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Sukhumvit Smooth Talking Scammer Still On Loose

The Dude

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Why don't the do-gooders simply take him home and provide him with the food and shelter and heroin that they feel he deserves? Then his days of defrauding and thus upsetting other people would be over and everyone concerned is happy. He has a home, food, and heroin. Those opposed to his life-style are free of the sight of him scamming people on the street and the do-gooders get to feel good.

Hats off to the do-gooders and enablers for offering to take this apparently much-deserving soul off the streets.

Most of the "do-gooders" in this thread are not offering to feed and clothe the alleged "scammer", but merely suggesting that the moral policemen here just leave him alone.

Let's see if these vigilantes will stop whinging about him here and run him in. How about you Sriracha, why don't you surprise us all.

I would never think of denying you the opportunity to feel good and enable him to continue his leisure stay in the Land of Smiles.... chok dee to you... I hope he doesn't have any bladder problems on your couch.

I too would never think of denying you the opportunity to feel good and do what you think is best...get together with Rambo and the OP and do what you must.... chok dee to you.

In case you've forgotten, the original purpose of this thread was a question by the OP of whether or not this scamming gentleman from Canada should be turned in or not. I'm sorry if it upset or shocked you to find out that not all people wish harm on this man.

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Well maybe he's a friend of yours then, because you sure sound keen to stand up for his rights to rip people off.

I couldn't care less if a fool is parted from his money - there are far more important things to be worried about.

But you will see that yourself soon enough when you actually come to live here, and try to spread moral majority intolerance in Thailand. Some people you are going to "have a word with" here will not be harmless. But everybody will have to learn his own lesson, i guess.

Remember though, here you are far better off when you get rid of any notion of interfering in other people's affairs so common in the west, and follow the 'mai dong sueak' rule. If you don't - life might turn out very unhealthy for you here.

Edited by ColPyat
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Why don't the do-gooders simply take him home and provide him with the food and shelter and heroin that they feel he deserves? Then his days of defrauding and thus upsetting other people would be over and everyone concerned is happy. He has a home, food, and heroin. Those opposed to his life-style are free of the sight of him scamming people on the street and the do-gooders get to feel good.

Hats off to the do-gooders and enablers for offering to take this apparently much-deserving soul off the streets.

Most of the "do-gooders" in this thread are not offering to feed and clothe the alleged "scammer", but merely suggesting that the moral policemen here just leave him alone.

Let's see if these vigilantes will stop whinging about him here and run him in. How about you Sriracha, why don't you surprise us all.

I would never think of denying you the opportunity to feel good and enable him to continue his leisure stay in the Land of Smiles.... chok dee to you... I hope he doesn't have any bladder problems on your couch.

I too would never think of denying you the opportunity to feel good and do what you think is best...get together with Rambo and the OP and do what you must.... chok dee to you.

In case you've forgotten, the original purpose of this thread was a question by the OP of whether or not this scamming gentleman from Canada should be turned in or not. I'm sorry if it upset or shocked you to find out that not all people wish harm on this man.

Are you feeling fatigued? :o

Did I ever suggest harming him? :D

I think it is you who must have forgotten what the OP was. My post only suggested a possible workable solution that appeased everyone. If you don't wish him to stay at your place, simply decline and perhaps someone else will step up.

Obviously, you need your rest post-9005-1163874892.gif as you've gotten too confused with your posting on this thread.

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Fortunately there are enough people unwilling to wallow in fear and surrender to the lowlifes that add nothing to society.

They are generally called 'vigilantes'.


No, they are called responsible people who work within the law to keep their community by being taken over by crime and undesirables. Vigilantes take the final act of justice into their own hands. If you can't understand the difference I'll try and find you a book with pictures so it's easier for you.

Edited by cdnvic
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Fortunately there are enough people unwilling to wallow in fear and surrender to the lowlifes that add nothing to society.

They are generally called 'vigilantes'.


No, they are called responsible people who work within the law to keep their community by being taken over by crime and undesirables. Vigilantes take the final act of justice into their own hands. If you can't understand the difference I'll try and find you a book with pictures so it's easier for you.

So then i assume you won't join Rambo's posse, and won't help Creeper to crucify him?

You just go to the widely known to be honest and law abiding Thai police with your valuable information about this Farang criminal?

Good luck then with making a complete fool out of yourself. :o

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But you will see that yourself soon enough when you actually come to live here, and try to spread moral majority intolerance in Thailand. Some people you are going to "have a word with" here will not be harmless. But everybody will have to learn his own lesson, i guess.

Remember though, here you are far better off when you get rid of any notion of interfering in other people's affairs so common in the west, and follow the 'mai dong sueak' rule. If you don't - life might turn out very unhealthy for you here.

So life might turn out unhealthy for me because i'm intolerant of falang con artists? LMFAO

I don't think so.

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Hey, Dude,

Please make an end to your senseless topic and feed this poor guy with the rustiest shovel you are able to hand out,

thanks a lot,


You should settle down and read the whole thread, and take a good like at that picture of ColPyat's mate that i posted. It might save you from being ripped off one day.

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Why don't the do-gooders simply take him home and provide him with the food and shelter and heroin that they feel he deserves? Then his days of defrauding and thus upsetting other people would be over and everyone concerned is happy. He has a home, food, and heroin. Those opposed to his life-style are free of the sight of him scamming people on the street and the do-gooders get to feel good.

Hats off to the do-gooders and enablers for offering to take this apparently much-deserving soul off the streets.

The Dude hands SJ one dozen shovels for this most diggable post. LOL

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They are generally called 'vigilantes'.


No, they are called responsible people who work within the law to keep their community by being taken over by crime and undesirables. Vigilantes take the final act of justice into their own hands. If you can't understand the difference I'll try and find you a book with pictures so it's easier for you.

It would seem that you need a picture book as you didn't comprehend the dictionary definition you are presenting here.

The first definition on your link is:



One who takes or advocates the taking of law enforcement into one's own hands.

I've seen this exact same definition in other dictionaries too.

Please guide me to where is says "final act of justice"?

The word can be interpreted a number of ways, but has nothing to do with justice. Let's look for that "book with pictures" so you can somehow learn the difference between "law enforcement" and "justice".

Let's explore YOUR definition a little more: "one who advocates"


To speak, plead, or argue in favor of.

Now correct me if I'm wrong (of course you will), but haven't a number of posters here advocated that we should find a way to rid Sukhumvit of this "scamming" Canadian, and often harshly.

I stand by my original assessment. We have vigilantees in our midst and that you are the one in need of picture books.

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Are you feeling fatigued? :o

Did I ever suggest harming him? :D

Going on what you've spouted on this thread, it's obvious that you have absolutely no interest in the well being of the alleged scammer and would have no quarms about harming him.

Harm is not exclusively phsical injury and has a broader meaning:


1. Physical or psychological injury or damage.

2. Wrong; evil.

Definitely IMO, if you, or any other members turn this person into the police, you will be inflicting harm upon him.

In your opinion this would not be harm.

We have different opinions and such is the nature of debate.

Now why don't you run along and get some sleep.

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The OP is being most "un-dude like"

Dude would never trip on this. Man.

If you can't smile and say no to a BS artist,

and then forget about him... then you may want

to look inside yourself to see what is wrong.

Either that... or change your handle to


"Whaaahaa don't push me pilgrim"

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So IF this guy is from Canada and a junkie, why didn't he go for the free ticket home option he was offered before? I might be wrong but I have gathered that Canada has a top social services, unlike USA, so he would get rehab with free bed and food, or atleast free methadone, right? Then he could get up to some sales job or what ever. It would be logical for him to take the opportunity.

Obviously we don't have all the information here so I won't jump to conclusion in this case yet.

If this information we have here is correct, I would welcome the Rambo approach. Since Chuck seems to be busy and Van Damme hasn't been around for a while it's all for you Rambo.

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Obviously Grover believes all the bargirls tell him.

Grover, just as a service to you dude, please consider this theory: If their (bargirls) lips are moving, they're lying. Read that, understand that and save a fortune and heart break.

If you consider that a tad harsh, then try this one: Assume they are lying until you've found conclusive evidence to the contrary.

This might not happen on your first barfine/meeting with your favourite girl, but it will happen. What concerns me is that you think it doesn't. That's dangerous.

Thanks for the advice mate, but I don't think ill need it because I have no need to get involved with that side of things in Thailand. To each their own. I never dragged that topic into the thread for discussion, and as far as i'm concerned it is a red herring. There is a lot of good postings with mature advice on this thread, but the contributions by you and the other fellow have been rather antagonistic in IMO. It seems to me your agression and pumped up ego is driving you to post more than any supposed sense of moral high ground.

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Why don't the do-gooders simply take him home and provide him with the food and shelter and heroin that they feel he deserves? Then his days of defrauding and thus upsetting other people would be over and everyone concerned is happy. He has a home, food, and heroin. Those opposed to his life-style are free of the sight of him scamming people on the street and the do-gooders get to feel good.

Hats off to the do-gooders and enablers for offering to take this apparently much-deserving soul off the streets.

The Dude hands SJ one dozen shovels for this most diggable post. LOL

post-9005-1163893341.gif post-9005-1163893341.gif post-9005-1163893341.gif

that's cool, Dude... thanks

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They are generally called 'vigilantes'.


No, they are called responsible people who work within the law to keep their community by being taken over by crime and undesirables. Vigilantes take the final act of justice into their own hands. If you can't understand the difference I'll try and find you a book with pictures so it's easier for you.

It would seem that you need a picture book as you didn't comprehend the dictionary definition you are presenting here.

The first definition on your link is:



One who takes or advocates the taking of law enforcement into one's own hands.

I've seen this exact same definition in other dictionaries too.

Please guide me to where is says "final act of justice"?

The word can be interpreted a number of ways, but has nothing to do with justice. Let's look for that "book with pictures" so you can somehow learn the difference between "law enforcement" and "justice".

Let's explore YOUR definition a little more: "one who advocates"


To speak, plead, or argue in favor of.

Now correct me if I'm wrong (of course you will), but haven't a number of posters here advocated that we should find a way to rid Sukhumvit of this "scamming" Canadian, and often harshly.

I stand by my original assessment. We have vigilantees in our midst and that you are the one in need of picture books.

Hopefully by the time you've read this you have some sleep as your posts are sliding deeper and deeper into some brown liquidified matter.

Ok... I'll point out the obvious since you obviously can't see it.

cdnvic didn't post that link... you melded 2 posts into one.

Now then... slow down.... take a long, deep breath... and stop calling everyone and their brother a troll.

Repeat the mantra:

I will slow down.

I will read an entire post before replying.

I will quote accurately.

I will slow down.

I will read an entire post before replying.

I will quote accurately.

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Are you feeling fatigued? :o

Did I ever suggest harming him? :D

Going on what you've spouted on this thread, it's obvious that you have absolutely no interest in the well being of the alleged scammer and would have no quarms about harming him.

Harm is not exclusively phsical injury and has a broader meaning:


1. Physical or psychological injury or damage.

2. Wrong; evil.

Definitely IMO, if you, or any other members turn this person into the police, you will be inflicting harm upon him.

In your opinion this would not be harm.

We have different opinions and such is the nature of debate.

Now why don't you run along and get some sleep.

put the beer down tropo and read the reply just previous to this one

remember that mantra... learn it... live it... repeat it often enough and it will keep you in the good graces of thaivisa....

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I will slow down.

I will read an entire post before replying.

I will quote accurately.

I will slow down.

I will read an entire post before replying.

I will quote accurately.

That should be at the top of the reply window in every kind of forum software :o

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This guy is scum. The thing is, why haven't the Thai authorities done something about him already? Yes, pass your information on to the embassy. Hopefully they will encourage the police to pick him up and send him back where he belongs.

A few days ago I heard a warning about him on Thai radio. I was in a taxi then and the driver said such scams are quite usual.

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In of my earlier postings I said there was a fund in place to help those genuine cases of farangs, who fall through the net and are on their absolute last legs to get home (meaning the country which their passport identifies them been a national of).

I have spoken to one of the decision makers of that fund today, who tells me that they are willing to consider his situation again.

So I am going to ask whoever sees him to please take 2 minutes to convey to him that should he wish to go home he can contact me. I will put him in touch with someone in Bangkok who will want to see him in person as part of the decision making process.

Nothing is promised at this point - his circumstances and situation will again be reviewed and (re)considered.

This fund does one thing only – repatriation of farangs back to their home country.

No legal bills are ever considered, no hospital bills are ever considered – only genuine cases of farangs who have fallen thru the net and have absolutely no recourse to repatriation except by way of this fund are considered. The typical profile is someone whose circumstances/situation is often related to a mental health problem/crisis, who has no funds or recourse to funds (from any source), is down to the shirt on their back, and is someone who no-one else cares for or is willing to help. And believe me when I say each case is examined very carefully – the fund has never been scammed or abused.

As so many of us have shown an interest in this guy and his behaviour/conduct by way of the opinions we have expressed on this thread (for good or for bad – I make no judgement about them – it’s called freedom of expression and we are all entitled to it), if you have any interest in helping or contributing to this fund, please mail me via my TV profile email or by way of PM and I will fill you in on how cases are considered and how the fund operates (somewhat different & interesting) – but its perhaps best that the public forum is not used in any way other than to make it known that help is their for us in our hour of need.

….. so if someone sees this chap sometime, if he wants help, please ask him to contact me and I will put him in touch with the right person.


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So the guy says he's Canadian?

I'd bet he's American...

If I was a begging American and wanted to increase the odds of getting cash I'd say I was Canadian... same reason some Americans sew Canadian flags on their backpacks.

I like most Canadians, but I've met some Canadians who out-uglied any ugly Americans.

Americans pretend to be Canadians to shoo off political wackos and because no one can tell us apart, not because of any great admiration for Canada. :o

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In of my earlier postings I said there was a fund in place to help those genuine cases of farangs, who fall through the net and are on their absolute last legs to get home (meaning the country which their passport identifies them been a national of).

Who runs that fund? What makes a case genuine? (do less than intelligent decisions by those on their last legs still qualify them for help?)


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So the guy says he's Canadian?

I'd bet he's American...

If I was a begging American and wanted to increase the odds of getting cash I'd say I was Canadian... same reason some Americans sew Canadian flags on their backpacks.

That's only because everytime we act like as*holes we tell everyone we're yanks. :o

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8.10 am on a sunday morning (today) near the Nana intersection and there is a farang picking one baht coins out of the gutter and rummaging though every pile of rubbish and half empty plastic bag for a sip of drink.

<deleted> is going on?

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8.10 am on a sunday morning (today) near the Nana intersection and there is a farang picking one baht coins out of the gutter and rummaging though every pile of rubbish and half empty plastic bag for a sip of drink.

<deleted> is going on?

Thats John Rambo, doing a sortie , looking for the Scammer :o:D

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8.10 am on a sunday morning (today) near the Nana intersection and there is a farang picking one baht coins out of the gutter and rummaging though every pile of rubbish and half empty plastic bag for a sip of drink.

<deleted> is going on?

Thats John Rambo, doing a sortie , looking for the Scammer :o:D

deep cover then......

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