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Anyone who knows Alan Rhind I would be grateful if you could put me in touch with him.

Nothing bad going on here, just trying to fulfil an order from a guy who has already paid for the goods.

Please pm me with any infor.

Many thanks,


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Sounds as though Alan done a bunk and still owes someone a pile of readies. Ole dog is gonna thump the money out of Alan.

What do you mean, Dr.? Would Ukdog be lying to us?

Jeez, whom can you trust these days,....? :o

Only when he opens his mouth. My view is that we close the topic. We are not plod. A seconder ?

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Its been long enough and no ones given him an answer, so i guess the guy dun wanna be found. Also i agree that the whole topic is slightly dubious. If this "UKDog" guy has goods that need to be delivered, then im sure this "Alan" guy will be in touch when hes good and ready...

I'll second the close topic idea, for what my opinions worth :o

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Such fine, sensitive, trusting, honest folks :o

I was truly just trying to do the right thing as well :D

What can one say, Guess I'll just have to pocket the cash and not worry about trying to meet my end of the deal :D

But then again, I have tried :D

So, let this thread RIP


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But then again, I have tried :D

You're tried, dog. But like megashox said, it's just not easy to find someone on an anonymous forum. Anyway, if one came across this thread and knew the guy, (s)he could always PM you :o

So, I second that, Doc

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Ok guys,

Enough said, I agree it was a long shot, but genuine.

Our business is, www.thai2me.com An e-mail translation system, the purchase was made over the net but the e-mail address submitted turned out to be wrong.

Having tried all variations, without success, I felt, that as he needed an English / Thai / English translation system it was possible that he frequented information boards such as this, or knew someone who did.

As for being far-fetched, maybe, the bottom line is it was a genuine attempt.

I believe it was worth the try, irrespective of the views expressed.

best regards,


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