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No vote as far as I'm concerned.

I'm from Belgium (Flemish), and I expect to be able to vote for this country OR, and more approperiate in my opinion, for Belgium as a member of the E.C. (25 countrys).

Seeing particulary the Dutch to be able to vote for Holland, and I beeing expected to vote "Western European - Other" made me make my first TV post.

The Dutch (some) will understand why. :D

Antwerpen is Vet leuk!!!!

I love De Koninck, Duvel, Leffe... all of it... You guys rock! :o

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I was brought up by wolves in a cave south of the big river, please add this option to the poll.

While we are on the subject of countries, I should note that America is not a democracy any longer, from hence forth it shall be known as a Chucktatorship.

An interesting fact about Australia that one of my fans pointed out... "If tapped, a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick could power the country of Australia for 44 minutes."

I hope this clears a few things up

Yes it shows you have been reading www.chucknorrisfacts.com :o

I also know Chuck Norris doesn't shower, he only takes blood baths.

UK. Seems to be the most prevalent nationality among expats in Bangkok in my experience.

cricky's mate,

it aint hard to work out that bangkok is full of pommy bleeders as there killing each other to esc ape londenstan. :D

if they dont come to los there on the bloody plane to australia mate. :D

but i dont mind them pommy's as they make top fish and chips. :D

cheers punters . :o


Yeah, actually me Grandmammy was from Ireland. I'm disowned now.... :D

Everyone has a bit of Irish in them!

Looks like a dead even split btw UK and USA for #1

And from what Fred's saying, most of the ladies in LOS have got a bit of British or Yank in them.

Alrighty then! :o

Just as an aside......

When you ask most people from the USA where they are from, and they answer America, this can be fighting words in parts of South America & Central and North America.

In Mexico, they will quickly point out that they are American's also, just not from the USA, and if you correct yourself by saying from the United States, they quickly point out that the official name of Mexico is Estados Unidos de Mexico (United States of Mexico).

Mexicans don't have a foot to stand on with the latter argument. They achieved independence (1821) long after the USA did, so it looks like they ripped off the 'United States' portion of their country's name from the USA, unless there is some franchise agreement that I am not aware of. Non-Thailand related, but since you raised the issue...

Mexicans don't have a foot to stand on with the latter argument. They achieved independence (1821) long after the USA did

I don't think less than 50 years is considered as a long time in history.

Unless the country your talking about has a very short history, oh yes the good ol' USofA it does have a short history :o , Though Mexico's is rather longer. :D

Oh! I wouldn't worry... They are just a couple of our Colonies...

We may give them away, if we can find anybody who would want them...


Now, K.O are you just going out of your way to cause a beef with my good self.



Just as an aside......

When you ask most people from the USA where they are from, and they answer America, this can be fighting words in parts of South America & Central and North America.

In Mexico, they will quickly point out that they are American's also, just not from the USA, and if you correct yourself by saying from the United States, they quickly point out that the official name of Mexico is Estados Unidos de Mexico (United States of Mexico).

Mexicans don't have a foot to stand on with the latter argument. They achieved independence (1821) long after the USA did, so it looks like they ripped off the 'United States' portion of their country's name from the USA, unless there is some franchise agreement that I am not aware of. Non-Thailand related, but since you raised the issue...

I guess it depends on how you look at it.......

As to rip-offs, England has York we have New York, England has London we have New London etc. etc. etc., so the USA has ripped off England the same as Mexico has ripped us off...... so unless the USA has this franchise agreement you speak of, then Mexico was within their rights to choose the name they chose.

Personally, I call myself an American when I am asked and when asked from where, I just smile!


(re Ireland and New Zealand)

Oh! I wouldn't worry... They are just a couple of our Colonies...

We may give them away, if we can find anybody who would want them...


Now, K.O are you just going out of your way to cause a beef with my good self.


Crikey, I thought you was terry57 for a second me ol' chum...

Beef? Beef, you say? ....

Reminds me of another colony of ours.... a big South Asian one...


Just as an aside......

When you ask most people from the USA where they are from, and they answer America, this can be fighting words in parts of South America & Central and North America.

In Mexico, they will quickly point out that they are American's also, just not from the USA, and if you correct yourself by saying from the United States, they quickly point out that the official name of Mexico is Estados Unidos de Mexico (United States of Mexico).

Mexicans don't have a foot to stand on with the latter argument. They achieved independence (1821) long after the USA did, so it looks like they ripped off the 'United States' portion of their country's name from the USA, unless there is some franchise agreement that I am not aware of. Non-Thailand related, but since you raised the issue...

I guess it depends on how you look at it.......

As to rip-offs, England has York we have New York, England has London we have New London etc. etc. etc., so the USA has ripped off England the same as Mexico has ripped us off...... so unless the USA has this franchise agreement you speak of, then Mexico was within their rights to choose the name they chose.

Personally, I call myself an American when I am asked and when asked from where, I just smile!


Although your point made me smile,

At least the Mexicans have a United States of their own country, ie: Mexico, whereas the Yanks couldn't even come up with a name, so they somewhat arrogantly named their United States after the whole continent.... :D


Oh! I wouldn't worry... They are just a couple of our Colonies...

We may give them away, if we can find anybody who would want them...


Now, K.O are you just going out of your way to cause a beef with my good self.


Never, ever, take Kayo seriously! If you do, it's you who will be sorry! :D

never knew I could call myself a pacific islander.....Well, I suppose that NZ is in the Pacific and is made up of islands.......

I'm a kiwi, but don't class myself as an islander, so voted as other


It's useless putting China and Korea in your poll, but as you've included them, you should have put Japan as an individual entity.

I'm from Ireland and there are several of 'us' on tv. It sould have been on the poll. However, it's impossible to list all (every) nationalities!

Do you not know that the Irish are the Welsh who could swim ?


This is sort of thread has been attempted in the past and fell into disarray. When I suggested one’s country of origin be an OPTIONAL input into the profile section (as in other forums) I was howled down. BUT if it was to happen correlation would be easy, all members countries would be included and the statistically minded would get more accurate information.


I'm surprised but guess I shouldn't be, this is an english language forum, I supposed there would be a lot more Europeans here, but they must have there own forums I guess.. "Das Thailand Visum forum" or the "forum de visa de la Thaïlande"

What I really want to know is why Yorkshire isn't it's own option, I am Yorkshire not UK!!



In the boonies where I live there are about six farangs. Two are French, one Swiss, One Irish, one Brit and myself, an American. There is also a Dutchman who is here a month or two a year.

This is sort of thread has been attempted in the past and fell into disarray.

Or you could title the thread "Nationalism Gone Rampant..." :D

Well, that's why I suggested, simply, if you're country wasn't listed, just simply add a post and mention it. My main purpose was to get the "biggies" (UK, Australia, USA) so you could see what TV members you were likely to run into down at the market or on the BTS.) Now if NZ starts to hit 15% or 20%, then I promise to grovel and eat kiwi for the rest of my natural life. If Ireland does, then I'll wear green with a shamrock in my teeth until I kick the bucket.

After awhile, I planned to tally up the posts with the poll, and then post a final summary. It's not rocket science. If your country's not there, don't have a hissy, just post it. OK? Geeez! :o

I'm surprised but guess I shouldn't be, this is an english language forum, I supposed there would be a lot more Europeans here, but they must have there own forums I guess.. "Das Thailand Visum forum" or the "forum de visa de la Thaïlande"

What I really want to know is why Yorkshire isn't it's own option, I am Yorkshire not UK!!


Aye lad, you can always tell a Yorkshireman, not much mind, but you can always tell one.

Just as an aside......

When you ask most people from the USA where they are from, and they answer America, this can be fighting words in parts of South America & Central and North America.

In Mexico, they will quickly point out that they are American's also, just not from the USA, and if you correct yourself by saying from the United States, they quickly point out that the official name of Mexico is Estados Unidos de Mexico (United States of Mexico).

I don't know where you got this information from? certainly not first hand..I've traveled through Mexico and Central American and the people in Mexico are "Mexicans". El Salvador they are "Salvadoreans", Guatamala they are "Guatamalans", Honduras: Hondurians, etc. Brazilians, Chilieans, etc., etc. No one ever wanted to fight me when I told them I was an "American", and I NEVER heard anyone claim to be a "Central American". Ever heard a 'North American' (Texas for example) say he's from 'The United States of North America?' :o and who in "North America" would want to fight you for saying you're from America, as you suggest ?


Just as an aside......

When you ask most people from the USA where they are from, and they answer America, this can be fighting words in parts of South America & Central and North America.

In Mexico, they will quickly point out that they are American's also, just not from the USA, and if you correct yourself by saying from the United States, they quickly point out that the official name of Mexico is Estados Unidos de Mexico (United States of Mexico).

I don't know where you got this information from? certainly not first hand..I've traveled through Mexico and Central American and the people in Mexico are "Mexicans". El Salvador they are "Salvadoreans", Guatamala they are "Guatamalans", Honduras: Hondurians, etc. Brazilians, Chilieans, etc., etc. No one ever wanted to fight me when I told them I was an "American", and I NEVER heard anyone claim to be a "Central American". Ever heard a 'North American' (Texas for example) say he's from 'The United States of North America?' :o and who in "North America" would want to fight you for saying you're from America, as you suggest ?

I'm from Mexico and sorry Excaliber but Diablo Bob is completly right.

We don't like it when people from the U.S.A say they are AMERICANS or that Mexico is Central America, and yes we are United Sates as well he he.

I can speak for many latin americans, I have many friends from different countries in America, and I lived in Argentina for a while and they are more extreme about the subject.



(re Ireland and New Zealand)

Oh! I wouldn't worry... They are just a couple of our Colonies...

We may give them away, if we can find anybody who would want them...


Now, K.O are you just going out of your way to cause a beef with my good self.


Crikey, I thought you was terry57 for a second me ol' chum...

Beef? Beef, you say? ....

Reminds me of another colony of ours.... a big South Asian one...


Just as an aside......

When you ask most people from the USA where they are from, and they answer America, this can be fighting words in parts of South America & Central and North America.

In Mexico, they will quickly point out that they are American's also, just not from the USA, and if you correct yourself by saying from the United States, they quickly point out that the official name of Mexico is Estados Unidos de Mexico (United States of Mexico).

Mexicans don't have a foot to stand on with the latter argument. They achieved independence (1821) long after the USA did, so it looks like they ripped off the 'United States' portion of their country's name from the USA, unless there is some franchise agreement that I am not aware of. Non-Thailand related, but since you raised the issue...

I guess it depends on how you look at it.......

As to rip-offs, England has York we have New York, England has London we have New London etc. etc. etc., so the USA has ripped off England the same as Mexico has ripped us off...... so unless the USA has this franchise agreement you speak of, then Mexico was within their rights to choose the name they chose.

Personally, I call myself an American when I am asked and when asked from where, I just smile!


Although your point made me smile,

At least the Mexicans have a United States of their own country, ie: Mexico, whereas the Yanks couldn't even come up with a name, so they somewhat arrogantly named their United States after the whole continent.... :D

Glad I was able to make you smile. But hold on a minute. The name is The United States of America, and at the time the name was adopted they were the only united states in America. Doesn't say or imply that they are the United States of all America, just of America, which just refers to the location of those states. What is so obnoxious about that? Seems a reach to find fault with that as there plenty of far more serious beefs to be had with the USA. And hey, what about the European Union? Talk about chutzpah, it doesn't include all of Europe! The Swiss and some others should be furious! And bringing this discussion back to Thailand-Thailand literally means freedom country in Thai. How audacious! Like there aren't other free countries! :D


Just as an aside......

When you ask most people from the USA where they are from, and they answer America, this can be fighting words in parts of South America & Central and North America.

In Mexico, they will quickly point out that they are American's also, just not from the USA, and if you correct yourself by saying from the United States, they quickly point out that the official name of Mexico is Estados Unidos de Mexico (United States of Mexico).

I don't know where you got this information from? certainly not first hand..I've traveled through Mexico and Central American and the people in Mexico are "Mexicans". El Salvador they are "Salvadoreans", Guatamala they are "Guatamalans", Honduras: Hondurians, etc. Brazilians, Chilieans, etc., etc. No one ever wanted to fight me when I told them I was an "American", and I NEVER heard anyone claim to be a "Central American". Ever heard a 'North American' (Texas for example) say he's from 'The United States of North America?' :o and who in "North America" would want to fight you for saying you're from America, as you suggest ?

Well Excaliber, it was first hand, while I was living and working in Mexico and subsequently living and working in Chile and Argentina. The advantage of living and working in a country is you have the advantage of not taking superficial snapshots of a country or people like you get traveling and assuming them to be the facts.

You know what I mean? Like asking a tourist who has spent his vacation in Pattaya, Bangkok and Chiangmai if they know about Thailand and they say "Sure, I know all about Thailand!"

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