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The UK needs a Brexit prime minister – Gove


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Now if Gove could dump the anti-immigrant nonsense and bring in Australian born but London based economist Steven Keen into a future government to change the political economy of Britain then maybe Britain could make a positive outcome over the Brexit. Alas getting Gove (or Johnson or Cameron) to abandon the neo-liberal economic nonsense is not going to happen.

Why does Britain need another Australian when they already have Rupert Murdock as puppet master.

Rupert Murdoch is now an American.naturalized citizen and is no longer an Australian citizen.

Thanks for the correction, my mistake. Still a puppet master.

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Could Theresa May become the new Mrs Thatcher?

No way UK needs some who has stood for OUT, Andrea Leadsom for Prime Minister. thumbsup.gif

UK needs someone who stood for IN. Not one of the lying scumbags who deceived many voters with their false promises.

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Could Theresa May become the new Mrs Thatcher?

No way UK needs some who has stood for OUT, Andrea Leadsom for Prime Minister. thumbsup.gif

UK needs someone who stood for IN. Not one of the lying scumbags who deceived many voters with their false promises.

I can't stand Theresa May, but she's the one hope for diluting and, hopefully, avoiding, a damaging Brexit.

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It would appear that Merkel is about to step in.


ngela Merkel could move to oust Europe’s federalist chief Jean-Claude Juncker 'within the next year', a Germany government minister has said, in a sign of deepening European divisions over how to respond to Britain’s Brexit vote.

The German chancellor’s frustration with the European Commission chief came as Europe split over whether to use the Brexit negotiations as a trigger to deepen European integration or take a more pragmatic approach to Britain as it heads for the exit door.

“Everyone is determined that this negotiation is handled in the European Council – i.e. between the 27 heads of government – and not by the Commission, the eurocrats and the EU ‘theologians’ in Brussels,” a senior UK source told The Telegraph.


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Here is T May telling us blokes,dont bother trying to bring your asian wives to UK,,,,

This was one of the people she employed in her home office,, Still think she is the next PM, I sincerely hope not!!!


We've got to bear in mind that, them people who don't want anymore blacks from Africa, and they also don't want any more Middle -East types (yes, that's them Muslims) coming into Britain, well, these are usually the same people who don't want a load of Thai or Filipino women turning up in England.

Let's get real here. A load of people who don't like coloureds went and voted for Brexit, and they swung the vote. They voted for Brexit for a silly reason, Britain already had the right to stop them coloureds and Muslims BEFORE Brexit.

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Micheal Gove, you're actually some Scottish bloke who joined the Conservatives, and now you want to be prime minister.

It might be an idea to have an MP who supported Brexit to be prime minister, but YOU being prime minister is not a good idea. Before the EU referendum campaign started, well, you was somebody that almost nobody had heard of. You only became a bit known because you (with Boris Johnson) was in charge of the Brexit campaign.

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If Micheal Gove becomes prime minister, it's going to look a bit stupid when or if Scotland breaks away from England. A Scottish bloke becomes prime minister, when Scotland isn't even in with England.

How ridiculous would it look if some French bloke takes over England after Brexit ??? Almost as ridiculous as a Sottish man doing it.

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Micheal Gove, you're actually some Scottish bloke who joined the Conservatives, and now you want to be prime minister.

It might be an idea to have an MP who supported Brexit to be prime minister, but YOU being prime minister is not a good idea. Before the EU referendum campaign started, well, you was somebody that almost nobody had heard of. You only became a bit known because you (with Boris Johnson) was in charge of the Brexit campaign.

WHAT ???

You must be the only Brit that never heard of his continual f***-ups as Education Secretary.

Famous, for all the wrong reasons.

Have to agree, he should and probably never will be PM.

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It would appear that Merkel is about to step in.


ngela Merkel could move to oust Europe’s federalist chief Jean-Claude Juncker 'within the next year', a Germany government minister has said, in a sign of deepening European divisions over how to respond to Britain’s Brexit vote.

The German chancellor’s frustration with the European Commission chief came as Europe split over whether to use the Brexit negotiations as a trigger to deepen European integration or take a more pragmatic approach to Britain as it heads for the exit door.

“Everyone is determined that this negotiation is handled in the European Council – i.e. between the 27 heads of government – and not by the Commission, the eurocrats and the EU ‘theologians’ in Brussels,” a senior UK source told The Telegraph.


An article of pure speculation and gossip from anonymous sources that does no credit to the Columbia press.

However, we must recognize that the joy displayed too openly by Junker about Brexit is neither clever nor decent.

Edited by happy Joe
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It would appear that Merkel is about to step in.


ngela Merkel could move to oust Europe’s federalist chief Jean-Claude Juncker 'within the next year', a Germany government minister has said, in a sign of deepening European divisions over how to respond to Britain’s Brexit vote.

The German chancellor’s frustration with the European Commission chief came as Europe split over whether to use the Brexit negotiations as a trigger to deepen European integration or take a more pragmatic approach to Britain as it heads for the exit door.

“Everyone is determined that this negotiation is handled in the European Council – i.e. between the 27 heads of government – and not by the Commission, the eurocrats and the EU ‘theologians’ in Brussels,” a senior UK source told The Telegraph.


An article of pure speculation and gossip from anonymous sources that does no credit to the Columbia press.

However, we must recognize that the joy displayed too openly by Junker about Brexit is neither clever nor decent.

Pure speculation ? It is time that some people opened their eyes and ears.

EU aims to sidestep parliaments on CETA

EU bulldozer Juncker angers Germany as he slashes members from trade negotiations

National Parliaments Not Needed For CETA Approval, European Commission President Juncker Says

Plenty of named sources.

Edited by SgtRock
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An article of pure speculation and gossip from anonymous sources that does no credit to the Columbia press.

However, we must recognize that the joy displayed too openly by Junker about Brexit is neither clever nor decent.

Pure speculation ? It is time that some people opened their eyes and ears.

EU aims to sidestep parliaments on CETA

EU bulldozer Juncker angers Germany as he slashes members from trade negotiations

National Parliaments Not Needed For CETA Approval, European Commission President Juncker Says

Plenty of named sources.

Everyone knows the fierce struggle of influence between council of Europe (nations) and the commission. Frictions are inevitable between these 2 entities designed to balance powers.
But the Telegraph article you quote is based on the following sources: "an anonymous German minister told the Sunday Times"
With this kind of information public opinion are not likely to get high.
Finally if unpacking rumors comforts you, It's OK
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If Micheal Gove becomes prime minister, it's going to look a bit stupid when or if Scotland breaks away from England. A Scottish bloke becomes prime minister, when Scotland isn't even in with England.

How ridiculous would it look if some French bloke takes over England after Brexit ??? Almost as ridiculous as a Sottish man doing it.

He has been MP for Surrey Heath since 2005 - how ridiculous is that?

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ITwo egomaniacs cheat Great Britain, followed by some senile groups of England. Result is a more and more poor little England. Oxford and Cambridge and other Universities will lose their EU support. 25% of their research staff are EU citizens. Think about, peanuts splitting is waste time.

You forgot to mention that the universities EU grants,originated from the British tax payers. As for their research staff,nobody except for the Remain supporters have suggested they must exit the UK. Likewise in the event of the U.K. Takeing control of it's own borders. Nobody except,again the remain supporters, have suggested they will not be welcome into the UK. It's not about none immigration,it' s about Controlled Immigration.


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If Micheal Gove becomes prime minister, it's going to look a bit stupid when or if Scotland breaks away from England. A Scottish bloke becomes prime minister, when Scotland isn't even in with England.

How ridiculous would it look if some French bloke takes over England after Brexit ??? Almost as ridiculous as a Sottish man doing it.

History Lesson:

How ridiculous would it look if some French bloke takes over England (?)

You mean like William The Conqueror?


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ITwo egomaniacs cheat Great Britain, followed by some senile groups of England. Result is a more and more poor little England. Oxford and Cambridge and other Universities will lose their EU support. 25% of their research staff are EU citizens. Think about, peanuts splitting is waste time.

You forgot to mention that the universities EU grants,originated from the British tax payers. As for their research staff,nobody except for the Remain supporters have suggested they must exit the UK. Likewise in the event of the U.K. Takeing control of it's own borders. Nobody except,again the remain supporters, have suggested they will not be welcome into the UK. It's not about none immigration,it' s about Controlled Immigration.

The suggestion that all lost EU funding such as eg education and regional support will automatically be supported once exit is implemented because the UK taxes are sufficient to support as such is a bogus fantasy from the the crazies wing who quite clearly are off with the fairies as far as economics understanding is concerned. Nor does it even begin to address just on the uni level the loss of student numbers from the EU who would presumably be paying overseas student fees.

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ITwo egomaniacs cheat Great Britain, followed by some senile groups of England. Result is a more and more poor little England. Oxford and Cambridge and other Universities will lose their EU support. 25% of their research staff are EU citizens. Think about, peanuts splitting is waste time.

You forgot to mention that the universities EU grants,originated from the British tax payers. As for their research staff,nobody except for the Remain supporters have suggested they must exit the UK. Likewise in the event of the U.K. Takeing control of it's own borders. Nobody except,again the remain supporters, have suggested they will not be welcome into the UK. It's not about none immigration,it' s about Controlled Immigration.

The suggestion that all lost EU funding such as eg education and regional support will automatically be supported once exit is implemented because the UK taxes are sufficient to support as such is a bogus fantasy from the the crazies wing who quite clearly are off with the fairies as far as economics understanding is concerned. Nor does it even begin to address just on the uni level the loss of student numbers from the EU who would presumably be paying overseas student fees.

The current funding comes from current taxes as paid to the EU as we pay more than we get back, so no need to "find" extra funding, wether or not a future government contiues with the same level of funding is still to be seen,

I don't see why student numbers would suffer, we had about 85,000 students last year from outside the EU so if EU students wish to study here they would be able to do so.

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ITwo egomaniacs cheat Great Britain, followed by some senile groups of England. Result is a more and more poor little England. Oxford and Cambridge and other Universities will lose their EU support. 25% of their research staff are EU citizens. Think about, peanuts splitting is waste time.

You forgot to mention that the universities EU grants,originated from the British tax payers. As for their research staff,nobody except for the Remain supporters have suggested they must exit the UK. Likewise in the event of the U.K. Takeing control of it's own borders. Nobody except,again the remain supporters, have suggested they will not be welcome into the UK. It's not about none immigration,it' s about Controlled Immigration.

The suggestion that all lost EU funding such as eg education and regional support will automatically be supported once exit is implemented because the UK taxes are sufficient to support as such is a bogus fantasy from the the crazies wing who quite clearly are off with the fairies as far as economics understanding is concerned. Nor does it even begin to address just on the uni level the loss of student numbers from the EU who would presumably be paying overseas student fees.

The current funding comes from current taxes as paid to the EU as we pay more than we get back, so no need to "find" extra funding, wether or not a future government contiues with the same level of funding is still to be seen,

I don't see why student numbers would suffer, we had about 85,000 students last year from outside the EU so if EU students wish to study here they would be able to do so.

Yes agree the only difference about EU students is they would have to pay the full rate and not subsidized rates and could not get student loans, all of which I am for, as too many have had loans and not paid anything back. So another win, win for Brexit. As an example a masters degree in the UK for a UK resident or from the EU costs 4,000 pound (By distance) and for a foreign student over 3 times that.

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ITwo egomaniacs cheat Great Britain, followed by some senile groups of England. Result is a more and more poor little England. Oxford and Cambridge and other Universities will lose their EU support. 25% of their research staff are EU citizens. Think about, peanuts splitting is waste time.

You forgot to mention that the universities EU grants,originated from the British tax payers. As for their research staff,nobody except for the Remain supporters have suggested they must exit the UK. Likewise in the event of the U.K. Takeing control of it's own borders. Nobody except,again the remain supporters, have suggested they will not be welcome into the UK. It's not about none immigration,it' s about Controlled Immigration.

The suggestion that all lost EU funding such as eg education and regional support will automatically be supported once exit is implemented because the UK taxes are sufficient to support as such is a bogus fantasy from the the crazies wing who quite clearly are off with the fairies as far as economics understanding is concerned. Nor does it even begin to address just on the uni level the loss of student numbers from the EU who would presumably be paying overseas student fees.

Ahhh yes. The good old economic crazies and fairies argument.

Here is where the economic crazies and fairies have taken us in 2012.


Current economic models are not really working out too well.

Perhaps its time to reign in the '' FREE '' stuff that the loony left keep screaming for.

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Good read about Gove/Johnson drama


Yes a good read for once from the BBC and just reiterates what a piece of work Gove is. I would not want him anywhere near the PM job. He has no morals and is self centered no matter what he will try and have the people believe.

I think it is clear that in that family it is Mrs Gove who has the balls.

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ITwo egomaniacs cheat Great Britain, followed by some senile groups of England.

Result is a more and more poor little England. Oxford and Cambridge and other Universities

will lose their EU support. 25% of their research staff are EU citizens.

Think about, peanuts splitting is waste time.

Oxbridge are not the unis which will suffer but rather the poorer unis which have a substantial number of EU students paying home student fees.

Maybe they can make way for children of tax paying British citizens,living abroad. Who at the moment do not pay Home student fees, but instead are obliged to pay the normall full fee, plus an Extra 50%.

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This is where a lot of our EU payments have gone, has anybody ever heard of this woman? this is specially for any remaining remainers,,

Disgusting,that money would have built several homes or a much needed extra classroom or something useful,


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This is where a lot of our EU payments have gone, has anybody ever heard of this woman? this is specially for any remaining remainers,,

Disgusting,that money would have built several homes or a much needed extra classroom or something useful,


No wonder Labour party MPs also preferred to remain in the EU - a 'gravy train' is typical British understatement.....

Another reason why its important that the new PM is someone who canvassed to 'leave' - and not a 'remainer' who will do their best to ensure that the 'gravy train' continues.

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