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Thai sarcasm alive and kicking even if the humor is "fowl"


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Thai sarcasm alive and kicking even if the humor is "fowl"

Image: Daily News

BANGKOK: -- A Thai chicken breeder gave the online world a good laugh Wednesday when he posted a sarcastic invitation to dogs to come and dine at his place.

The owner of the farm had got fed up with finding his prized fowl chewed to bits by local mutts, reported Daily News. And fed up too with the owner of the dogs not taking responsibility for the loss of his fighting cocks.

The sign on the door of the coop read "Dear canine friends that enter these premises for purposes of dining. Please be aware that the charge is 3,000 baht per item consumed. For full buffet service the charge is 30,000 baht per sitting. When you have finished dining please take us to your owner. Thanking you for your continued support."

The sign was shared on Facebook on the Binla S. Wanadee page and set dog lovers against chicken rearers with a flood of online comment. But the owner of the sign revealed to reporters later that there was some resolution in the dispute with the dogs' owner when an agreement for restitution in two instalments was agreed.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-06-30

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He should have a sign that says win an all-expense paid trip to Vietnam.

What has Vietnam got to do with Thai dogs eating neighbour's chickens?

'knock knock, anybody home' .................... Vietnamese eat dogs. EG punishment (In laymen's terms).

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He should have a sign that says win an all-expense paid trip to Vietnam.

What has Vietnam got to do with Thai dogs eating neighbour's chickens?

In Vietnam they do things differently. There the Vietnamese eat the dogs,

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He should have a sign that says win an all-expense paid trip to Vietnam.

What has Vietnam got to do with Thai dogs eating neighbour's chickens?

How long you been here------- vietnamese love eating dogs much more than even chickensfacepalm.gif

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He should have a sign that says win an all-expense paid trip to Vietnam.

What has Vietnam got to do with Thai dogs eating neighbour's chickens?

In Vietnam they eat dog!

It was quite delicious when I tried it and you have to try everything at least once in life... and frankly I think dried reindeer heart is more delicious than BBQ dog!

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....and behind it......almost uncontrollable rage......

...his chickens get more protection, attention and consideration than most foreigners that cannot walk the streets of their own Moo Baan....

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He should have a sign that says win an all-expense paid trip to Vietnam.

What has Vietnam got to do with Thai dogs eating neighbour's chickens?

'knock knock, anybody home' .................... Vietnamese eat dogs. EG punishment (In laymen's terms).

And the natives eat dogs in some parts of Thailand too.

Edited by GuyL
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He should have a sign that says win an all-expense paid trip to Vietnam.

What has Vietnam got to do with Thai dogs eating neighbour's chickens?

Looks like you got hounded for that comment.rolleyes.gif

Seems like I did.

However having lived in Vietnam for 10 years and being able to speak Vietnamese I have a wide experience of Vietnamese culture. I have eaten dog and cat from time time with Vietnamese friends. I live in a provincial city in the north east where dog and cat restaurants are commonplace.

Tongue in cheek responses sometimes gives the Thai Visa know-alls something to chirp and babble about. Just for the record I spend about 60% of my time in Vietnam and 40% in Thailand and have a condo near Bang Kapi. So I am well familiar with both cultures. I wonder how many of the "experts" who shared their dog food experience have ever set food in Vietnam.

Just so people know. Dog meat is a dark, strong tasting and gamey meat and is not unpleasant on the palate. It is eaten mostly cold and sliced but sometimes barbecued. It is eaten with a fermented fish sauce which tastes awful. Cat on the other hand is a white meat not unlike rabbit. It is often cooked in pieces in a hotpot with vegetables. I hope some are now better informed about the Vietnamese and dog meat cuisine.

The origins of dog eating in China and Vietnam goes back to the Japanese invasions of both those countries prior to and during world war 11. Millions die from from starvation in both countries. People were forced to eat anything to survive which included dog and cat. People should not blame the Chinese and Vietnamese for a practice that was born from starvation. Tam biet


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He should have a sign that says win an all-expense paid trip to Vietnam.

What has Vietnam got to do with Thai dogs eating neighbour's chickens?

Looks like you got hounded for that comment.rolleyes.gif

Seems like I did.

However having lived in Vietnam for 10 years and being able to speak Vietnamese I have a wide experience of Vietnamese culture. I have eaten dog and cat from time time with Vietnamese friends. I live in a provincial city in the north east where dog and cat restaurants are commonplace.

Tongue in cheek responses sometimes gives the Thai Visa know-alls something to chirp and babble about. Just for the record I spend about 60% of my time in Vietnam and 40% in Thailand and have a condo near Bang Kapi. So I am well familiar with both cultures. I wonder how many of the "experts" who shared their dog food experience have ever set food in Vietnam.

Just so people know. Dog meat is a dark, strong tasting and gamey meat and is not unpleasant on the palate. It is eaten mostly cold and sliced but sometimes barbecued. It is eaten with a fermented fish sauce which tastes awful. Cat on the other hand is a white meat not unlike rabbit. It is often cooked in pieces in a hotpot with vegetables. I hope some are now better informed about the Vietnamese and dog meat cuisine.

The origins of dog eating in China and Vietnam goes back to the Japanese invasions of both those countries prior to and during world war 11. Millions die from from starvation in both countries. People were forced to eat anything to survive which included dog and cat. People should not blame the Chinese and Vietnamese for a practice that was born from starvation. Tam biet

So you already knew the answer to your question originally.

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Sarcasm and tongue in cheek talk is an art lost on the Thai people and Asian in general.....

only to be met with a blank stare and lamb eyes look.....

Don't agree with this. They have their own way of doing sarcasm (and this sign is an example).

It's just different from ours, they don't get ours and in some occasions I needed someone to explain theirs to me.

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He should have a sign that says win an all-expense paid trip to Vietnam.

What has Vietnam got to do with Thai dogs eating neighbour's chickens?

Vietnam and Cambodia like to eat dogs! thumbsup.gifwhistling.gifbiggrin.pngwai.gif

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He should have a sign that says win an all-expense paid trip to Vietnam.

What has Vietnam got to do with Thai dogs eating neighbour's chickens?

Looks like you got hounded for that comment.rolleyes.gif

Seems like I did.

However having lived in Vietnam for 10 years and being able to speak Vietnamese I have a wide experience of Vietnamese culture. I have eaten dog and cat from time time with Vietnamese friends. I live in a provincial city in the north east where dog and cat restaurants are commonplace.

Tongue in cheek responses sometimes gives the Thai Visa know-alls something to chirp and babble about. Just for the record I spend about 60% of my time in Vietnam and 40% in Thailand and have a condo near Bang Kapi. So I am well familiar with both cultures. I wonder how many of the "experts" who shared their dog food experience have ever set food in Vietnam.

Just so people know. Dog meat is a dark, strong tasting and gamey meat and is not unpleasant on the palate. It is eaten mostly cold and sliced but sometimes barbecued. It is eaten with a fermented fish sauce which tastes awful. Cat on the other hand is a white meat not unlike rabbit. It is often cooked in pieces in a hotpot with vegetables. I hope some are now better informed about the Vietnamese and dog meat cuisine.

The origins of dog eating in China and Vietnam goes back to the Japanese invasions of both those countries prior to and during world war 11. Millions die from from starvation in both countries. People were forced to eat anything to survive which included dog and cat. People should not blame the Chinese and Vietnamese for a practice that was born from starvation. Tam biet

Where's the cooked cat? In Asia you have to leave the head on or nobody will buy it.

Enough about straydogs but i think stray cats also should be neutered or just shot. When it's mating time for cats i have to hear them ALL day long, there are 8 of them coming to our street for that and it takes about 10 days. I even have a catapult for that party.

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He should have a sign that says win an all-expense paid trip to Vietnam.

What has Vietnam got to do with Thai dogs eating neighbour's chickens?

Looks like you got hounded for that comment.rolleyes.gif

I think he was barking up the wrong chicken, and got a bit of wuff justice...

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Sarcasm is an effective way to get your point across...without actually touching on the fowl subject matter...

Love to read good sarcasm...can be very humorous and tactful communications...IMHO

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These jokes are not punny - they are puny. The yolk is on the chicken and they deserve eggstra protection when they have to scramble for their lives. They would have to be hard-boiled to face up to a dog.

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Sarcasm and tongue in cheek talk is an art lost on the Thai people and Asian in general.....

only to be met with a blank stare and lamb eyes look.....

Are you fluent in Thai, Chinese or any other Asian languages?

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....and behind it......almost uncontrollable rage......

...his chickens get more protection, attention and consideration than most foreigners that cannot walk the streets of their own Moo Baan....

there's always one isn't there.....

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