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Alcohol Control Strategy Applied on 15 July in Thailand

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The problem with Alcohol is that it has become socially acceptable, see a drunk person doing stupid things, see how much violence and domestic problems it causes, road accidents and deaths caused by drunk drivers, fights, all types of crimes, caused by a drug that would certainly be illegal if it wasn't taxed by the government.

I spent the first 9 years of my life in a house that was deeply affected by Alcohol, I wish my Father had been a Pothead instead of a Pisshead that's for sure, I might have had good memories of early childhood.

It's a very dangerous drug, you lot just don't see it as that cos it's your drug of choice.

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Someone needs to remind the current people in power and the TAT that many people come to Thailand not to visit the temples but to enjoy themselves and often that includes drinking alcohol. before the brigade of it is only for one day start sprouting' it doesn't matter people have come here on an average two week holiday want to drink for that period.

Start promoting modern day tourism and change the a laws, as people will start looking at other alternatives for their holidays. Also with the amount of religious holidays here, the days are mounting up, on non alcohol days. If the TAT wanted to be transparent they could publish in their marketing brochures etc just which days tourist can't drink, before they make a decision, althouigh I guess that will never happen. Get them here first and then tell them. The repeat customer concept is definitely an alien one here.


Strategy, now's there's a fancy word being used in LoS but actual application ?

No matter what's announced i'm sure every mom and pop store etc in the country which immediately be on board. rolleyes.gif

The little old lady that has my favorite store will wrap the beer in paper and caution me to be careful. I can hardly wait for CCD day Corruption Control Day. Thailand will no doubt be like the Rapture in reverse where all the bad corrupt people will suddenly float away. No police military or rich people left. Hurrah and the meek shall inherit the earth.


If they are so worried about the social impacts that alcohol can cause, e.g. drink driving, then how about they do something about them that actually provides results? Sure prevention is better in theory but anyone with even 1 brain cell left can work out that banning alcohol for a day, or banning sales between certain times in the day, will make no impact at all on drink driving or any other alcohol fueled social issue. There needs to be a deterrent, i.e. actual punishment, actual consequences, not just a laughable slap on the wrists and here's your keys back sir, try not to hit anyone on your way home...

In a previous life I knew so many Farangs that would drink far too much and then get in their Car or on their motorcycle and drive off, it's not just a Thai thing, it's a world thing, Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in the world, yet it's socially acceptable, freekin crazy when you think about it.

Cannabis is Illegal and Alcohol is legal, future generations will be amazed at our generations warped sense of right and wrong.


Screw that, stock up and have a few extra ones, don't need this Nanny state nonsense....

I would like, just for kicks, to have a 'no government interference day'. I'm sure 'statistics will go up'.


The brewer's will be pleased. Everybody stocking up furiously the day before.

Pity the poor who can only afford a nip at the shop per day, but hey, shopkeepers will take care of their own

even if the corporate 711 can't.


Dear General,

If you really care for your countrymen & their drinking problem, ban that Lao Khao poison that kills thousands of Thais a year

I know you will not due to the influence of the people that make it along with duties collected.

Again,,, hypocrisy at its finest


Now what? It's not like there are not enough silly rules already.

They should get rid of all the silly ethanol rules (e.g. purchase restriction based on time-of-day) and only implement a few rules that make sense.

There's also not much point in marking a few particular days of the year as "no alcohol" days when on all other days any insane person with violent and aggressive tendencies can purchase as much ethanol beverages as he wishes and then act out on those violent tendencies.

I propose a restriction on ethanol consumption based on a person's sanity that applies 100% of the time. Nobody who is mentally unwell (especially those with violent and aggressive tendencies) should be allowed to consume ethanol. Such a strategy could be implemented by forcing those who wish to consume ethanol to undergo psychological test(s) and then a license provided to those who pass it. Who would be against such a strategy? Only the mentally unwell I think. If I was mentally unwell I'd voluntarily avoid ethanol consumption for the sake of the safety of others around me and to prevent arrest and imprisonment in the case that I do something stupid whilst "under the influence". But I'm aware that not everyone has such willpower, so a restriction based on mental wellbeing would not be a bad idea.

A psychological test for buying a beer?


Maybe I should get a degree as a psychologist...tons of money to be made...


Yet another ridiculous, embarrassing edict from the silly little General.

They say that armies match on their stomachs but the pint sized despot seems to march on his brains and his boots are obviously pinching them.


Lol. Booze is as ingrained in their culture now as Buddhism.

No not true. When we have a family BBQ (by family I mean all extended aunts uncles there off spring ect ect) I would say 35 people of all ages. Two drink alcohol drinks Chang to be exact and I'm one of those two. So 1 farang 1 Thai out of 35 people on alcohol. So no its not as you say ingrained in there culture. It's actually ingrained in farangs mind which has little or no idea of Thai culture


I thought the 15th was reserved for NO PLASTIC BAGS day....looks like that initiative lasted as long as we all thought!

So are you saying that you can't have a "No plastic bags day" and a "No alcohol day" on the same day. Gee multitasking is so difficult.


Looks like Thursday the 14th will be very busy at the booze shops.

So we will have a no alcohol day on 15 - 18 - 19 and 20 July.

Looks like a promising month for tourists.[/quote

Why the 18th? Thats Not a no alcohol day.


I thought the 15th was reserved for NO PLASTIC BAGS day....looks like that initiative lasted as long as we all thought!

So are you saying that you can't have a "No plastic bags day" and a "No alcohol day" on the same day. Gee multitasking is so difficult.

It is for Thais, U seen them think an use the calculator at once? ??


Can we replace that with a "not another freaking announcement by anybody in government" Day :)

That would surely help me reduce on the booze whistling.gif


If they are so worried about the social impacts that alcohol can cause, e.g. drink driving, then how about they do something about them that actually provides results? Sure prevention is better in theory but anyone with even 1 brain cell left can work out that banning alcohol for a day, or banning sales between certain times in the day, will make no impact at all on drink driving or any other alcohol fueled social issue. There needs to be a deterrent, i.e. actual punishment, actual consequences, not just a laughable slap on the wrists and here's your keys back sir, try not to hit anyone on your way home...

In a previous life I knew so many Farangs that would drink far too much and then get in their Car or on their motorcycle and drive off, it's not just a Thai thing, it's a world thing, Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in the world, yet it's socially acceptable, freekin crazy when you think about it.

Cannabis is Illegal and Alcohol is legal, future generations will be amazed at our generations warped sense of right and wrong.

I'm not suggesting Thais drink drive more than others. I'm suggesting there is less effort to police it. Although more or less is on the side, its really a question of enough or not enough. I've had one road accident in 4 years in Thailand which wasn't serious although was caused by a drunk rider who despite police presence wasn't punished for riding very drunk, in fact wasn't even tested. I was more stating the obvious that stopping sales for a period of time won't make the difference that's needed. Policing won't be perfect either but at least it can make a significant impact. But thats just drink driving, there are plenty of other potetial social issues, most/all of which will also be unchanged by picking some days/timeslots to stop sales.

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