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Dozens of reports of assaults, rapes at Swedish festivals


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Dozens of reports of assaults, rapes at Swedish festivals
MATTI HUUHTANEN, Associated Press

HELSINKI (AP) — Several dozen women reported being raped or sexually assaulted at two music festivals in Sweden last weekend, police said Tuesday.

Police Inspector Leif Nystrom said there had been 32 reports of attacks by boys or young men at a three-day festival in the city of Karlstad, 300 kilometers (190 miles) west of the capital, Stockholm. The youngest alleged victim was 12. Police identified seven young men they wanted to question.

Meanwhile in Norrkoping, police told local media that they were investigating five cases of alleged rape and more than a dozen suspected sexual assaults at the Bravalla Festival in the city, southwest of Stockholm.

After playing in Norrkoping, British rock band Mumford & Sons posted a note on their Facebook site saying they were "appalled ... and gutted by these reports" of rape and sexual assault.

The band said Tuesday they would not play Bravalla again unless police and organizers could assure them that they are "doing something to combat what appears to be a disgustingly high rate of reported sexual violence."

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven described the situation as "totally unacceptable" and said that laws on sexual assault would be tightened.

"We are in the process of reviewing them," he said in a speech at a political seminar. "It's also important that we continue to ensure that police, prosecutors and other officials are better equipped to investigate such crimes and actually catch the perpetrators."

Nystrom told The Associated Press that police have identified the perpetrators at the event in Karlstad but that no one had yet been detained. He declined to give details of the suspects or comment on reports that the offenses were committed by migrants or foreigners, pending the outcome of the investigation.

He said the reports of sexual assault in Karlstad included groping but there were no reports of rape or attempted rape.

"We want to catch the suspects because we need to talk to them," he said. "The number of such cases has increased slightly since last year, but I'm really not sure if this is a common problem at festivals."

Norrkoping police spokesman Thomas Agnevik said that there were "very, very many people and they were standing close together" when a woman in her 20s said she'd been raped by someone who came up behind her at the Bravalla Festival.

The woman managed to get away but she was shocked and hasn't been able to describe the suspect and there are no witness accounts.

Agnevik did not give details of any suspected perpetrators except to say that the general impression is that they were "younger men."

Police at the Bravalla festival gave out bracelets saying "don't grope," but some festival goers were skeptical.

"It's a very good thing that shows sexual assault is something we need to deal with, although I feel that a wristband is not something that will help in the long-term," Amanda Brown said.

Earlier this year, Swedish police faced allegations of a cover-up for failing to inform the public of widespread sexual assaults against teenage girls at a music festival a year ago, which came to light in January when the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter reported them following a string of sexual assaults and robberies on New Year's Eve in Cologne, Germany.

In neighboring Denmark, where the annual weeklong Roskilde rock festival attended by 130,000 people wound up on Sunday, police said they had reports of five cases of alleged rape or sexual assault, which police officer Carsten Andersen described as "nothing out of the ordinary at such a big event, although every single case is too much."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-06

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Note the AP report came from Helsinki not Stockholm. Aside from trying to keep it quiet the Swedish authorities sprang into action by handing out anti-groping wristbands.


So obviously if a woman is raped who didn't wear one she is obviously asking for it. What a cunning ruse to transfer responsibility to the victim not the foreign perpetrators. Perhaps if women wore bin ages over their heads and never went out alone after dark that would fix the problem.

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The non-Swedish press is allowed to report it.

“Foreign young men“ were blamed by police for the attacks at one of the festivals and at least two unaccompanied migrant youths were under arrest.
An anonymous 15-year-old girl told Expressen newspaper that no fewer than five of her six friends had been sexually molested by “foreign youths” during the Karlstad event.
Alexandra Larsson, 17, said she had not seen exactly who had assaulted her at Putte i Parken. She stressed, however, that that the group of 18-19 year old boys standing behind her were “not from a Swedish background”.
“They were probably immigrants. I hate to say it. But it is the truth,” she said.
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Sadly many EU countries are experiencing these style attacks. The press are also trying to hush it up. If you have lived in the middle east then you will know that the women in the country are subjected to this type of behavior regularly. I am not being racist or a bigot just reporting a fact from my experiences. Nigel Farage also mentioned that this could happen in the UK, although it already has and hushed up and was shouted and branded a racist by left wing luvvies. The fact was he was right.

When you have cultures that see this as the normal practice and then coming to a western, civilized country then it is only a matter of time before these attacks are common and the norm.

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Disgusting animals. There'll be a huge backlash in time.

Fingers crossed, I hope so.

The problem is people/countries are too scared to do anything because they do not want to be seen as being racist...sod that...get them dealt with harshly and kick them out.

Our rules our law, if you don't like it then don't bother coming...bonus!

Edited by Caps
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Wonder who is to blame?

I would venture to say.....mohammed smile.png

.....and Angela Merkel......and those waving the welcome flags at the train stations ......facepalm.gif

Edited by soihok
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The non-Swedish press is allowed to report it.

“Foreign young men“ were blamed by police for the attacks at one of the festivals and at least two unaccompanied migrant youths were under arrest.
An anonymous 15-year-old girl told Expressen newspaper that no fewer than five of her six friends had been sexually molested by “foreign youths” during the Karlstad event.
Alexandra Larsson, 17, said she had not seen exactly who had assaulted her at Putte i Parken. She stressed, however, that that the group of 18-19 year old boys standing behind her were “not from a Swedish background”.
“They were probably immigrants. I hate to say it. But it is the truth,” she said.

This is a newsraport from the same festival but in 2014.

4 swedish men sentenced for rape.


Edited by Scott
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Disgusting animals. There'll be a huge backlash in time.

But will there? Bear in mind it is not just a battle with the perpetrators but also the authorities who have their back. They are wanted and one could be forgiven for being under the impression that we no longer are.
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Can't these Muslims just 'buy' foreign women as wives like some of the local white men do in Sweden. You know every poor foreign lady from a hot tropical place wants to live nation that is freezing most of the year like Sweden. These "Muslims" need to learn what is accepted under capitalism. Rape is not.

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Can't these Muslims just 'buy' foreign women as wives like some of the local white men do in Sweden. You know every poor foreign lady from a hot tropical place wants to live nation that is freezing most of the year like Sweden. These "Muslims" need to learn what is accepted under capitalism. Rape is not.

They possibly could buy a foreign women like back home with a camel, donkey or cow. The problem is these people who have committed these crimes are usually low educated and from poor families, so they couldn't buy a dog. If you do some research in some of the countries prisons were emptied and the undesirables were promised a hotel to live in or house, medical care, schooling for their kids and 'free money' in benefits. Many are economic migrants and not fleeing from war. Just a lie many mainstream media have peddled to play the sympathy card, to the left wingers.

So basically many of the countries actively encouraged, to get rid of their unwanted desirables. Angela Merkel opened her arms and most of the EU followed. The problem was started in 2002 for the UK with Tony Blair letting migrants in the back door.

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Why didn't the Swedes help these girls. If you are near by; you would hear girls yelling. Swedes have no balls;

if they watched and did nothing. What a joke !

It isn't a question of balls, it is a fear that if they lay a finger on the miscreants the authorities would be all over them like a cheap suit and charge them with every hate crime in the book. Bear in mind Leif and Anders have mortgages to pay, families to feed, jobs to lose... Those doing the assaulting know the worst they will end up with is a stern ticking off, so why not? Edited by baboon
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Why didn't the Swedes help these girls. If you are near by; you would hear girls yelling. Swedes have no balls;

if they watched and did nothing. What a joke !

It isn't a question of balls, it is a fear that if they lay a finger on them the authorities would be all over them like a cheap suit and charge them with every hate crime in the book. Bear in mind Leif and Anders have mortgages to pay, families to feed, jobs to lose... Those doing the assaulting know the worst they will end up with is a stern ticking off, so why not?

If these assaults have been committed by muslim migrants the authorities will be in no rush to confirm it fearing a backlash not the least of which will be against their own political position.

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Why didn't the Swedes help these girls. If you are near by; you would hear girls yelling. Swedes have no balls;

if they watched and did nothing. What a joke !


They claimed to have them, but they turned out to be horse.

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Why didn't the Swedes help these girls. If you are near by; you would hear girls yelling. Swedes have no balls;

if they watched and did nothing. What a joke !

It isn't a question of balls, it is a fear that if they lay a finger on them the authorities would be all over them like a cheap suit and charge them with every hate crime in the book. Bear in mind Leif and Anders have mortgages to pay, families to feed, jobs to lose... Those doing the assaulting know the worst they will end up with is a stern ticking off, so why not?

If these assaults have been committed by muslim migrants the authorities will be in no rush to confirm it fearing a backlash not the least of which will be against their own political position.

You are both correct.

Nothing more needs to be said.

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I have spent time in some of the countrys that these migrants come from , unlike these lefty flag waving immegrants welcome fools , the way they treat women is disgusting , and western women have to be accompanied at all times , i have even seen men laying on the floor to try and look up a western womans skirt , they have no shame . sad.png

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If you do, the next time a Euro expat in Thailand does something let's call out the Christians. Under your racist/prejudice thinking it's the foreign Christian that drives these crimes in Thailand.

Why would you assume a Euro expat in Thailand is Christian?

Plenty of Jewish and Muslim Europeans, and some Hindu (even a Sikh or two).

Exactly and the same goes for those who assume the preps are Muslims. I'm just saying this is about crime and the individuals who do it.

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