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British PM Tells Labour Leader “For Heaven’s Sake Man, Go” after Losing to Non-Confidence Vote


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British PM Tells Labour Leader “For Heaven’s Sake Man, Go” after Losing to Non-Confidence Vote

LONDON – British Prime Minister David Cameron used his weekly question time in Parliament to pressure opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn,to step down after the bulk of Labour Party lawmakers passed a motion of no confidence in their embattled chief.

“It might be in my party’s interest for him to sit there,” Cameron told the House of Commons in London on Wednesday.“It’s not in the national interest. And I would say: for heaven’s sake man, go!”

Corbyn is facing the prospect of a formal bid to unseat him after he refused to resign following the no-confidence motion, which he lost by 172 votes to 40 on Tuesday. The standoff deepens the turmoil in a party more divided than at any time in three decades after the Brexit referendum. There’s speculation that Angela Eagle, one of dozens of Labour lawmakers who have resigned from his team in the past three days, is preparing to mount a leadership challenge.

Full story: http://www.chiangraitimes.com/british-pm-tells-labour-leader-for-heavens-sake-man-go-after-losing-to-non-confudence-vote.html

-- Chiang Rai Times 2016-06-30

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Talk about thick skin, 170 MPs say No Confidence, he says he's not going anywhere and if forced out will simply stand again.

A political commentator summed it up yesterday saying the left want him in place as it's the only chance they have to control the party.

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I read today that for the first time since Corbyn took over, Labour is ahead of the Torys. This is just as likely to be due to Cameron's Brexit stuff up as Corbyn's popularity, but it does indeed seem as though he has very strong grassroots backing. Remember, MP's are just as likely (if not more so) to be representing their own interests in the no confidence vote as they are that of their constituents.

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Talk about thick skin, 170 MPs say No Confidence, he says he's not going anywhere and if forced out will simply stand again.

A political commentator summed it up yesterday saying the left want him in place as it's the only chance they have to control the party.

A man who has spent his political life campaigning against the EU to flip-flop when he becomes party leader is nothing more than a weasel.

Good riddance.

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Corbyn is living in the past. He is a dynasor.

He only got elected leader due to the union members who think that the days of union dictatorship can be brought back.

Resign you waste of space.

Of course it remains to be seen if living under "union dictatorship" is worse as living under powerless unions, or, if you like, all the rights for the employers and no rights at all for the employees.

Of course this man is an anachronism, his ideas are sometimes an affront to mankind, mostly due to the members of the religion of peace, but some of his ideas are not too bad, like his thoughts about, for example, the great British Railway Disaster.

But he is a goner, for certain.


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Talk about thick skin, 170 MPs say No Confidence, he says he's not going anywhere and if forced out will simply stand again.

A political commentator summed it up yesterday saying the left want him in place as it's the only chance they have to control the party.

A man who has spent his political life campaigning against the EU to flip-flop when he becomes party leader is nothing more than a weasel.

Good riddance.

I read somewhere that the rumour is he actually voted leave while campaigning for remain... a two faced git he certainly is and another example of democracy in action, comrade..

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Talk about thick skin, 170 MPs say No Confidence, he says he's not going anywhere and if forced out will simply stand again.

A political commentator summed it up yesterday saying the left want him in place as it's the only chance they have to control the party.

A man who has spent his political life campaigning against the EU to flip-flop when he becomes party leader is nothing more than a weasel.

Good riddance.

I loved it when he was asked how committed he was to the Remain campaign and he said hesitantly seven and a half out of ten !

Very decisive very committed.

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Talk about thick skin, 170 MPs say No Confidence, he says he's not going anywhere and if forced out will simply stand again.

A political commentator summed it up yesterday saying the left want him in place as it's the only chance they have to control the party.

A man who has spent his political life campaigning against the EU to flip-flop when he becomes party leader is nothing more than a weasel.

Good riddance.

I loved it when he was asked how committed he was to the Remain campaign and he said hesitantly seven and a half out of ten !

Very decisive very committed.

7.5 out of 10 ?

I think he was lying whistling.gifwhistling.gif

It is a shame that the party machine has managed to quash his Bennite tendencies on the matter. After all, he voted against membership in 1975 and opposed the subsequent Maastricht and Lisbon treaties.


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After spending the past week reading about what's been going on with what I could only describe as that rabble called British politics, I will never make fun of or say anything bad about Thai politics again.facepalm.gif

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Talk about thick skin, 170 MPs say No Confidence, he says he's not going anywhere and if forced out will simply stand again.

A political commentator summed it up yesterday saying the left want him in place as it's the only chance they have to control the party.

A man who has spent his political life campaigning against the EU to flip-flop when he becomes party leader is nothing more than a weasel.

Good riddance.

I read somewhere that the rumour is he actually voted leave while campaigning for remain... a two faced git he certainly is and another example of democracy in action, comrade..

I had probably heard his name but wasn't really aware of him until the contest for the Labour leadership started and I learned of his background etc.

When elected leader it was during a morning session and he ' disappeared ' after the proceedings only to re-surface in the afternoon as a speaker at a rally to support Syrian refugees which, apparently, raised a few eyebrows.

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I read today that for the first time since Corbyn took over, Labour is ahead of the Torys. This is just as likely to be due to Cameron's Brexit stuff up as Corbyn's popularity, but it does indeed seem as though he has very strong grassroots backing. Remember, MP's are just as likely (if not more so) to be representing their own interests in the no confidence vote as they are that of their constituents.

" MP's are just as likely (if not more so) to be representing their own interests in the no confidence vote as they are that of their constituents."

So absolutely true. It applies to Buffoon Boris in Spades.

Boris said yesterday that if he was Prime Minister then he would seek to keep access to the single market by complying with all their rules and allowing the free movement of people.

This obviously raises the question as to why we just had a referendum?

But seemingly we can take his comments with a pinch of salt because he also said “people’s pensions are safe,” and “the pound is stable, the markets are stable, and that’s all very good news.” From a markets perspective, I am a little nervous about our former mayor becoming prime minister.

Edited by hugh2121
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After spending the past week reading about what's been going on with what I could only describe as that rabble called British politics, I will never make fun of or say anything bad about Thai politics again.facepalm.gif

So true. The lies and deceit Of Nigel Farage and the antics of Boris Johnson (another Donald Trump). British politicians are self serving and no better than those here. I would say worse!

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Well he's either playing a very clever long game, or he's an idiot. Personally, I'd like to see Benn v. Boris fighting it out at the despatch box, at least it would be entertaining, what else is politics good for, shades of Disraeli and Gladstone.

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If they do a vote of the party members he will probably win again. Maybe he knows the MP's are well out of touch with the party membership.

Party membership maybe, but the MPs have far more idea what the actual voters think.

He may well win a leadership battle again due to unions and the loony left, however he has as much chance of winning a general election as the England football team have of winning anything!

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The Steve Bell cartoon in the Guardian today is priceless. Cameron as a discarded condom telling Corbyn to step down.

I don't personally care about British politics, but the situation is that the left wing of the Labour party has been waiting to be back in power for decades, and the Blairites have been wanting to get rid of him from before he won the leadership. You could argue that Corbyn represents the real Labour and that the bien pensants of New Labour are really just Tory lite and should start their own party. I do believe Jeremy Corbyn would resign if it was just about him, but it's not. He's fighting for something he believes him, and I respect his honesty and determination.

Someone was poking fun about Corbyn saying he's 7 out of 10 in favor of the EU. To me that's just refreshing honesty from a politician, and a refreshing departure from the dumbing down of political discourse. Sadly, people get the politicians they deserve if they keep voting for charlatans who claim everything complex is really very simple and can be answered in absolutes.

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He is a classic back-bencher, and should have remained there, when it comes to a general-election he will deliver all the fire & commitment he had recently in the Remain campaign, if Labour care about getting back into government then the party should listen to their MPs.

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If they do a vote of the party members he will probably win again. Maybe he knows the MP's are well out of touch with the party membership.

The membership of the Labour party will never get this clown elected into office. Everyone in the party knows this. The Communist attack dogs will no doubt get this dinosaur elected again and then come election time the English labour party will go the same way as the Scottish labour party and Labour will never again be a Government in waiting but just a protest party led by a career protest politician. Anyone reading that he is leading in any polls must just be reading the Socialist Workers paper and nothing else. The SNP are about to be made the official opposition because of this mans inability to put forward a complete shadow cabinet.

Corbyn was elected with a large mandate to lead the party. In every respect he has failed to lead and never will. I fail to see how anyone can claim he has lead and long may he continue for me. Corbyn and those that want him to remain are those that think that the 70's were the Halcyon days of Labour.

We are now watching the death throws of the Labour party

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Talk about thick skin, 170 MPs say No Confidence, he says he's not going anywhere and if forced out will simply stand again.

A political commentator summed it up yesterday saying the left want him in place as it's the only chance they have to control the party.

A man who has spent his political life campaigning against the EU to flip-flop when he becomes party leader is nothing more than a weasel.

Good riddance.

And how about Boris then?




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Now to cap it all the idiot who led the Brexit campaign has announced he will not run for the PMs job. Well done Boris you made the mess now let someone else sort it out for you.

Boris cowardly but strategically abdicates along with responsibility knowing for whomever opens article 50 it is a poisoned chalice and for either May or Gove or (?) it will be a short-lived term full of derision.

That just isn't for our man Boris who after stirring the hornets nest shall let others get stung whilst he awaits to re-appear as 'saviour' PM once his dirty work is done by others.

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Betrayed by Gove who will now run against May and I don't even think the Tory party are stupid enough to want to make Gove PM so we are probably going to end up with a PM who campaigned for remaining in Europe. What is the point in Cameron resigning. However it was obvious last Friday when Boris gave that speech that he never intended nor thought he was going to win.

This is the clown who led the Brexit campaign.

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