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Many in law enforcement feel frayed relationship with Obama


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If you watched and/or listened to President Obama's speech you will see that the majority of the people in the room clapped almost all the time. There were a few lines that they did not agree with or did not understand. His speech was brilliant and he said the things that need to be said. I believe there is plenty of racism still in the US. I do not believe all police are racists but I do believe their training is poor and misdirected. They believe since Black people commit a larger percentage of crimes that gives them the right to profile them and use maximum lethal force. As I said before- they could shoot the alleged perpetrator in the leg to stop him; they could use restraint and see how the incident will play out; they could move away from the scene and come back later or another day. They shoot people because they 'think' they are a threat- they 'think' that a person is reaching for a weapon when they are reaching for their ID; they do not know how to deal with the mentally ill- There are too many incidents involving black people that are questionable and show that the police operate on the basis that every black they interact with is a potential threat to them. We need the police but we need to police to be professional with everyone, every time.

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This is just the beginning,,, a few things to look out for,

as a non US citizen i look at these issues from the side line as they don't impact me

but as the US is the world's reserve currency then it affects me financially,

so what's going on? why are these things happening ?

You have to look at the big picture because i don't get it.

* In reality Hillary and Trump are very good friends, so why all this trash talk.

* Bill Clinton's father is Winthrop Rockefeller, look it up,,,


By the way (Chelsea Clinton is not Bill Clinton's daughter) he shoots blanks.


* The US economy is in dire financial strain, the use of FIAT money is coming to an end.

* What if Donald Trump is assassinated ?

* Who are Obama's real parents ? (look it up)

So police shooting blacks, they also shoot whites, why?

I think it's all about the money,

Obama, once he was elected,, his job was done, sit back, let Wall St take over, Hillary,, the same.

All of whats going on (is a deliberate) ploy that will result in civil war, it's a shame many will die.

But its all about who controls the purse.

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If you watched and/or listened to President Obama's speech you will see that the majority of the people in the room clapped almost all the time. There were a few lines that they did not agree with or did not understand. His speech was brilliant and he said the things that need to be said. I believe there is plenty of racism still in the US. I do not believe all police are racists but I do believe their training is poor and misdirected. They believe since Black people commit a larger percentage of crimes that gives them the right to profile them and use maximum lethal force. As I said before- they could shoot the alleged perpetrator in the leg to stop him; they could use restraint and see how the incident will play out; they could move away from the scene and come back later or another day. They shoot people because they 'think' they are a threat- they 'think' that a person is reaching for a weapon when they are reaching for their ID; they do not know how to deal with the mentally ill- There are too many incidents involving black people that are questionable and show that the police operate on the basis that every black they interact with is a potential threat to them. We need the police but we need to police to be professional with everyone, every time.

Sigh! You are so confused. I'm going to help you because I feel bad for you. And please step away from the keyboard.

1. Bush gave a better speech.

"Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions."


2. "Mortal wounds are often created by shooting extremities. Legs and arms contain huge arteries that, if pierced by a bullet, will cause a non-stop gush of blood to pour out until the person bleeds out...In that amount of time that person can still fight you and kill you. Aim for the spot on the body that will make them stop. That is usually the upper torso."


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OBAMA TURNS OFF COPS=> Officers REFUSE TO APPLAUD During Obama’s Race Lecture at Dallas Police Memorial

You suppose he's not been devisive enough? Go for it Barry!

Of course Obama betrays cops. Its not subjective, its a measurable alienation. Obama betraying cops serves two purposes: It further fractures and thus motivates to action an already fractured population and it sets up his false argument that police should be nationalized. Well, lets just see if the second one proves true but he is already trying to fold police under the radical DOJ Civil Rights Division, the race baiters who went to Ferguson and taught people how to protest!

Obama is a misanthrope.

Document the BS about the DoJ and also the BS about DoJ going into communities to teach people how to protest.

For one thing, this false statement has appeared at the Forum previously and I'd addressed it previously and directly.

DoJ has a unit established under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which is a crisis group that goes to stricken communities, such as they did for instance in Ferguson, to get all sides together in one private place and to talk. No one needs to identify him/her self. Just speak your mind and have an exchange in a series of community meetings of members of the community in the community over several months time. To try to heal and to promote a common understanding that might lead to some progress.

Teaching how to protest is a false statement yet it keeps appearing in the same posters' posts from waaaaay out there on the extreme fringe armband far right.

Citations plse thx. Same drill as last time, which wuz about a year ago. Didn't do it then either and still carrying it on.

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I agree with Chief Beary who is president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police who in the midst of all the shootings of recent years maintains that in general 98% of the time the police do the right thing in 98% of instances. That's what he has said for several years now, so we're talking a basic professionalism by the police.

However, the vast majority of police officers in the USA are conservatives or are outright right wingers, and the vast majority of police in the US are Republicans or vote Republican. The Fraternal Order of Police, which is the largest national police union in the US, always endorses the Republican for Potus. They will endorse Donald Trump and it's a safe bet a lot of police will vote for Trump and have voted Trump already in the now completed Republican party primary and caucus phase of the election process.

It certainly isn't Democratic party Obama-voting cops who are conducting and sustaining a police national crime wave against unarmed or otherwise innocent black males to include a 12 year old Cleveland, Ohio boy playing in a public park with a toy gun and another unarmed black man shot in the back numerous times. These are but two instances of an unchecked national police crime wave against a certain citizen demographic.

And the vast majority of police in their right wing politics have the absolute support of Donald Trump who is another who considers the Black Lives Matter organisation to be racist, and spew the falsehood President Obama is a divider. It is sad and sorry stuff from all the lily white rightwhingers whether they are in blue uniform or showing up at a Trump rally in blue jeans and with their red necks.

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I have been in LA for a week, visiting with African American relatives of a friend. Of course they condemn the lunatic that opened fire in Dallas but they are very aware of the issues that fired up this extremist. The father is a decent man and a Jehovah's Witness. He is pulled over all the time because he works in a school in a predominantly white area. He said that if he's pulled over at night he always refuses to stop until there is an area with people around. That alone says it all. He is a decent, law abiding man but is fearful of the police. The sons are even more paranoid and they are all educated family men.

Edited by Chicog
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I have been in LA for a week, visiting with African American relatives of a friend. Of course they condemn the lunatic that opened fire in Dallas but they are very aware of the issues that fired up this extremist. The father is a decent man and a Jehovah's Witness. He is pulled over all the time because he works in a school in a predominantly white area. He said that if he's pulled over at night he always refuses to stop until there is an area with people around. That alone says it all. He is a decent, law abiding man but is fearful of the police. The sons are even more paranoid and they are all educated family men.

Why isn't he taking badge numbers and filing formal complaints? Even that seems less risky to me than the appearance of being evasive or delaying the stop while hiding something. I had my car searched once on a totally ridiculous pretext while innocently parked. Definitely Gestapo tactics and still regret that I didn't pursue a complaint or even refuse the search. That Mk IV Toyota Supra was profiled more than once by LE who were out fishing.

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I am not saying that there are not incidents where the police have to use deadly force- however, the incidents that rile the black community are those in which the police had another option and that was to defuse the situation without shooting. A man charges the police with a knife in hand. The police can surely shoot the man in the leg or arm to stop his coming forward or use a stun gun to incapacitate him. A 12 year old has a fake gun and the police kill him because they think he might 'shoot'. Complete over reaction. They did not take the time to try and determine what was actually happening. A man in New York is wrestled to the ground by police and succumbs because of a choke hold. The police could have backed off and let him calm down before the arrest or come back another day. His offense- selling cigarettes singly instead of in a pack. I could go on and on. All of these people were black and they are dead. None of them had to die. The police need to be retrained. They look at black people as if they are the enemy.

This is a serious problem in America caused by institutionalized discrimination. You can't expect a community that is forced into a ghetto because of bigotry ; lack of education ; and economic access to act any different. They resort to crime because they have no money. I can guarantee you that the majority of black people would love to have a job that pays a living wage and live their lives the same way the rest of America lives theirs.

In the time it takes to make those determinations, they could be killed. So when they encounter non-compliance coupled with aggressive behavior, they shoot. A better solution would be to encourage compliance, or better yet civilized behavior.

Btw, Im not naive enough to believe some of these situations were not mistakes. And hopefully those officers will be held accountable. But people should also understand its a tough job and people make mistakes, unfortunately sometimes critical ones.

Case in point... "He's not resisting arrest" http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=17c_1468400142

Jesus. I would've shot someone in that situation.

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"Hey, I support what you're doing,'" said Scott Hughes, chief of police in Hamilton Township, a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. "The president doesn't defend the police. It's very one-sided."

Let me guess,Scott is a white guy.It is about time somebody in authority came out and condemned what is happening or you will have a Thai style police force.

Let me save you a guess. https://www.calibrepress.com/contributors/scott-hughes/ perhaps we need more police like him. thumbsup.gif

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Not just law enforcement folks who are sick and tired of these Race-Baiters who want another Race War. Always happens when the Democratic Party appears down in the polls before a national election, eh? whistling.gif

Obama, Sharpton, Holder and Farrakhan Sued for Aiding and Abetting Race Attacks and Murder

"Former federal prosecutor and founder of Freedom Watch, Larry Klayman, filed a lawsuit on Saturday against President Obama, the founders of Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and former US Attorney General Eric Holder on Saturday for inciting a race war that led to the fatal Dallas police shootings"


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I have been in LA for a week, visiting with African American relatives of a friend. Of course they condemn the lunatic that opened fire in Dallas but they are very aware of the issues that fired up this extremist. The father is a decent man and a Jehovah's Witness. He is pulled over all the time because he works in a school in a predominantly white area. He said that if he's pulled over at night he always refuses to stop until there is an area with people around. That alone says it all. He is a decent, law abiding man but is fearful of the police. The sons are even more paranoid and they are all educated family men.

My question when I read this was.

Has he ever been harrassed? Are his fears founded or imaginary? To be paranoid with out justification is just paranoid. Has he ever related a personal experience to give reason to his paranoid feeling? Is he just a highly religious man afraid because he is so religious and fears all others not as religious as him.

I am afraid of blacks but i have reason. I was mugged in Nassau and Freeport .I have a reason for my paranoid feelings,so I feel it is not racism it is fear from actions against me by blacks,does he have a real reason?.

Oh yes and america in the 70.s.As a tourist driving in America stopped at a gas station in LA to get gas a big black man walks ever to the car and tells me and my friends to get the hell away before we all get hurt real bad,and they do not sell gas to whities..Not sure if was threat or warning.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Not just law enforcement folks who are sick and tired of these Race-Baiters who want another Race War. Always happens when the Democratic Party appears down in the polls before a national election, eh? whistling.gif

Obama, Sharpton, Holder and Farrakhan Sued for Aiding and Abetting Race Attacks and Murder

"Former federal prosecutor and founder of Freedom Watch, Larry Klayman, filed a lawsuit on Saturday against President Obama, the founders of Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and former US Attorney General Eric Holder on Saturday for inciting a race war that led to the fatal Dallas police shootings"


A court of law has the authority to sanction lawyers who make frivolous filings.

If this one ever makes it to a hearing you can bet the farm a judge will make a summary dismissal of the whole ball of wax.

There's an old Chinese saying that it's the perp himself who is the first to shout "stop thief."

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From the things I've seen on media, I've no doubt that the US police generally react far more badly towards a black person than a white person.

This doesn't suprise me, as from personal experience I know that before the Stephen Lawrence case in the UK, police (edit - where I lived) were certainly racist. Despite the subsequent investigation and finding of institutionalised racism, I doubt things have changed much in poor areas.

There are (of course) reasons for this - namely the large number of poor blacks with an understandable chip on their shoulder who commit crimes and can often be armed and violent. Of course white, youth gangs are doing their best to catch up....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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OBAMA TURNS OFF COPS=> Officers REFUSE TO APPLAUD During Obama’s Race Lecture at Dallas Police Memorial

You suppose he's not been devisive enough? Go for it Barry!

Of course Obama betrays cops. Its not subjective, its a measurable alienation. Obama betraying cops serves two purposes: It further fractures and thus motivates to action an already fractured population and it sets up his false argument that police should be nationalized. Well, lets just see if the second one proves true but he is already trying to fold police under the radical DOJ Civil Rights Division, the race baiters who went to Ferguson and taught people how to protest!

Obama is a misanthrope.

Yes. The betrayal is so obvious that you do not see the need to provide any metrics for your claim of measurability. So, we just take you on faith?

One person's misanthropism is another person's audacity https://www.amazon.com/Audacity-Hope-Thoughts-Reclaiming-American/dp/0307455874

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Not just law enforcement folks who are sick and tired of these Race-Baiters who want another Race War. Always happens when the Democratic Party appears down in the polls before a national election, eh? whistling.gif

Obama, Sharpton, Holder and Farrakhan Sued for Aiding and Abetting Race Attacks and Murder

"Former federal prosecutor and founder of Freedom Watch, Larry Klayman, filed a lawsuit on Saturday against President Obama, the founders of Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and former US Attorney General Eric Holder on Saturday for inciting a race war that led to the fatal Dallas police shootings"

What's the word you are looking for? That's right. Uppity.

How dare they.

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Case in point... "He's not resisting arrest" http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=17c_1468400142

A perfect example of the incompetence of US police. Aggressive and escalate the situation to violence and then start shooting people. Idiots. All three should have been charged with common assault and thrown off the force and compensation of $10M to the citizens concerned. Then you will see some attitudes change.

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Obama is a flip-flopper (a politician) and says what people want to hear for the most part. He can't win, however, no matter what he says or does -- in this situation, being black himself is probably more of a hindrance from the perspective of blacks in general.

He's only half black and was raised as a white boy by a white mother outside the US. I fail to see why everyone thinks he shares any "blackness" with US blacks. However he seems to be trying too hard to side with blacks against his own establishment.

IMO if the blacks of the US think cops are too racist, the white cops should simply refuse to go into black neighbourhoods and the film "The Purge" would seem like Sunday school playtime as blacks turn on themselves as in Chicago, with over 2 THOUSAND black on black shootings so far this year.

They should be careful what they wish for.

BLM has a problem though, as many of the problems occur in precincts with black mayors, black AGs, black police chiefs and large numbers of black policemen.

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Its more whites being killed by police then blacks.

But its big deal only when white cop shoot black criminal



But, you'll never hear that from the corrupt, liberal US mainstream media.

Frankly, as blacks commit far more crime than whites in proportion to their numbers, it's only to be expected that a high number of blacks will be in conflict with police.

And, what has the hero of the liberal left, Obama, done to address the problem? Diddely squat.

BTW as few if any of the repondents on here calling for cops to be crucified have ever in their lives walked in harms way, perhaps they should be rather more circumspect in their posts.

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Its more whites being killed by police then blacks.

But its big deal only when white cop shoot black criminal



But, you'll never hear that from the corrupt, liberal US mainstream media.

Frankly, as blacks commit far more crime than whites in proportion to their numbers, it's only to be expected that a high number of blacks will be in conflict with police.

And, what has the hero of the liberal left, Obama, done to address the problem? Diddely squat.

BTW as few if any of the repondents on here calling for cops to be crucified have ever in their lives walked in harms way, perhaps they should be rather more circumspect in their posts.

Any African Americans shot and killed by police is always justified. All perfectly normal. All Africans Americans are criminals it is no surprise they are regularly executed by police. Police should receive an award for the number of African Americans they shoot and kill.

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As others have quoted, 98% of the time in 98% of the cases, the police react in their interactions with the public correctly. The problem is that small percentage that don't and what makes it worse is the police culture that makes it impossible for the "bad" police to be called out by their peers.

Until the police are willing to police themselves and stop the knee jerk defense of incorrect actions by a very small minority, they will continue to be seen to be all out of control.

The rank and file of every police department knows who the problem officers are, but there is not a single dept in the country that has an effective mechanism for these people to be identified and either be trained or dismissed. To make it worse, often these overly aggressive officers are promoted based on their high profile and someone that knows there is a problem is faced with a direct superior that shares that attitude.

The "us against them" attitude is just as prevalent in police department culture as the lower socioeconomic class population they are tasked with policing.


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If you watched and/or listened to President Obama's speech you will see that the majority of the people in the room clapped almost all the time. There were a few lines that they did not agree with or did not understand. His speech was brilliant and he said the things that need to be said. I believe there is plenty of racism still in the US. I do not believe all police are racists but I do believe their training is poor and misdirected. They believe since Black people commit a larger percentage of crimes that gives them the right to profile them and use maximum lethal force. As I said before- they could shoot the alleged perpetrator in the leg to stop him; they could use restraint and see how the incident will play out; they could move away from the scene and come back later or another day. They shoot people because they 'think' they are a threat- they 'think' that a person is reaching for a weapon when they are reaching for their ID; they do not know how to deal with the mentally ill- There are too many incidents involving black people that are questionable and show that the police operate on the basis that every black they interact with is a potential threat to them. We need the police but we need to police to be professional with everyone, every time.

I am getting the impression that you believe the police could bat 1000 if they were simply more careful and patient. Of course, that patience also raises the batting average of the criminal. It is a horrible job for which we should be very glad we have those willing to do it.

An aside on this particular shooting that did not get much coverage is that the black Dallas Chief of Police had a 27 yo son who killed a police officer and one other during a domestic dispute in 2010. His son was then shot by other police officers at the scene. The same Dallas police chief had his brother shot and killed during a drug transaction.

This problem has so many causes and affects they are hard to count. We will soon see this situation at is worst during the Republican convention in Cleveland next week, I have gotten the impression that Cleveland is not prepared for what could be the greatest stain on all of American History.

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As others have quoted, 98% of the time in 98% of the cases, the police react in their interactions with the public correctly. The problem is that small percentage that don't and what makes it worse is the police culture that makes it impossible for the "bad" police to be called out by their peers.

Until the police are willing to police themselves and stop the knee jerk defense of incorrect actions by a very small minority, they will continue to be seen to be all out of control.

The rank and file of every police department knows who the problem officers are, but there is not a single dept in the country that has an effective mechanism for these people to be identified and either be trained or dismissed. To make it worse, often these overly aggressive officers are promoted based on their high profile and someone that knows there is a problem is faced with a direct superior that shares that attitude.

The "us against them" attitude is just as prevalent in police department culture as the lower socioeconomic class population they are tasked with policing.


Indeed, there is a small minority of police who are the worst violators of the public order, of public safety and of law enforcement. If the police themselves fail to self-correct then they fail all of us too.

During the past seven years Department of Justice has investigated and identified 31 local police departments in the USA that it has found in violation of the Constitutional rights of the citizens the departments police. Thirty-one entire police departments, corrupt and racist from top to bottom.

We recall that Ferguson, Missouri is one of 'em, as is Cleveland and so is New Orleans.

Fifteen of the cases in which FBI took supervision of the local corrupt and racist police department were settled by a Consent Decree issued by the US District Court where DoJ filed its suit of racial discrimination. Sixteen instances of DoJ negotiating with local PDs in violation of the Constitution remain pending under the applicable jurisdiction of a US District Court.

So the record also shows some local police departments are rotten to the core.

When the local/county government can't take care of it, or if the state is not competent in dealing with corrupt racist local police departments, the feds have the legal and Constitutional authority to move in and it is the DoJ that enforces the particular laws in a US District Court.

Rogue police departments are also a problem of police individually and also collectively in respect of the police officer unions such as the largest one, the Fraternal Order of Police (maybe it needs some maternal order too).

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This problem has so many causes and affects they are hard to count. We will soon see this situation at is worst during the Republican convention in Cleveland next week, I have gotten the impression that Cleveland is not prepared for what could be the greatest stain on all of American History.

Well, the whole world will be watching.

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While I certainly do not condone the deaths of the police- there is a huge issue that must be addressed. the police, in general, seem to have a policy to shoot when in doubt and unfortunately it is exacted on the African American community more often than not.

There may well be a good reason for that.

Though, you're not on the street every day having to deal with badass hoodlums so you couldn't possibly know.

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If you watched and/or listened to President Obama's speech you will see that the majority of the people in the room clapped almost all the time. There were a few lines that they did not agree with or did not understand. His speech was brilliant and he said the things that need to be said. I believe there is plenty of racism still in the US. I do not believe all police are racists but I do believe their training is poor and misdirected. They believe since Black people commit a larger percentage of crimes that gives them the right to profile them and use maximum lethal force. As I said before- they could shoot the alleged perpetrator in the leg to stop him; they could use restraint and see how the incident will play out; they could move away from the scene and come back later or another day. They shoot people because they 'think' they are a threat- they 'think' that a person is reaching for a weapon when they are reaching for their ID; they do not know how to deal with the mentally ill- There are too many incidents involving black people that are questionable and show that the police operate on the basis that every black they interact with is a potential threat to them. We need the police but we need to police to be professional with everyone, every time.

could shoot the alleged perpetrator in the leg to stop him


Have you ever shot a moving target? I very much doubt it to make such a statement.

The police are trained to shoot to bring the assailant down as quickly as possible, and that is by hitting the abdomen. Forget trying to hit small targets like legs, arms or head- it's not going to happen. All those dead eye Dicks in the movies are fictions.

What is needed is to provide all police with tasers, and make them use them unless exceptional circumstances warrent.

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Not just law enforcement folks who are sick and tired of these Race-Baiters who want another Race War. Always happens when the Democratic Party appears down in the polls before a national election, eh? whistling.gif

Obama, Sharpton, Holder and Farrakhan Sued for Aiding and Abetting Race Attacks and Murder

"Former federal prosecutor and founder of Freedom Watch, Larry Klayman, filed a lawsuit on Saturday against President Obama, the founders of Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and former US Attorney General Eric Holder on Saturday for inciting a race war that led to the fatal Dallas police shootings"


You have a kind of reverse brilliance for choosing the worst possible sources to support your claims. Larry Klayman is a certifiable loon and racist.

Here's just one example:

In October 2014, Klayman sued the Obama administration, claiming that it secretly allowed the Ebola virus to enter the United States so it could be used against Americans of the "Caucasian race and Jewish-Christian religion".[68]


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And then there's the testimony of the anti-white agitator, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina:

The GOP rising star (who's held his seat since 2013 and served in the U.S. House and state and local politics before that) also shared that in a single year, he was stopped by cops seven times. "Not four, not five, not six, but seven times—in one year, as an elected official," he said.

Scott pointed out that the experience of feeling targeted "for nothing more than being just yourself" is widespread: "I do not know many African-American men who do not have a very similar story to tell, no matter their profession, no matter their income, no matter their disposition in life."


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