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No charges recommended in Clinton email probe, FBI says


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Ha ha ha, I just hope that the HRC server was better protected than the DNC server: DNC Readies Warning On "Trumpocalypse"

Neither I nor this Comey guy can prove it but I could imagine that the HRC "secretary of state" server was much more interesting for hackers than the bloody DNC server.

To paraphrase Comey guy: Nothing to see here, move on.

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As the Republicans head back to their cesspit to find their next piece of smelly sh_t.

Funny how the Clinton's always end up smelling of roses and it ends up in the faces of the throwers... gigglem.gif

Funny how some people try to rewrite history: Hillary's "extremely careless" actions with classified material and her lying was exposed to the world, even though Director Comey did not recommend a criminal prosecution. This means she was effectively given a "pass", but only by the FBI.

Aside: Isn't it interesting that Comey avoided using the term "gross negligence", probably because that term is used in the applicable laws?

Bill Clinton was convicted of perjury and his law license was revoked.

One thing that could be done is to permanently suspend her security clearance. It strikes me that such a suspension would be the usual action taken with an individual under these circumstances. Of course, this is not going to happen any more than her being tried for her crimes w/r her handling of classified material.

Still, wouldn't it be interesting to see her try to perform her putative duties as POTUS without having access to Secret and above classified material?

Edited by MaxYakov
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Make up your own mind...


Jun 29, 2016

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton meet privately in Phoenix before Benghazi report

June 30, 2016

Department of Justice officials filed a motion in federal court late Wednesday seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s four top aides and officials with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a closely allied public relations firm that Bill Clinton helped launch.

JULY 1, 2016

Loretta Lynch to Accept F.B.I. Recommendations in Clinton Email Inquiry

July 2, 2016

Clinton interviewed by the FBI about private email server

July 5, 2016

FBI recommends no charges against Clinton in email probe

July 5, 2016

Obama campaigns with Clinton following FBI decision

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HILLARY "There should be no individual too powerful to jail."

Unless you're a Clinton, eh? bah.gif

If a person hasn't committed an offence they don't go to Jail, right?

That is what the electorate will hear. Game over Boon Mee. No ones going to be listening to the loony far right echo chamber from here on in over the Emails. Case closed.

REALLY. Comey said she WAS guilty of posting top secret mails on an insecure server and it was probably hacked- enough to be indicted for, but he CHOSE to ignore the law and not charge her. When Trump gets elected, there are a few people that will be investigated over this and some may be serving time. Lynch will certainly be getting the order of the boot.

Sorry what was that Hillary hasn't committed any offense and no charges can be laid? Benghazi and the Emails the electorate simply tune out as it goes on year after year. The Right Wing loons will continue to chatter amongst themselves not accepting the Parade has moved on.

While Republican heads explode over Hillary being found totally innocent of any crime regarding the email server Obama got the jump by formally announcing his endorsement of Hillary for President. Unless the Republican Party starts to actually politically campaign they are going to find that Obama, Hillary and Bernie will out gun them every time. This is where businessmen make dreadful politicians. It's a different game. Sending out 'cry baby' tweets from the Orange person isn't going to be an effective campaign. Again Trump gets left in the wake of seasoned political veterans.

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Look, a republican led witch hunt could not find her guilty of what she was accused of in Benghazi, and now an FBI investigation with a complete and full audit trail of investigation has said there is not enough evidence to press charges BUT it is up to the public prosecutor. Now lets see the investigation into Bush's five MILLION missing emails - an actual crime. No matter how much you hate the woman, no matter how much you want her to be guilty YOU have not gone through 150k documents and countless interviews. You sound like the remain voters in Brexit "oh we lost, so lets have another vote". "oh they said Clinton is innocent - but she must be guilty, I heard it on Fox and read it in the National Enquirer". Get over it and move on.

There is no mockery of the American justice system required, it has already mocked itself to death. When a 13 year old can be jailed for life without parole for being only present at the scene of a murder, mockery is rampant. There are more than two thousand children in the USA serving life without the possibility of parole - the ONLY country in the world that sentences children to LWOP! Yes justice is a mockery.

If Clinton and Trump are deemed unacceptable to the voter base then people need to stand up and say "nope, neither one of these candidates is fit to serve/head our great nation". Refuse to accept the trash handed to you by the super elite and make a stand. What were all those guns for in the second amendment again? Lets see 3 million march on Capitol Hill with automatic weapons and see the result.

Sadly for all those who cannot/do not want to accept it, Clinton is found not guilty. Stop moaning and change your strategy. There is still time to get them all out of the race for the Whitehouse, you just need someone to start the "well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

As regards Benghazi and emails, bring it on Brunnhilde!

Bush is a war criminal, HRC is probably a crook, certainly incompetent. A pox on all professional politicians. Time for an outsider. Time for Trump.

You were doing so well until the last 3 words facepalm.gif

OK, name someone that is an outsider and would be a good president- bet you can't.

NB I'm not saying Trump would make a great president, but I'm sick of the political hacks screwing up the world. The best thing Trump has going for him is that he appears to want to be more isolationist. That would be great for the rest of us in the world, as we really can't take much more US interference- just look what they did to the middle east!

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If a person hasn't committed an offence they don't go to Jail, right?

That is what the electorate will hear. Game over Boon Mee. No ones going to be listening to the loony far right echo chamber from here on in over the Emails. Case closed.

REALLY. Comey said she WAS guilty of posting top secret mails on an insecure server and it was probably hacked- enough to be indicted for, but he CHOSE to ignore the law and not charge her. When Trump gets elected, there are a few people that will be investigated over this and some may be serving time. Lynch will certainly be getting the order of the boot.

Sorry what was that Hillary hasn't committed any offense and no charges can be laid? Benghazi and the Emails the electorate simply tune out as it goes on year after year. The Right Wing loons will continue to chatter amongst themselves not accepting the Parade has moved on.

While Republican heads explode over Hillary being found totally innocent of any crime regarding the email server Obama got the jump by formally announcing his endorsement of Hillary for President. Unless the Republican Party starts to actually politically campaign they are going to find that Obama, Hillary and Bernie will out gun them every time. This is where businessmen make dreadful politicians. It's a different game. Sending out 'cry baby' tweets from the Orange person isn't going to be an effective campaign. Again Trump gets left in the wake of seasoned political veterans.

Did you not read the reply of mine that YOU quote? Once again, HRC was NOT, NOT, NOT found totally innocent, she just wasn't charged, which is not the same thing.

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Other than the indictment decision, everything else in Comey's statement was completely damaging to Clinton.

Look for the Big C Money Machine™ to start choreographing a smear campaign over the next few months against Comey to marginalize those comments.....which btw would have been fatal to any other candidate.

I'm sure the Hillaryphiles will carry a jubilant, warm and fuzzy feeling to the polls with them smug in the knowledge that their hero has evaded criminal prosecution. We get the government we deserve.

Other than the indictment decision, everything else in Comey's statement was completely damaging to Clinton.

Comey the lawyer made his statement in the sanctuary of his press room at the Department of Justice Building that sprawls between Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues.

Hillary Clinton had no opportunity of rebuttal or response, either on the scene or elsewhere. No opportunity to question Comey, no instance to challenge Comey. No opportunity to confront her accuser in the government.

Director Comey was within his remit to state the conclusions of the FBI investigation (instigated by the rightwing superpatriot Inspectors General of the cloak and dagger agencies), which were that no charges were merited, there was no grand jury, no judge, no prosecutor...no nuthin. Only lawyers and FBI meatgrinders.

HR Clinton however had no right or opportunity of a face to face reply or response, nor did former SecState Clinton have the right or the opportunity to question Comey or to have any exchange with Comey in his influential statements. Maybe Comey is right or maybe Comey is wrong, but what we do know for certain is that -- save for the fact of no indictment -- the presentation was completely one-sided against HRC.

This is not justice. The whole of this has been and remains political in its motivation and purposes. Why? Because Clintons win November elections, going all the way back to Arkansas in the 1970s. A Clinton name on a ballot in a November is a winner. Republicans and rightwhingers can't stand it. Comey doesn't much care either way. Rightwingers can't stand that either.

You're right there was little precedent for Comey's scolding of Clinton. I however, think it was the balanced thing to do in light of the weight of the decision and that it came down in Clinton's favor. Comey had to justify it to the Republicans and to the rest of the country. It was one-sided, and she has and will take a hit for it, but it still was not enough for Trump supporters. In spite of teams of lawyers and investigators pouring over this in minutiae, in spite of these scores of lawyers knowing their careers could end should they violate the Code of Professional Responsibility, in spite of all of these trained legal and investigative brains coming to this decision pouring over and knowing all the facts we can never know, it will never be enough for all the Trump supporters as they seem to somehow have divine guidance as to the facts.

I agree with Comey's terse scolding of Clinton. I predicted this is how this matter would end. I also predicted that whatever bad judgment Clinton exercised, it would never rise to criminality as she is too smart to have done that. She is a dangerous woman, but I hope this will serve as a warning for her not to go too far should she be elected. She is still by far the best choice of two bad candidates for President. The other orange guy is unthinkable.

I also predicted that whatever bad judgment Clinton exercised, it would never rise to criminality as she is too smart to have done that.

Hillary Clinton did nothing criminal or in a violation of the Espionage Act because she is a patriotic American loyal to our country and who honors and respects the Constitution.

And yes, Hillary Clinton is smart. She's outsmarted the extreme fringe lunar right for 30 years and she's not finished either.

Madam President.

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Chaffetz was comical in his 'emergency' meeting to hear the FBI Director's testimony.

Making himself look sillier than usual.


"Before FBI Director Comey (a Republican) put the Republicans’ conspiracy theories on ice with his news that there was no intention to conceal anything and it wasn’t illegal, Chaffetz said Comey was a “man of integrity” and “the definitive person” to investigate Clinton’s emails.

But now Republicans say he is part of a conspiracy to protect Hillary Clinton, so they are holding yet another investigation into their failed investigation that led to the FBI investigation that also failed.

Chaffetz is not only a horrible hypocrite, but he is also an even worse politician. Republicans are just begging to have their dirty laundry aired, and have the press focus on their exceptional waste of taxpayer money in their relentless attacks against Hillary Clinton.

They failed in the Benghazi hearings and they failed with her emails."

Edited by Chicog
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Look, a republican led witch hunt could not find her guilty of what she was accused of in Benghazi, and now an FBI investigation with a complete and full audit trail of investigation has said there is not enough evidence to press charges BUT it is up to the public prosecutor. Now lets see the investigation into Bush's five MILLION missing emails - an actual crime. No matter how much you hate the woman, no matter how much you want her to be guilty YOU have not gone through 150k documents and countless interviews. You sound like the remain voters in Brexit "oh we lost, so lets have another vote". "oh they said Clinton is innocent - but she must be guilty, I heard it on Fox and read it in the National Enquirer". Get over it and move on.

There is no mockery of the American justice system required, it has already mocked itself to death. When a 13 year old can be jailed for life without parole for being only present at the scene of a murder, mockery is rampant. There are more than two thousand children in the USA serving life without the possibility of parole - the ONLY country in the world that sentences children to LWOP! Yes justice is a mockery.

If Clinton and Trump are deemed unacceptable to the voter base then people need to stand up and say "nope, neither one of these candidates is fit to serve/head our great nation". Refuse to accept the trash handed to you by the super elite and make a stand. What were all those guns for in the second amendment again? Lets see 3 million march on Capitol Hill with automatic weapons and see the result.

Sadly for all those who cannot/do not want to accept it, Clinton is found not guilty. Stop moaning and change your strategy. There is still time to get them all out of the race for the Whitehouse, you just need someone to start the "well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

As regards Benghazi and emails, bring it on Brunnhilde!

Bush is a war criminal, HRC is probably a crook, certainly incompetent. A pox on all professional politicians. Time for an outsider. Time for Trump.

You were doing so well until the last 3 words facepalm.gif

OK, name someone that is an outsider and would be a good president- bet you can't.

NB I'm not saying Trump would make a great president, but I'm sick of the political hacks screwing up the world. The best thing Trump has going for him is that he appears to want to be more isolationist. That would be great for the rest of us in the world, as we really can't take much more US interference- just look what they did to the middle east!

At last!! an opportunity to engage in some debate and exchange of ideas rather than the moronic tit for tat that TV is so famous for. I am out now, but thinking on it. I will be back shortly.

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Bush is a war criminal, HRC is probably a crook, certainly incompetent. A pox on all professional politicians. Time for an outsider. Time for Trump.

You were doing so well until the last 3 words facepalm.gif

OK, name someone that is an outsider and would be a good president- bet you can't.

Mark Cuban. Jon Stewart. Oprah. Arnold. Anderson Cooper. Shaq. Heck, just about anyone....EXCEPT TRUMP!

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Look, a republican led witch hunt could not find her guilty of what she was accused of in Benghazi, and now an FBI investigation with a complete and full audit trail of investigation has said there is not enough evidence to press charges BUT it is up to the public prosecutor. Now lets see the investigation into Bush's five MILLION missing emails - an actual crime. No matter how much you hate the woman, no matter how much you want her to be guilty YOU have not gone through 150k documents and countless interviews. You sound like the remain voters in Brexit "oh we lost, so lets have another vote". "oh they said Clinton is innocent - but she must be guilty, I heard it on Fox and read it in the National Enquirer". Get over it and move on.

There is no mockery of the American justice system required, it has already mocked itself to death. When a 13 year old can be jailed for life without parole for being only present at the scene of a murder, mockery is rampant. There are more than two thousand children in the USA serving life without the possibility of parole - the ONLY country in the world that sentences children to LWOP! Yes justice is a mockery.

If Clinton and Trump are deemed unacceptable to the voter base then people need to stand up and say "nope, neither one of these candidates is fit to serve/head our great nation". Refuse to accept the trash handed to you by the super elite and make a stand. What were all those guns for in the second amendment again? Lets see 3 million march on Capitol Hill with automatic weapons and see the result.

Sadly for all those who cannot/do not want to accept it, Clinton is found not guilty. Stop moaning and change your strategy. There is still time to get them all out of the race for the Whitehouse, you just need someone to start the "well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

As regards Benghazi and emails, bring it on Brunnhilde!

Bush is a war criminal, HRC is probably a crook, certainly incompetent. A pox on all professional politicians. Time for an outsider. Time for Trump.

You were doing so well until the last 3 words facepalm.gif

OK, name someone that is an outsider and would be a good president- bet you can't.

NB I'm not saying Trump would make a great president, but I'm sick of the political hacks screwing up the world. The best thing Trump has going for him is that he appears to want to be more isolationist. That would be great for the rest of us in the world, as we really can't take much more US interference- just look what they did to the middle east!

OK, i need to give these two a little more scrutiny, but to be honest after everything we have seen from both camps, if these guys stepped in tomorrow it would appear to be only a good thing for America. Seriously! Give them a shot, they will be on the ballot paper. Republicans, voted in by Democrats. Get a Libertarian in ! At least lets start this as the level for debate on 'who is a serious, credible alternative'! I bet they have faults, but look at the top contenders. Everyone will have faults and everyone has skeletons in the cupboard, but based on current performance right now today, I would like to see these two.

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I can not understand why Comey has decided that Clinton's actions do not merit prosecution. It's not his job to make that decision. In fact, it's not his job to even give an opinion whether prosecution is warranted. The FBI's job is to collect the facts and then present them to the prosecutors in the Justice Department, who make the call.

Indeed, this principle is set out as clearly as could possibly be on the FBI's website:

"Does the FBI work through U. S. Attorneys?

Yes. Although the FBI is responsible for investigating possible violations of federal law, the FBI does not give an opinion or decide if an individual will be prosecuted. The federal prosecutors employed by the Department of Justice or the U.S. Attorneys offices are responsible for making this decision and for conducting the prosecution of the case."


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It's also plain amazing how the media is changing the narrative to exonerate Hillary Clinton.

Here's what today's New York Times says:

"Mrs. Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has been under fire from Republicans this week after Mr. Comey announced on Tuesday that while she did not violate any laws, she did mismanage classified material."

The problem is, Mr. Comey never "announced on Tuesday that . . . she did not violate any laws."

Mr. Comey in fact said, "we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information . . . ." He went on to say, "Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case."

The careful distinctions Mr. Comey made are significant and not really subtle. Yet the New York Times wants us to believe he announced that "she did not violate any laws."



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I can not understand why Comey has decided that Clinton's actions do not merit prosecution. It's not his job to make that decision. In fact, it's not his job to even give an opinion whether prosecution is warranted. The FBI's job is to collect the facts and then present them to the prosecutors in the Justice Department, who make the call.

Indeed, this principle is set out as clearly as could possibly be on the FBI's website:

"Does the FBI work through U. S. Attorneys?

Yes. Although the FBI is responsible for investigating possible violations of federal law, the FBI does not give an opinion or decide if an individual will be prosecuted. The federal prosecutors employed by the Department of Justice or the U.S. Attorneys offices are responsible for making this decision and for conducting the prosecution of the case."


The first 4 words in your statement are all you needed to say.

The prosecutor takes the recommendation from the FBI since the FBI is their main witness.

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James Comey gave GOP plenty of material against Clinton, now they need to use it properly.

"Comey all but said Clinton was so incompetent — even after decades in public life — that she put state secrets at risk. It’s an easy ad to make."


So why is Crooked Hillary not behind bars? facepalm.gif

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James Comey gave GOP plenty of material against Clinton, now they need to use it properly.

"Comey all but said Clinton was so incompetent — even after decades in public life — that she put state secrets at risk. It’s an easy ad to make."


So why is Crooked Hillary not behind bars? facepalm.gif

Maybe because she's not in North Korea you idiot.

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It's over cowboys, get over it. You'll have plenty of time to cheer on the false attack ads if Trump can afford them, but it's not an election issue any more, that's if it ever was.

Bung it in the bin with the Benghazi nonsense and stop wasting taxpayers' hard-earned dollars.

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