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Disgusting Vegan behaviour in Chiang Mai


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@SoiBiker and @Mark123456 I appreciate that we have a differing of opinion, but breast feeding in public in view of other is both disgusting and immoral. Our Church in Chiang Mai has very strong views on this, and if we saw this in public we would take great offence and if need be report to the Royal Thai Police

I hope it's one of those sects where you're all planning to commit suicide together.
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@SoiBiker and @Mark123456 I appreciate that we have a differing of opinion, but breast feeding in public in view of other is both disgusting and immoral. Our Church in Chiang Mai has very strong views on this, and if we saw this in public we would take great offence and if need be report to the Royal Thai Police

Your church has no business telling anyone in Thailand what to do. Stop trying to spread that poisonous, outdated, intolerant claptrap where it doesn't belong.

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@SoiBiker and @Mark123456 I appreciate that we have a differing of opinion, but breast feeding in public in view of other is both disgusting and immoral. Our Church in Chiang Mai has very strong views on this, and if we saw this in public we would take great offence and if need be report to the Royal Thai Police

Well stay in your church and leave NORMAL people alone!

Please let me know when you report this, for you and your church, big offence to the police. I like to be there, just to get a big laugh.

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To the op, why should I care? I don't know, but I find your post offensive.

I'd far rather shake my head and give a wry chuckle at someone like durian rider(freelee gets an entirely different reaction) than listen to the indignant tripe that you spout here.

Get over yourself and your petty axe to grind.

You are the moral arbiter of absolutely nothing.

Edited by HooHaa
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Worgeordie, I appreciate your feedback sir, but each to their own. I do find this to be highly offensive, as would all the members of our Church. I will be photo documenting it if I have the opportunity and reporting it to the Royal Thai Police.

What do your scriptures say about breastfeeding? Did Jesus or his disciples discuss it? Better still, did God Almighty himself have anything to say? Are you on a mission from God? Lots of questions, I know, but it is an importantant topic.

I am not an a mission from God at all. We believe that breast feeding is a something that should be done in private and behind closed doors. To expose a woman's bosom in public goes against our teachings and normality. This lady doing what she does in public is being disrespectful to God and the teachings of our church, and we will see that she is held accountable.

Give me a vegan over your church anyway you sanctimonious prig,

Your church has no say here. Nor should it.


Hmm,seems I have fallen prey to excellent Christian satire. If that is the case, Well done sir.

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@SoiBiker, No of course I am not, but a feeding mother is not unlike someone who needs to urinate. A bathroom is never far away, or would you suggest someone who needs to urinate just do in public.

What kind of religion encourages people to persecute hungry babies and breastfeeding mothers? I take it it's not a judeo-christian based faith? If it is, could you quote the scripture on which you base your beliefs? Then again, I know that according to the New Testament, it is shameful for women to speak in church so I guess anything is possible.

In fact the Bible says the opposite. From Proverbs 5:19 "As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; Be exhilarated always with her love."

You do know that he's pulling your leg, right?

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I am not an a mission from God at all. We believe that breast feeding is a something that should be done in private and behind closed doors. To expose a woman's bosom in public goes against our teachings and normality. This lady doing what she does in public is being disrespectful to God and the teachings of our church, and we will see that she is held accountable.

God doesn't exist, he's a figure of your imagination.

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@SoiBiker and @Mark123456 I appreciate that we have a differing of opinion, but breast feeding in public in view of other is both disgusting and immoral. Our Church in Chiang Mai has very strong views on this, and if we saw this in public we would take great offence and if need be report to the Royal Thai Police

Ricky... I'm not Christian, and obviously you are a very devoted one, so I'd like to ask your advice on a few matters that have been upsetting me lately....

1. Do you get your hair trimmed, including the hair around your temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone you? (Lev. 24:10-16) Couldn't we just burn you to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

3. Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Burmese, but not Malaysians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Malaysians?

4. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.

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@SoiBiker and @Mark123456 I appreciate that we have a differing of opinion, but breast feeding in public in view of other is both disgusting and immoral. Our Church in Chiang Mai has very strong views on this, and if we saw this in public we would take great offence and if need be report to the Royal Thai Police

You don`t have to see disgusting and immoral (well at least according to you) behavior. Just stay inside your church, lock te doors and pull the curtains down and never ever leave the building. I am sure you will be saved that way and the ones who don`t believe in an imaginary friend will be spared your drivel. Of you go, and have a pleasant stay in the middle ages.

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Ricky the dufuss is obviously taking the piss, well done, he caught a few.gigglem.gif

Indeed, I don't usually fall for satire, but religion is my blind spot and he managed to sound remarkably genuine.

Quite brilliant really.

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Intolerant bullshit should be challenged, no matter the source.

There is a video on the Bangkok Post website of Vegan bikers driving on the wrong side of the road, on the road to Doi Suthep. Some of them coming very close to being taken out. As most people know BKK post doesn't allow TVisa to post links, but it ain't hard to find. Sam The Vegan is his name, I could think of a better one, but once again ... forum rules apply.

Sorry guys... no tits in the video. Except his.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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These vegan bikers are just jerks from what I see in that video. And DurianRider spits out a big loogey by the base of the temples steps. Flying by plane to Thailand kills more animals and nature than eating meat for a lifetime. Hypocrisy riders.

Here's someone's commentary clip from youtube on the law-breaking vegans on Doi Suthep. It includes original footage of the trip and the way the rider endangered the locals.

Edited by Alive
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I watched the video and it seems to me that this woman is primarily interested in receiving attention. It would have been very easy for her to wear a scarf or shawl to cover herself.

Also, it's just weird for a 4 year old to still be breastfeeding.

It's not weird in the slightest - it's completely natural. If you have a hang up with it due to your upbringing, that's a different matter.

Edited by Mark123456
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God doesn't exist, he's a figure of your imagination.

God You doesn't exist, he's you're a figure of your g-o-d's imagination.

I think this scans a little better.


Nicely put but please please please, capital G in God. I am having flashbacks to my Jesuit education.

To digress the other unforgivable was "happy xmas". Always corrected by the good Brother Tim as, "What right do you have to substitute the name of our blessed Lord for that of the unknown quantity"?"

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You should warn people that the video you linked to contains gratuitous swearing (by somebody who seems just as detestable as the person he is commenting on).

The commentor is another vegan.That's kind of funny. I'd put a note but can't edit now.

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You should warn people that the video you linked to contains gratuitous swearing (by somebody who seems just as detestable as the person he is commenting on).

The commentor is another vegan.That's kind of funny. I'd put a note but can't edit now.

I'm no prude but I think the c word comes up in the first few seconds, followed by plenty more. They certainly seem to have unresolved anger issues; I think I will continue to eat meat if that's what being vegan does to you.

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It's totally against all Thai culture this grey haired,saggy old hag flopping her jugs out like the exhibitionist she is,the sooner they deport her the better,how is it any different from the idiots exposing themselves at Angkor Wat and other religious sites around SEA?

Thai culture had all the Northern Thai women topless 100 years ago.

If you go up to CM zoo and have a look at the dozen or so female statues outside, they are all topless too.

Ahhh... the good ol' days...

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More plant based dippies:


I like this part:

Adele disguised the smell of rotting flesh with a mixture of rose petals and salt water. She said: “If babies were meant to have their umbilical cords cut at birth we’d be born with scissors. It worked beautifully and the umbilical cord eventually fell away to make a perfect belly button."

Ahhh... years of science, evolution, and progess, knocked on the head because scissors aren't natural.

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More plant based dippies:


I like this part:

Adele disguised the smell of rotting flesh with a mixture of rose petals and salt water. She said: “If babies were meant to have their umbilical cords cut at birth we’d be born with scissors. It worked beautifully and the umbilical cord eventually fell away to make a perfect belly button."

Ahhh... years of science, evolution, and progess, knocked on the head because scissors aren't natural.

we were born with teeth.

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More plant based dippies:


I like this part:

Adele disguised the smell of rotting flesh with a mixture of rose petals and salt water. She said: If babies were meant to have their umbilical cords cut at birth wed be born with scissors. It worked beautifully and the umbilical cord eventually fell away to make a perfect belly button."

Ahhh... years of science, evolution, and progess, knocked on the head because scissors aren't natural.

That reads like a Daily Mash article.

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I find it highly offensive. If I see it happen I will promptly be calling the Royal Thai Police and lodging a formal complaint. I carry my point and shoot with me at all time, and would not hesitate to take photographic evidence to present to the police.

Ricky, I feel a little bit embarrassed posting this on a public forum, but here it goes. Ever since you joined ThaiVisa, I've been reading your posts--in fact I've been following them. Kind of obsessed, to be honest. There's a certain feeling I get when reading your words, like an electric buzz pulsing through me. Maybe it's your no-nonsense phrasing, maybe it's the way you declare your offense at exposed female breasts. Your words carry a virility, a masculinity, a mixture of brotherly love and fatherly strictness that stirs me in the most unmentionable ways.

We haven't met, so I've had to make do by imagining what you look like: the muscles of your broad, dominant hands wrapped around the spine of the Holy Bible (Good News edition, right?); the flash of milky white calf peeping out above your socks and sandals; the Herculean arch of your shoulders stretching the very fibers of your bluish-grey polyester safari suit. I dream of you crawling into your nylon mosquito netting after a long day at Church, or on the road, or at the police station, wearing nothing but a sensible XXL t-shirt and tighty whities. God, Ricky, can't you see what you're doing to me?

Rick (can I call you Rick?), I know these forbidden desires present some practical problems. What will the members of the Church think? Won't they miss you when you fail to show up on Sunday mornings, or any other day of the week, as I detain you with my selfish, carnal, insatiable needs? Who will play the electric keyboard in the Church band? And I feel conflicted about the harm our love will do to Mrs. Doofus. I can picture her now, in her best flowered frock, waiting anxiously in the parking lot, holding hands with your two pasty children, their thick plastic glasses fogging up from the humidity, their white socks drooping disconsolately.

But, like you Ricky (I've dropped using Rick, because Ricky better fits your boyish derring-do), I am a man of faith--I know we can make this work. And I am determined. OK, so you haven't replied to my private messages, but that's ok. I know the internet can be tricky. I stopped by 17 Chiang Mai churches last Sunday hoping to locate you, but to no avail. Seventeen down, 44 more to go. I got some funny looks from the Koreans, and a few offers from women in bonnetts, but oh how they don't know my heart, and my singular pursuit of the Ricky of my dreams. I even swung by Richy-Rich Land on the ring road, on a lark, but the trail went colder than Uriah the Hittite's love muscle.

Well, Ricky, I suppose we could go on chatting like this all evening. But I suppose you've got things to do. Maybe chopping wood with an axe, then measuring it in cubits. And soon it will get dark, and I wouldn't want your flock to get the wrong idea about a man of the Book staying online after sunset. For my part, I'll be plotting tomorrow's search on Google Maps (Bake and Bite? The Duke's? Butter is Better? Sayuri?) Sweet dreams, my Ricky (Martin!), my Prince of Piece, my Man-nonite, my Hunkite!

Edited by Puwa
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