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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand


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‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand
Jas Rawlinson

Featured Image: Internet

BRISBANE: -- IT’S a warm Monday evening, and somewhere in southeast Asia an Australian man is about to enter a bar filled with beautiful young women.

Dan isn’t ashamed to say that he’s spent a lot of time in karaoke bars and red light districts around Thailand. After all, he’s just one of many Western men doing the same thing.

But while Dan could be your average Australian sex tourist there’s one thing that sets him apart; he’s actually an undercover rescue worker, searching for underage girls and trafficking victims.

“It’s a rough industry,” he admits, as we talk of the girls he has seen rescued and the men who travel to Thailand to purchase them.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/do-you-think-well-pay-for-bad-things-weve-done-revelations-of-aussie-sex-tourists-in-thailand/news-story/a1490ec57bb51253003aa5a2c1547acd

-- News.com.au 2016-07-04

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Not this shit again. Fycks sake. Look most Aussies would love to contribute more to the sex trade in Europe and South America unfortunately we just happen to be closer to Asia. So we contribute more there

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

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An SJW blogger, and a white knight bible humper get together and this is the result, pathetic.

Is he a bible humper?

Does he know about the hundreds of young boys/kids who were raped continiously fod decades by priests in Europe? And nope, none have gone to jail for that.

I get so tired of those people but Aussies think pretty bad about Thailand last years.

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These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

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And just how many skeletons are in the closet of the bible set's staff. These folks obviously do some good work, but seriously the concept that these activists (can they be called that?) represent hands is far too dirty to ever give it moral superiority over those people it is attempting to vilify, and demonize here

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Well I think he's on to something with filling the void I know a few blokes that have come to Thailand giving away the their kids and grand kids to live the good life but are sad that they are missing a relationship that they had with their parents and grandparents .

Also I find that they fall for the old bar talk rumours and get involved in dramas that has nothing to do with them but they spend so much time in bars they actually think they have some type of status and importance with girls and the bar but in reality they just want your money and when they finally realise that well then that's when the depression hits. Doesn't happen to all of them and some guys love to play the game but others sadly start falling in love and just lose the plot.

As for the girls I find most of them happy in their work well the ones I've talked over the years. Most already have a child somewhere and are doing their best to support them and their families. Starvation is a good aphrodisiac .

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Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

You have problems mate. Do you ever stop to think about that "bird you are halfway up"? Do you think she is happy with some baldy old Bruce "up her"?

Like another poster said - DENIAL. I met a guy once from the Gold Coast who told me he moved to Pattaya for the nice beach.

I try to have some compassion for them, but when they come onto a public internet forum and talk about these girls as less than human I must admit it's hard.

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Sex tourists from all over the world are flocking to sex's cities tourists spots and Aussies shouldn't

be singled out, yes, there're many of them around, but many of other nationals that this page will

not be enough to name them

unfortunately, sex tourism is here to stay, it has been around for decades now and all over the world,

literally, the silver lining of theses dark clouds is that it did helped many of the otherwise destitute,

dead poor people bring food home that otherwise they couldn't, and with no social welfare

to support them in their respective countries, this is the only thing left to save them,

That's was than, it was all about survival, now it's all about the " show me the money man"

and pay for play attitude.....

Edited by ezzra
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It’s an issue that has caught the attention of several organisations and ministry groups around Thailand such as Night Light International, and the MST Project, both of which aim to provide support to male sex tourists.

Help me Dan, for I have sinned. It has been 2 days since my last confession. Father Dan, I need help, I'm addicted to sex. I've tried everything to control my desires, looking at pictures of Donald Trump and PM Prayuth but to no avail. Maybe I should take up some form of yoga or massage theropy. Massage, yes, soapy massage, ohh, thanks Dan, I'm going out for a while be back later with a full confession.


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A few years back I would have dismissed this story as either an obsessive or a sensationalist looking to regurgitate a story for a quick buck, but the longer I live in Thailand the more piteous the expats look.

We can all think of stereotypical epithets for this moviemaker, in the end it is just sad old expats feebly trying to justify a pitiful lifestyle that they have trapped themselves in.

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So, what's new in this story..(I'm not talking about sex tourists). Anybody with a brain in their head knows the lifestyle talked about here gets boring very quickly for the average "Joe" and leaves one with a feeling of an unfulfilled life in a very short time.

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"It is the nature of the universe to make all things equal in the end"

In my life experiences it is a most definite YES. When a person does something bad to another or against nature it will come back on then a hundred times as much.

"What goes around, comes around"

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Not this shit again. Fycks sake. Look most Aussies would love to contribute more to the sex trade in Europe and South America unfortunately we just happen to be closer to Asia. So we contribute more there

You must admit that you could avoid the kids.

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First 'Dan' can should come back to australia and tackle a lot of the problems WE have......homelessness...depression...lonely people etc....

Most of the hookers i've encountered don't appear to distraught about their profession....Thainess i suppose!...

Undercover Dan.....mmm........It would be a real real good start if thai society actually cared about it's people-particularly 'the soon to be educated' sons/daughters of poor families!

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First 'Dan' can should come back to australia and tackle a lot of the problems WE have......homelessness...depression...lonely people etc....

Most of the hookers i've encountered don't appear to distraught about their profession....Thainess i suppose!...

Undercover Dan.....mmm........It would be a real real good start if thai society actually cared about it's people-particularly 'the soon to be educated' sons/daughters of poor families!

"Most of the hookers i've encountered don't appear to distraught about their profession" - You sound just like those people who were justifying their visits to the tiger temple!

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Thousands, if not millions of foreign men have fallen in love with bar-girls and tried to "help" them. What makes this hero so different? Oh right, he doesn't have sex with them. That's pretty much it. He still hangs out in the same place doing the same thing.

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Very sad story and hats off to someone trying to help the women who are trapped and broken.

My personal view is the whole sex trade industry is sickening. I am in Pattaya for work reasons (yes there are legitimate companies here) but you cannot help but see the sex industry here as it is so widespread.

There is little point in trying to appeal to men who use prostitutes on a forum like this. Most will simply defend the situation, often aggressively or even with abuse as we have seen on some of these posts already. I would be happy to see someone post on here that they have used prostitutes here but they are re thinking their lifestyle after really understanding the damage the industry does and knowing that they had lost their own way in life, but it is not going to happen.

Instead you will get the lame argument "they send money home", "I am helping the women who have no other choices" or some such excuse, all of which just doesn't wash. Or even attacking people who want to help because they are "bible bashers" or "do gooders", every one of these easily dismissed by anyone with half a brain and who is really thinking straight, but you will still hear it time and time again anyway.

Not sure what will actually trigger any reasonable man caught up in it all to stop and think about what they are doing and to consider that it is wrong.

I think there are many men who are lost and who have completely ruined their old lives thinking that the grass is greener.

I have been an expat for many years and i have seen so many times men who come over to Asia, wife and kids back home and they very quickly hook up with an Asian girlfriend. I know of 2 guys I worked with in Hong Kong, both married prostitutes from China and dumped their families back home. BOTH now have new girlfriends on the side leaving their new wives at home as much as possible.

Some men will never learn to assess what they have and appreciate life as it is. They consider life boring or uneventful and cannot help but keep putting themselves on a path of self destruction, often taking poor unfortunates with them leaving a trail of crap behind. I actually feel quite sorry for most of them, never happy, never contented, always looking for the better deal and never contented, and one day they suddenly find they are now old men full of bitterness and defending their frequent use of prostitutes.

So, hats off to this guy who spends his life trying to help. Can't say I would want to do it and see that side of the World everyday, it would depress me in no time.

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searching for underage girls and trafficking victims.

He needs to paint himself brown, pull back his eyes, and learn to speak Thai.

Then go to the 300b Lao houses that every town in Thailand has for the locals.


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