).

Expect violence from the anti-Trump/anti-American activists at all times and at all events.

PS: Have the "heavyweight republicans" [sic] you mention not been watching their diet or did you really mean "establishment Republicans" who don't want their lucrative, parasitic set-ups terminated?

The activists make trouble over what Trump says and stands for. Freedom of speech does not allow you to stand up in a movie theater and yell fire.

Sorry, but offensive speech doesn't excuse violence. Period.

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Back to the polls...whoever is leading nationally isn't important.

It is who is leading in the battleground states.

That double-digit lead? Well, here is how it stands in those battleground states:

Pennsylvania: 43.0 to 42.5... Clinton +0.5
Florida: 45.2 to 41.8... Clinton +3.4
Ohio: 43.0 to 40.3 Clinton +2.7
Virginia: 43.8 to 39.8 Clinton +4.0
North Carolina: 42.7 to 44.0 Trump +1.3
Georgia: 40.8 to 45.0 Trump +4.2
Most of those state polls are within the margin of error.
Even a Democrat guest on CNN was saying the Hillary campaign must be worried that it is so close even after Trump's implosion over the past few weeks.
IF Trump gets his act together, it is all over and he wins in a landslide.
But that is highly unlikely to happen. I thought he would shape up and move to the center after he reached the required amount of delegates...and he didn't. So I don't expect him to ever come to his senses.
It's going to be a long 4 months until America finds out whether they have chosen the crook or the clown. We're doomed.
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I think Clinton is a vile, despicable creature and the poster child for everything wrong with our government but, in the end, her massive amounts of available money & media support will overcome her shortcomings and allow her to prevail.

I pretty much agree with you. I'm not a big Trump fan, but at least he has not blatantly violated national security.

Certainly violated the establishment GOP and the campaign rules of engagement though biggrin.png

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Hillary is nothing but a weak extension of Obama.

Both have the same agenda (as all the run-of-the-mill democrats do).

The agenda is "Open Borders", "Globalization", and pressuring Great Britain to stay "In". (regardless of the outcome of Brexit). You see, Democrats do not care about what people vote on, or what the general populace want. Democrats will even violate your constitutional rights of free speech by blocking access to Republican Assemblies. Verbally and Physically abusing the supporters of the opposition. (As we have all seen clearly in the news).

Hillary is a disgrace. She snubs her nose at rules and regulations governing our High Offices. She let our people die in Benghazi, even though they begged for help.Our troops in Afghanistan are put in danger, as they suffer the policies that do not allow them to Engage the Enemy in an efficient and safe manner. She gives away critical information to foreign governments by blatantly installing a server in her home. Russians know every detail about her and her partners in crime. The Russians hold in their hands the same emails that she used to collect funding. They know exactly what she lied about in Benghazi. Names of operatives have been compromised in Libya. It is much bigger than you read in the newspapers. Any one of the recipients of her emails are potential targets for blackmail and espionage tactics by Foreign Governments. What would you do...if you were Putin? You would wait for Hillary to get in Office, and then blackmail Hillary and all her cohorts.

Obama and Hillary think they are above the system....and that is what makes them dangerous. They think they are elite....smarter than their voters and smarter than opposition voters. Obama and Hillary want to dictate your Health Plans and Morality, as well as force Americans to open borders and permit illegals to stay. My good lady was not even permitted a fiancee visa (on a whim) after two years and 1500 usd in fees. She owns a resort and was employed as a Manager in a Chinese Factory. Two years of paperwork with Homeland Security and then the Embassy. Hillary and Obama want all the illegals to become citizens! I married my lady and will try again in October (another two years). Why are illegals more important than legals??????????

Obama and Hillary are fooling their supporters. ObamaCare, Immigration, Globalization is what is being forced up our behinds.

It needs to change. Don't support that krap. Don't vote Democratic.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Yet the NBC and CBS battleground state polls show it close.

Go figure


Polls in the US seem to be used as a toll to effect public opinion rather than gauge it.

We heard a lot of that in 2012. In fact the far right was pretty much united around the "fact" that the polls were skewed in favor of Obama.

I say one should embrace the polls if they give you temporary solace. In the Autumn, the media outlets will show the race much tighter in October in order to attempt to rally the more apathetic voters to the establishment candidate.

I think Clinton is a vile, despicable creature and the poster child for everything wrong with our government but, in the end, her massive amounts of available money & media support will overcome her shortcomings and allow her to prevail.

Please can we all have Dr. Ron Paul as leader of a genuinely free world?

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Who do I want to win? I can't decide which scenario will be more entertaining.

It would be fun to watch the FOX crowd pop their vessels if Hillary wins.

On the other hand, it would be fun to watch the FOX crowd, twisting logic & defending all the stupid stuff Trump does.

The most bang for the buck, entertainment wise, would be if the Republicans dump Trump at the convention and his heavily armed white trash supporters decide to "do the right thing"

One Trump supporter has said they will 'level' all the Mosques in the USA. Grab the popcorn. This is gonna be fun.

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Who do I want to win? I can't decide which scenario will be more entertaining.

It would be fun to watch the FOX crowd pop their vessels if Hillary wins.

On the other hand, it would be fun to watch the FOX crowd, twisting logic & defending all the stupid stuff Trump does.

The most bang for the buck, entertainment wise, would be if the Republicans dump Trump at the convention and his heavily armed white trash supporters decide to "do the right thing"

One Trump supporter has said they will 'level' all the Mosques in the USA. Grab the popcorn. This is gonna be fun.

Fox has been critical of Trump since early on prior to the primaries when the other networks were kissing his ass for interviews. Fox is pro-GOP, not Pro Trump.

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With Trump's numbers in free fall, and Hilary heading for jail, Bernie looks like a good long shot bet while the odds are still high.

BTW a suggestion; Presidential voting papers should have a 3rd option, "None of the Above". If it gets more than 50% the parties get told to go back and try again with someone more trustworthy. It will only cost a few more billion.

There is a None of the Above option - don't vote

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Hillary is nothing but a weak extension of Obama.

Both have the same agenda (as all the run-of-the-mill democrats do).

The agenda is "Open Borders", "Globalization", and pressuring Great Britain to stay "In". (regardless of the outcome of Brexit). You see, Democrats do not care about what people vote on, or what the general populace want. Democrats will even violate your constitutional rights of free speech by blocking access to Republican Assemblies. Verbally and Physically abusing the supporters of the opposition. (As we have all seen clearly in the news).

Hillary is a disgrace. She snubs her nose at rules and regulations governing our High Offices. She let our people die in Benghazi, even though they begged for help.Our troops in Afghanistan are put in danger, as they suffer the policies that do not allow them to Engage the Enemy in an efficient and safe manner. She gives away critical information to foreign governments by blatantly installing a server in her home. Russians know every detail about her and her partners in crime. The Russians hold in their hands the same emails that she used to collect funding. They know exactly what she lied about in Benghazi. Names of operatives have been compromised in Libya. It is much bigger than you read in the newspapers. Any one of the recipients of her emails are potential targets for blackmail and espionage tactics by Foreign Governments. What would you do...if you were Putin? You would wait for Hillary to get in Office, and then blackmail Hillary and all her cohorts.

Obama and Hillary think they are above the system....and that is what makes them dangerous. They think they are elite....smarter than their voters and smarter than opposition voters. Obama and Hillary want to dictate your Health Plans and Morality, as well as force Americans to open borders and permit illegals to stay. My good lady was not even permitted a fiancee visa (on a whim) after two years and 1500 usd in fees. She owns a resort and was employed as a Manager in a Chinese Factory. Two years of paperwork with Homeland Security and then the Embassy. Hillary and Obama want all the illegals to become citizens! I married my lady and will try again in October (another two years). Why are illegals more important than legals??????????

Obama and Hillary are fooling their supporters. ObamaCare, Immigration, Globalization is what is being forced up our behinds.

It needs to change. Don't support that krap. Don't vote Democratic.

Ignore button, what a load of B.S. bah.gif

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With Trump's numbers in free fall, and Hilary heading for jail, Bernie looks like a good long shot bet while the odds are still high.

BTW a suggestion; Presidential voting papers should have a 3rd option, "None of the Above". If it gets more than 50% the parties get told to go back and try again with someone more trustworthy. It will only cost a few more billion.

There is a None of the Above option - don't vote

If don't vote equates to None of the Above, then it comes close to winning every US election, and certainly scores higher than any candidate. In the home of democracy 30% is a resounding win.

But wait, there's more. Not only are US presidents elected by amazingly small percentages, most of those are the LEAST educated people in the country. The higher the education level, the less likely citizens are to vote.

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With Trump's numbers in free fall, and Hilary heading for jail, Bernie looks like a good long shot bet while the odds are still high.

BTW a suggestion; Presidential voting papers should have a 3rd option, "None of the Above". If it gets more than 50% the parties get told to go back and try again with someone more trustworthy. It will only cost a few more billion.

There is a None of the Above option - don't vote

If don't vote equates to None of the Above, then it comes close to winning every US election, and certainly scores higher than any candidate. In the home of democracy 30% is a resounding win.

But wait, there's more. Not only are US presidents elected by amazingly small percentages, most of those are the LEAST educated people in the country. The higher the education level, the less likely citizens are to vote.

The higher the education level, the less likely citizens are to vote.

More likely the reverse is true.

People with higher levels of education and income are far more likely to cast ballots. Less educated are more likely not aware of the different policies favored by candidates and parties; thus see no benefit in voting for any candidate. http://journalistsresource.org/studies/politics/elections/unequal-voter-turnout-u-s-presidential-elections

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The higher the education level, the less likely citizens are to vote.

This is not hard to believe

Once an educated person has looked at this system long enough being played over & over it is not hard to

for them to realize what a rigged system it is.

The 2 party system is nothing more than an illusion to keep the dumb,deaf & blind believing they actually

have a choice in the matter. Just a show nothing more.

It also conveniently divides the people & lets them argues & blame the other side never realizing

left wing/right wing matters not as it is the same corrupt bird both sides belong to.

Edited by mania
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With Trump's numbers in free fall, and Hilary heading for jail, Bernie looks like a good long shot bet while the odds are still high.

BTW a suggestion; Presidential voting papers should have a 3rd option, "None of the Above". If it gets more than 50% the parties get told to go back and try again with someone more trustworthy. It will only cost a few more billion.

There is a None of the Above option - don't vote

If don't vote equates to None of the Above, then it comes close to winning every US election, and certainly scores higher than any candidate. In the home of democracy 30% is a resounding win.

But wait, there's more. Not only are US presidents elected by amazingly small percentages, most of those are the LEAST educated people in the country. The higher the education level, the less likely citizens are to vote.

The higher the education level, the less likely citizens are to vote.

More likely the reverse is true.

People with higher levels of education and income are far more likely to cast ballots. Less educated are more likely not aware of the different policies favored by candidates and parties; thus see no benefit in voting for any candidate. http://journalistsresource.org/studies/politics/elections/unequal-voter-turnout-u-s-presidential-elections

Yes I read that table wrong, my apologies. Would it be fair to say they are elected by the "elite"?

No comment about the 30% being enough to win?

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Who do I want to win? I can't decide which scenario will be more entertaining.

It would be fun to watch the FOX crowd pop their vessels if Hillary wins.

On the other hand, it would be fun to watch the FOX crowd, twisting logic & defending all the stupid stuff Trump does.

The most bang for the buck, entertainment wise, would be if the Republicans dump Trump at the convention and his heavily armed white trash supporters decide to "do the right thing"

One Trump supporter has said they will 'level' all the Mosques in the USA. Grab the popcorn. This is gonna be fun.

Fox has been critical of Trump since early on prior to the primaries when the other networks were kissing his ass for interviews. Fox is pro-GOP, not Pro Trump.


Fox stays popular with Hillary people.....because it is so anti-Trump.

Look at Megan and Donald going at it. She still hates him....

What is more.....Hillary people know more than Trump people about what has been said on Fox News...lol.

They are always quick to accuse Trumpers of parroting Fox. How would they know, unless they watch it.

Buzzz makes the craziest accusations I have ever heard of....and does not even recognize the animosity between Fox and Trump (especially Megan)

No wonder Democrats are dumb.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Who do I want to win? I can't decide which scenario will be more entertaining.

It would be fun to watch the FOX crowd pop their vessels if Hillary wins.

On the other hand, it would be fun to watch the FOX crowd, twisting logic & defending all the stupid stuff Trump does.

The most bang for the buck, entertainment wise, would be if the Republicans dump Trump at the convention and his heavily armed white trash supporters decide to "do the right thing"

One Trump supporter has said they will 'level' all the Mosques in the USA. Grab the popcorn. This is gonna be fun.

Fox has been critical of Trump since early on prior to the primaries when the other networks were kissing his ass for interviews. Fox is pro-GOP, not Pro Trump.


Fox stays popular with Hillary people.....because it is so anti-Trump.

Look at Megan and Donald going at it. She still hates him....

What is more.....Hillary people know more than Trump people about what has been said on Fox News...lol.

They are always quick to accuse Trumpers of parroting Fox. How would they know, unless they watch it.

Buzzz makes the craziest accusations I have ever heard of....and does not even recognize the animosity between Fox and Trump (especially Megan)

No wonder Democrats are dumb.

Yes, we all remember about how inquisitorial Megan Kelly was in her big interview with Trump.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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It's incredible how many heavyweight republicans are coming out in public, saying they won't vote for their presumptive nominee.

I highly doubt they have just givin up and accepting a crushing loss in November.

Expect fireworks at the convention and violence if the Trump demographic feels disappointed.

Violence from the Trump demographic?! I suppose it could happen, but don't put any money on it.

Apparently you are oblivious to the violence from the anti-Trump activists at the Trump rallies (or you're a really poor excuse for a propagandist).

Expect violence from the anti-Trump/anti-American activists at all times and at all events.

PS: Have the "heavyweight republicans" [sic] you mention not been watching their diet or did you really mean "establishment Republicans" who don't want their lucrative, parasitic set-ups terminated?

The activists make trouble over what Trump says and stands for. Freedom of speech does not allow you to stand up in a movie theater and yell fire.

Donald Trump's own words "I wish we could go back to the days when you could punch someone in the head" and now the Trumper crybabies are upset when people who are saying no to racism, no to misogyny, saying no to gestapo type deportations, actually take Trump for his words and punch the racists, misogynists and Nazis in the head. Now who brought that on?

Oh waaaaaaa, boo freakin whooooo, you support Trump, take your lumps, you called for it.


My, my it's the grumpyoldman again with his BS "standup up in a movie theatre and yell fire" analogy.

Is that an image of you in your younger, even grumpier days?

Time to change your BS-filled diaper, isn't it?

Edited by MaxYakov
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Response to previous post:

"Max Yakov" (why do you even care I don't think you are American aye)

"My, my it's the grumpyoldman again with his BS "standup up in a movie theatre and yell fire" analogy.

Is that an image of you in your younger, even grumpier days?

Time to change your BS-filled diaper, isn't it?"

No mister, it's trying to get through your head that there are limitations to "freedom of speech" which certain right whingers stand upon when their panties get in a bunch over people who say no to racism, misogyny, nazi-esque deportations and all the other garbage that Trump and his white supremacist backers stand for.

Brush up on your American history, Selma to Montgomery, we're not going back, we're marching forward.

Edited by grumpyoldman
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Trump takes a tax deduction for couples earning less than $500,000 per year. Imagine that. He probably makes that much every day, before lunchtime.

It's going to be a scandal if he ever turns over his tax report.

In reality, his wealth increases about $300,000,000 a year. Funny.

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Trump takes a tax deduction for couples earning less than $500,000 per year. Imagine that. He probably makes that much every day, before lunchtime.

It's going to be a scandal if he ever turns over his tax report.

In reality, his wealth increases about $300,000,000 a year. Funny.

Research his Trump Towers Baja California.

Brochures of him in kings throne type chair saying it's going to be the top resort in Mexico. His daughter flew out to sell apartments there, told people investing she was buying "we'll be neighbors, I'll borrow sugar". The son comes out dupes more investors tells them he's bought in (hadn't).

37.5 million US in deposits taken. It doesn't get built. The Trump's say "not our matter we just licensed our name".

Well then why were the kids there telling investors they had bought?

They did the same in Florida.

Fraud, plain and simple, and he has the nerve to call Clinton crooked? What an a$$h0*e.

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Trump takes a tax deduction for couples earning less than $500,000 per year. Imagine that. He probably makes that much every day, before lunchtime.

It's going to be a scandal if he ever turns over his tax report.

In reality, his wealth increases about $300,000,000 a year. Funny.

What reality is that? Please, give us your sources. So they can be debunked.

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Trump takes a tax deduction for couples earning less than $500,000 per year. Imagine that. He probably makes that much every day, before lunchtime.

It's going to be a scandal if he ever turns over his tax report.

In reality, his wealth increases about $300,000,000 a year. Funny.

What reality is that? Please, give us your sources. So they can be debunked.

Forbes Magazine, June 7.

Trump is actually under investigation for possible tax fraud according to a New York City Spokesman.

New York City is investigating Mr. Trump’s exemption status for final determination.

“The exemption has not yet been corrected, as we are still investigating.” “If we find that the exemption was issued in error the City will recoup all benefits granted in prior years.”

"Earlier this year Mr. Trump boasted of earinig $577 million."

Edited by Buzzz
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It's incredible how many heavyweight republicans are coming out in public, saying they won't vote for their presumptive nominee.

I highly doubt they have just givin up and accepting a crushing loss in November.

Expect fireworks at the convention and violence if the Trump demographic feels disappointed.

Violence from the Trump demographic?! I suppose it could happen, but don't put any money on it.

Apparently you are oblivious to the violence from the anti-Trump activists at the Trump rallies (or you're a really poor excuse for a propagandist).

Expect violence from the anti-Trump/anti-American activists at all times and at all events.

PS: Have the "heavyweight republicans" [sic] you mention not been watching their diet or did you really mean "establishment Republicans" who don't want their lucrative, parasitic set-ups terminated?

The activists make trouble over what Trump says and stands for. Freedom of speech does not allow you to stand up in a movie theater and yell fire.

Donald Trump's own words "I wish we could go back to the days when you could punch someone in the head" and now the Trumper crybabies are upset when people who are saying no to racism, no to misogyny, saying no to gestapo type deportations, actually take Trump for his words and punch the racists, misogynists and Nazis in the head. Now who brought that on?

Oh waaaaaaa, boo freakin whooooo, you support Trump, take your lumps, you called for it.


Well said grumpy.

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Who do I want to win? I can't decide which scenario will be more entertaining.

Bernie. I would vote for him just to see Larry David on Saturday Night Live each week.

But between Trump & Hillary, Trump is a more fun, quotable character.

Hillary - nothing entertaining about her unless they frog march her off to prison on live TV.

Well, there is one way Hillary could provide endless entertainment. Congress won't stop its investigations and there will surely be new "irregularities" from a Clinton presidency to investigate. If she escapes the email crimes she has committed then she will certainly believe herself invulnerable. So if people find political scandals entertaining, President Hillary will be a non-stop roller coaster rides of thrills, chills, laughs and crimes. Oh, what fun.

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Trump takes a tax deduction for couples earning less than $500,000 per year. Imagine that. He probably makes that much every day, before lunchtime.

It's going to be a scandal if he ever turns over his tax report.

In reality, his wealth increases about $300,000,000 a year. Funny.

What reality is that? Please, give us your sources. So they can be debunked.

Go ahead and debunk Forbes Magazine. June 7.

I went to Forbes and found this. It takes a very very very jaundiced view of Trump's claims. http://www.forbes.com/sites/jenniferwang/2016/05/20/donald-trump-reports-50-increase-in-income-staggering-uptick-in-revenues-from-select-properties/#243dddf47d9d

You know, it's the weirdest thing. I keep being referred by Trump supporters to articles that say just the opposite of what they claim these articles say.

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Trump takes a tax deduction for couples earning less than $500,000 per year. Imagine that. He probably makes that much every day, before lunchtime.

It's going to be a scandal if he ever turns over his tax report.

In reality, his wealth increases about $300,000,000 a year. Funny.

What reality is that? Please, give us your sources. So they can be debunked.

Go ahead and debunk Forbes Magazine. June 7.

I went to Forbes and found this. It takes a very very very jaundiced view of Trump's claims. http://www.forbes.com/sites/jenniferwang/2016/05/20/donald-trump-reports-50-increase-in-income-staggering-uptick-in-revenues-from-select-properties/#243dddf47d9d

You know, it's the weirdest thing. I keep being referred by Trump supporters to articles that say just the opposite of what they claim these articles say.

Well nice try, but that is an older article. I wonder why you didn't look up the date I gave you LOL.

Anyway, Trump is under investigation and a criminal penalty of up to one year in prison could be imposed if the candidate is found to have intentionally falsified information on his or her disclosure.

It appears he may be in cahoots with the NY tax collector to avoid paying his fair share.

FOX would be all over this if Hillary made $577 million and only declared $500 thousand on her returns.

Looks like the wheels are coming off Trumps adventure.

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What reality is that? Please, give us your sources. So they can be debunked.

Go ahead and debunk Forbes Magazine. June 7.

I went to Forbes and found this. It takes a very very very jaundiced view of Trump's claims. http://www.forbes.com/sites/jenniferwang/2016/05/20/donald-trump-reports-50-increase-in-income-staggering-uptick-in-revenues-from-select-properties/#243dddf47d9d

You know, it's the weirdest thing. I keep being referred by Trump supporters to articles that say just the opposite of what they claim these articles say.

Well nice try, but that is an older article. I wonder why you didn't look up the date I gave you LOL.

Anyway, Trump is under investigation and a criminal penalty of up to one year in prison could be imposed if the candidate is found to have intentionally falsified information on his or her disclosure.

It appears he may be in cahoots with the NY tax collector to avoid paying his fair share.

FOX would be all over this if Hillary made $577 million and only declared $500 thousand on her returns.

Looks like the wheels are coming off Trumps adventure.

I did try to find it using the date you gave and lots of other ways. Got nothing. If I'm called on claim, I understand that it's incumbent upon me to prove it. Give me the link.

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