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Sanders to back Clinton. Will supporters follow?


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Sanders to back Clinton. Will supporters follow?

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — It looks as if Bernie Sanders is ready to back Hillary Clinton. But not all his supporters are prepared to give up revolution for realism.

After weeks of stalling as he sought liberal policy concessions from Clinton and lobbied to push the party platform to the left, the Vermont senator is expected to appear with Clinton in New Hampshire Tuesday to endorse her as the Democratic Party presidential nominee.

Still, despite some major victories in the latest draft of the platform and big concerns about presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, many Sanders fans at a Democratic meeting in Orlando over the weekend had clear reservations about casting a ballot for Clinton.

"Personally, I don't think I will support Hillary. I don't trust her," said Lisa Friddle, 53, a nurse from Palm Bay, Florida. "I can't see backing someone I don't believe in."

Those sentiments were echoed by Xavier Gaud, 26, of Orlando, who said he would prefer that Sanders run as an independent. If Sanders isn't on the ballot, he said it was "more likely I will support Jill Stein," the leader of the minor Green Party.

Clinton and Sanders will appear Tuesday at a high school in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the leadoff primary state where he trounced her last winter. In recent days, Clinton has announced new policies on higher education and health care in a nod to his liberal campaign. The party platform also shows Sanders' influence, with a commitment to a $15 federal minimum wage and tougher language on climate change.

Tensions between the campaigns simmered throughout the platform meeting in a steamy hotel ballroom over two marathon days. Despite winning concessions on many issues, Sanders supporters booed angrily over losses, such as failing to get clear opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

Near the meeting's end, Sanders backers angrily shouted down an effort to add Clinton's name to the document in a number of places, which they took as an implication that she was already the official nominee.

"To do it now is a slap in the face to us. She is not the nominee," said Diana Hatsis-Newhoff, 54, a nurse from Palm Beach, who is a Sanders delegate.

Some key progressive groups did start falling in line behind Clinton on Monday. The Communications Workers of America, which had previously backed Sanders, announced its endorsement, as did the Progressive Action PAC, the political committee for the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Clinton, who needs to capture the liberals and young people who flocked to Sanders in order to defeat Trump, has also been campaigning with popular Sen. Elizabeth Warren, of Massachusetts, and with President Barack Obama.

Heading into this month's national convention, the Sanders campaign will try to promote unity. The campaign is considering a rally in Philadelphia on the Sunday night before the convention, and Sanders is expected to campaign for Clinton post-convention.

Whatever his message, Sanders supporters plan to take to the streets in Philadelphia. As of Monday, 10 permits have been issued by the city for rallies and marches during the convention, and six of those are for Sanders supporters. More applications are pending.

Laurie Cestnick is part of a group called Occupy DNC Convention and is organizing a march and rally on the first day in support of Sanders. She said members of her group will likely leave the Democratic Party if Sanders is not the nominee.

"We hope that Bernie might consider running on a third party," said Cestnick. "For my group, its Bernie or bust."

Sanders acolytes who have been swept up in by his lofty promises and pledges of "political revolution" said they wanted a candidate they connected with, expressing frustration with the idea that they should vote for Clinton simply to keep Trump out of the White House.

"Convince me to vote without using Trump in the sentence, or a lesser of two evils," said Anthony Rogers-Wright, 40, a nonprofit policy director from Seattle. "I want to hear what she says to all of us when she gives that acceptance speech."

Some people said they would get behind Clinton, though they want to hear Sanders' reasoning.

"I'm personally waiting for direction from Bernie myself. I'd like to hear his thoughts," said Allan Nichols of Miami Shores, Florida, 54 and an at-large delegate. "Above all, I'm a Democrat and see a very substantial threat with Donald Trump. In November, I will be voting for the Democratic nominee."

Still, Kira Willig, 41, an attorney from Miami and a delegate for Sanders, said she isn't ready to move on yet.

"I have not given any thought post the convention. I really don't because it's not over until it's over," Willig said. "When you're a sports fan you always think there's a play."


Kristen de Groot contributed from Philadelphia.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-12

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He was a nobody and so he will remain and disappear into the recess of history, and all those fire and

brimstones speeches are blown in the winds of many people like him who never had a chance from

the get go, goodbye Mr. Senders......

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He was a "nobody" with lots of people who voted for him. I guess that makes people who voted for him minuses? So the question was whether Mr. Nobody's minuses would vote for Hillary Clinton. So far, the polls indicate that they overwhelmingly will. Which I guess would be good news for Trump since the vote of minuses would be negative.

Of course another take on this issue would be that politically speaking Sanders wasn't a nobody at all. And that the switch of his supporters to Clinton is a good thing for her. If only he weren't a nobody.

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I was and remain a Bernie supporter. His ideas are the ideas I believe in. However, I've already made a decision to support Hillary. I've never disliked her, she just did not go far enough in the direction I lean, which Sanders did. One thing I am sure of is that she is by far the best realistic choice in 2016, where it is a stark choice between progressive views on the one hand and neo-fascism exploiting xenophobia and bigotry on the other. I would opt even for a right of center Democratic candidate, or somewhat progressive republican over the choice of would-be fuhrer of a fourth reich, Donald Trump!

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Sadly I do not have a link, but a mention on television last night said a recent poll said that already 85 percent of Bernie supporters have made the shift to Hillary. I never doubted something like that would happen. The idea that many Bernie supporters would go for trump or throw their vote away on an irrelevant other party was always absurd. Of course, polls mean nothing. The key part will be getting people to actually vote in the contested states. In any case, that early poll is certainly a very positive sign for Hillary's chance to defeat the horror clown show of trump.

There have been some loud voices here on the forum of Bernie supporting extremists that are obsessed with hatred towards Hillary. That's their right to feel that way of course, but I never believed those voices represented a SIGNIFICANT percentage of Bernie supporters once it became clear that Bernie would not be nominated.

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The fact is that no genuine supporter of Bernie would stand by and allow someone like Trump to dance into the presidency. It just will not happen, especially now that the Democratic Party platform has adopted many of Bernie's positions and moved substantially on others...

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Despite Hillary's lie after lie exposed in the email FBI recommendation in which Bernie would have hoped for a different outcome, as he does not really share her political philosophy of self enrichment through personal power, so it will be a sad day for him to have to acquiesce and turn about face and vocally support and bow down to the very things he spoke against with such vigor. It must stick in his craw. He has to decide if his staying inside the tent will do more for his beliefs than remaining outside with no input or influence to serve those beliefs. Hard choice, I'm sure.

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Despite Hillary's lie after lie exposed in the email FBI recommendation in which Bernie would have hoped for a different outcome, as he does not really share her political philosophy of self enrichment through personal power, so it will be a sad day for him to have to acquiesce and turn about face and vocally support and bow down to the very things he spoke against with such vigor. It must stick in his craw. He has to decide if his staying inside the tent will do more for his beliefs than remaining outside with no input or influence to serve those beliefs. Hard choice, I'm sure.

Even if it made sense to say the "Hillary enriched herself through personal power" there's nothing political about that. Politically speaking both Bernie and Clinton support a bump in the minimum wage, liberal supreme court justices, further regulation of banks and hedge funds, higher taxes on the wealthy.. etc.

Lyndon Johnson was very corrupt but managed to push the the Civil Right Bill and Medicare among other achievements. Barry Goldwater was by all accounts an honest man who voted against the civil rights bill and wouldn't rule out using nuclear weapons in vietnam. I'm glad Johnson won.

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Despite Hillary's lie after lie exposed in the email FBI recommendation in which Bernie would have hoped for a different outcome, as he does not really share her political philosophy of self enrichment through personal power, so it will be a sad day for him to have to acquiesce and turn about face and vocally support and bow down to the very things he spoke against with such vigor. It must stick in his craw. He has to decide if his staying inside the tent will do more for his beliefs than remaining outside with no input or influence to serve those beliefs. Hard choice, I'm sure.

Even if it made sense to say the "Hillary enriched herself through personal power" there's nothing political about that. Politically speaking both Bernie and Clinton support a bump in the minimum wage, liberal supreme court justices, further regulation of banks and hedge funds, higher taxes on the wealthy.. etc.

Lyndon Johnson was very corrupt but managed to push the the Civil Right Bill and Medicare among other achievements. Barry Goldwater was by all accounts an honest man who voted against the civil rights bill and wouldn't rule out using nuclear weapons in vietnam. I'm glad Johnson won.

There's plenty of politics involved if Hillary used her political influence especially as Secretary of State to get donations from foreign powers like Saudi Arabia etc for the Clinton Foundation. However I agree with your view on Goldwater.

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There she wrote.

Thank you Bernie Sanders.clap2.gif

This endorsement is a BIG DEAL!!!!!

Onward to victory to a President Clinton more progressive because of the power of Bernie and of course most importantly, the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump.

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She just recited the entire Bernie Sander's platform. Wow... I guess Bernie did make a difference or at least he made a difference to the DNC platform. This will now basically guarantee a democratic win come November. The real test will be if Hillary is true to the Bernie platform or just saying whatever it takes to win. With her history of lies it is hard to tell.

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She just recited the entire Bernie Sander's platform. Wow... I guess Bernie did make a difference or at least he made a difference to the DNC platform. This will now basically guarantee a democratic win come November. The real test will be if Hillary is true to the Bernie platform or just saying whatever it takes to win. With her history of lies it is hard to tell.

Look at it this way. Unless the democrats can take the presidency, the senate, and the house, Hillary won't be able to get much of that done and neither would have Bernie.

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There she wrote.

Thank you Bernie Sanders.clap2.gif

This endorsement is a BIG DEAL!!!!!

Onward to victory to a President Clinton more progressive because of the power of Bernie and of course most importantly, the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump.

< snipped a link to a really distracting and disgusting video >

"... the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump. "

Your ingenioussarcasam post with the captivatingsarcasam animation got me thinking:

Are those coordinate or cumulative adjectives that should be separated by commas?

Should each word of "donald trump", as a proper noun name, be capitalized?

Is "DANGEROUS" actually a greater threat than the ordinary, garden-variety "dangerous"?

Are the majority of the US voters as ignorant of economics and math as they are of English grammar?

I would say that they know at least one thing:

How to elect a government that will take wealth by force from others to give to them.

Maybe that's all they need to know.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Sanders backs Clinton to be next US president


US Senator Bernie Sanders has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for the democrat presidential nomination ahead of the party’s July convention.

Appearing side-by-side at a joint rally in New Hampshire, Sanders vowed to do everything to get his former rival in the White House.

“She will be the Democratic nominee for president and I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next President of the United States.”
The Vermont Senator’s backing is a major boost for the former Secretary of State as she prepares to take on her all but certain challenger for the presidency Donald Trump.

Many of Sanders’ policies have made it onto the Democrat manifesto, including a $15-an-hour minimum wage.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-13

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She just recited the entire Bernie Sander's platform. Wow... I guess Bernie did make a difference or at least he made a difference to the DNC platform. This will now basically guarantee a democratic win come November. The real test will be if Hillary is true to the Bernie platform or just saying whatever it takes to win. With her history of lies it is hard to tell.

With her "history of lies" it is easy to tell or at least safely assume.

So is she now an official "democratic socialist" or only an honorary one?

Edited by MaxYakov
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It's come to this:

Bernie Sanders Endorses Security Risk and Known Felon Hillary Clinton

And not an ounce of integrity between the both of them...wink.png


So Hillary Clinton is a felon? Exactly what crime has she been convicted of? I guess this is another example of Trumped-up justice.

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It's come to this:

Bernie Sanders Endorses Security Risk and Known Felon Hillary Clinton

And not an ounce of integrity between the both of them...wink.png


So Hillary Clinton is a felon? Exactly what crime has she been convicted of? I guess this is another example of Trumped-up justice.

Not convicted as yet but a well-known felon for sure.

Read the news lately?

Please try to keep up - there's a good lad! smile.png

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There she wrote.

Thank you Bernie Sanders.clap2.gif

This endorsement is a BIG DEAL!!!!!

Onward to victory to a President Clinton more progressive because of the power of Bernie and of course most importantly, the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump.

< snipped a link to a really distracting and disgusting video >

"... the defeat of the horrific fascist DANGEROUS donald trump. "

Your ingenioussarcasam post with the captivatingsarcasam animation got me thinking:

Are those coordinate or cumulative adjectives that should be separated by commas?

Should each word of "donald trump", as a proper noun name, be capitalized?

Is "DANGEROUS" actually a greater threat than the ordinary, garden-variety "dangerous"?

Are the majority of the US voters as ignorant of economics and math as they are of English grammar?

I would say that they know at least one thing:

How to elect a government that will take wealth by force from others to give to them.

Maybe that's all they need to know.

How to elect a government that will take wealth by force from others to give to them.

What rational people call taxation.

Which goes to fund evil income redistribution programs like social security system and medicare and education.

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Trump is a uniter. He unites all Americans who don't want to see the US captive to xenophobia, hate and division.

Trump unites Americans who don't want to see an alleged child rapist, who's also a shyster ...in highest office, with his fingers on 77 nuke buttons.

The choice is clear: vote for Trump if you want to see America go downhill while being run by a dangerous ignorant, vindictive divider.

One of America's most famous philosophers, Deepak Chopra, claimed Trump was 'emotionally retarded' and possibly also 'mentally retarded.' I think Deepak put it too nicely.

Edited by boomerangutang
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It's come to this:

Bernie Sanders Endorses Security Risk and Known Felon Hillary Clinton

And not an ounce of integrity between the both of them...wink.png


So Hillary Clinton is a felon? Exactly what crime has she been convicted of? I guess this is another example of Trumped-up justice.

Not convicted as yet but a well-known felon for sure.

Read the news lately?

Please try to keep up - there's a good lad! smile.png

Definition of felon: a person who has been convicted of a felony.

Not a native speaker of English? For your sake, I hope that's the explanation.

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