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Disgusting Vegan behaviour in Chiang Mai


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my daughter weaned herself when she was a couple of months shy of 4

Ahhh. Well, that explains your strident position (and defensive tone) that is, quite frankly, so far outside the norm.

Anyway, the data in this graph is six years old and only focuses on the US, but it is quite illustrative of how bizarre the woman in OP is.


And here are a few additional facts from other countries:

Only 15% of Australian women breastfeed after 1 year.


Only 18% of Canadian women breastfeed after 9 months.


It would be interesting to see some of the data coming out of Europe.

Anyway, people like the woman in the OP should be more cautious about how they choose to raise their children. This sort of bizarre behavior can lead to consequences that can last a lifetime.

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my daughter weaned herself when she was a couple of months shy of 4

Ahhh. Well, that explains your strident position (and defensive tone) that is, quite frankly, so far outside the norm.

Anyway, the data in this graph is six years old and only focuses on the US, but it is quite illustrative of how bizarre the woman in OP is.


And here are a few additional facts from other countries:

Only 15% of Australian women breastfeed after 1 year.


Only 18% of Canadian women breastfeed after 9 months.


It would be interesting to see some of the data coming out of Europe.

Anyway, people like the woman in the OP should be more cautious about how they choose to raise their children. This sort of bizarre behavior can lead to consequences that can last a lifetime.

Ahhh. Well, that explains your strident position (and defensive tone) that is, quite frankly, so far outside the norm.

You are spot on IMO...And I think that most rational thinking people know this is indeed far outside the norm and don't even need all the info you have posted to prove so.

The guy obviously "marches to the sound of his own drum."..ie To do things in one's own way regardless of societal norms and conventional expectations.

Edited by garryjohns
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Does your rant have a point, or did you just want to post a tit video?

It's called "getting offended on other people's behalf". I discovered that more often than not, if you are getting angry on someone else's behalf, the people you are getting angry for, aren't offended anyway, so what is the point? If some Thais don't like it, let them get angry or speak out. I didn't see anyone getting angry, did you? Maybe they just thought it was odd, who knows? The woman on the video did say that she tries not to expose her other breast, so she is trying to be considerate in some way.

Personally, I'm not offended, or enraged, it is after all a natural thing and not sexual in any way, but if the poster is , I'm intrigued to know why. The posting says more about the op than the woman in the video.

I have never bought into the "Its a natural thing" quote.

Pissing is a natural thing (i.e. A natural bodily function) as well but we don't consider it acceptable to do everywhere simply cause its natural.

The choices made by these nursing mothers to "go public" is often made simply because they are hormonal women. If any of you guys here are fathers then you have no doubt found those times between the 2nd trimester and when the child quits breast feeding can be very difficult to be near your female mate.

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my daughter weaned herself when she was a couple of months shy of 4

Ahhh. Well, that explains your strident position (and defensive tone) that is, quite frankly, so far outside the norm.

Anyway, the data in this graph is six years old and only focuses on the US, but it is quite illustrative of how bizarre the woman in OP is.


And here are a few additional facts from other countries:

Only 15% of Australian women breastfeed after 1 year.


Only 18% of Canadian women breastfeed after 9 months.


It would be interesting to see some of the data coming out of Europe.

Anyway, people like the woman in the OP should be more cautious about how they choose to raise their children. This sort of bizarre behavior can lead to consequences that can last a lifetime.

Thanks very much and kudoos to you for the use of bar charts and especially full color.

These visual aids really help to support a writer's position and I, for one, would like to see it become more the norm here on TV.

Thumbs Up!

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my daughter weaned herself when she was a couple of months shy of 4

Ahhh. Well, that explains your strident position (and defensive tone) that is, quite frankly, so far outside the norm.

Anyway, the data in this graph is six years old and only focuses on the US, but it is quite illustrative of how bizarre the woman in OP is.


And here are a few additional facts from other countries:

Only 15% of Australian women breastfeed after 1 year.


Only 18% of Canadian women breastfeed after 9 months.


It would be interesting to see some of the data coming out of Europe.

Anyway, people like the woman in the OP should be more cautious about how they choose to raise their children. This sort of bizarre behavior can lead to consequences that can last a lifetime.

You are illustrating only too clearly how one's upbringing can have effects that last a lifetime.

My position is based on medical opinion and personal experience. Yours is based on an inability to deal with the sight of older children breastfeeding, which I would suggest is a mental issue you might feel more comfortable speaking to a psychologist about, in a safe space, rather than with strangers on a public Internet forum.

You now seem to be conflating the meanings of the words uncommon and bizarre: because so few American women breastfeed until 18 months, it must be 'bizarre' to do so? You are also conveniently ignoring the fact that according to the chart you posted, the number that did so increased by around 50% over the 8 years covered by the chart. You might also like to check WHO recommendations, which suggest breastfeeding unitl AT LEAST the age of 2. If you don't like the WHO for some reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics has previously stated that allowing the child to wean his or herself is beneficial and in no way harmful.

Are you seriously suggesting that both these organisations are condoning 'bizarre' behaviour or is it perhaps more likely that it's your sensibilities that are out of kilter? I would suggest that, instead of trying to defend an untenable position, you look at the underlying reasons for your discomfort regarding this matter.

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Of course your attitude is bizarre, because it is based on what you were brought up to believe and the people you have chosen to associate with since reaching adulthood, rather than any facts.

When does it become unnatural? From my personal experience, my daughter weaned herself when she was a couple of months shy of 4 so that is as far as my experience stretches. Unlike yourself, I'm not comfortable passing judgement on matters of which I have no knowledge so I can't really comment on what it is like after that age.

As you seem to have no idea what you are talking about, I should point out that a child breastfeeding in it's 4th year, i.e. up to the age of 4, is obviously not existing solely on breast milk, nor breastfeeding that often. I cannot imagine an instance where a child would continue to want to breastfeed until the age of 10 or 15 so I didn't bother answering your question (I'm not obliged to answer every ridiculous question I might be posed on ThaiVisa by the way).

As a foreign male in Thailand, I'm willing to bet your behaviour is far more bizarre than the breastfeeding mothers who you think you are fit to judge. How's that for a blinkered point of view - remind you of anyone?

Mark has brought up a very good point, there is a short period of time during male adolescents when he wants to quit breastfeeding--there is some variation by region and religion but its usually about age 4 through age 15-16.

At all ages outside of that "dry" decade, the human male most often just can't get enough of those mammaries.

Mark, care to opine?

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Simply said, why private things shouldnt be done in public, such as breastfeeding ...

One persons own freedom ends where anothers begins... Thats called RESPECT. Thats the difference between PUBLIC and PRIVACY.

Another thing would be , to cover up your boobs , for the benefit of a little privacy , of all people involved.

Is that really to much to expect from a mother ?????? The whole issue would be resolved in an instance ...

One would assume if not doing so , the mentioned woman likes to draw some attention .

A part of that, its not a vegan based "problem".

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Worgeordie, I appreciate your feedback sir, but each to their own. I do find this to be highly offensive, as would all the members of our Church. I will be photo documenting it if I have the opportunity and reporting it to the Royal Thai Police.

What do your scriptures say about breastfeeding? Did Jesus or his disciples discuss it? Better still, did God Almighty himself have anything to say? Are you on a mission from God? Lots of questions, I know, but it is an importantant topic.

I don't think Mr Doofus is being serious.

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I must be the odd one out. I have never seen anyone breast feeding in Thailand or if I have I cant remember because it didn't cause me to freak out. The nearest thing was topless old grannies in villages in Isaan who sit on their door steps chopping veg for a meal.

How many people commenting on this thread have seen public breast feeding in Chiang Mai and not just on YouTube?

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I see it often in the hill tribe villages, but only a few times within the City itself. As you say, I may have seen it more often but just didn't really notice it as my wife breastfed my son, and so did all of her friends at that time. It's just not something to write home about.

The problem arises with the fact that women's breasts serve two very opposite functions, and many people are unable to separate the two. These same people often have difficulty coming to terms with the fact that their own mothers had sex, preferring instead to imagine that some sort of immaculate conception took place.

Somewhat similar to what a lot of women go through, in reverse.... We hear it often enough; "Why do men stare at my breasts? They are for feeding babies!" Fact is, in Humans, breasts are ALSO for attracting a mate, which is why they don't suddenly pop out the way a dog, cat, or cow's do when pregnant. They are out there for all to see all the time... for a reason. Once again, the two very opposite functions, and difficult for some people to deal with.

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I've seen breastfeeding in public.

Often I don't notice what's going on but realize when I get a scornful look from a woman for not looking away when actually I wasn't looking at all.

Last week this happened in Festival Mall, Asian woman I think, but if one pulls it out, just as if I did, people are going to look, if not just to be sure what they think they saw, as it's not the norm so many of us (like the one's who don't live in a nudist colony) are not use to seeing it.

If your brave enough to let em' fly you should be brave enough to not to be bothered by people staring (and a little drooling - you know Pavlov dogs and all that :) )

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Bloody Vegans.

Invited a couple of Vegans to dine at my house.

In deference to their beliefs, I took the time and trouble to cook only Vegan food, even though I'm an omnivore (as nature intended).

They were very happy with the food and a good time was had by all.

Three months later and I'm invited by the Vegan couple to their place for a meal.

Where was the deference to my beliefs? Where was my fat, juicy steak?

Bloody Vegans.......no manners, the lot of them.

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I've seen breastfeeding in public.

Often I don't notice what's going on but realize when I get a scornful look from a woman for not looking away when actually I wasn't looking at all.

Last week this happened in Festival Mall, Asian woman I think, but if one pulls it out, just as if I did, people are going to look, if not just to be sure what they think they saw, as it's not the norm so many of us (like the one's who don't live in a nudist colony) are not use to seeing it.

If your brave enough to let em' fly you should be brave enough to not to be bothered by people staring (and a little drooling - you know Pavlov dogs and all that smile.png )

I remember a few years ago in KLIA, a moderate but still a Muslim Country. An Asian girl was breast feeding her baby, not discreetly, and I did stare as it's certainly not something I see often and was taken aback a bit. She looked at me and shouted "Why are you looking, it's natural" My reply was "So is having a sh1t but would you do THAT in public"

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This reminds me of the Doi Suthep vegan cyclist. It's screaming, "LOOK AT ME".

We all know that women have t**s, and they have a purpose (no guys, the primary purpose is not for you to play with!!).

We all know that women breastfeed, and that when a baby is hungry, it needs food NOW.

I just see no reason for flopping them out in public and making a show of it. Discretion is required, and nobody is ever offended, even if they catch a glimpse of the nipple/s. Make a show of it, and people will think you're a .....vegan?

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I feel the same way about prostitution. I know that many Western men use the services of local prostitutes and it's quite natural, but I see no reason to drag them around in public the morning after or, even worse, to marry them and expect the rest of us to pretend we haven't noticed your wife looks like a cheap hooker. A fat old man walking hand-in-hand with a girl who looks like she belongs on a farm is a far more disgusting sight to me than a breastfeeding woman. Having said that. my partner never made a show of it and, as far as I can recall, seldom breastfed in public unless it was unavoidable.

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I feel the same way about prostitution. I know that many Western men use the services of local prostitutes and it's quite natural, but I see no reason to drag them around in public the morning after or, even worse, to marry them and expect the rest of us to pretend we haven't noticed your wife looks like a cheap hooker. A fat old man walking hand-in-hand with a girl who looks like she belongs on a farm is a far more disgusting sight to me than a breastfeeding woman. Having said that. my partner never made a show of it and, as far as I can recall, seldom breastfed in public unless it was unavoidable.

Love comes in ALL shapes and sizes buddy.

But unless you are comfortable having strangers peek into your bedroom practices then you should really avoid peeking into theirs.

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I feel the same way about prostitution. I know that many Western men use the services of local prostitutes and it's quite natural, but I see no reason to drag them around in public the morning after or, even worse, to marry them and expect the rest of us to pretend we haven't noticed your wife looks like a cheap hooker. A fat old man walking hand-in-hand with a girl who looks like she belongs on a farm is a far more disgusting sight to me than a breastfeeding woman. Having said that. my partner never made a show of it and, as far as I can recall, seldom breastfed in public unless it was unavoidable.

So much self revalation packed into one paragraph.

You see no reason to "drag them around in public the morning after" just because you see her as an object deserving no respect or a good breakfast does not mean these guys shouldn't. Perhaps he likes her personality and desires some companionship and a tour guide for the day.

Seeing a couple that does not fit your approval is "a for more disgusting sight to me than a breastfrrding woman" "a fat old man" "a girl who looks like she belongs on a farm" seriously you really have these putrid thoughts running around in your brain?

.... then to make your superior position clear, rolleyes.gif "my partner never made a show of it" (?) facepalm.gif

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I feel the same way about prostitution. I know that many Western men use the services of local prostitutes and it's quite natural, but I see no reason to drag them around in public the morning after or, even worse, to marry them and expect the rest of us to pretend we haven't noticed your wife looks like a cheap hooker. A fat old man walking hand-in-hand with a girl who looks like she belongs on a farm is a far more disgusting sight to me than a breastfeeding woman. Having said that. my partner never made a show of it and, as far as I can recall, seldom breastfed in public unless it was unavoidable.

You have been deservedly lambasted by other posters for your above post.

Nothing to add except to say you are a sad, sad person who actually believes you're "better" than others. There's a word for that. SNOB.

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I've seen breastfeeding in public.

Often I don't notice what's going on but realize when I get a scornful look from a woman for not looking away when actually I wasn't looking at all.

Last week this happened in Festival Mall, Asian woman I think, but if one pulls it out, just as if I did, people are going to look, if not just to be sure what they think they saw, as it's not the norm so many of us (like the one's who don't live in a nudist colony) are not use to seeing it.

If your brave enough to let em' fly you should be brave enough to not to be bothered by people staring (and a little drooling - you know Pavlov dogs and all that smile.png )

I remember a few years ago in KLIA, a moderate but still a Muslim Country. An Asian girl was breast feeding her baby, not discreetly, and I did stare as it's certainly not something I see often and was taken aback a bit. She looked at me and shouted "Why are you looking, it's natural" My reply was "So is having a sh1t but would you do THAT in public"

You might have just told her "so is looking".

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I've seen breastfeeding in public.

Often I don't notice what's going on but realize when I get a scornful look from a woman for not looking away when actually I wasn't looking at all.

Last week this happened in Festival Mall, Asian woman I think, but if one pulls it out, just as if I did, people are going to look, if not just to be sure what they think they saw, as it's not the norm so many of us (like the one's who don't live in a nudist colony) are not use to seeing it.

If your brave enough to let em' fly you should be brave enough to not to be bothered by people staring (and a little drooling - you know Pavlov dogs and all that smile.png )

I remember a few years ago in KLIA, a moderate but still a Muslim Country. An Asian girl was breast feeding her baby, not discreetly, and I did stare as it's certainly not something I see often and was taken aback a bit. She looked at me and shouted "Why are you looking, it's natural" My reply was "So is having a sh1t but would you do THAT in public"

You might have just told her "so is looking".

You're so right, I could have done --- but I didn't crazy.gif

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I feel the same way about prostitution. I know that many Western men use the services of local prostitutes and it's quite natural, but I see no reason to drag them around in public the morning after or, even worse, to marry them and expect the rest of us to pretend we haven't noticed your wife looks like a cheap hooker. A fat old man walking hand-in-hand with a girl who looks like she belongs on a farm is a far more disgusting sight to me than a breastfeeding woman. Having said that. my partner never made a show of it and, as far as I can recall, seldom breastfed in public unless it was unavoidable.

Aside from "I hate hamburgers", that's about the most politically incorrect thing that a person could say on ThaiVisa.

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Years ago, I remember suggesting to one of my ex wives.... that when the kid has a peanut and jelly sandwich in one hand and the other is gripped on Mom's tit ....it might be time to consider weaning. Bottom line.....who either has the juice and who needs the relationship more, gets to decide.

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