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Three year old who soiled the bed battered to death by uncle


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Does ANYONE raise their own child in Thailand. You read or hear or see all the time of kids being palmed off to grandparents or other family, because the mother has been deserted by the husband (note in this case there is no mention of a father) and can't cope/can't afford the kid/has no interest or ability to raise their own child etc.

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RIIP. Little girl . What an absolute piece of shit !this guy is ! My stepkid used to wet the bed so I set my alarm two hours earlier, took her to the toilet then put her back to bed....And reset my alarm .Problem solved.

Same same, when my kid stays with me depending on the amount she has to drink late and how late her last toilet is, I do the same.

She has a really weak bladder and wets the bed often.

Clean it up. Improve your strategy, and "never", "ever" blame the kid for something she has no control over.

I was repeatedly "shamed" publicly and caned at an English boarding school over this same weakness.

I am in sympathy to people who are scratching around in their minds for a suitable punishment for the animal photographed here.

Sometimes I wish there was a public database one could register as an executioner or disciplinarian to alleviate this anxiety.

I'd like to show him what it feels like to be on the other side of his punishment.

That's just another problem here-----why is it nobody sees fit to dole out any decent punishment-----this is not going to change this man's or should I say this ars&$@#*s attitude or any form of regret.In no time he will be out and about ready to do it all over againbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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Does ANYONE raise their own child in Thailand. You read or hear or see all the time of kids being palmed off to grandparents or other family, because the mother has been deserted by the husband (note in this case there is no mention of a father) and can't cope/can't afford the kid/has no interest or ability to raise their own child etc.

Already discussed in another dedicated thread... can you consider another reason? such as both parents needing to go to where the jobs are e.g. Bangkok, to make a living for their children and not wanting to take them along because they will live there in unhealthy conditions, probably unable to get them to school or attend to them because of working long hours?

Definitely something I see happening a lot in my small town upcountry. Kids left with grandparents because they are (usually) safe and the school is within walking distance, while money flows back from Bangkok where parents work and live, sometimes in corrugated metal sheet "shelters" next to construction areas or such.

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"SOILING THE BED" was the straw that broke the camel's back.

the little girl would have posed other problems which the couple

was not able to cope with culminating in his going berserk.

hindsight it is easy to say: oh he should have returned the girl

to the grandmother in case the couple was not able to handle her.

unfortunately the situation ended in a tragedy.

Wow, sahibji, you are quite the oddball ...find yourself relating much to the child beater or something?

Soiling the bed, is quite foreseeable for a three year old child ... and quite easily preventable with these modern things called diapers.

Other problems you accuse the girl of causing is all in your imagination, other than yes, she was three. But they chose to bring her to their house as a playmate for their other child, not under some kind of extreme duress. They had her for a whole WEEK ...and I think we can assume, yes, could have returned her at any moment. There were also TWO so-called adults, to share the extreme stress they were under ...one could have walked away, while one stayed to supervise, for example. Maybe why they were both charged?

I hope if you are around any children, still, that you get yourself some help, or get away from them. This is not normal to feel that way.

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"SOILING THE BED" was the straw that broke the camel's back.

the little girl would have posed other problems which the couple

was not able to cope with culminating in his going berserk.

hindsight it is easy to say: oh he should have returned the girl

to the grandmother in case the couple was not able to handle her.

unfortunately the situation ended in a tragedy.

Sorry but this makes no sense.

Sure the little girl could have posed other problems, children do!

When looking after children this is expected and you deal with it, all normal parents know this.

He/they had a child so they should know this also, soiling the bed is not at all uncommon at that age.

They opted to take over from the grandmother for the so called benefit of their own child, not the choice of the grandmother or mother.

So "the straw that broke the camels back" sounds to me like a lame excuse.

If they couldn't handle the little girl for whatever reason then they should have contacted the grandmother and the mother and not let it get to this stage.

Anyone who does this is not fit to look after children, this is murder. He started beating her and then moved over to a metal rod, totally disgusting.

He had already started to hurt her before this incident.

I hope they both are severely punished for this.

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what are people coming too the poor little Angel R.I.P condolences to her mother. He should be tied in a nest of fire ants the sob. How is the aunt charged surly she stand idly by and let him kill her.

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When are they going to start "fixing" humans like we do to our cats and dogs?

Whenever i read such sad stories about child abuse whether in Thailand or anywhere else in the world, it absolutely breaks my heart.

I had a little cry, reading this. I was a bed wetter, my mum would get me up during the night. That's what mums do. She never berated me for it.

If you are shouted at for wetting the bed, just makes you do it more. My mum probably did mumble to herself, but we grow out of it.

That wee poppet didn't have a chance. RIP.

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These Thai male savages get into kill mode super fast, slightest little thing pisses them off and they fly into an insane rage. The system will let this turd off the hook, after all he's a Thai man and the great Thai men must stand by each other through thick & thin.

RIP to the dear child.

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"But after just a week of "looking after her" Sompong started to hurt her", police said. Well I think that's a good reason for a three year old to wet the bed, especially if she was in fear and stressed form being beaten.

One can only imagine the horror of the last few minutes of her short life.

I am speechless to think up a fitting crime for this evil animal,in the photo on the left, he doesn't seem to upset, quite calm almost smug.

The girls mother must be devastated.

R.I.P little girl

Yes quite calm and smug.

That is because, in his pea brain he is thinking:

What???.....I had my reasons for beating her that hard while you do not understand .....so.... just let me explain and all will be OK and forgotten...Nah"...I can pay the fine...Nah...How much is it ?

"Meantime....Can I have something to eat because I have not eaten for almost 1 hour now and I am thinking a plate of spicy Som Tam right now would be nice"


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"But after just a week of "looking after her" Sompong started to hurt her", police said. Well I think that's a good reason for a three year old to wet the bed, especially if she was in fear and stressed form being beaten.

One can only imagine the horror of the last few minutes of her short life.

I am speechless to think up a fitting crime for this evil animal,in the photo on the left, he doesn't seem to upset, quite calm almost smug.

The girls mother must be devastated.

R.I.P little girl

Yes quite calm and smug.

That is because, in his pea brain he is thinking:

What???.....I had my reasons for beating her that hard while you do not understand .....so.... just let me explain and all will be OK and forgotten...Nah"...I can pay the fine...Nah...How much is it ?

"Meantime....Can I have something to eat because I have not eaten for almost 1 hour now and I am thinking a plate of spicy Som Tam right now would be nice"


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Yes quite calm and smug.

That is because, in his pea brain he is thinking:

What???.....I had my reasons for beating her that hard while you do not understand .....so.... just let me explain and all will be OK and forgotten...Nah"...I can pay the fine...Nah...How much is it ?

"Meantime....Can I have something to eat because I have not eaten for almost 1 hour now and I am thinking a plate of spicy Som Tam right now would be nice"


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RIIP. Little girl . What an absolute piece of shit !this guy is ! My stepkid used to wet the bed so I set my alarm two hours earlier, took her to the toilet then put her back to bed....And reset my alarm .Problem solved.

Same same, when my kid stays with me depending on the amount she has to drink late and how late her last toilet is, I do the same.

She has a really weak bladder and wets the bed often.

Clean it up. Improve your strategy, and "never", "ever" blame the kid for something she has no control over.

I was repeatedly "shamed" publicly and caned at an English boarding school over this same weakness.

I am in sympathy to people who are scratching around in their minds for a suitable punishment for the animal photographed here.

Sometimes I wish there was a public database one could register as an executioner or disciplinarian to alleviate this anxiety.

I'd like to show him what it feels like to be on the other side of his punishment.

That's just another problem here-----why is it nobody sees fit to dole out any decent punishment-----this is not going to change this man's or should I say this ars&$@#*s attitude or any form of regret.In no time he will be out and about ready to do it all over againbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

Why have you added your comment to my post, so it looks like I have written yours or you have written mine. It is not appropriate and I wish you hadn't.

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Give me 20 minutes with the Uncle and a metal rod and he would be soiling the bed too. And drooling for the rest of his miserable life. Poor we mite having to die such a horrible death. Sadly is a Worldwide phenomenon..

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RIP little girl.

They should be incarcerated for the term of their natural life with hard labour, whether this crime happens in Thailand or anywhere else!

They have forfeited any rights their society may have given them, by depriving an innocent victim of his/her right to life.

Edit: Grammar.

Edited by lvr181
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what is wrong with these people

I think there are no compassion, no emphathies learned out in this country. Just hard and angfry save face attitudes and non understanding of other persons/childrens problems or differences

The school childrens can not even discuss and ask the teachers about simple things, as that will expose the theachers absolute stupidity and unknowledge of his/hers supposed field. This is due to the teachers actually are BUYING their jobbs from the head masters or school ovners without any certifcations or knowledge in their field. I've met 3 different english teachers that couldnt speak any english more than "how do you do"........

I really think thiis is a national problem in Thailand too, that is created in the schols in early ages, as I've seen this in minor classes in the country sides too.

Maybe also an assault of the thai people by the upper class to stop them from knowiing more from abroad, get crazy idees, or even learn english.....to discover the world and question the leaderships competence?

There does seem to be a general lack of empathy in Thailand, I have said this before and I will say it again, it is largely down to upbringing or lack thereof. Of course this does not apply to everyone that would be to generalise just too much, but it does seem to be the norm. One blatant demonstration of this lack of empathy is the general lack of consideration for others when driving/blocking the road to buy noodles etc. because they can't be bothered to get out of the car. Also the amazing way many people manage to dump their shopping trolly in the most inconvenient place.

Of course these are very minor examples compared to what has happened in this case, but it does demonstrate the attitude of quite a lot of people and in this case it has gone to an extreme that is both heart breaking and despicable.

I have a 3 year old daughter and just imagining what this little girl went through saddens me to my very soul. I don't normally subscribe to the hang em high brigade but in this case I don't see that any other option can bring justice to this subhuman scum.

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Why are people so upset?

This is Thailand...no different than any other day...

So that's allright then, smash away lads. Cardinalblue says you're all used to it.

Poor girl. Poor parents.

People are upset, probably many are very upset because of the brutal death of the young child. Anyone not being effected is no better than the lowlife scumbag that did it.

The comment "no different than any other day" unfortunately is somewhat true but doesn't make what people feel any easier.

Edited by Artisi
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its coming to the point that i dont want to read about what has been happening the past few weeks.

lets not forget the poor girl was she 3or 5 so badly raped she died,then there was another very young girl who spilt some talcum powder on the floor only to be beaten to death by her father with a broom handle after pleading for mercy.

my heart bleeds for all these poor children,lets hope they find a better life elswhere.

R.I.P.little ones.

i can only shed tears for you all.


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