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Disgusting Vegan behaviour in Chiang Mai


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Made famous by the crazy foul mouthed Durianrider and his banana eating girlfriend, Chiang Mai is definitely (and unfortunately) on the map for Vegans. Making their you tube videos (they all do it) trying to convert everyone, and by following their cult like leaders, they have their own 'festival', they only eat sorta real food after 4 pm, they cycle up Doi Sutteph, and they apparently do this in public:

I'm genuinely shocked!

Who knows what the locals must think when they're confronted with that in PUBLIC!

I've watched a couple of other vegan videos where the vlogger wants more political activism from the vegans in Chiang Mai, to get involved with various issues, to protest and bring awareness to the local people. (Meat production and animal rights). I'm just speechless that these lunatics are all here spouting their mad cap ideas on you tube.

Seriously Vegans, behave, or go home!

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Does your rant have a point, or did you just want to post a tit video?

It's called "getting offended on other people's behalf". I discovered that more often than not, if you are getting angry on someone else's behalf, the people you are getting angry for, aren't offended anyway, so what is the point? If some Thais don't like it, let them get angry or speak out. I didn't see anyone getting angry, did you? Maybe they just thought it was odd, who knows? The woman on the video did say that she tries not to expose her other breast, so she is trying to be considerate in some way.

Personally, I'm not offended, or enraged, it is after all a natural thing and not sexual in any way, but if the poster is , I'm intrigued to know why. The posting says more about the op than the woman in the video.

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Hill tribe moms do it all over town, mai pen rai. ... but a 4 yo? whatever. I have a couple friends with restos, one has a pizza place, they love the vegans, huge appetites, pizza, no cheese, profits soar, cheese is the most expensive part of a pizza. The youtube thing is , they make money from their vids to support their fruit eating, then they get in dramas and fights to fan interest and get clicks to make more money to buy more fruit and bikes. Now that mango season is over, they will move on.

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I didn't think Vegans were allowed dairy?

No they are not,even honey is off the menu,anything that comes from an animal,

its Vegetarianism you are thinking off.it takes a LOT of will power to live a Vegan

lifestyle,I could not do it,my daughter is a Vegan and I am very proud of her.

regards Worgeordie

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There was a nice quote by Stephen Fry a few years back

“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so f*****ing what."


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For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

Rumoured to have split up recently.

Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

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Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

Children tend to not grow well if given a vegan diet.

The kid would probably be dead if it didn't get regular mummy milk.

Edited by MissAndry
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i just sit across the street from them and eat KFC next to my caged tiger. if someone is vegan, they will tell you in the first 1.5 seconds. i don't have guilt.

none of them here are activists

i like veggies and fruit, but not in a cultish way

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For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

Rumoured to have split up recently.

Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

He's a nutter, that's for sure, and if you think that a lot of his behaviour is to attract attention in order to make more money, you've just supported his cause. I very much doubt that most Thais aren't smart enough to know a nutter when they see one, to recognise this guy as a perfect example of that, and to not assume he represents "all farangs". You should give Thais more credit. Farangs have been coming to Chiang Mai in sufficient numbers for long enough for them to have figured out that we are as mixed a bunch of individuals as any race, including themselves - they have nutters too. For you to assume that they aren't smart enough to distinguish the wheat from the chaff could be seen as an insult to them.

As regards to your other comment about her breasts, as I said, it says more about you than her. She repeatedly told the child to stop exposing her other breast and even stopped the video in order to deal with that problem. You also seem to have an obsession about the fact that the child is four, which although it seems odd to me, is not shocking or in anyway offensive. What is your problem with that, I wonder? A quick google produces this ....

The World Health Organization officially recommends mothers breastfeed until three years of age. (Yes, you did read that right!) Even the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends mothers should breastfeed "at least until one year of age and then as long as baby and mother mutually want to."

I'd be more concerned about you than the nutter in the video - at least we know where he is coming from.

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He's a nutter, that's for sure, and if you think that a lot of his behaviour is to attract attention in order to make more money, you've just supported his cause. I very much doubt that most Thais aren't smart enough to know a nutter when they see one, to recognise this guy as a perfect example of that, and to not assume he represents "all farangs". You should give Thais more credit.

Actually, the Thais also have their very own Doi Suthep nutter. A very skinny Thai girl who runs up and down the road to Doi Suthep singing to herself (loudly) and wearing a very small fluorescent bikini top. At the top she starts exercising, pelvic thrusts, splits and other totally abnormal behaviour. Everyone just ignores her.

Sometimes she cycles.

Edited by MissAndry
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For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

Rumoured to have split up recently.

Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

Joe Rogan's reply

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For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

Rumoured to have split up recently.

Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

He's a nutter, that's for sure, and if you think that a lot of his behaviour is to attract attention in order to make more money, you've just supported his cause. I very much doubt that most Thais aren't smart enough to know a nutter when they see one, to recognise this guy as a perfect example of that, and to not assume he represents "all farangs". You should give Thais more credit. Farangs have been coming to Chiang Mai in sufficient numbers for long enough for them to have figured out that we are as mixed a bunch of individuals as any race, including themselves - they have nutters too. For you to assume that they aren't smart enough to distinguish the wheat from the chaff could be seen as an insult to them.

As regards to your other comment about her breasts, as I said, it says more about you than her. She repeatedly told the child to stop exposing her other breast and even stopped the video in order to deal with that problem. You also seem to have an obsession about the fact that the child is four, which although it seems odd to me, is not shocking or in anyway offensive. What is your problem with that, I wonder? A quick google produces this ....

The World Health Organization officially recommends mothers breastfeed until three years of age. (Yes, you did read that right!) Even the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends mothers should breastfeed "at least until one year of age and then as long as baby and mother mutually want to."

I'd be more concerned about you than the nutter in the video - at least we know where he is coming from.

Absolutely. My daughter was in her 4th year when she stopped breastfeeding. It reduces the risk of breast cancer in the mother and is good for the child's development. She didn't do it in public parks but I would not have been bothered if she did. I couldn't care less what other people think, my partner's and daughter's health matter far more than the ill-informed opinions of people who can't deal with nature. if the sight of a woman breastfeeding her child bothers you, I would suggest it's you that has a problem. (Not you as in Chiengmaijoe, that's a 'general you')

Edited by Mark123456
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Back in my day there was no political correctness. A homemaker was a housewife, a refuse technician was a dustman, a native American was a red Indian and being gay meant light hearted and carefree.

Then over the years certain aspects of society pushed issues to make what was unacceptable in the past to become acceptable today and other things that were acceptable in the past to be unacceptable today. The same thing is happening with women breastfeeding in public areas. In the past public breastfeeding was borderline acceptable but wasn`t truly tolerated. Now today this issue is being pressed to the point that sooner or later women will win the right to breastfeed in public and there will be laws created for support and making it illegal to discriminate against them. Which means if customers eating in a restaurant sees a women taking out a gross looking large lump of fatty breast and starts breastfeeding a baby, a sight to put anyone off a meal, there will be sod all they can do about it.

It`s going to happen, only a matter of time, mark my words.

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Do we really live in a world where expats in Thailand of all places are offended by breast feeding?

Time to step back and reevaluate yourself.

Yeah.. it's a peculiar dislike of 'any group different from myself'.

It can just as easily be directed against backpackers, sex tourists/sexpats, missionaries, English teachers, 'nomads'... it goes on.

Some people just need to chill and/or mind their own business.

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Back in my day there was no political correctness. A homemaker was a housewife, a refuse technician was a dustman, a native American was a red Indian and being gay meant light hearted and carefree.

Then over the years certain aspects of society pushed issues to make what was unacceptable in the past to become acceptable today and other things that were acceptable in the past to be unacceptable today. The same thing is happening with women breastfeeding in public areas. In the past public breastfeeding was borderline acceptable but wasn`t truly tolerated. Now today this issue is being pressed to the point that sooner or later women will win the right to breastfeed in public and there will be laws created for support and making it illegal to discriminate against them. Which means if customers eating in a restaurant sees a women taking out a gross looking large lump of fatty breast and starts breastfeeding a baby, a sight to put anyone off a meal, there will be sod all they can do about it.

It`s going to happen, only a matter of time, mark my words.

giggle.gif And if the baby didn't get the bewb, and started wailing and screaming you could complain about that too. ... you got issues dude.

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For those of you that don't know Feelee and Durian Rider .............

Rumoured to have split up recently.

Actually this is a fairer representation of Durianrider:

And yes this lunatic and all his hangers on are in Chiang Mai goading everyone to get politically active on the locals. To teach them the errors of their eating habits and running amok.

I loved the video where he's in TOPS and he punches out the display, just to impress his you tube audience, much to the shock of a couple of Thai onlookers.

If these people can't behave they should and no doubt we'll give all farangs a bad name. You've seen the videos of Chinese tourists behaving badly, right? These things go viral. That's what they want. You tube ratings = pocket money for them to subsist on.

Getting your breasts out and feeding your FOUR YEAR OLD child in a park in Chiang Mai to impress your you tube audience is not OK.

He's a nutter, that's for sure, and if you think that a lot of his behaviour is to attract attention in order to make more money, you've just supported his cause. I very much doubt that most Thais aren't smart enough to know a nutter when they see one, to recognise this guy as a perfect example of that, and to not assume he represents "all farangs". You should give Thais more credit. Farangs have been coming to Chiang Mai in sufficient numbers for long enough for them to have figured out that we are as mixed a bunch of individuals as any race, including themselves - they have nutters too. For you to assume that they aren't smart enough to distinguish the wheat from the chaff could be seen as an insult to them.

As regards to your other comment about her breasts, as I said, it says more about you than her. She repeatedly told the child to stop exposing her other breast and even stopped the video in order to deal with that problem. You also seem to have an obsession about the fact that the child is four, which although it seems odd to me, is not shocking or in anyway offensive. What is your problem with that, I wonder? A quick google produces this ....

The World Health Organization officially recommends mothers breastfeed until three years of age. (Yes, you did read that right!) Even the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends mothers should breastfeed "at least until one year of age and then as long as baby and mother mutually want to."

I'd be more concerned about you than the nutter in the video - at least we know where he is coming from.

Absolutely. My daughter was in her 4th year when she stopped breastfeeding. It reduces the risk of breast cancer in the mother and is good for the child's development. She didn't do it in public parks but I would not have been bothered if she did. I couldn't care less what other people think, my partner's and daughter's health matter far more than the ill-informed opinions of people who can't deal with nature. if the sight of a woman breastfeeding her child bothers you, I would suggest it's you that has a problem. (Not you as in Chiengmaijoe, that's a 'general you')

Picking my nose, farting and having a crap and a pee is natural and so is having sex, but I don`t do any of these in public.

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Picking my nose, farting and having a crap and a pee is natural and so is having sex, but I don`t do any of these in public.

As I said, I couldn't care less what other people think, especially those who appear to be a few sandwiches short of a picnic. If you honestly think that crapping and breastfeeding in public are comparable, you need help.

Edited by Mark123456
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Picking my nose, farting and having a crap and a pee is natural and so is having sex, but I don`t do any of these in public.

As I said, I couldn't care less what other people think, especially those who appear to be a few sandwiches short of a picnic. If you honestly think that crapping and breastfeeding in public are comparable, you need help.

One eventually leads to the other.

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