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At The End Of My Tether.....Please Help.

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I love my dog. He is definitely a cutie. Large eyes, cute as hell but......................

He has a cut on his neck and he won't leave it alone. Its has turned into a sore about 6 inches by 3 and its getting worse. Tried putting sock booties so he can't infect the wound. Gets them off every time. Tried keeping him indoors but has ruined a good door trying to get out. Now can't keep him dry in this weather. I really have no idea what to do.

I bathe him once a week, clean up the cut and then put antiseptic powder and solution but he just scratches it off. It's like a revolving circle and I am losing patience with him. He won't stop scratching it and won't leave it alone.

What am I to do?? Please help! sad.png

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How about one of those bucket things on his head so that he cannot reach the infected area.


The cut is on his neck, so can't use this. Thank anyway for your response.

Like everyone said, go see a vet. This is not the first dog to ever have this problem. Surely a creative vet can come up with a modified hood of some sort. If not, try another one. It sounds like the infection is not too bad, so this should not cost very much to treat, including a hood. And don't worry about him/her getting upset because of banging into things if the vet does fit one. It'll adjust to it in a day or two and settle down. Some kind of bandage is also a possibility. Anyway, take the dog to a vet.

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