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Germany sees dramatic drop in asylum seeker numbers


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Germany sees dramatic drop in asylum seeker numbers


The influx of people seeking asylum in Germany has fallen sharply, government figures show.

Around 220,000 people sought refuge in the first six months of this year compared to half a million in late 2015.

Germany’s Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said the EU’s controversial deal with Turkey to tackle Europe’s refugee crisis had started to kick in but warned of future risks.

“The implementation of the agreement between the EU and Turkey is working so far, but I wouldn’t guarantee that this will remain the case in the coming months, and also developments on the Balkan route could worsen significantly,” German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said.

In addition to the EU’s deal with Ankara, which aims to stop sea arrivals landing in Greece, tough new asylum rules in Germany and border closures throughout the Balkans have helped stem the flow.

Last year Germany took in more than one million people, mainly fleeing conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-09

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quote "The implementation of the agreement between the EU and Turkey is working so far"..

Yes it's working a charm. So far 47 "refugees" have been returned to Turkey from Greece under the deal. No data is available on how many of those 47 hopped straight back on the next dingy.

There is no way on earth the number of migrants from N Africa to Germany has dried up. They were invited after all. Numbers will ramp up until a more balanced government comes to power in each country. I have high hopes for Austria, there is a good chance they will soon get a grip on the country-changing migration.

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quote "The implementation of the agreement between the EU and Turkey is working so far"..

Yes it's working a charm. So far 47 "refugees" have been returned to Turkey from Greece under the deal. No data is available on how many of those 47 hopped straight back on the next dingy.

There is no way on earth the number of migrants from N Africa to Germany has dried up. They were invited after all. Numbers will ramp up until a more balanced government comes to power in each country. I have high hopes for Austria, there is a good chance they will soon get a grip on the country-changing migration.

The number will decrease once the west stop bombing this countries or killing their leaders, this will of course never happen as the West needs to continue producing weapons and draining their resources,

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quote "The implementation of the agreement between the EU and Turkey is working so far"..

Yes it's working a charm. So far 47 "refugees" have been returned to Turkey from Greece under the deal. No data is available on how many of those 47 hopped straight back on the next dingy.

There is no way on earth the number of migrants from N Africa to Germany has dried up. They were invited after all. Numbers will ramp up until a more balanced government comes to power in each country. I have high hopes for Austria, there is a good chance they will soon get a grip on the country-changing migration.

The number will decrease once the west stop bombing this countries or killing their leaders, this will of course never happen as the West needs to continue producing weapons and draining their resources,

Oh well, there are always those who will blame anybody & anything instead of laying the blame where it belongs. The "fugitives" from Africa are flocking to Europe in the believe everything is either better or free, most of them from muslim areas. The "fugitives" from the middle east can be christians fleeing for the muslim terror, or muslims fleeing for the other muslim terror, or muslims on order. The west indeed has a share in the middle east' war. But they, the muslims, don't really need us, they are more than able to terror each other and the rest of the world. And hey, as long as their wars are not in western countries, never mind.

Did you read about the many from Syria and Iraq that go back, because it is not as nice as was told to them by rhe smugglers? And what about all those "fugitives" that go on holiday in the country that they "escaped" from? And why is it that 80% coming to Europe are men, leaving wife and children back home?

Really? It is all to blame in the West?

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quote "The implementation of the agreement between the EU and Turkey is working so far"..

Yes it's working a charm. So far 47 "refugees" have been returned to Turkey from Greece under the deal. No data is available on how many of those 47 hopped straight back on the next dingy.

There is no way on earth the number of migrants from N Africa to Germany has dried up. They were invited after all. Numbers will ramp up until a more balanced government comes to power in each country. I have high hopes for Austria, there is a good chance they will soon get a grip on the country-changing migration.

The number will decrease once the west stop bombing this countries or killing their leaders, this will of course never happen as the West needs to continue producing weapons and draining their resources,
Muslims have been invading Europe for over a 1000 years - And Muslims have been killing Muslims without our help. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Iraq war the Arabs did not have to go on a murder spree - civil war- genocide against yazidis etc after western troops withdrew. In the 1960s the Saudis did not have to drive out the Jews and Christians. Stop making excuses and blaming other people for the savagery of the middle east.
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Don't trust this numbers , the African invasion started 2 month ago. Thousands come every day to Italian . The news don't say anything . With Merkel and all the lovely team there is no change. Just bla, bla,

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There all Merkels New children. All are welcome . The German taxpayer will pay for them,just let them relax . And the word work --is not a word there know. There here to have a good time.

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