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Foreigner Beaten in Walking Street A-Go-Go

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+4000 baht bar bill, another typical scam some venues practice when the times are hard.

Pay for each drink, don't wait until you want to leave.

He had an automated bill very clearly itemising all the lady drinks he bought, and there were a lot, so where's the "typical scam"?

The scam is you buy one and charged for three. You get distracted by the girl(s) when the bill returns, Blink your eyes and it's happened again. I've been stung by the scam and did my nut in the ago go, Paid my bin, gave them abuse and walked out! NOT PAYING IS SERIOUSLY BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH!!! YES!!!! Show girls LK.


Uh huh. It seems some people here really don't get out that much.

I have spent a lot of time in go-go bars all over Pattaya over the last 23(ish) years and in all that time guess how many times I've seen staff in an establishment attack a customer for NO reason ? ZERO.

Now guess how many times I've seen drunk, ignorant, <deleted> tourists start fights, try to run out on bills, try swapping bills with unsuspecting customers (even try to crumple up a bill and throw it away thinking the staff won't notice). Or try to start fights with other customers because they're pissed that pretty girls are sitting with other people. Or order a beer and get pissed off because it's more expensive than 7/11. Or drunk morons staggering around knocking over everyone else's drinks and shoving people around. Yeah, I've seen a lot of that over the years.

4,000 baht bar bill ? Chump change for off shore workers. <deleted>, when Polo was still running my average bill for an evening was nearly twice that much (Polo was also one of the most expensive places to drink on WS at the time). I distinctly remember one "quiet" night when my bin was just over 4,500 baht and the waitress noted that was more than her salary for the whole month. I used to count how many drinks I had in an evening (Jack-Coke) and 12 drinks in an evening was fairly normal (add on lady drinks for various staff of course). I was drinking Jack so I could tell if a bar was trying to pull a fast one by substituting cheap whiskey instead. Only had that happen twice that I recall, in different bars in different years. As soon as I suspected it, one of the girls would yak at a service staff and have the drink replaced. No hassles, no extra charge and no threats.

A friend of mine used to manage a go-go that had a lot of girls but few customers (poor location). I used to ring the bell just so the girls would have a few extra bath for som tam. Cost me around 2,200-2,500 baht each time and they'd put your name and the date up on one of the mirrors. I think my name was up there 40-50 times or so (over the course of a couple years). I have a bag full of brand new FLB Bar shirts that I collected back between 2004-2006 (when Ben was managing the place and they'd give you a free shirt every time you rang the bell). I'd have birthday and "close-out" parties there that'd cost me 12-15,000 baht by the time the night was through.

4,000 baht ? Sheesh - that's barely $115 US. Half (or more) of the guys I used to work with would spend that sitting in an airport bar while waiting to catch a flight home.

Some time ago (last year) I was talking to another friend that owns a couple go-gos and beer bars on Walking Street. I always ask for a straw when I order a drink, so I can stir the **** out of it as they (mostly) serve them by adding the whiskey last. I thought the reason for that was so that your first couple of sips would be mostly alcohol so you'd get drunk quicker. Buddy told me that the real reason was so that customers wouldn't think they were being ripped off. If they ordered some cheap booze and that went into the glass first, then the ice, then the mix, the customers would think they were only be served mix with no booze.

I have, on 2 occasions, had a bin that was more than the cash I had on me at the time (poor planning on my part). Once a serving girl went with me to show me the closest ATM (and make sure I came back of course) and on the other occasion the mamasan told me "no problem, pay next time" (to be fair, she knew me, her boss was my friend and my Harley was parked outside her bar so she wasn't too worried that I wouldn't come back). I did make a point of going straight to an ATM and then straight back to pay the bill (more because I was worried I might actually forget about it than anything).

NEVER been threatened by any staff for ANY reason in any establishment I've EVER been in. Maybe that's because I don't act like a drunken POS and run around looking for trouble, unlike so many others that we often see in the news ?

All of which leads me to believe that the chances are, when someone does get the crap knocked out them, there was probably a VERY good reason for it. One that they aren't going to willingly admit, and we've seen numerous examples of that over the years. Can you imagine ? "Oh sorry officer, it was all my fault. I spent the night buying lady drinks for all the girls but I have no money so I was trying to sneak out without paying and when they tried to stop me I figured I threaten to beat them. Imagine my surprise when they didn't cower in fear and let me leave ! Don't worry about me though, I'll just go to the hospital and then disappear - without ever paying the bill of course !" dry.png

Yeah, like any of them would ever openly admit they were to blame. Wonder why he didn't want to file a complaint or stick around the hospital or be identified ? Probably because he was scared he'd be arrested for trying to do a runner on his bill, not because he was scared "someone" would track him down at the emergency ward. What a putrid crock of buffalo effluent.

Bars are supposed to have CCTVs but of course what go-go is going to have working ones when there may be bare flesh on display. "Officer - here is CCTV footage of the foreigner trying to skip out on his bill. Oh yeah, just ignore all the nude women in the footage. Honestly, I have no idea why they are all running around naked !" rolleyes.gif

Bars don't make money by beating up customers, especially for no reason. Like most of the news we get here though, we often only hear one side and a lot of people won't even consider that "one of theirs" could possible be full of sh*t and lying to save his own @ss. "Oh gosh golly darn ! It has to be the evil Thais at fault because I heard someone say he knew a guy that overheard someone talking about another guy who met someone that once worked with someone else that had a cousin who read a story about how the staff at some bar in Thailand beats up customers for no reason at all !"

These days it's not hard for a half-@ssed rumour to make the rounds on social media and get blown out of proportion. Sheesh - there are still people running around out there that think you can go to Thailand, rent a villa on the beach, hire a maid and a cook and sleep with both of them, for $50 US a month ! I actually had people tell me that a few years ago when I was working in Kabul. "Oh you were in Thailand ? A friend of mine (it's always "a friend of mine") told me you can rent a villa (etc, etc)". It was almost comical to watch their faces when I would reply with "The Vietnam war ended 30 years ago". They were just spouting some BS that they'd overheard someone telling someone else about something someone else said they'd heard (etc, etc, you get the picture) and didn't have a clue, but prattled on about it like they were the Wiki on all things Thai.

Meanwhile - it's seems the last "incident" at this club was back in March 2015 when 3 bikers and the (Australian) manager were injured after the staff forcibly ejected the bikers - for being involved in an earlier altercation. Many of the initial articles touted the incident as "3 tourists beaten by bouncers" or "3 foreigners beaten by bar bouncers" and so on. In fact what apparently happened was the bikers got into an altercation with some other customers and then the manager and staff tried to escort the bikers out and that started another fight that lead to the bikers, the manager and the bouncers all being detained. (Note: the "bikers" apparently all refused to give their names or nationalities to the police.)

Wow - what a surprise. A BS news story makes the rounds and now the bar has a "reputation" for beating up customers.

Some of you people really need to get out more.

Long but good post. Wake up tourists. Behave the same in your wonderful first world countries and you are liable to get the same treatment. Why so many Westerners think they are so superior is a mystery to me.

Exactly....and that is the whole point....more or less

All too many of those alcohol guzzling morons are only doing what they do back in their home country and their home town...that being, get good and drunk or staggering drunk and basically do what they please which involves being obnoxious and loud and all too often aggressive....but they commonly love themselves when they are drunk and think of themselves as a "nice guy"

When they come over here and carry on "as usual", the new environment is at odds with their drunken and often slovenly conduct combined with a strange kind of attitude that is difficult to explain...but, you will recognize it if and when you do meet such alcohol guzzling creatures.

They just rub all too many people the wrong way and they are destined to get beat up or beaten upon......sooner or later.

Reminds me of an Australian guy I used to know who was obnoxious enough when sober, but when drinking and drunk It was unreal the way he would turn into an extremely obnoxious and aggressive, loud mouth, know it all, over bearing Prixk, while he would get into fights and or beaten up every several months or so and I would see him around the apartment building with his new black eye and swollen and bruised face and did not have to ask why........as I knew why from his past history.

He was a perfect case of: Trash talking when he should have been listening.

Many times, I was thinking I should purchase and then anonymously deliver one of those T-Shirts that has the words printed in big bold letters on the front and the back of the T-Shirt saying:

Instant Asxhole, Just Add Alcohol



A couple of times I have taken guests to this gogo in LK Metro, to be fair the girls are of a fairly high quality - a lot of long legs there - and so this is why my guests go there.

This is the way the scam works there.

You sit down and order drinks - guest drinks are about 120-150 baht depending on what you have

A couple of girls come by and sit down with you - OK - so you buy them a drink each.

The lady drink prices are a bit higher than in most of the GoGos in Pattaya (they are normally about 100-150 baht - in Showgirls it is about 200 baht and they are still only drinking soda water).

So the bill for a round for 5 people is about 700-850 baht and you see the stubs in your bin

Your girls go to dance and the other dancers come past as they come off - some shake your hand - but you have drinks there for the two girls so they dont sit down.

Your girls finish dancing - you have one or two more drinks and the stubs in the bin are up to about 2000-2500 baht.

You say you are leaving and get the checkbin, and they go away with the stubs and come back with a till receipt.

The till receipt is about 1000 baht higher as there are more lady drinks on there - one for each of the girls that shook your hand as they walked past.

As we were three guys when we objected then they backed down, but if you are guy on your own then the ruckus starts with the mamasan as she says you agreed to the drinks for the girls, and then if you refuse to pay the bouncers lay in.

The scam is the mamasan and the girls

  • 4 weeks later...
On 12 กรกฎาคม 2559 at 11:44 AM, keith101 said:

4,130 baht drunk by one person would put most people on their arse let alone walk around after being beaten . something stinks with this story from the go go bar and maybe a lot of lady drinks added to his check bin without his knowledge .

Not probable, though not impossible.

More likely he was trying to be a big man and buying lots of lady drinks. Didn't keep a check of the total and when the bill came couldn't pay so made a run for it. As for other customers beating him up- possible. Many of those LK bars have regulars that would get pretty PO by someone that did a runner and might very well have given him some summary justice.

In all my bar years, the only farang I saw beaten up in a gogo deserved it.

On 15 กรกฎาคม 2559 at 3:35 PM, crobe said:

A couple of times I have taken guests to this gogo in LK Metro, to be fair the girls are of a fairly high quality - a lot of long legs there - and so this is why my guests go there.

This is the way the scam works there.

You sit down and order drinks - guest drinks are about 120-150 baht depending on what you have

A couple of girls come by and sit down with you - OK - so you buy them a drink each.

The lady drink prices are a bit higher than in most of the GoGos in Pattaya (they are normally about 100-150 baht - in Showgirls it is about 200 baht and they are still only drinking soda water).

So the bill for a round for 5 people is about 700-850 baht and you see the stubs in your bin

Your girls go to dance and the other dancers come past as they come off - some shake your hand - but you have drinks there for the two girls so they dont sit down.

Your girls finish dancing - you have one or two more drinks and the stubs in the bin are up to about 2000-2500 baht.

You say you are leaving and get the checkbin, and they go away with the stubs and come back with a till receipt.

The till receipt is about 1000 baht higher as there are more lady drinks on there - one for each of the girls that shook your hand as they walked past.

As we were three guys when we objected then they backed down, but if you are guy on your own then the ruckus starts with the mamasan as she says you agreed to the drinks for the girls, and then if you refuse to pay the bouncers lay in.

The scam is the mamasan and the girls

Anyone with half a brain cell knows that scams go on in girly bars around the world, so you have to cover yourself by paying the chits as they come in. That way they can't pad the bill. Even shaking hands with girls is a con so just don't.

It's simple to avoid problems, but guys that get pissed are at a disadvantage straight away.


Having said that, I've had girls sit with me and never bought them drinks, but no problems. If I liked them, I'd give them 20 baht ( more than they got from a lady drink ) to stay a while. Perhaps times have changed, or perhaps some bars are into scamming.

On 15 July, 2016 at 4:35 PM, crobe said:

A couple of times I have taken guests to this gogo in LK Metro, to be fair the girls are of a fairly high quality - a lot of long legs there - and so this is why my guests go there.

This is the way the scam works there.

You sit down and order drinks - guest drinks are about 120-150 baht depending on what you have

A couple of girls come by and sit down with you - OK - so you buy them a drink each.

The lady drink prices are a bit higher than in most of the GoGos in Pattaya (they are normally about 100-150 baht - in Showgirls it is about 200 baht and they are still only drinking soda water).

So the bill for a round for 5 people is about 700-850 baht and you see the stubs in your bin

Your girls go to dance and the other dancers come past as they come off - some shake your hand - but you have drinks there for the two girls so they dont sit down.

Your girls finish dancing - you have one or two more drinks and the stubs in the bin are up to about 2000-2500 baht.

You say you are leaving and get the checkbin, and they go away with the stubs and come back with a till receipt.

The till receipt is about 1000 baht higher as there are more lady drinks on there - one for each of the girls that shook your hand as they walked past.

As we were three guys when we objected then they backed down, but if you are guy on your own then the ruckus starts with the mamasan as she says you agreed to the drinks for the girls, and then if you refuse to pay the bouncers lay in.

The scam is the mamasan and the girls


I dont shake their hands…or anything else….I pay for each drink as I go so there is never a check bin tin in front of me.

On 13 กรกฎาคม 2559 at 2:38 PM, nemrut said:

Why do farang often feel the need to walk around in public shirtless?

Perhaps because they are morons that think exposing their body will get them chix?


And, why do ugly fat western women on Samui think it's OK to go swimming topless. Don't they know that's against the law? Time to start arresting some of them, methinks.

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