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Hi Guys

Will be travelling to Singapore on Tuesday morning to obtain a multi entry immigrant o marriage visa on Tuesday morning which leaves me just one day on Monday to get everything else sorted.

I will need to visit the UK embassy Monday morning to fill out a declaration form and have it stamped, then off to the translation office (which apparently is just around the corner), then to the Ministry of Foreign affairs across and then go and get married a the nearest amphur to obtain the marriage certificate which I will need for the Thai embassy in Singapore

Is it possible to get this all done in one day or will I be cutting it fine. I will be first in the queue or near as dammit at the UK embassy, how long will it take to get everything done pls

Cheers for your advice



It would be very difficult, and possibly impossible as the forms and translations have to go to an office in Chaeng Whattana to get an official endorsement.

If your wife is staying in Bangkok, I know that some translation / legal services will do everything for you including registering the marraige at the Ampour. Then the two Marraige licenses can be returned to your wife a few days later.

Can I assume you will be having the party on Jan 1 ?

Congratluations also.


Not possible if you believe the UK Embassy web site - which you probably should read.

We accept affirmations between normal working hours, excluding public holidays. It is not possible to make an appointment for this service. The service is provided on a first - come - first served basis. The completed affirmation will then be ready for collection from the Embassy between from 09.00 hrs on the following working day.
It would be very difficult, and possibly impossible as the forms and translations have to go to an office in Chaeng Whattana to get an official endorsement.

If your wife is staying in Bangkok, I know that some translation / legal services will do everything for you including registering the marraige at the Ampour. Then the two Marraige licenses can be returned to your wife a few days later.

Can I assume you will be having the party on Jan 1 ?

Congratluations also.


I was led to believe this would be a relatively simple albeit arduous one day task when talking to other members of the group who have done it, and I quote

"Pay your embassy for a stat dec to say that you are single and can marry here. Cost up to your embassy. Translate that document into thai 500 THB. Get doccument stamped from foreign affairs 400 THB Register marriage at amphur FREE ( if you dont have 2 wittnesses, you will have to pay 2 Amphur staff members 100 THB each to be a wittness )" by AussieStyle

"you get the piece of paper from the Embassy that you typed in the first place .... take that piece of paper to a translation agency and turn it into the Thai language, a quick trip to the MFA for an official .Gov stamp, then off to the Amphur of your choice.... there is a good one just around the corner from the MFA in Chang Wattana, really nice people. Hey presto...... married" by Thaddeus

I should hasten to add that I am British, living in BKK and never married before. I already have the statutory declaration form filled in ready to be notarised by the British Embassy on Monday morning. The translation of that form will I assume be done quickly and then off the the M F A and pay the 800 bht for same day service. Then around the corner to the Amphur in Chaeng Wattana to get married and receive my certiicate..........Am I missing anything out

So where does the delay occur. I realise that the British embassy and the M F A are quite a way apart, how long would it take by taxi.........

Please advise what I should do, I have already booked my flights and I am a little panic stricken to realise that I might not be able to achive all the goals in time for my flight to Singapore on Tuesday



PS, No agencies please, I have already been burnt by one, prefer to do this myself.


I never said 1 day for everything, but my quote is correct.

I arrived at my ( Australian Embassy ) at I think 9:00. I was out of there at 10 am and I arrived at a translation agency at 10:15am. Ministry of foriegn affairs takes 2 to 7 days to stamp the doccument, but I was in a hurry and paid the trtanslation agency an extra 900THB and I got my foriegn affairs stamp the same afternoon at 4pm. So, depending on what time the amphurs closed, i proably could of made it and got married on the same day, but I did it the next day.

So, if you gonna do it all by yourself, i seriously doubt you could do everythnig in one day, unless you pay a lot of extra cash.

My advice, Phone a translation agency ahead and tell them you want it all done in a day, be prepaired to pay for it. Find a place that will do the marriage as well.

But only you can get the stat dec from your embassy, so only once you have the stat dec from you embassy can you start everything else. My embassy was very helpfull and quick, but im sure there are some embassies that will make you wait.....................

Good luck.


Why dont you try to go tomorrow?

There are still 2 working days left in this week.............................

Then you can go with your wife on monday and get married. But you could possible try to get the stat dec, translation and the foriegn affairs stamp done this week.


Cheers for the advice so far guys

I did not realise, rather stupidly, that I would have to wait until the next day to receive my Statutory Declaration notorisation from the UK embassy, so obviously I cannot do everything in 1 day

My problem is that I have work obligations tomorrow in the South where I am visting right now and will not be able to travel to BKK until early Friday morning around 5-6am which should put me pretty near the front of the queue. If I submit my application on Friday, will I feasibly be able to get the notorisation from the embassy on Monday, obtain a translation, then off to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pay extra for same day service and then go and get married at the nearest amphore ???

And then finally, jet off to Singapore at 7.05am Tuesday ????



Cheers for the advice so far guys

I did not realise, rather stupidly, that I would have to wait until the next day to receive my Statutory Declaration notorisation from the UK embassy, so obviously I cannot do everything in 1 day

My problem is that I have work obligations tomorrow in the South where I am visting right now and will not be able to travel to BKK until early Friday morning around 5-6am which should put me pretty near the front of the queue. If I submit my application on Friday, will I feasibly be able to get the notorisation from the embassy on Monday, obtain a translation, then off to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pay extra for same day service and then go and get married at the nearest amphore ???

And then finally, jet off to Singapore at 7.05am Tuesday ????



A true case of find em, love em and then leave em. :o


Has your lady been to her village amphur and obtained a letter stating she is free to marry. IE Not married already. I know we had to show this , plus her house registration book and ID Card.

Try to change your flights.......................

The fee to change your flight might work out a lot cheaper than if your visa was refused and the trip was wasted.

I don't remember everything that I did, but I seem to think that I got married, signed all the papers for a loan and bought a condo, in my wife's name, in one day. I also thought that I got the notarisation document from the UK embassy on the same day, but it was a few years ago, I could be mistaken.

We had a dash across town so that we could register the condo purchase and I could sign away any right to it: the official kindly extended their opening hours for 45 mins to allow us to make it.

I flew back to Sri Lanka on the Sunday for work!

Has your lady been to her village amphur and obtained a letter stating she is free to marry. IE Not married already. I know we had to show this , plus her house registration book and ID Card.

Another oversight, I must be losing it

Does it have to be her vilage amphore, we are a long long way from there and that would be an impossile trip to make in the alloted time that we have



Unless things have changed Yes. But that was 2 years ago.

We used. Masterclass Translation Service ltd.

Wireless Road . Bangkok.

Telephone. 0-2651-4266-7 , 0-2627-3774.

They did every thing for us. Give them a ring and they will be able to tell you about your ladies requirments.


when we got married 2 months ago in Bangkok, which is very far from her local village ( anphur ) all she needed to show was here ID card, that all. In our case she also had to show her passport, only because I wrote it on my stat dec from the Oz embassy, to prove who I was marrying. But we were not asked for any such " free to marry " letter for her. Maybe things change depending on where you go? If they ask, maybe just slip them afew bank notes under the table.......................

But, hopefully she does not need this free to marry letter, my wife didnt and this was only 2 months ago. BTW, shw was 23, so this may not of applied to her bieng over the age to marry without needeing consent.

when we got married 2 months ago in Bangkok, which is very far from her local village ( anphur ) all she needed to show was here ID card, that all. In our case she also had to show her passport, only because I wrote it on my stat dec from the Oz embassy, to prove who I was marrying. But we were not asked for any such " free to marry " letter for her. Maybe things change depending on where you go? If they ask, maybe just slip them afew bank notes under the table.......................

But, hopefully she does not need this free to marry letter, my wife didnt and this was only 2 months ago. BTW, shw was 23, so this may not of applied to her bieng over the age to marry without needeing consent.

In one way I hope you are correct as it will make it easier for him. I believe it protects the future husband as it confirms that she is not already married. Just think what problems that would create. As you say every case is different and T I T.

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