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Three teens died in bid to escape police chase for street race in Bangkok


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Artisi is right in his claim (post 22) that Aussi police are required to call off any chases that may cause danger to others... This is both to protect the general public, and the police,( from accusations of overzealous behavior, etc etc) however, sooner or later, they usually still get their man.

That said, cutting of the flight or retreat path is a common tactic (more especially with cars though), as is the PIT maneuver, or the placement of spikes across the road.... All life threatening tactics for both pursued and pursuers.

Fleeing police is a risky crime in itself, and those fleeing are 100% culpable for the outcome, in my opinion anyway.... And in this instance, it seems that the perps have paid the ultimate penalty for their actions

Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

Was there 1 doing the crime or 3,for

all we know the 2 passengers were prepared to stop.

But certainly a stupid tactic by the BIB.

According to the article, the "racing" was already in progress, and the trio fled.... So all three were guilty, to some extent, although I would assume, that if they had have stopped as instructed by the BIB, the driver would have faced the main body of the charges that would have been made, with the other two probably getting a slap on the wrist

The only good that can come from this, if chasing rainbows, is that we may see police officers receive better training in chase scenarios, with implementation of protocols... And maybe... Just maybe... Some better equipment with which to do their job... (Now that their would be a major step forward in itself)

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Racers could have killed innocent people

Driving like idiots....good the cops went

After them, 100% the teenagers fault, told

To stop and ignored the police, sad, but maybe

Other teenagers will learn....

No, 100% the fault of those who pulled in front of them in a moronic attempt to stop them.

Did you witness it?

How bout, the Police were trying to stop some idiot that was causing great danger to members of the community, which could have included you or one of your loved ones.

It would seem drivers and riders alike should listen to directions they are given by law enforcement Personnel, who clearly know best.

It's wonderful how everyone is so fast to critise two men who were out diligently performing their police duties.

Next in this forum will be a group of TVF 'know all' foreigners complaining about Thai police not doing anything to improve the road safety situation in Thailand.

Can't win.

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To become a policeman in Thailand, you only need an IQ of 82.

In Europe with an IQ of 82, they lock you up because you are a possible danger to yourself or to others...

And IQ below 60 are allowed to post on Thai Visa criticizing the country ...


I think you are being too kind to the morons on this forum. You'd probably need to group several of them together and tally their IQ's to get to 60!


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No, the morons who pulled in front of the bike with three teenagers on it are responsible for these deaths.

They should be arrested and charged with causing the deaths when they get out of hospital.

Another opinion of rare stupidity.

In all countries of the world the driver has to stop on the orders of the police. Furthermore, the total lack of mastery of their speed made these dangerous for all.

The police had a duty to stop them. They did it courageously to the detriment of their physical integrity.

Throw discredit on them is absolutely filthy.

Stupidity eh? Yeah I think we all know stupidity when we read it.

The BIB are in the wrong here. Their negligence, or incompetence really, caused the deaths of these teens. They are responsible for them and should be put on trial for their actions.

Any force used must be responsible and appropriate and in this case that was not so.

To blame the teens for their own deaths is what is filthy. Disgusting and repellent even as well.

Drivel, nothing but drivel.

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But it is also not the Police officers fault, they are under huge pressure to address the situation, constantly accused of failing to do their jobs. Everybody says they need to address the scooter problem, but when they try and use the direct enforcement approach to do so it will always lead to conflict.

There is no right and wrong here, just three kids, who being typical kids and doing what kids will do, have now unfortunatly lost their lives.

Sorry, but that's a load of rubbish.

Regardless of what the Thai police are accused of doing or not doing, engaging in unsafe and unprofessional conduct in an attempt to apprehend fleeing suspects is their fault. No professional law enforcement agency I know would have their motorcycle officers attempt the kind of maneuver reported in the OP article in that kind of a situation.

Typical kids doing what kids will do? Fleeing pursuing police officers at high rates of speed? In my younger years, I don't ever recall doing that and I don't recall anyone of my age group that I knew doing that either. So I'd hardly say it's "typical." Just like the police were wrong, the teenagers were wrong for trying to flee the police once the police tried to apprehend them.

Not much of what you said was clear.... Given that this is Thailand, where alternative measures (and safer for the cops) would be a bullet in the back

Is it that you think that the RTP are trained to the standard of first world police forces, who actively practice pursuit protocol, For days/ weeks on end, in some countries?

Or do you perhaps believe that they practice apprehending fleeing felons on motorbikes ,and have safe and approved protocols in this matter?

And also, what makes you believe that the officers, attempting to do their sworn duty, knew the age of the offenders that they were pursuing?

Your assuming, for unknown reasons, that the RTP are a trained and professional organization.... Why would you do that?... But if your assumption is correct, in that they are professional, then this is the standard of training to become professional, in this country

Just like seals are held to a higher standard than the regular GI... You get what you pay for.

The officers took action that they deemed appropriate to the situation.... Yes, that's an assumption, but again, to suggest that they did that, knowing that they could harm themselves, is sheer stupidly on behalf of anyone thinking that, and if this includes yourself... Then own that stupidity.

All of the things you're saying have nothing to do with what I actually posted.

I never talked about what the Thai police were trained to do. I never talked about the age of the fleeing suspects. I certainly never assumed the RTP are a professionally trained organization.

If you want to keep pulling all thus stuff out of your ****, do it on your own... not on the heels of my post.


Heavens forbid if anyone should post something on the heals of one of your posts. 55555


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If the parents of these juveniles are looking for anyone to blame, they should look no further than at themselves.

Why were these children roaming the streets at 2am, yet alone on motorcycles.

People, take responsibility for your own actions. Stop and think before you post <deleted>.

There's a lot of people here that are letting their bad experiences taint there perception of what may or may not of happened in this incident. They then pound their chest and post excrement on the pages of Thai visa without realising it.

Again, so many law enforcement experts on this forum but clearly they got their credentials from the last packet of mama noodles they purchased. Good grief.

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Racers could have killed innocent people

Driving like idiots....good the cops went

After them, 100% the teenagers fault, told

To stop and ignored the police, sad, but maybe

Other teenagers will learn....

No, 100% the fault of those who pulled in front of them in a moronic attempt to stop them.
Did you witness it?

How bout, the Police were trying to stop some idiot that was causing great danger to members of the community, which could have included you or one of your loved ones.

It would seem drivers and riders alike should listen to directions they are given by law enforcement Personnel, who clearly know best.

It's wonderful how everyone is so fast to critise two men who were out diligently performing their police duties.

Next in this forum will be a group of TVF 'know all' foreigners complaining about Thai police not doing anything to improve the road safety situation in Thailand.

Can't win.

No one wins when negligent cops pull in front of a motorbike and cause the death of three teens. Fleeing the police is not a crime deserving of death.

Now as to whether these BIBs incompetent actions led to these deaths is something that has to be investigated and that has been my point all along. I have said this several times on this thread.

Or do you think that because the BIB say it wasn't their fault they should just be believed?

This needs a proper investigation and criminal prosecution if the actions of the BIB led to the deaths.

If course that won't happen.

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No, the morons who pulled in front of the bike with three teenagers on it are responsible for these deaths.

They should be arrested and charged with causing the deaths when they get out of hospital.

Another opinion of rare stupidity.

In all countries of the world the driver has to stop on the orders of the police. Furthermore, the total lack of mastery of their speed made these dangerous for all.

The police had a duty to stop them. They did it courageously to the detriment of their physical integrity.

Throw discredit on them is absolutely filthy.

Stupidity eh? Yeah I think we all know stupidity when we read it.

The BIB are in the wrong here. Their negligence, or incompetence really, caused the deaths of these teens. They are responsible for them and should be put on trial for their actions.

Any force used must be responsible and appropriate and in this case that was not so.

To blame the teens for their own deaths is what is filthy. Disgusting and repellent even as well.

Drivel, nothing but drivel.

Nope, just a truth you don't like.

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Racers could have killed innocent people

Driving like idiots....good the cops went

After them, 100% the teenagers fault, told

To stop and ignored the police, sad, but maybe

Other teenagers will learn....

No, 100% the fault of those who pulled in front of them in a moronic attempt to stop them.
Did you witness it?

How bout, the Police were trying to stop some idiot that was causing great danger to members of the community, which could have included you or one of your loved ones.

It would seem drivers and riders alike should listen to directions they are given by law enforcement Personnel, who clearly know best.

It's wonderful how everyone is so fast to critise two men who were out diligently performing their police duties.

Next in this forum will be a group of TVF 'know all' foreigners complaining about Thai police not doing anything to improve the road safety situation in Thailand.

Can't win.

No one wins when negligent cops pull in front of a motorbike and cause the death of three teens. Fleeing the police is not a crime deserving of death.

Now as to whether these BIBs incompetent actions led to these deaths is something that has to be investigated and that has been my point all along. I have said this several times on this thread.

Or do you think that because the BIB say it wasn't their fault they should just be believed?

This needs a proper investigation and criminal prosecution if the actions of the BIB led to the deaths.

If course that won't happen.

Now that I agree with, the part about the investigation.

It is yet to be seen what actions directly led to this collision taking place. Words like swerving etc are very emotive.

As I said, none of us were there and papers are selling papers.....if you know what I mean.

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No, the morons who pulled in front of the bike with three teenagers on it are responsible for these deaths.

They should be arrested and charged with causing the deaths when they get out of hospital.

Another opinion of rare stupidity.

In all countries of the world the driver has to stop on the orders of the police. Furthermore, the total lack of mastery of their speed made these dangerous for all.

The police had a duty to stop them. They did it courageously to the detriment of their physical integrity.

Throw discredit on them is absolutely filthy.

Stupidity eh? Yeah I think we all know stupidity when we read it.

The BIB are in the wrong here. Their negligence, or incompetence really, caused the deaths of these teens. They are responsible for them and should be put on trial for their actions.

Any force used must be responsible and appropriate and in this case that was not so.

To blame the teens for their own deaths is what is filthy. Disgusting and repellent even as well.

Drivel, nothing but drivel.

Nope, just a truth you don't like.

You're right, I don't like drivel. The truth of this matter has not yet been determine, how bout saving hour drivel if an when a competent investigation reveals the coppers swerved dangerously in front of these little dead sheets.


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What's the bet, if I trawled through your posting history, somewhere in the last 11,000 posts of yours there's probably posts with you whinging about road safety and the BIB's lack of effort to stop the carnage.

Would I be right?

So, if they do nothing, you moan, if they do something, you moan.

What are you expecting ?

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But it is also not the Police officers fault, they are under huge pressure to address the situation, constantly accused of failing to do their jobs. Everybody says they need to address the scooter problem, but when they try and use the direct enforcement approach to do so it will always lead to conflict.

There is no right and wrong here, just three kids, who being typical kids and doing what kids will do, have now unfortunatly lost their lives.

Sorry, but that's a load of rubbish.

Regardless of what the Thai police are accused of doing or not doing, engaging in unsafe and unprofessional conduct in an attempt to apprehend fleeing suspects is their fault. No professional law enforcement agency I know would have their motorcycle officers attempt the kind of maneuver reported in the OP article in that kind of a situation.

Typical kids doing what kids will do? Fleeing pursuing police officers at high rates of speed? In my younger years, I don't ever recall doing that and I don't recall anyone of my age group that I knew doing that either. So I'd hardly say it's "typical." Just like the police were wrong, the teenagers were wrong for trying to flee the police once the police tried to apprehend them.

Not much of what you said was clear.... Given that this is Thailand, where alternative measures (and safer for the cops) would be a bullet in the back

Is it that you think that the RTP are trained to the standard of first world police forces, who actively practice pursuit protocol, For days/ weeks on end, in some countries?

Or do you perhaps believe that they practice apprehending fleeing felons on motorbikes ,and have safe and approved protocols in this matter?

And also, what makes you believe that the officers, attempting to do their sworn duty, knew the age of the offenders that they were pursuing?

Your assuming, for unknown reasons, that the RTP are a trained and professional organization.... Why would you do that?... But if your assumption is correct, in that they are professional, then this is the standard of training to become professional, in this country

Just like seals are held to a higher standard than the regular GI... You get what you pay for.

The officers took action that they deemed appropriate to the situation.... Yes, that's an assumption, but again, to suggest that they did that, knowing that they could harm themselves, is sheer stupidly on behalf of anyone thinking that, and if this includes yourself... Then own that stupidity.

All of the things you're saying have nothing to do with what I actually posted.

I never talked about what the Thai police were trained to do. I never talked about the age of the fleeing suspects. I certainly never assumed the RTP are a professionally trained organization.

If you want to keep pulling all thus stuff out of your ****, do it on your own... not on the heels of my post.

Ok.... So your "load of rubbish" comment was specifically relating to the comment about the three teenagers being typical kids, then, right? And that was in response to someone elses use of that term, verses the entirety of the post that you referenced... I can accept that, no worries...., but respectfully, whilst I may agree that it's not typical behavior in some places, it certainly appears to be here. (A few days ago there was a deal made about the kid who got smacked in the face, attempting to flee a police roadblock... Yes?)

And...., you did spend a paragraph discussing the "kids" and stated "the teenagers were wrong" ergo, you did,in fact, talk about the age of the suspects

As to the rest... You say .....engaging in unsafe and unprofessional conduct, in an attempt to apprehend fleeing suspects.....and ....no professional law enforcement agency I know, would have their motorcycle officers attempt this kind of maneuver...

By calling them unsafe and unprofessional you are commenting directly on their training and professionalism... They made a judgement call, based on training and experience.... But it was a bad call, and probably goes to bad training (conjecture)

By raising the point that no "professional" law enforcement agency you know.... Etc... You created parallels.

Well... As a minimum, you now know of one professional law enforcement agency who's officers attempt to cut of fleeing felons with motorcycles (and it's not as if you see that many police cars here, is it?)

Where I used the term "but again", I am referring to the fact that I have already made a similar comment elsewhere on this topic... And it need not apply to you.

Sincerest apologies if you feel I have wronged you

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It's always a shame when something like this happens, that people always start looking for the guilty party. As a parent with a 20 year old son into bikes, I have spent the last 4 years worried about my sons riding. He is a biker and was riding up to sixty miles a day as soon as he could ride a moped legally. I have had the call that he had been hit by a car. Seemed they had installed new traffic lights on a roundabout and the car had driven through on red. Luckily my son survived. But I would have hated then for someone to tell me it was my fault as I should know where my 16 year old son was.

So these kids were younger than 16. Different rules in Thailand and so what? Their parents will be devastated and no amount of finger pointing will bring the kids back.

But it is also not the Police officers fault, they are under huge pressure to address the situation, constantly accused of failing to do their jobs. Everybody says they need to address the scooter problem, but when they try and use the direct enforcement approach to do so it will always lead to conflict.

There is no right and wrong here, just three kids, who being typical kids and doing what kids will do, have now unfortunatly lost their lives.


I'm sorry but while I agree with a lot of what you say but there is some wrong here, the method the BIB used was absolutly wrong and resulted in three deaths.

Yes the BIB have the right to use force as part of their job but it has to be appropriate and in this incident that was absolutly not the case.

How stupid do you think the police are ? Do you really believe the police pulled their bike directly in front of a moving motorbike knowing that the kids would run into them and cause a crash that would lead to death or injuries to all involved ? The police tried to get the kids to stop and instead of stopping they just kept on coming. It's easy to think and talk about how you would do things later but in this case it's too late. Blame the parent for not teaching the driver to obey the law, blame the kid for not obeying to law but don't blame the police for trying to enforce the law with the means they have available.
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Its terrible that these kids died, for sure !

I just hope other parents and kids will hear what happened and take the necessary steps to stop this racing through the streets. You read about kids getting killed or injured every month here in Bangkok from late night racing. I lay in bed and hear every night stupid, yes I said stupid, kids racing their bikes up and down Sukhumvit at all hours of the night. Some of these kids I think try to make as much noise as possible just to wake up everyone in ear shot. To be honest after being woke up I sometimes think to myself that I hope they crash.

Let's just hope people learn from this that racing is dangerous and also socially unacceptable.

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No, the morons who pulled in front of the bike with three teenagers on it are responsible for these deaths.

They should be arrested and charged with causing the deaths when they get out of hospital.

Another opinion of rare stupidity.

In all countries of the world the driver has to stop on the orders of the police. Furthermore, the total lack of mastery of their speed made these dangerous for all.

The police had a duty to stop them. They did it courageously to the detriment of their physical integrity.

Throw discredit on them is absolutely filthy.

Stupidity eh? Yeah I think we all know stupidity when we read it.

The BIB are in the wrong here. Their negligence, or incompetence really, caused the deaths of these teens. They are responsible for them and should be put on trial for their actions.

Any force used must be responsible and appropriate and in this case that was not so.

To blame the teens for their own deaths is what is filthy. Disgusting and repellent even as well.

Drivel, nothing but drivel.

And your option to this problem is?

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No, the morons who pulled in front of the bike with three teenagers on it are responsible for these deaths.

They should be arrested and charged with causing the deaths when they get out of hospital.

Another opinion of rare stupidity.

In all countries of the world the driver has to stop on the orders of the police. Furthermore, the total lack of mastery of their speed made these dangerous for all.

The police had a duty to stop them. They did it courageously to the detriment of their physical integrity.

Throw discredit on them is absolutely filthy.

Stupidity eh? Yeah I think we all know stupidity when we read it.

The BIB are in the wrong here. Their negligence, or incompetence really, caused the deaths of these teens. They are responsible for them and should be put on trial for their actions.

Any force used must be responsible and appropriate and in this case that was not so.

To blame the teens for their own deaths is what is filthy. Disgusting and repellent even as well.

Drivel, nothing but drivel.

And your option to this problem is?

I don't have an option.

I have a professional opinion which isn't worth publishing because it will merely be shouted down by those who

Have no idea, no experience and little understanding.

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No, the morons who pulled in front of the bike with three teenagers on it are responsible for these deaths.

They should be arrested and charged with causing the deaths when they get out of hospital.

Another opinion of rare stupidity.

In all countries of the world the driver has to stop on the orders of the police. Furthermore, the total lack of mastery of their speed made these dangerous for all.

The police had a duty to stop them. They did it courageously to the detriment of their physical integrity.

Throw discredit on them is absolutely filthy.

Stupidity eh? Yeah I think we all know stupidity when we read it.

The BIB are in the wrong here. Their negligence, or incompetence really, caused the deaths of these teens. They are responsible for them and should be put on trial for their actions.

Any force used must be responsible and appropriate and in this case that was not so.

To blame the teens for their own deaths is what is filthy. Disgusting and repellent even as well.

Drivel, nothing but drivel.

And your option to this problem is?

I don't have an option.

I have a professional opinion which isn't worth publishing because it will merely be shouted down by those who

Have no idea, no experience and little understanding.

Why don't you enlighten us with your professional option, you might be surprised at the response, and being a grown-up you can ignore the poster's who have no idea, experience, and little understanding.

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What's the bet, if I trawled through your posting history, somewhere in the last 11,000 posts of yours there's probably posts with you whinging about road safety and the BIB's lack of effort to stop the carnage.

Would I be right?

So, if they do nothing, you moan, if they do something, you moan.

What are you expecting ?

Check out the other thread on the cops who wanted to confiscate a defective bike to see my views in that.

Throughout this thread I have recognised the need for police to use reasonable force to do their duty. My problem in this case I do not see what happened as being reasonable or appropriate by any measure.

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What's the bet, if I trawled through your posting history, somewhere in the last 11,000 posts of yours there's probably posts with you whinging about road safety and the BIB's lack of effort to stop the carnage.

Would I be right?

So, if they do nothing, you moan, if they do something, you moan.

What are you expecting ?

Check out the other thread on the cops who wanted to confiscate a defective bike to see my views in that.

Throughout this thread I have recognised the need for police to use reasonable force to do their duty. My problem in this case I do not see what happened as being reasonable or appropriate by any measure.

That's my point bluey, what happened? Be factual.

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It's always a shame when something like this happens, that people always start looking for the guilty party. As a parent with a 20 year old son into bikes, I have spent the last 4 years worried about my sons riding. He is a biker and was riding up to sixty miles a day as soon as he could ride a moped legally. I have had the call that he had been hit by a car. Seemed they had installed new traffic lights on a roundabout and the car had driven through on red. Luckily my son survived. But I would have hated then for someone to tell me it was my fault as I should know where my 16 year old son was.

So these kids were younger than 16. Different rules in Thailand and so what? Their parents will be devastated and no amount of finger pointing will bring the kids back.

But it is also not the Police officers fault, they are under huge pressure to address the situation, constantly accused of failing to do their jobs. Everybody says they need to address the scooter problem, but when they try and use the direct enforcement approach to do so it will always lead to conflict.

There is no right and wrong here, just three kids, who being typical kids and doing what kids will do, have now unfortunatly lost their lives.


I'm sorry but while I agree with a lot of what you say but there is some wrong here, the method the BIB used was absolutly wrong and resulted in three deaths.

Yes the BIB have the right to use force as part of their job but it has to be appropriate and in this incident that was absolutly not the case.

How stupid do you think the police are ? Do you really believe the police pulled their bike directly in front of a moving motorbike knowing that the kids would run into them and cause a crash that would lead to death or injuries to all involved ? The police tried to get the kids to stop and instead of stopping they just kept on coming. It's easy to think and talk about how you would do things later but in this case it's too late. Blame the parent for not teaching the driver to obey the law, blame the kid for not obeying to law but don't blame the police for trying to enforce the law with the means they have available.

How stupid do I think the BIB are?

Stupid enough to kill three teens in this case.

14 years of living here has given me plenty of reason to judge their stupidity factor quite high.

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What's the bet, if I trawled through your posting history, somewhere in the last 11,000 posts of yours there's probably posts with you whinging about road safety and the BIB's lack of effort to stop the carnage.

Would I be right?

So, if they do nothing, you moan, if they do something, you moan.

What are you expecting ?

Check out the other thread on the cops who wanted to confiscate a defective bike to see my views in that.

Throughout this thread I have recognised the need for police to use reasonable force to do their duty. My problem in this case I do not see what happened as being reasonable or appropriate by any measure.

That's my point bluey, what happened? Be factual.

What happened is the police caused three deaths.

And if you must shorten my name "bluesy" would be more accurate.

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What's the bet, if I trawled through your posting history, somewhere in the last 11,000 posts of yours there's probably posts with you whinging about road safety and the BIB's lack of effort to stop the carnage.

Would I be right?

So, if they do nothing, you moan, if they do something, you moan.

What are you expecting ?

Check out the other thread on the cops who wanted to confiscate a defective bike to see my views in that.

Throughout this thread I have recognised the need for police to use reasonable force to do their duty. My problem in this case I do not see what happened as being reasonable or appropriate by any measure.

That's my point bluey, what happened? Be factual.
What happened is the police caused three deaths.

And if you must shorten my name "bluesy" would be more accurate.

How bout


What bout the parents?

Why were 14 & 15 yo roaming the streets on motorcycles at 2am?

The police killed them? Really, are you 100% sure? Didn't think so.

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Blues, the significant pause is after the s.

Yes I am sure the police actions caused the deaths.

As I have said however, there needs to be a proper investigation of this incident. If it is found the police used unreasonable force or were at fault through incompetence they should be prosecuted.

As I say though, we know that won't happen. This will be covered up.

I am 100% sure they are responsible but as you say I wasn't there. The problem is we will never know what happened due to the culture of cover ups and impunity.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Good bye and good riddance!

Well done cops! It's just a pity they were injured. 10 out of 10 for getting tough on some of these clowns and trying to make the roads safer.

Good job.

Shame it wasn't your kids, maybe you're too screwed up to have any anyway - but keep up the good work and maybe you could push for on the spot execution for all wrong doer's.

I've been surrounded on a motorway by 20+ of these idiots speeding and zigzaging erratically in front me. Some of the clowns passed by just cm from my and their friends' bikes. I couldn't give a rat's arse about anybody who puts OTHER roadusers' lives at risk!

These kids tried to run from the cops. In other countries they'd be shot (in some cases for less). They f**ked up and paid the ultimate price for it. We all make mistakes.

I know my children aren't out at 2am. Where are yours at that time of the night?

And if I ever caught them misusing the motorbike, putting their own lives or the lives of other roadusers at risk, I'd take back the bike on the spot! And they know it.

You're another bleeding heart whinging because the wrongdoers were punished. I'm pretty sure if one of these kids ran you over or, heavens forbid, fatally injured somebody close to you, you'd be on this forum singing a completely different tune.

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You wernt there, you don't know the facts but you've already made your decision.

Hope ur never on my jury 55555 - convicted at first thought.

I will leave it at that ;)

Goodnight mate

You'd do fine if I was on the your jury. I'm always ready to hear both sides.


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