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Police close in on murderer of British man's Thai wife


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So how do the police know he made off with 20 baht of Gold? The lover comes in the house, murders the woman and does a runner. Did he leave a note saying, 'sorry I have run off with 20 baht of Gold'?. So who actually took the Gold? There is a lot of detail for what has gone missing when there were no witnesses and the poor husband was not back in country.

The rapist scum bag who murdered her no doubt took the gold.

What are you implying with that question?

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So how do the police know he made off with 20 baht of Gold? The lover comes in the house, murders the woman and does a runner. Did he leave a note saying, 'sorry I have run off with 20 baht of Gold'?. So who actually took the Gold? There is a lot of detail for what has gone missing when there were no witnesses and the poor husband was not back in country.

The rapist scum bag who murdered her no doubt took the gold.

What are you implying with that question?

I am asking, if nobody was there but the woman and the scumbag, how did the police make the immediate statement (which they did the other day) that a woman had been murdered and 20 baht of gold was stolen? I am not implying anything. I am asking how did they find that out? Who knew there was 20 baht of Gold in the house. How do they arrive at the fact that he took the gold.

This may come as a surprise to you but if you are in a car crash in especially a rural-ish area in Thailand, if you are trapped in the car or unconscious, people will enter the car not to help you but to take your money, watch and anything else of value they can find on you, then they will leave you trapped in the car. It happened to a mate of mine. he woke up in the 'rescue car' devoid of all money, cards, watch, gold.

So my question again for you to make it simple. Two people involved. One is dead. the other one runs. the police arrive and say 20 baht of gold is missing. Do you get it now? Where did that info come from and how could anyone have known before an investigation had even taken place.

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So how do the police know he made off with 20 baht of Gold? The lover comes in the house, murders the woman and does a runner. Did he leave a note saying, 'sorry I have run off with 20 baht of Gold'?. So who actually took the Gold? There is a lot of detail for what has gone missing when there were no witnesses and the poor husband was not back in country.

The rapist scum bag who murdered her no doubt took the gold.

What are you implying with that question?

I am asking, if nobody was there but the woman and the scumbag, how did the police make the immediate statement (which they did the other day) that a woman had been murdered and 20 baht of gold was stolen? I am not implying anything. I am asking how did they find that out? Who knew there was 20 baht of Gold in the house. How do they arrive at the fact that he took the gold.

This may come as a surprise to you but if you are in a car crash in especially a rural-ish area in Thailand, if you are trapped in the car or unconscious, people will enter the car not to help you but to take your money, watch and anything else of value they can find on you, then they will leave you trapped in the car. It happened to a mate of mine. he woke up in the 'rescue car' devoid of all money, cards, watch, gold.

So my question again for you to make it simple. Two people involved. One is dead. the other one runs. the police arrive and say 20 baht of gold is missing. Do you get it now? Where did that info come from and how could anyone have known before an investigation had even taken place.

No I don't get it. At least I don't get your denial that you implying anything. You clearly have someone/some people in mind.

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So how do the police know he made off with 20 baht of Gold? The lover comes in the house, murders the woman and does a runner. Did he leave a note saying, 'sorry I have run off with 20 baht of Gold'?. So who actually took the Gold? There is a lot of detail for what has gone missing when there were no witnesses and the poor husband was not back in country.

The rapist scum bag who murdered her no doubt took the gold.

What are you implying with that question?

I am asking, if nobody was there but the woman and the scumbag, how did the police make the immediate statement (which they did the other day) that a woman had been murdered and 20 baht of gold was stolen? I am not implying anything. I am asking how did they find that out? Who knew there was 20 baht of Gold in the house. How do they arrive at the fact that he took the gold.

This may come as a surprise to you but if you are in a car crash in especially a rural-ish area in Thailand, if you are trapped in the car or unconscious, people will enter the car not to help you but to take your money, watch and anything else of value they can find on you, then they will leave you trapped in the car. It happened to a mate of mine. he woke up in the 'rescue car' devoid of all money, cards, watch, gold.

So my question again for you to make it simple. Two people involved. One is dead. the other one runs. the police arrive and say 20 baht of gold is missing. Do you get it now? Where did that info come from and how could anyone have known before an investigation had even taken place.

No I don't get it. At least I don't get your denial that you implying anything. You clearly have someone/some people in mind.

well i cannot explain it any clearer. Try reading it in the morning ;) If I had anyone in mind I would have said it wouldn't I. I keep asking 'who' don't I. If you do not want to discuss and be open minded that is cool. Please do not come clearly looking for a fight. I have made my point as simple as I can. If you don't get it just move on.

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I am asking, if nobody was there but the woman and the scumbag, how did the police make the immediate statement (which they did the other day) that a woman had been murdered and 20 baht of gold was stolen? I am not implying anything. I am asking how did they find that out? Who knew there was 20 baht of Gold in the house. How do they arrive at the fact that he took the gold.

This may come as a surprise to you but if you are in a car crash in especially a rural-ish area in Thailand, if you are trapped in the car or unconscious, people will enter the car not to help you but to take your money, watch and anything else of value they can find on you, then they will leave you trapped in the car. It happened to a mate of mine. he woke up in the 'rescue car' devoid of all money, cards, watch, gold.

So my question again for you to make it simple. Two people involved. One is dead. the other one runs. the police arrive and say 20 baht of gold is missing. Do you get it now? Where did that info come from and how could anyone have known before an investigation had even taken place.

No I don't get it. At least I don't get your denial that you implying anything. You clearly have someone/some people in mind.

well i cannot explain it any clearer. Try reading it in the morning wink.png If I had anyone in mind I would have said it wouldn't I. I keep asking 'who' don't I. If you do not want to discuss and be open minded that is cool. Please do not come clearly looking for a fight. I have made my point as simple as I can. If you don't get it just move on.

Not looking for a fight just asking who you think took the gold. I've reread your post and it still seems you are implying something.

If you say not then, ok...

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So how do the police know he made off with 20 baht of Gold? The lover comes in the house, murders the woman and does a runner. Did he leave a note saying, 'sorry I have run off with 20 baht of Gold'?. So who actually took the Gold? There is a lot of detail for what has gone missing when there were no witnesses and the poor husband was not back in country.

The rapist scum bag who murdered her no doubt took the gold.

What are you implying with that question?

I am asking, if nobody was there but the woman and the scumbag, how did the police make the immediate statement (which they did the other day) that a woman had been murdered and 20 baht of gold was stolen? I am not implying anything. I am asking how did they find that out? Who knew there was 20 baht of Gold in the house. How do they arrive at the fact that he took the gold.

This may come as a surprise to you but if you are in a car crash in especially a rural-ish area in Thailand, if you are trapped in the car or unconscious, people will enter the car not to help you but to take your money, watch and anything else of value they can find on you, then they will leave you trapped in the car. It happened to a mate of mine. he woke up in the 'rescue car' devoid of all money, cards, watch, gold.

So my question again for you to make it simple. Two people involved. One is dead. the other one runs. the police arrive and say 20 baht of gold is missing. Do you get it now? Where did that info come from and how could anyone have known before an investigation had even taken place.

If you use your brain don't you think that her family knew about the gold ? They would have told the police what went missing. Even if her husband was not in the house , her relatives probably made daily visits.

Thais never live alone , always a relative nearby,

Edited by balo
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Wouldn't it be nice to just read a story that the BIB have made an arrest, not just in this case, instead of the ' closing in, applying for search warrants, will be doing this, that and the other ' and statements which often telegraph intentions, sometimes in suspicious circumstances.

Why don't they just get on with things instead of all the guff to get cheap publicity to make them look good, as if they're actually doing something and are on top of things ?

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there are some instances where evidence, or source thereof, turns

up to help investigation - notebook in this case .

i am sad where people from overseas get caught up in "blind

love", with some two timing opportunists.

the consequence is predictable.

Luckily it never happens outside of Thailand.

YEAH RIGHT !!!! post-209119-0-43787300-1468642467_thumb.

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"Police close in on murderer of British man's Thai wife"

Of course they do.

A large part of the 'Royal' Thai Police clear-up rate is dependent upon informants and confessions. The part which ought to be spent in actual detection, is instead spent in detection of bribe opportunities.


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So how do the police know he made off with 20 baht of Gold? The lover comes in the house, murders the woman and does a runner. Did he leave a note saying, 'sorry I have run off with 20 baht of Gold'?. So who actually took the Gold? There is a lot of detail for what has gone missing when there were no witnesses and the poor husband was not back in country.

The rapist scum bag who murdered her no doubt took the gold.

What are you implying with that question?

I am asking, if nobody was there but the woman and the scumbag, how did the police make the immediate statement (which they did the other day) that a woman had been murdered and 20 baht of gold was stolen? I am not implying anything. I am asking how did they find that out? Who knew there was 20 baht of Gold in the house. How do they arrive at the fact that he took the gold.

This may come as a surprise to you but if you are in a car crash in especially a rural-ish area in Thailand, if you are trapped in the car or unconscious, people will enter the car not to help you but to take your money, watch and anything else of value they can find on you, then they will leave you trapped in the car. It happened to a mate of mine. he woke up in the 'rescue car' devoid of all money, cards, watch, gold.

So my question again for you to make it simple. Two people involved. One is dead. the other one runs. the police arrive and say 20 baht of gold is missing. Do you get it now? Where did that info come from and how could anyone have known before an investigation had even taken place.

If you use your brain don't you think that her family knew about the gold ? They would have told the police what went missing. Even if her husband was not in the house , her relatives probably made daily visits.

Thais never live alone , always a relative nearby,

Always a relative nearby? Not true - many Thais, especially Esan Thais often live alone because they have to support their families by living where there is work available i.e. in the Cities.

However, I do agree with you regarding the fact that some friends or relatives who visited frequently would have known about the gold, and as for the "assumption" that the woman had been murdered and the gold stolen - I think that it's a pretty reasonable assumption as he also took ," cash, a car, a phone and a computer notebook" the latter which he left with a "friend".

Edited by sambum
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Why publicise this sort of information in the media? Nothing like telling a suspect that you're on to him and you know where he's hiding out. Sure - he'll politely wait there until you come for him. Too many brown shirts wanting their 15 minutes of fame...

In some cases it helps to flush out the cockroach as they get all the more nervous and make desperate moves that they regret when they get caught out while on the run.

Lets see what develops here when they do apprehend the guy and lets see if there is any surprise evidence that implicates some others as often enough these cases are not so cut and dried as they seem to be.

But...we will most likely not hear about any further juicy details as the media follow up will probably not be made available...as per usual.

All too often it seems the media starts a story and then no follow up leaving the readers wondering as to what happened.

Like what is happening to the several teenagers that beat up and killed the guy in the wheel chair about 3 months ago or any number of a hundred different events that they reported on and then nothing more and then leave everyone hanging and wondering what developed since then.

You would think the media boys would do a month by month recap and publish some further relevant info as to what has developed since for say 10 different important stories.

Are you listening media people????.....as it would attract more readership and there for generate MORE revenues for you if you did have a monthly recap on numerous stories that you published previously.


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Why publicise this sort of information in the media? Nothing like telling a suspect that you're on to him and you know where he's hiding out. Sure - he'll politely wait there until you come for him. Too many brown shirts wanting their 15 minutes of fame...

In some cases it helps to flush out the cockroach as they get all the more nervous and make desperate moves that they regret when they get caught out while on the run.

Lets see what develops here when they do apprehend the guy and lets see if there is any surprise evidence that implicates some others as often enough these cases are not so cut and dried as they seem to be.

But...we will most likely not hear about any further juicy details as the media follow up will probably not be made available...as per usual.

All too often it seems the media starts a story and then no follow up leaving the readers wondering as to what happened.

Like what is happening to the several teenagers that beat up and killed the guy in the wheel chair about 3 months ago or any number of a hundred different events that they reported on and then nothing more and then leave everyone hanging and wondering what developed since then.

You would think the media boys would do a month by month recap and publish some further relevant info as to what has developed since for say 10 different important stories.

Are you listening media people????.....as it would attract more readership and there for generate MORE revenues for you if you did have a monthly recap on numerous stories that you published previously.


Good idea! At the moment TV does a weekly summary of the best 10 (?) stories of the week. Why not do a weekly/monthly follow up to the best stories of previous weeks? I think that might upset a few apple carts, however, as there will no doubt be MANY people who have paid a lot of money to make these stories "disappear" under some expensive rug! Best of luck with your request though!

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